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Dice Oriens Academy Character Sign Up

Name: Hannah Coriander

Age: 20

Role: Student

Status: New arrival.

Rooming: Open for offers, but currently she has no roommate.

Friend Requests: None yet.

Race: ("Kingdom-Race" Ex. Vampire-Zombie or Beastmen-Werewolf) Beast Type Shapeshifter.


Hannah has a constantly changing appearance. Her eyes often change to different hues, sometimes entirely different colors in general, but her most common eye colour is green. Her most common look is that of your typical teenaged girl, with oddly coloured dark purple hair that almost resembles a navy blue color. She is most often seen wearing a hoodie, usually black or white, sometimes grey, but never in color. She wears tight ripped jeans and gloves that just cover her palms and her wrists, exposing her fingers. She looks to be a fragile creature, but she is rather tall, standing a few inches above your average girl.

Personality: Hannah has very few friends. She is a rather bleak figure. She seems to have an emotionless demeanor to her, accompanied by a dark sense of humor. Hannah is rather uptight. She almost never speaks with others but has no issues with addressing situations as a leader. With others she is awkward and unintentionally rude, but once she warms up to someone her personality changes quite dramatically. She often makes bad yet somewhat funny puns, which are often dark, and is often corrects people when making mistakes. She has a kind, shy, delicate side with others, but when it comes to protection she can become rather terrifying. Get on her good side and you'll be fine.

Powers/Abilities: Hannah can shapeshift into any animate object she desires. Besides her shifting abilities, Hannah can set fire to certain parts of her body without being injured.

Background: Hannah grew up without a childhood. Her parents abandoned her at a young age and in result she was orphaned.

Other: Hannah is rather geeky. Her interests are different compared to those of your average girl. She most often locks herself into the confinements of her room, but occasionally she will socialize. She is a very well educated girl on most subjects, and she spends most of her time reading.

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Character Skeleton:

Name: Akrimon (last name is n/a)

Age: Unknown (most likely somewhere between the range of 15 and 18)

Role: Student

Status: Arrived during the night.

Rooming: Open to requests - currently solo.

Friend Requests: (For those who've been at the academy at least a few months, who would you like to be friends with?)

Race: Shapeshifter - Prefers reptilian forms.




Akrimon is simple minded, and prefers to view the world with "the cup half full" kind of perspective

he is not overly concerned with his safety which often leads to unnecessary risks/injuries on his behalf.

Social situations are a challenge as his behavior may often be misinterpreted although so far that hasn't dampened his excitement towards putting in an effort.


Shapeshifting: Akrimon has a wide variety of forms available however he prefers to remain reptilian unless situations demand otherwise -years of roaming vast rainforests have

made him appreciate their amazing versatility, and behavior.

Climbing/agility: Trecking through dense inhospitable areas wasn't for nothing Akrimon can easily travel through rough, and dangerous terrain with or without the aid of his Shifting abilities.

Minor healing abilities: Reluctance in physical combat has led Akrimon to pursue the ability/knowledge of healing in order to aid comrades in a less destructive fashion.

Background: Always alone, and surrounded by trees for as long as he could remember Akrimon believes that a young age he became lost in the tropical type landscape surrounding the area he must have lived- due to the lack of memories, and evidence available no conclusion was ever reach.

Surviving was a challenge, and only successful due to his shapeshifting abilities however eventually (after a questionable amount of years) Akrimon was able to rejoin civilization -along with Rae a rather unlikely friend picked up along the way- only to be sent to Oriens within the following two years.



Basking in the sun




Assorted candies

Jelly Beans


The cold


Confined or dark spaces



Prolonged speeches

Travelling companion - A small(ish) blue tree monitor named Rae that has -somehow- gained the ability of speech. Absorbed by her reflection she is nosy, and rather rude however she is loyal at heart.


Name: Insurgo "Surgo" (IN-SIR-GO)

Age: 19

Role: Student

Status: New arrival

Rooming: Solo at the moment

Friend Requests: N/A

Race: Demon




A little "off-key" he isn't exactly your typical teenager- he is however;

Slightly paranoid.




Maybe a little insane?

Terrible at socialization, and apparently has never heard of the term "Personal Space".

Dislikes/untrusting of new people.

Almost childlike behavior.

(In a strange almost delusional way at times)


Surgo is not confined to one physical form- he can use Darkness to change his form as he pleases even becoming a pure shadow at will.

The size of his transformations are limited to the available Darkness.

*He may also attempt to persuade the Dark- a technique that is not entirely dependable.*

The Dark is very much alive- it is not always easily controlled and will attempt to influence his actions.*


Surgo has been everywhere-staying in one place for too long was never an option when at the age of fifteen he managed to seriously tick off some pretty high ranking demons (who new they actually liked their jobs) causing some serious damage in the process- kicked outa Hell and with no where else to go Oriens Academy seemed like a pretty good place to lay low for awhile, but keeping an eye out for your pursuers never hurt anyone... well not too much anyways.




Horror/thriller movies.

Divulging secrets.

Spying on the neighbors.

Futile attempts at socialization.



Birds of prey.




Cherry flavor.



Overly cheerful people.

Suspicious behavior.
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Character Skeleton:

Name: Soul A. Wright

Age: Seventeen Years

Role: New Arrival

Rooming: Solo, currently.

Friend Requests:

Race: Demi-God/Human

Appearance: (In the attached picture.)

Personality: Determine that for yourself

Powers/Abilities: Trained Swordsman, Flame and Lightning magic, Enhancement of Physical Capabilities magic, Conjuration Magic

Background: (Revealed in Roleplay)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf11968e9_SoulAWright.jpg.86b3774067eac7bc1ea085123f729f1a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf11968e9_SoulAWright.jpg.86b3774067eac7bc1ea085123f729f1a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Hector Grey

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: New Student

Rooming: Its okay if i had room mates but any rooms

Friend Requests: N/A

Race: Ghost



Personality: He is Quiet and Shy


Physical Immunity

Ectoplasm Manipulation

Ghostly Abilities

Background: No one knows his past but he got into a Magic incident where he turned into a ghost.

Other:He has white spheres surrounding him called energy spirits
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Name: Meagan Hollins

Age: 17

Role: Student

Status: five years

Rooming: She is currently rooming alone but has a vacancy for anyone who wants to room there

Friend Requests: Anyone. She welcomes everyone with open arms

Race: Vampire


Personality: Kind, Optimistic, Outgoing, Surprisingly quick-tempered, Observant, Creative

Powers/Abilities: Can travel through shadows and hide in them as well

Background: Her mum died in child-birth and Meagan was left to live with her father, Abraham. She is an only child but wishes she had a caring older brother.

