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Fandom Other Students of Beacon Academy

"I see. Well, there's no need to be afraid..." Hope smiles in assurance. He holds his hand out to shake her in politeness. "I'm called Hope. What's your name?"

"True, true..." She sighed softly. An awkward silence follows for a moment, before she speaks up yet again, "I wonder how Scyn and O'Chere are doing now. Hope they haven't gotten in any trouble either..." As she trails off, an immense squawk of a bird was heard miles away from their current location. "!!" Her grip tightens around her sword on reflex as she frowns, noticing how Grey didn't really seem to pay much mind to it. '...I really hope they're okay...'
"Don't worry about O'Chere. She can handle herself in most situations, even if its against something... ridiculous. But, she is not capable of handling the more oversized Grimm."
"... Yeah.." She replied despondently. 'I think this is first time I've worried about something in a long while... Really hope she'll be alright, there.'
Cynthia took the boy's hand and returned the handshake to him. "My name is Cynthia." She replied with a small smile on her face.

The mouse faunus looked ahead to where the pieces were located. "We better get going if we want to complete this assignment." She spoke softly.
"She is a faunus, and a strong one at that. In my short time of knowing her, she already seems like she can handle working solo. I do worry that she might not find a partner... after all, some of the randomly assigned people can bring dissonance, much like a string breaking on the violin in the middle of a recital."
( I have some Grimm news everyone. Monty Oum, creator of RWBY, died yesterday. As such... we will take some time to grieve. When you feel the time is right, reply again.)

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