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Fantasy Order of the Black Lotus OOC

Before I post I would like to know which characters of the Black Lotus are currently in the library?
Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear I'm sorry, I know I dropped Nerrezza at an odd place and no one seems to be really interacting with her. Do you want Bronn to come back for her? I think Master Black is on his way back to the library as well.
Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear I'm sorry, I know I dropped Nerrezza at an odd place and no one seems to be really interacting with her. Do you want Bronn to come back for her? I think Master Black is on his way back to the library as well.
Master Black will be heading back shortly. I'll have a post up soon.
Will you set up the next part of the story then? Everyone seems a little jumbled up rn.
Yeah I was planning on doing that next. The next part was supposed to include both groups but the republic side has a been a bit slow in posts. The next part mainly focuses around a mission with the Black Lotus.
fuil fuil In the next post I'm basically initiating a time skip of sorts, an hour or so ahead not a major leap just something to skip forward to catch us up to whatever we've missed. Just a heads up, I don't really intend to have Baal make much of a response to scenarios at the inn.
Sorry i havent posted ive been a bit busy and also im having trouble thinking of what to do so a timeskip wouldnt hurt.

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