Other: She LOVES chocolate, and kittens. And her father. And rabbits. Basically, she loves everything.

  • Name: "Please call me Naval Hemoic Famal...well now that I think of it, its pretty long. Just call me Naval or Nava."

    Age: "Just turned 17...but I don't feel any differnt."

    Role: Student "Maybe I can make it into the student disciplinary squad."

    Status: "I've been here since I was 14, boy was it scary."

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Name: Orion Surtur

Age: 22

Role: Student

Status: Been here since he was 10

Rooming: Willing to take any roommate whose up for it

Friend Requests: Open to requests

Race: Elemental-Fire Elemental




Orion hails from a prominent royal family within Oberon's Kingdom, and as such he attempts to carry himself in the manner of a noble. He tends to be conceited at times and even comes off as haughty to some, but that's usually because he is too straightforward with people and tends to say what is on his mind. While he is suppose to carry himself in a certain manner that would reflect positively on his family, he does have a violent temperament and is quick to anger.


Power: Fire Control and Manipulation


Orion is the son of Orsin Surtur, who is one of the Noble households within Oberon's kingdom. Orsin was always hungry for power and constantly looking for ways to tip the scales in his favor and through great time, effort, and financial means, he was finally able to get his hands on an artifact that would do just that. The Phoenix stone, a palm-sized jewel that held within it a small bit of the undying flame of the Phoenix, with which Orsin planned on using to bring neighboring regions to their knees and possibly topple kingdoms. All these aspirations were dashed however when Orion, only 5 at the time, ate the jewel, mistaking it for candy. This forced his father's hand and he had no choice but to give up on his endeavors and put his efforts into making sure that this power didn't consume or annihilate his only son. He began to teach his son how to control his powers while keeping a close eye on his development for any sign of side effects from the inhaled jewel, and even took his son to a Dark Fae to see if anything could be done. It was explained that the only thing that could be done was a restriction spell that would only be able to slow down the disintegration of the jewel and that after that if he didn't have control of his powers that it would overwhelm him. With a powerful restriction spell casts on him his father trained him rigorously, to the point of passing out nearly daily. At the age of 10, Orsin realized he wasn't equipped to handle this issue on his own anymore and took his son to Oriens Aeternitas, in hopes that under the guidance and supervision of the staff there. He informed a staff member of the circumstances surrounding his son and promptly left. He hopes that Orion's elder sister will enroll to keep her brother in check but she has always been a headstrong girl and it's near impossible to force her to do something if she hasn't chosen to do so herself.

Others: The use of any extreme flame use has a high recoil affect on his body and severely injures him internally and outwardly, but just as the Phoenix rises from the ashes his wounds slowly heal. Although if he ever does push himself too far he will die and the power would simply leave him and return to its sleeping state, waiting to posses another

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/orion.jpg.5762cf4ff3b7a8dfe67e54147dc12879.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/orion.jpg.5762cf4ff3b7a8dfe67e54147dc12879.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Alex "Bolt" Bolton

Age: 22

Role: Student

Status: Brand spanking new to Oreins Academy

Rooming: Solo room.

Friend Requests: None, as he's brand new.

Race: Elemental - Hybrid: Raijin turned Vampire (Raijin is a Lightning Elemental)

Appearance: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/ec402cab68822f4fb690167305f60974/http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x292/clifffonger/Male RP Pics/anime-guy-anime-guys-5284778-570-2.jpg (His hair turned black as part of the process of turning into a vampire. It's naturally a brilliant golden blonde, like all Raijin.)

Personality: Bolt is a bit of a jerk, a proud member of the Raijin race despite having been turned into a vampire, seen by himself and others of his race as a taint on the proud bloodline of the Raijin. Despite having been raised to have a superiority complex, Bolt does have a compassionate heart and often feels guilty for his behaviour. Now that he's away from his clan, will his drive for success and superiority decrease?

Powers/Abilities: As a Raijin, Bolt was an incredibly strong elemental, wielding the destructive force of lightning. However, upon being turned into a vampire, his elemental powers have weakened as a result of the incompatibility of vampires to lightning magic. His masterful control over the lightning elemental power he'd been honing with his clan has been decreased by over 75%, giving him only average power over his own magic, something that disgusts him. In return for his loses, as a turned vampire, he has heightened senses, strength, and regenerative capabilities, and can heighten these even further, temporarily, by drinking the blood of a human.

Background: Bolt was a phenomenal character in the Raijin community, having been a favourite to take on the role of clan leader upon reaching the age of 25. He was promising in his abilities, had a cool and calm head while with the clan, and was well-liked by the rest of the Raijin. Except for one in particular. This member of the clan was always second best to Bolt, and hired a Vampire from a nearby town to infect Bolt, tarnishing his reputation and causing him to ostracized. Now Bolt attends Oriens Academy in a desperate bid to find a cure to Vampirism, and regain his pure-blooded Raijin status.

Other: N/A at the moment
i would really like to join but a had a question i have like a shapeschifting demon can i put him in and than in which catagory and also i have a human but she can do magic and is like a guarian than does she still count as human
Name: John Crowley.

Age: 20

Role: Student, maybe student teacher.

Status: Just moved here.

Rooming: I'm down for wahtever.

Friend Requests: sorry, I'm new here man.

Race: Human-demon you could say. Heavily leans towards human, however has a large amount of durability.

Appearance: Completely normal human. Roughly 6' tall, barely under. He has black hair that is messy and slightly wavy whenever it gets too long. He has hazel eyes, a fair complexion that is rather light, a semi-athletic build, light hair on arms and legs, usually wears jeans and a t-shirt. Nothing too special, though does wear glasses whenever he needs to read.

Personality: John's been known to be a manic depressant, swinging from mood to mood, though usually this is well contained. He tries to keep a usually cordial personality, even going as far to help any race so long as it does not endanger him too much. John has been known to be sarcastic and masochistic, the latter stemming from his suicidal tendencies and little regard for his own life. In his own words "It's simply no fun until I start bleeding."


Healing: John's reputation as a "Deadman" is well earned. The boy owes a lot to his durability, which has allowed him to survive many situations that would kill regular humans. Though John has no super strength, he makes up for it in the ability to take a punch. (think deadpool-esque healing factor)

Intellect: John's constant research and field work has left him with a steady knowledge of Daemonology and occultism. He relies on picking out an opponent's weakness rather than looking to attack head-on.

I want to add something else here, but I want to make sure it's okay with you.


Voodoo Doll: John may not be the strongest, but there is one thing he understands: occultism. That is binding spirits to otherwise inanimate objects, though for this he used a human body. His voodoo doll is a living corpse, one that revels in pain and sadism. It uses its exposed bones to attack and claw at enemies. Being dead has its advantages as the doll can not feel pain. However, the voodoo doll has one problem: it's simple minded and hard to control once bloodlusted. However, otherwise the voodoo doll is docile and remains inactive until summoned.

