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Fantasy Order of Grimm [UC]

Name: "Red Hood" or "Red"

Birth name: Emily Ridinghood

Age: appears to be about 18

Gender: female

Side: evil

Personality: mysterious, dark, insane, unstable, never satisfied.

Bio: The story is one that everyone knows. The little girl brings sweets to her granny. Granny is gobbled up by the wolf, the wolf eats the little girl, and the Hunter saves them both and skins the wolf.

Well; that's the story.

Who knew the little girl wasn't so little, granny didn't live, and the Hunter didn't exist? This little girl skinned her own wolf, buried the remains of her mauled, dismembered granny, and lost her godforsaken mind.

And now she's been unleashed on the real world, with legions of dark creatures behind her.

This will be fun.

Weapons/powers (if any): A dagger, a hatchet, and the power of teleportation (like a Cheshire Cat)

Other: She wears a red cloak, and she carries a basket of dismembered parts; whichever one she likes, which she takes from live victims. Her favorite is the skin.


Name: Eliza, never call her Lizzie.

Birth name: Elizabeth Heresburg

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Side: Good

Personality: Elizabeth is a serious person when it comes to all things with the Order. This job is life or death and if you don't take it seriously she has no problem making you an example in front of everyone. Deep down she has a big heart and does care for every person as if they were her own children; so any problems they have they can come to her and she is more than willing to listen. This is all as long as you take the position seriously.

Bio: She grew up into this lineage and a father who lost his life to the job. When she was 15 her father took her along on a mission that didn't seem to pose much threat. When they encountered what they were hunting Elizabeth froze and it was thanks to the quick thinking of her father that her life was saved. Unfortunately he didn't make it through the encounter thus leading Elizabeth to turn to stone when it came to the job.

Weapons/powers (if any): Elizabeth prefers fists over weapons but also turns to an ancient sword her father passed down to her. Each weapon possessed by a member of the order is imbued with ancient magic giving the ability to kill the ancient ones.


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