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Fantasy OPERATION BROKEN EAGLE [Just opened!]

SSgt Goodrich

Salutations, cadets!

This is where all Out of Character chatting and questions go, please use @SSgt Goodrich to contact me for questions about the roleplay and the mechanics.


See you out in the field!

SSgt Goodrich

22nd Tactical

105th Shock Troops Battalion

"GHOST" Squad
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I think I know why this hasn't gotten any replies yet: you made the actual thread before you made the interest check. Meaning you started it before you... well... started it.
Well, my lack of knowledge is beginning to show. It originally began as a personal thing to check if I was even capable of making a thread with any sort of detail, and now, I see that I am able to do it. If no one ends up joining, then it is no big deal. It would just be an added bonus to see if the world is actually workable!

Thank you for the quick reply, @Salt Lord.
In the case that you know anyone that might be interested in my thread, just send them a link if that does not bother you.

Thanks again for the help! @Salt Lord

(nice name by the way)
I bet I already know the answer to this, but I have to ask: can we make Spartan characters? And if we can, are we allowed to make Spartan-III's with MJOLNIR PA armor rather than SPI armor?
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Thank you. I made a Spartan-III character a week or so ago for fun, and her CS is almost finished. I will probably finish it, add the portions of your CS that my format doesn't already have, then I'll post it. I might also make a Sangheili character, and maybe even a Kig-Yar character if I can think of a good enough one.

Salutations, cadets.

We have a few people now, and I am sure you all are still willing to role play. I was going to hold a vote.

Shall we wait for some more people to join or shall we start off and people will join over time?

I am not going to hold a poll so if you can just reply your thoughts here with @SSgt Goodrich, I would appreciate it.

God speed.
I say we wait, maybe until the weekend. For one, that will give more time for people to join (and for me to finish the bio for Ren, but that just pertains to me). Also, that will probably give us more time to actually rp and get started fast rather than having to wait a while for replies due to responsibilities that people have during the week.
Well, all of my responsibilities are on the weekends. But i will try to reply at my earliest convenience.
Just a few questions, if you don't mind answering them...

1. Is it possible to create more than one character?

2. Is it possible to create a character that is affiliated with logistics, but doesn't work directly with them (i.e. A technician, mechanic, researcher, etc.)?

3. Will there be opportunities for civilians and the like to take part in military operations, say, due to circumstances? Just out of curiosity, since there isn't much that it seems a civilian or logistics officer will do that is of any significance.
Naruyashan said:
Just a few questions, if you don't mind answering them...
1. Is it possible to create more than one character?

2. Is it possible to create a character that is affiliated with logistics, but doesn't work directly with them (i.e. A technician, mechanic, researcher, etc.)?

3. Will there be opportunities for civilians and the like to take part in military operations, say, due to circumstances? Just out of curiosity, since there isn't much that it seems a civilian or logistics officer will do that is of any significance.
1. Yes, it is fine to create more than one character, but I must ask you to limit it to a maximum of three.

2. It is possible to create a character affiliated with logistics. It would be really interesting to see a researcher visit the troops on the FOB to ask for direct technology requests like they did in World War Two. ( When the engineers for tanks asked the tank companies what they seek to improve in the M3 Lee design. )

3. There could be a clash between civilians and the military during operations. Say, the Insurrection attacks a local airport and the military must remove them from the civilian airport.
SSgt Goodrich] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9725-1stlt-hchurch/ said:
@1stLt HChurch[/URL]
Of course you can! You can make them now.
Thanks! I'll probably work on his CS this weekend. All I know now is his armor, faction, and rank.
Hey, wondering if any of you want to start now or after Christmas, Goodrich said we could start now so I'm taking over for him. He won't be back till the 31st.

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