Background: John Crowley was born into a demonic mother and human father. As long as he can remember he's been a depressant who has wanted nothing more than to die. However, whenever he tried to commit suicide at the age of 12 John realized he could endure much more than the average human, likely due to the demon blood coursing in his veins. As such, he took this as both a gift and a curse. John gave up on the idea of suicide and decided instead to pursue research. This frequently included field research which repeatedly put his life on the line with him surviving what would kill any normal person earning him the title "Deadman". During his research he learned of something called a "Voodoo doll" which is a living conduit of grief and suffering. John decided to test out exactly how much pain he felt and he experimented on a body. From this the Voodoo doll known as Samael was born. John then began avid research into the occult and into daemonology, as he continued his research, it became painfully obvious of one thing: that on his own he would be unable to produce effective results. As such John moved to the Oriens Academy in hopes of showing his findings and furthering his research.

"Dying isn't so bad. I tried it once. Unfortunately it didn't work out"


Other: Nada.
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  • Name: Elæm (Pronounced: Ela - umm)

    Age: 15 *going to become 16 throughout the RP*

    Race: Hooman (Human, if you didn't get it yet.)


    He is a very quiet person with a sort of melancholy air around him in a way, people seem to become more curious about him after meeting him or feel bad for the young man most of the time. But Elæm does not appreciate any type of pity thrown his way, he ignores it completely and ends up ignoring the person forever most of the time. A sense of betrayal from the other races and fear has been implanted into his subconsciousness from the many years of being terrorized within the border town, only recently did the terror stop when the militia finally caught up with the two races that seemed to make the village a sort of concentration camp and constantly terrorize them. The village is now free but most of the residents still remain in fear, it will take a few decades from them to get over the damage embedded deep within their minds.

    Although he is not racist towards the other races he believes it is better to have such great diversity and great knowledge on the earth, showing an oppressive towards them is what brought humanity down during the war that was foretold long ago, so Elæm is very understanding and accepting of the other races philosophies and beliefs. Although both his father and mother abandoned him within the village, as if they wished to place him in hell, he gets a bit sensitive when the topic is brought up on why he has no last name (if it is brought up) and his emotions will burst out from the tightly sealed bottle he has put them in.

    He is very polite to others even if he does not talk, he has mixed traits in his personality and only a strong few can be picked out and kindness and being polite are one of the strongest, he has very good manners and gives thanks to anyone who is nice to him and acknowledges them as good people. Otherwise he can seem cold to some due to his utter silence and completely emotionless face.


    New Style Judo: During his times growing up in the village Elæm was not the tallest/biggest nor the strongest. He was pretty light weight actually so during his times alone he would practice technique after technique on using his opponents energy against them, he would try to talk to men who have gotten into fights in bars but most of them told him to go eat a sandwich and stop puking up all that he eats to keep that figure or something along those lines. So he simply observed the fights from a far and noted the things he needed to know such as swing speed.

    With the knowledge acquired and his own current knowledge he developed a Judo style that did heavily use the other person's energy but instead of just tossing people to the ground with it, it also used the energy to dislocate joints with ease, hit pressure point with brute tools like a balled fist instead of fingers. As well as some forms of mild paralization (Sort of hitting your funny bone but.. everywhere)

    Very Fast Reflexes/Highly Intelligent/Photographic Memory: The title is very self explanatory an part of his high intelligence is that he has photographic memory and is able to interpret it well.

    He whose Eyes can see it All: Elæm's eyes are very unique, aside from being a deep azure blue that seems to be the first thing to pop at someone. The eyes have a trait to them, as far as he could remember he has always had the eye's in they're pseudo magical state and does not know why he has them. The eyes detect any type of magical attribute as well as type of power within another person on command, and gives Elæm's a good sense of his surroundings able to see very clearly. In a battle aspect he sees things very slowly and can realize several things before they happen, this does mean he can react as fast as his eyes in that form to an extent, but he always practices the technique to understand and fight the other races, this being the only true weapon he has against the other powerful races. These eyes can detect even the slightest changes in someone or something.

    Master of Arms: This slightly ties in to the All seeing eyes him being able to detect techniques and see things and react faster means he is probably better with weapons and can adapt easily even if he has never used them, he can also make pretty much anything into a weapon.

    They allow him to sense and see everything around him and have extreme accuracy and dexterity, allowing him to do the quickest and most effective attacks and and parries, becoming a swordsman or fighter of a whole different level. The more he uses the eye the more exhausted he gets.

    They can really see beyond what others can see and can activate their powers without even thinking, only when he needs them they will glow even brighter. He calls them two modes (Partial Rem and Deep Rem) Modes (Im sure you can guess which is which) Partial Rem is everyday although his eyes are still magically active he can still presence the magic within others and can see better than pretty much anyone around him, everything is in deep detail for him. In Deep Rem he can see the world at his pace, slower/faster and can react to things as well as predict them, he gets very deep migraines if he stays within it for too long and the longer he stays the brighter his eyes glow, for effects to happen it would have to be around 9 hours straight of using them (yes he has built a tolerance). Another side effect is that his tears turn an dark bluish color after a long time as if throwing emissions of a strange electric type substance out as well in sheer pain. But he has become very tolerant and this has happened only a few times. Let's just say he can see the world in a more naked form than before with Deep Rem.

    The eyes still have huge untapped power that will be revealed through the rp



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Character Skeleton:

Name: Asher Grey

Age: 16

Role: Student

Status: New Student

Rooming: Roommate, any to suit myself

Friend Requests: n/a

Race: Shapeshifter - prefers canine forms or the occasional feline form



Personality: Very in touch with her shape shifting forms. Often resembles the animal of her shift personality wise. Asher is a very smart, and has a very welcoming aura about her. She resents war, and would prefer it if the supernatural weren't so greedy.


-Can shift into any animal

-Can use the abilities of her current chosen animal in her human form

-Is able to communicate telepathically when in animal form only

Background: Born from an average shapeshifter family. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Other: Loves animals (obviously), loves music and reading. Dislikes selfish, greedy people.
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Name: Curtis Twine

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: New Student

Rooming: Sure

Friend Requests: Let's just see how this plays out, yeah?

Race: Human-Mutant

Appearance: He's an eight-foot tall Caucasian guy with light brown hair, blue eyes, and a fairly noticeable farmer's tan. Has a number of scars on his upper arms and chest, is cartoonishly muscular and broad-shouldered (we're talking nearly triangular here), and always wears boxing gloves. Usually, he dressed in tank-tops, shorts, and some ratty old converse sneakers.

