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Fantasy OPERATION BROKEN EAGLE [Just opened!]

I might just be misremembering it, but in one of the novels there was a magnum that was specifically said to fire higher caliber rounds (or something to that effect), and they were also said to have an advanced targeting system. I believe it was in the novels that covered the mission to save Halsey on Reach. Like I said, I might be wrong, I'm just going off of what I remember.
Naruyashan said:
I might just be misremembering it, but in one of the novels there was a magnum that was specifically said to fire higher caliber rounds (or something to that effect), and they were also said to have an advanced targeting system. I believe it was in the novels that covered the mission to save Halsey on Reach. Like I said, I might be wrong, I'm just going off of what I remember.
Don't all M6 Magnums fire high caliber rounds?
Sorry for going dark for a while. Winter break left me with no time for myself due to family. I suppose I'll just stick with the M6. It's not all that important, anyways.

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