Personality: Curtis prefers actions to words. This is not, in fact, because he is a "strong but silent" type, but because he has horrible social anxiety, and also he's kind of a spaz.


  • Arbitrarily Strong: Curtis is arbitrarily strong.
  • Fist Tornado: Curtis is quite good at using his fists to exert force.
  • Punch the Unpunchable: Curtis can punch anything.
  • Dense Tissue: All of Curtis' tissues are fantastically dense, like we're talking to the point of stopping bullets and the like.

Background: Curtis claims to not remember anything before coming to the academy. This is a lie. In reality, Curtis comes from a loving (if somewhat dull) family in a small farming community, and he's very embarrassed about not having a cool backstory.

Other: His favorite dessert is banana pudding. Also, he sounds like Kermit the Frog.

Curtis has a waiver on following dress code due to his size.

His gloves are strength dampers- they're meant to keep his strength to a somewhat reasonable level.
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Name: Aurora Espinosa AKA Ms. Espinosa

Age: Who knows? She claims to be only 21.

Role: Teacher (For whatever class needs teaching)

Status: Just showed up to teach.

Rooming: Brimstone rooms solo!

Friend Requests: Fresh so, not really applicable.

Race: Salamander (IE. Fire Elemental)


Personality: Aurora typically keeps a warm and friendly vibe on her. While in the classroom she tries to keep a friendly demeanor, but when push comes to shove, she’ll be a strict authority if the situation calls for it. Aurora is highly passionate about her work, and a variety of other subjects, such as Masked Wrestling, Archaeology, and South American History. Whenever a conversation about this comes around, she’ll talk about it for days if she could. And while she tries to keep it in check, she has a nasty temper, and is very like to burn something if she is enraged to that point.

While out in the Masked Wrestling Circuit, she is a foul-tempered, prideful, arrogant individual. She deliberately removes masks of any Heels, but spares the Faces. And while there, she panders to the crowd that loves her character, and denounces anyone who opposes. She also does long and dramatic speeches (partially so the other person gets a good strike in), and to reinforce her arrogance against the competitor. After all, they don’t deserve her attention until they prove themselves.

Powers/Abilities: Much like any other good elemental, she has the ability to manipulate and create fire to use to her will. And of course being resistant to fire, and healing up from a nice fire.

Background: Aurora was born to the Famed Masked Wrestler “The Inferno” and her mother Archaeologist. She was taken constantly to both ancient relic sites, where she learned about the past, and to her father’s shows as the Inferno where she grew to appreciate wrestling.

During her teenage years, she saw her father get his mask removed by his father’s long standing rival. “Saint Dragon”. Furious at the disrespect Saint Dragon showed her father (As he had many chances to remove his mask and reveal his identity, but never did it.) She began training after-school in wrestling techniques in order to avenge her father’s defeat. Eventually she crafted her own wrestling mask as “Brimstone”. She fought through the circuit to Saint Dragon, and pulled off his mask, shaming him as he shamed her father.

She then used the money she obtained from wrestling to help pay for college. Once she graduated she found a job teaching at Oriens.

Other: She may or may not still participate in wrestling circuits as Brimstone. And her wrestling identity is kind of an Open Secret, (as she was going out for the Inferno’s Rival, and was using tactics similar to Inferno.)
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Character Skeleton:

Name: Black D Shigure (just called black, no one knows what the D stands for in his name (don't worry this will be explained))

Age: 18 (22.April)

Role: Student

Status: New Student

Rooming: Open to a room-mate (but they have to be cautious of Dawn)

Friend Requests: None

Race: Vampire-Shapeshifter



(Since I could not find any acceptable coloured pictures that have not already been used in say the last five posts....) Black has soft brown hair and light sea foam green eyes. Both of these attributes change colour when he is even a little bit hungry hungry but a lot more when he is in his full demon form (as I call it, it is simply the form he takes too feed) His Demon form.


his brown hair does become a light shade of blue with a base of black and his eyes glow ice when he is actually hungry.

his cat form is a black Turkish Angora (sorry I could not find a picture that sufficed.) (He also has a tattoo on his rite wrist of a black cat and intertwining lines around it)

Personality: Black is mysterious in many ways. He keeps to himself, has dark secrets and is for lack of a better term- emo. He has his dark points but otherwise is happy most of the time. The only time he gets mad or darker is when he is in his demon form or Dawn has prevented him from becoming a cat. (His favourite shift.) Black is most always calm about his happiness and likes to be alone when it is day time. He enjoys cat naps and when Dawn pets him. In many ways Black is social, at night this is, here he can make friends with some ease. He does not like popularity and for the most part likes remaining dark and mysterious. Over the years he has lost most of his socialite personality but it peeks through every once in a while which is good for him. (At least Dawn thinks so.)

Powers/Abilities: Black can morph into any animal real or considered fictional. (He is not picky cept for cats.) He is also a mass manipulator of ones mind. (Actually it's quite limited) Only touch and eye contact can prefect this power. Most of the time he does not feed properly so it does not work properly.

Background: Black believes he was born in England and remembers being raised there, his memory depicts him to have attended all classes and have graduated from collage but fallowed his dream to become a waiter at an expensive restaurant. He can tell you his many days watching the sun set in the large floor to ceiling windows that border the restaurant making a view of beautiful seas clear. His crush had become his girlfriend and he remembers purposing to her at the houses best table. This however is not Blacks history and instead it is his best friends history.

As it had turned out Black was the friend of Jack growing up with the boy all his life until he had died in a car accident. His body was recovered and was used in an experiment an experiment that was to keep his best friend Jack from obtaining his dream girl. Black could only barely remember what had happened right after the transfer, he in his mind truly believed that he was Jack and not him. After waking up and finding out he could no longer change animals how he pleased and that instead of his own thoughts and feelings inside of his head he felt an immense pressure of someone else there too. Not just inside his thoughts but he could feel a weight on his soul. He found out all too quickly that he had wound up bonded to his girlfriend. With this said he was no longer able to assume a human form during the day time and instead was that of any animal of his choosing and visa versa for Dawn. It was not until many years had passed that he discovered who he truly was but to this day he has not told Dawn. He learned how to control the curse he was tethered to and now can change into whatever he wants whenever but he still cannot go more than 15m away from her.

Other: LOVES being a cat. enjoys long dark walks on the beach, flying at night as an owl and being his cat form during the day.

{I will post dawn later... between work and school and sickness I have not had much time to allow myself to enjoy life.}

Crap. I forgot his theme song.... Darn it! Coming down by five finger death punch (ffdp) (sorry I can't link it.)

Name: Shigure Dawn Kristine

Age: 17 25.Decemeber

Role: Student

Status: Also new

Rooming: is shy but can have a roommate if applicable

Friend Requests:

Race: Shapeshifter (she is NOT a vampire in the respect of all things she is killing Black by being such.)


When she shifts she looks however she wants moreover she does not change much in appearance just personality. When Black is hungry she is less shy.)

Personality: Dawn keeps to herself; she is distraught and often has her head in the clouds. She does not often act like she is twenty six, but this could be because her childhood was basically robbed from her. With the death of her mother Dawn became a closed person, she did not talk to anyone and virtually shut herself out from socialisation. Through this it is always the shy ones you have to worry about and Dawn shows this perfectly in her slightly sadistic side that only seems to show up when Coyoty is around or in early mornings. She does have an adult side but chooses most often not to use it and enjoys reading anything which includes various files Lori has, this would entitle her to be sneaky and fox-like.

Powers/Abilities: she can shape-shift into any creature but it has to be a real creature. Unlike black her fur colour can change to whatever she needs or wants it to be.

Background: Dawn was born in Italy but raised in England due to her mother’s death while trying to give birth to her little sister. Her father was never a good man, from the start he always had problems but tried to suppress them for young Dawn so she would not see how truly bad her father was. Finally when Dawn started showing she could take care of herself is when he started to determinate the most. Slowly but surely he fell back into old drug and drinking habits. Afraid and never seeing her father like this before the innocent girl found as many ways and excuses of getting out of home when not in school, until she met a boy. Soon she without fail started dating the boy, hanging out with him at all hours she was not studying or at school given the fact he was a few years older than him.

Everything was going right for Dawn until she learned her father did not like her dating the boy and when the boy purposed to her on her eighteenth birthday she found out her father had sold her soul to a man to prevent this, soon the man she was basically sold to preformed a successful experiment on her causing her to be permanently fused to her boyfriend. Each day she was an animal and each night he the animal, neither able to speak while in these forms except through thoughts (which might not be so bad) Every once in a while they themselves could control the switch until they now can control it all together.

Other: "Uhhhh pie?" Likes to read and do gymnastics

Name: Mathis Mikamia Riku

Age: 17 (he was converted at an older age than his sister seeing through this he still sees himself seventeen)

Role: Student

Status: a few good months

Rooming: eh, whoever is still open for a roommate

Friend Requests: (I want to request friends but I don't know who does want this in return)

Race: A cat based vampire (it basically means ((due to his father)) he is a cat but the remainder of his blood is vampire.... He is not a beast as his cat forms are full cats and not half human)


Close to human; (has white ears and a white semi long furred tail)


His demon form (WAY different!);


His cat forms consist of two

When he is close to human he becomes a domesticated cat.


And his demon form of cat (it would suck in normal society to be stuck as this)


Personality: Mika in his human form and Mika in his demon form are as different as a person with MPD. He is very social in his human form, talks to people a lot, has friends without even trying and is incredibly loving and kind. He is sweet and adores to be around large mass of friends, however he hates strangers... thus the friend making ideals. So his demonic form is the opposite, he is severely anti social in this form, he is cold and withdrawn. He only harvests love for his sister in this form because even though he hates it he understands his sister more in this form.

Powers/Abilities: Mikamia has almost full control over the weather (in the sense he can cause you to have your own personal rain cloud. He also have power over the elements fire and water.

Background: Mikahmia and Aayame were born within seconds from each other. They though due to possibly their gene pool or maybe Mika having dipped his toe in the wrong pool would up having the "major hate in vampires" trait. He grew up with Aayame and his other siblings happily though. Until Aayame somehow changed into a vampire early. By this time Mikah had learned to accept being a cat, but he could not handle Aayame's change. He begun from that point on hunting the poor girl trying to end her life no matter how close they were before all ties up until then were severed.

The two continued to fight until Mika was asked to join a hunters academy where he was actually trained in hunting for the creature that was his sister. He hunted her and though skilled as she if not more let his guard down or something and managed to have the girl change him into what she was. Scared he hid himself from society for a few years, but infuriated again after deciding not to hide any more he begun hunting his sister once more. He is still known as the best hunter of the academy he was a member though he is no longer a member (being what you hunt... yeah really tends to do that to a person Not a good mix xD ) He is famous for his hunting, to the humans he is seen as a animal hunter, and to the creatures he is a vampire hunter, and only hunts vampires.

Other: He and Aaya do NOT get along, they get into fights all the time. Both hold grudges against each other and both seemingly like most siblings cannot be in a room together for more then thirty seconds without going off at each other. Their fights are VERY bloody usually leaving if not one but both hospitalised for several days. His hunters academy still sees him as a member and always will but basically kicked him from the program though he still hunts vampires.

He may be able to control when he changes into a cat but it takes about two hours for him to be able to change back.

Character Skeleton:

Name: Mathis Aayame Anné

Age: 16 (she likes being this age... For some reason)

Role: Student

Status: New student

Rooming: (Do you want a roommate or fly solo? You may also request a specific person here.)

Friend Requests: (For those who've been at the academy at least a few months, who would you like to be friends with?)

Race: Vampire based wolf. (Also not a beast


Her close to human form: (her eyes are always red due to when she converted)


Her demon form; (the boy in this photo is her brother.


Her wolf form. ^~^;


Personality: meet- no I'm kidding Aayame is very sadistic for one who starves herself. She enjoys blood shed torture and mind manipulation. However through this she is a very shy sickly girl, she does NOT and has not made someone she can call a friend because alias she always tortures them to death. She lost almost every sense of what herself truly was and developed a spitfire front that causes her to appear to be mean but deep down inside she is a kind heated person. Deep, deep down inside

Powers/Abilities: conning. It's not a real ability- but she thinks it is. Aside from that she just has massive regenerating powers (due to her vampire blood compound) other than that she's virtually powerless.

Background: Aayame was born to her mother nothing wrong here, her mother was a wolf and a vampire so it was no surprise when little Aaya had wolf ears and tail as well as a thirst for blood. It was however strange that at nine years old vampire hunters wanted her because she was a full fledged vampire at age nine. Even her own older brother Mika wanted her head on a plate. Her mother could not watch the two go at eachothers thorats and so decided that Aayame to go to school and Mika to go to an academy. So she sent her children away having nothing more to do and prayed this would work. Little did she know they would wind up together again once more.

Other: Aayame habing been able to hide her inhuman side often goes weeks to months without feeding and though she may be strong she often collapses due to not feeding
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Name: Ariel Seraph (Daughter of Archangel Michael)

Age: 19 years old

Role: Student

Status: New arrival

Rooming: Would like a roommate

Friend Requests: Would enjoy and appreciate anyone's acquaintance

Race: Angel (Heaven)

Appearance: tan skin, black hair, grey eyes, large white wings

Personality: Ariel is sweet-natured, and true to her angelic nature, gets along with nearly everyone. Being a friendly girl, she is not easily provoked. A non-confrontational being, she usually is only a fighter when it comes to those she cares about. She's very perceptive and observant. At first, she comes off as soft-spoken...but speaks more when she warms up to someone. She's always looking for ways to help those around her, and is an exceptionally good listener. She's unexperienced at being around students her own age, so she tends to have a harder time meeting people, observing more than talking. She's not much for sports, but enjoys artistic things very much.

: Ariel, being an angel, is gifted with the powers of flight. She also senses the unguarded auras of those around her, and through that, gets a slight feel of their emotions and personalities. In addition, she is able to heal small to medium wounds that are not fatal.

: The daughter of Archangel Michael, she left Heaven to come and attend school. In Heaven, she was chosen to be a healer, and was being taught the arts of both natural and divine healing. The beings of the world have always intrigued her, so when she reached the angel-equivalent age of 19, she was allowed to go to Earth to be a helper to those around her. She may be called back to Heaven at any point. She was told before leaving, that once she reached Earth, she was prone to emotions unknown to those in her part of Heaven. She's still trying to make sense of that.

Other: Ariel has rarely spoken to Michael, her father, as he is located in a different part of Heaven.
Name: Finnick Quick

Age: unknown

Role: teacher ("Alternative Tactics")

Status: Newly transferred in from a school called Arcadia

Rooming: Unknown (he kind of just walks into an empty room and disappears)

Friend Requests: Everyone, Finnick loves friends

Race: Elf-Fae



Personality: Quick to talk and even faster to get himself in trouble Finnick tends to be fearless in the worse situation but, most importantly he tries to be a nice guy.


The power of the contract:

This ability while simple in nature has proven it's usefulness time and time again. The base concept is that Finick can make any deal, and this does not mean he can make people unwilling to deal accept his proposals instead it means that the strange Fae child can make deals to edit with reality.

Examples of this include making a deal with fire to gain the ability to throw fireballs or with the concept beauty to look fabulous, but it can also be used in conjunction with other mortals/supernaturals to give them whatever they desire in life. The problem is that with these deals come costs, such as setting the whole block on fire in exchange for the fireballs or spending the next month as a local museum to appease beauty.

All of Finnicks powers derive from this central one so while he might have superspeed today because he made a deal with the wind he will have to pay the price to keep it that way.

With all of these deals though Finnick will always have one weakness Iron, which he keeps tightly underwraps to prevent anyone from using it against him.

Background: Born a human at the beginning of the war Finnick was taken in by strange magics and taught the powers of the contract. This knowledge changed him fundamentally turning him from a mortal boy to an illusive Fae child and thus protecting him from the majority of the war. By the time he returned to the world it was already ruled by the supernatural and he took to it like a fish to water soon signing hundreds of deals with hundreds of people eager to change their lives at any cost. Lately though he has been drawn to Orien Academy to teach his unorthodox ways of thinking to a new generation and he was eager to comply.

Other: Wants to start a folklore club
Name : Stephanie Hellsing

: 15

Role: Student

Status: Just started

Rooming: Is open and doesn't care.

Friend Requests: Nobody is her friend and they'll never will be.

Race: Demon-Angel

Appearance: (( Attached file))

Personality: She's brutally honest and isn't afraid to hurt someone's felling. She doesn't like to be around people son she keeps

to her self.

Powers/Abilities: Empathy : Ability to read or sense the emotions

and/or control the emotions or feelings of others.

Psionic blast: Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness,vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that individual's mind

Background: She is a abomination to both sides, since she is the daughter of a powerful demon and the niece of the arch angel Gabriel. You'll learn more in RP.

Other : She'll usually has a lollipop in her mouth and earphones in her ears. Never shows her wings.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf816a6f0_Victoria.jpg.93e72c7c0d5d4291a3ff870096db4ad6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf816a6f0_Victoria.jpg.93e72c7c0d5d4291a3ff870096db4ad6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full name: Fioravante Bloyse Zirnitra Gwydion Megalesius Johanai de Prospero Rasputin von Elsimore, Master of the Arcane.

Referred to as: Rasputin, Ras, Ras the Old, Old Ras. Exploder, but never to his face, ever.

Age: Who knows

Role: "Paraprofessional educator", better known as a teacher's aide and an occasional one at that.

Status: Comes and goes, has been around for a good long while.

Rooming: Solo, he has his own room which doubles as a storage depot whenever he's not around, which is often.

Friend Requests: NOBODY as far as he knows, he actually hasn't met most of the people currently at the school. But he's pretty sure nobody.

Race: Technically Vampire-Sorta Lich, more on this later


For most of the world Ras is a short man always fully covered by a loose, tattered hooded robe colored deep purple with golden trims and decorations. Not a single part of his body shows, his hands and feet are covered by boots and gloves that match his robes while his face is obscured by both a snug hood and a large, raggedy, wide-brimmed conical hat also colored purple. Only a pair of glowing teal orbs and a sizeable white beard emerge from the void where Rasputin's face is and even when his limbs would be exposed all that's revealed is more purple clothing. Take away his clothes and you get a humanoid skeleton, a discolored, aged and mismatched but still sturdy set of 200+ bones with glowing eyesockets and a beard somehow attached to its skull.


Rasputin likes to refer to himself as a Master of the Arcane and in a way this is quite true. Instead of merely using sorcerous energies to manipulate an element Ras does indeed wield pure, unfiltered arcane might, which takes the form of a glowing, crackling, ever-shifting teal energy. The only problem is that pure, unfiltered arcane might is highly unstable. No matter what he tries to do with it, it always ends in a spectacular teal-colored explosion of arcane might without fail.

While this does make him potentially the worst spellcasting teacher to ever grace the school, as a good deal of spells and magical applications are entirely out of his reach, the good news is that he at least has an extreme degree of control over the explosions. Not only can he generate highly controlled detonations which he can employ is a variety of ways but he can also imbue things such as wands, staves, scrolls and runes with the ability to detonate when a trigger condition is met. He's also immune to all but the largest and most powerful of his own detonations, effectively making him an Explosion Wizard, a title he is not fond of in the least.

As an aside, Rasputin's undeniable connection to magic allows him to "see" the magical abilities in others and gives him an uncanny ability to understand other people's magics.


As a reanimated skeleton Rasputin requires no food, water or oxygen, has no tissue or organs to damage, no blood to spill, feels no pain, is resistant towards dark magics and can likely live forever. Perhaps unique to his origins (see below), any attempts to interfere with his mind become extremely unpleasant as the intruders come into contact with the disjointed, crazed ramblings of at least hundreds of fragmented souls trapped in this world and fueling a crazed lich-thing.

Truly killing Rasputin is hard, even if the bones that make up his body are shattered or smashed apart he will eventually regenerate from the sheer concentration of magic keeping him alive. Complete and utter annihilation or separation from magic would be required to keep him down for good. On the other hand, Ras' regeneration is slow and time-consuming, he's more vulnerable towards light magic, he lacks the ability to power up by consuming the flesh and blood of the living, lacks heightened senses beyond his ability to perceive magic and his physical qualities are quite poor, making him hard to kill but rather easy to harm as long as you keep in mind that he's a skeleton.


Fioravante Bloyse Zirnitra Gwydion Megalesius Johanai de Prospero Rasputin von Elsimore, Master of the Arcane, is not, in fact, a wizard who attained everlasting life via controlled rituals and spells. Rasputin is a gathering of soul remnants that once belonged to many a mage who perished during the war which continue to cling to this world, combined into a single being posessing a skeleton made up of the mismatched bones of many a species. His strange creation imbued Rasputin with his unique and rather oddly limited magical abilities.

Ras came out of nowhere, claiming to be a renowned wizard who fought in the great war of ages past and demanding respect and a job suitable for a war veteran of his unmatched magical caliber. Things were hard for him. Nevermind that no one had ever heard of him (such a name is rather memorable after all) before he turned up and that he could not explain what he had been doing in the thousand or so years since the war happened, he would not acknowledge his status as an undead or even settle on a species he belongs to and any attempt at demonstrating his sorceries ended in a magical detonation without fail.

Despite his spellcasting impediments, he eventually landed a job as a teacher's aide in Oriens out of a mixture of pity, amusement and annoyance at his constant demands. Rasputin prefers to call himself a "paraprofessional educator" and is probably the worst one in history, prone to leaving the school at the drop of a hat in order to "search for mighty quests beyond this plane of existence". No one really knows where he goes or what he does, but since there's no reports of a crazed lich exploding things anywhere while he's gone, he's allowed to return to his job whenever he turns up again.


He does not know that he's a gestalt made out of the fragmented souls of potentially hundreds of wizards animating a mismatched skeleton. His name is made up from a collection of spellcasters who actually participated in the war.
Name: Emily Power

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: New Student

Rooming: Single Room

Race: Half demon, half angel


Emily enjoys being alone. She likes dark colors and she dosent like to follow the rules. She likes to sneak out at night to enjoy nightime at the fullest. She dosent have any friends and is not looking for any. She likes punk music and is very good in every class. She dosent trust anyone because she has been betrayed before. She likes to adventure into the depths of the school. She is a gifted writer and likes to write a lot. She likes to read and hates when people mess with her. She is not afraid to speak up if she dosent like something and some students are very afraid of her because of her control of dark magic. People tell her that she is evil. Well, she is not. Deep in her heart she has a kind soul, she is just to afraid to let it come out.


Emily was born in the human world, her father is a noble demon who practiced the art of dark magic and her mother is an angel who practiced dark magic as well. Giving her the hability to use dark magic as well. Since black magic is known because most people with it use it for evil pruposes. She was extremely dangerous and her parents abandoned her because of such power. She lived in foster homes for five years until she enrolled to Oriens Academy. She likes to look out for herself and never keeps her guard down. She knows everyone is afraid of her because of her powers and likes to be alone most of the time.


Power defence: She is very good at controling dark magic.

Swordcraft: She is very handy with swords and knives and she hides a knife in her bag for precaution.

Combat style: She likes to fight with her powers because she has a great advange because the other people know very little about her powers and she is great in fighting.



She has long red hair and beautiful green eyes, she wears dark colors and she dosent get noticed during nightime, she looks like a shadow. Has very white skin and her height is 6´4
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Lerrus Reinard


Age: 20

Role: Student

Status: Just moved in

Rooming: Rooming with preferably female (because yay interactions)

Friend Requests: He's the new guy, have fun.

Race: Human - Fallen Human

Personality: Thinks himself as quite the gentlemen and charmer. He likes to put on quite the show, having a flashy power. Less of a ' selfless hero' (*looks at superman*) and prefers self-preservation, but also a hopeless romantic, even with his charming and womanising demeanour. Not one for shouting though, he speaks softly, almost seducing. Walks gracefully to along with this personality. Has possibly the most charming smile you will see this side of town, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Powers/Abilities: Death's Door

Said to be the magic of the Death God/Grim Reaper himself. Seen as an evil form of magic. The user can create energy which is purely destructive, which destroys anything it comes in contact with, wiping it from existence. This makes it truly the double edged sword.

It places the user however under a mental burden due to its strength and controlling it can be difficult, the magic almost having a killer mind of its own. Using it saps tremendous amounts of energy due to power, so overuse can lead to coma or even death. Its natural form is a black sphere which sparks with black lightning, though it can be with training thrown and moulded, like fired as a thin beam or as a disc to shield and throw with. Refer to the picture to the magics nature.

Also as he sin't physically particularly strong, he instead trains for cardio and is fast and agile.

A blackbelt in Krav Maga, because screw showy stuff, that was made on the battlefield.


Background: Brain is burnt out so have a summary.

For a quick rundown, his mother was a succubus demon who seduced his father. Because of that he is a Fallen man, always linked somehow to demons. Doesn't have the same vulnerabilities, though the holy powers will make him uncomfortably shift and maybe give him a minor headache.

Was exiled to be alone at 12 though to the city when his parents realised just how simply destructive his powers were. Since then he has been getting by, by training his powers, seducing women like Ezio (with the freerunning escapades to boot because yay) and learning what he needed to survive in the city. This included sweet-talking, general practical skills and the Krav Maga he learnt in a local dojo.

Other: Has seduced more women than he would care to know. What can I say, his touch is electric, his tongue silver (not literally) and his mother was a succubus. Speaks with a British accent like a true gentleman.
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Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: 2 years

Rooming: Looking for a roomate

Friends: If anyone want to be friends, then you are welcome :D

Race: Elementalist (Undines)

Personality: Hope is a kind girl, she likes order and she is very outgoing. She wants to be part of the Student Council. She likes to socialize a lot and wants to make new friends. She is very helpful and really smart. She is a straight A student.


Hope is a part of a really big family, she learned everything she knows by herself since her mother and father were to busy taking care of her brothers and sisters. She lived a very happy life and she became very skilled in unarmed fighting. She soon recieved a letter from the academy asking her to enroll, she was very happy and went without thinking twice.

Abilities: Controls Water
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Name: Josue Rapturia

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: New

Rooming: None such possess the grace and refinement to be worthy of a roomate as such his room is all his

Friend Requests: n/a

Race: Cretorian

Appearance: Athletic build with a tanned skin he wears his hear in this odd fashion with partial cornrow braiding . He wears rather fine suits when in formal wear but for more casual situations wears designer jeans and clothes accented with accessories using plumage of colorful tropical birds.

When angered or otherwise showing his bloodlines true "colors" he assumes a more bestial albiet still regal yet colorful for. Assuming features of avians in particular plumage and that of slightly more reptilian features as well such as sharp predatory teeth.

Background & Personality: Born to an absolutely archaic and primordial race known as Cretorians and of a highborn breeding has endowed him with a certain amount of haughtiness as well as cultured charm. He is born into the lap of luxury and brought up enjoying the finer things in life as well as many other advantages his position brings. However even he must mingle with the "rabble" and as such Orien's is the choice to do so. Despite his highborn and wealthy upbringing he is not afraid of getting his hands dirty especially when establishing the pecking order which involves him at the top and everyone else at the bottom to those who has disrepected him.


Being of Cretorian blood allows him access and mastery to an equally ancient and primordial energy known as spiritia it is however important to note that it isn't actually magic. Rather it is a primeval force of the universe that predates magic gleamed from the formless chaos of pre-creation. His spiritia manipulation and control allows him to not only soften whatever work he needs to do but also help enforce pecking order in combative applications.

Weaponry handling: He is not only trained in the noble art of fencing, but also has picked up firearms in an odd hobby.

Calligraphy: His handwriting is most pleasant to look at and makes all others look like chicken scratch. A lost art truly fitting of him.

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Name: Olga Valentina Tzimisce

Age: A lady never tells, and neither does Olga

Role: Richter's Wife, Head Nurse (unofficial), Bio Teacher (possible)

Status: Just came overseas from the Old Country

Rooming: Lives in the basement

Enemy Requests: Her husband

Race: Vampire-Vampire


Personality: Olga is pretty much a gigantic bitch all the time, more or less.


Fleshcrafting: Those of Clan Tzimisce have an exceptional talent for the shaping of flesh, and Olga is no exception. She is capable of changing the shapes of both herself and others, molding skin and bone as if it were simple clay.

Drago: Olga never travels without her skeleton manservant, Drago. He doesn't really have any special skills outside of being an animate skeleton, but he carries Olga's bags and acts as Olga's lab assistant/secretary/whipping boy.

Background: Olga is a scion of Clan Tzimisce, and more importantly, bride to Richter via arranged marriage in hopes of leashing his ambitions. It won't work, of course, because Olga is just as ambitious and unscrupulous. She has a love/hate (emphasis on hate) relationship with her husband.


-Yes, me and ComradeSenpai have discussed this.

-Has an thick Slavic accent
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Name: Robin Yu

Age: 17

Role: Student

Status: It seems like Robin comes and goes from Oriens. Actually sometimes few know if Robin is actually even there, due to Robin’s fondness of shape-shifting into other students and behaving like them…

Rooming: Willing to room up with someone.

Friend Requests: Who knows? You may be a friend with Robin and not even know it…

Race: Shape-shifter (Person Shapeshifter)


Personality: Robin’s personality depends on what form that is taken. For the typical form, Robin is incredibly arrogant, flaunting superior magical skills, and the fact that they are the child of the Baron Yu, of the Shape-shifters Kingdom, and is the Heir to the Taishang Mage Guild. Robin is affable to Wizards (those who have to prepare their magical spells for the day to use) and is incredibly disdainful of Sorcerers (who do not need to prepare their magical spells for the day to use). Robin is an enthusiast of various forms of art, whether it is painting, acting, sculpting or what have you. Robin is always curious about learning more about a person, even if they disdain the individual in question.

Abilities: Can shape-shift into a person as an exact match (ie. Body and Voice.) *This ability cannot re-create unique abilities that only the person they morphed into has. ((However, Robin could have prepared a spell that potentially mimics the effect of the unique traits that the person they transformed into have. But, for truly unique bloodline traits that do not have a similar spell that can replicate the effects of it, Robin can’t mimic the appearance of those abilities at all.))

Power: “Fool! A mere glimpse into my glorious arcane talents would shatter your pathetically, and laughably undeveloped mind, you worthless wretch who is not even fit to scrub the shoes of horses! However, as you have pleaded, as is your place worm get used to begging, I shall allow you to witness a slight sliver of my magical prowess…”

Dimensional Anchor: A ray is fired from one of Robin’s hands, which upon hitting the target prevents them from moving or be moved by extra-dimensional travel (Ie. Teleportation Spells, Preventing Escape Through Magical Portals and Gateways etc.) Someone who has been hit by a Dimensional Anchor will be colored in a light green aura. Usually Dimensional Anchor lasts for a few minutes.

Horde’s Strength: Robin can give individuals (including themselves) who are inside a 30 foot range (of the caster, ie. Robin) enhanced strength for a period of time.

Sending: Robin can magically send a message, which is twenty five words or less, anywhere (well besides anti-magic zones), to an individual they are familiar with.

Chained Lightning: Robin can shoot lightning bolts which jumps (and hits) various targets and damages them. The spell only jumps if the person is in a fairly close distance to others.


Background: Robin was born due to a passionate night that the Baron Yu had with a commoner of his Barony. After being born, Robin was quickly ditched into an orphanage, and quickly adopted by Magister Kyo of the Taishang Mage Guild. Ever since Robin was able to move and talk, Magister Kyo taught his adopted child the ways of Magic. Robin had a natural inclination to magic, and learned quickly. One day, when Robin was 15, Kyo decided to use a Divination Spell to determine who the birth parents of Robin were, and sent a sending. Baron Yu who realizing that he had a child, sent a missive to Kyo, instructing him to send Robin to Oriens, for some reason. Robin was intrigued by this place, for the sole fact that it had nobility, who would go on to rule later, and of course the wide variety of races. It is here where Robin will learn lessons to obtain an even greater rule than just a Barony… Or become an actor, Robin hasn’t fully decided yet.

Other: Robin needs to prepare spells for use daily, (once they are set for the day, Robin can only cast from the spells that were selected. If Robin is unable to prepare spells for the day, they may only use spells that were prepared the previous day.) These spells are typically prepared in one of Robin’s personal spell-books.

Robin has a familiar (a small viper) which if summoned can provide information to Robin that the familiar heard and saw. The familiar can’t be more than 100 feet away from Robin, and if more than 100 feet away, will be poofed into another plane, and can’t be summoned for at least a day since then.

Robin has an incredible amount of clothing of all types and sizes, always on hand.
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