• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy OPERATION BROKEN EAGLE [Just opened!]

SSgt Goodrich

Salutations, cadets!

Character sign-up will be standardized between all factions or lack thereof. This will allow fast acceptance and compliance to the standardized character sign-up will provide a rapid response in the form of feedback, administration, or rejection of the character.

Though, feel free to create personalized character sheets! It will look good in my book, and will offer some insight into your creativity and character!














For one, all military personnel for the UNSC, alien or not, are stationed in New Mombasa military base. A base that contains all facilities for space craft, aircraft, ships, special forces, and infantry.

For two, all insurgents part of the Insurrection, alien or not, are stationed in Madagascar, an island converted secret base where the insurgents lead their attacks on Earth. The facility has capabilities for small space craft, aircraft, ships, special forces, and infantry.

For three, all Covenant are stationed in the North and South poles, hidden from view of human military forces. There they have capabilities for space craft and infantry, not much else.

All forces are hostile to each other, until a treaty is formed which goes through me. I will be playing gaps in the command hierarchy until more players join and the positions are filled.


Here, I shall explain some mechanics for character sheets.

All characters must begin as low-rank (intern, private, etc.) before they are legible for promotions! This will create a dynamic environment where players are motivated to impress both their peers and me with their story capabilities, thus allowing them to be legible for promotion to a higher rank.

Meaning, if you do enough things for your faction or lack thereof, you may request promotion because of your character's service.

However, players may request a higher starting rank by contacting me privately and for the first couple posters here, you are probably going to be immediately accepted into a higher rank due to the lack of players.

To be a part of special forces, you must provide the information in the character sheet as a disclaimer and then send me a private message requesting permissions to become a member of the special forces. You must then in the same private message provide reasons as to why you should be accepted into the special forces. There will be only a limited amount of special forces allowed to be in the roleplay. I imagine it would be highly competitive. I expect the best from the best.

You may create other characters to serve under you, should you feel the need too. There is however, a cap of four characters that you can create.

Attention officers and all future officers! If there are any complaints about leadership capabilities among the lower ranked, refer them to me for consulting.


Equipment is based off of a point system.

For each rank in a respective faction, a certain number of points is associated with that rank.

In the equipment tag, you may find equipment with their point cost next to them--in your character sheet under equipment, you are to provide the list of equipment and each items respective cost. This in turn creates another dynamic environment where everyone is not running around with rocket launchers, blowing the living shit out of everything. Equipment may be subject to change due to my orders or members of authority (your sergeant, captain, major, etc.) may order you to change your equipment. Whenever reassigned equipment, you are to return to the character sign-up page and edit your original character sheet to reflect what you carry in that moment.

This allows people outside of your outfit, who are responding or following your part of the story, a resource to respond effectively and most of all--creatively.


For communication, obviously for characters with helmets, they will speak through internal comms. If those internal comms are only between squad members, DO NOT be the person who can magically hear those comms and eavesdrop. This creates an unrealistic environment. However, with standard personnel with hand radios and cell phones, anyone nearby can hear your part of the conversation unless whispered. And in the case of hand radios, if the volume is set to its normal level, it will broadcast the message to you and everyone nearby. Use logic people. Any questions may be asked in out of character chat or privately to me.


There are many races in this universe, many of which are alien. They are provided here with links to each of their respective profiles, check the red. Also, you may find the many different kinds of roles that your character may be:














All ranks are given from lowest to highest, please refer to the US Army/Marine/Navy ranks for more in-depth information on what each rank does.



Enlisted Personnel

Officer Personnel


Enlisted Personnel

Officer Personnel


Enlisted Personnel

Officer Personnel

Covenant Forces


Enlisted and Officer Personnel

  • Minor (Rank Pvt - Cpl) [4 points]
  • Lance (Rank Cpl - SSgt) [5 points]
  • Ranger (Rank SSgt - MSgt) [6 points]
  • Major (Rank MSgt-SgtM of the Army) [8 points]
  • Chieftain (Rank Lt - Brigadier ) [10 points]
  • Arbiter ( Rank General ) [12 points]


Civilian and Logistics





Assistant Manager



Chief Marketing & Human Resource Officer

Chief Information & Financial Officer

Chief Administrative & Operations Officer

Chief Executive Officer


Please make income reflective of business in question, for example, don't make a small farmer make millions. Use logic when applying business ranks.




Assistant Officer

Manager of Floor

Officer of Logistics

Manager of Logistics Department

Secretary of Logistics

Logistics personnel, even though they work for the military, are considered civilian. Keep this in mind when creating characters.

Final words;

I will be playing out the role of operation commander for both sides until the position is later filled by willing players. I do, however, maintain the right to change the course of the story if I see it heading down a bad direction. Thank you if you read the full thing, god speed, cadets!
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Character Name:

Face claim(If applicable):





Role(Specialty and/or Occupation):


Equipment: [use bullets please.]

Strengths: [use bullets please.]

Weaknesses: [use bullets please.]

Biography: [Multi-paragraph if you can.]
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Face claim(If applicable): Check profile picture.

Nickname/Alias: "SPIRIT"

Age: 43

Gender: Male


Role(Specialty and/or Occupation): Special Forces/Grenadier

Rank: Staff Sergeant [7 points]


  • ODST BDU(H) [2 points]
  • M7S SMG [1 point]
  • M5AC(G) [3 points]
  • M363 Grenade [1 point]


  • Strong; carries heavy equipment and explosives.
  • Leader-savvy; 10 years of service and is now in charge of 30+ marines.
  • Tough; wounded three times and survived all three.


  • Condescending; looks down at everyone other than special forces.
  • Disciplinarian; rules his platoon harshly and holds them to high standards.
  • Xenophobe; hates aliens and does not forgive them for their previous tragedies.


The man's a ghost if I've ever seen one. I'd think I was the last one off Installation 04, but that bastard followed me through and through.
MSgt P. Stacker : Former CPO of SSgt "SPIRIT" Goodrich

SSgt Stephen T. Goodrich is a member of the UNSC Marine Corps, more specifically, the 105th Shock Troops Battalion. He enlisted almost a full year and a half before July 24, 2551, exiting basic training at the rank of private and being assigned to Reach a full year before its downfall. At first, he maintained his superior weight and profile, which was already worthy of recognition, but his service during the Invasion of Reach was remarkable and worthy of honorifics compared to most marines.

After reports from several reconnaissance teams that the Covenant were on Reach, he and his company were ordered to reinforce the garrison at the legendary Sword Base; a facility designed to defend alien artifacts, information on their technology, and the people researching them. Ultimately, the facility did not serve its full purpose. An ensuing battle which started a day after the first spotting of Covenant, on July 26, 2252, he and his company took part in an spirited defense against the extra-terrestrials. Yet--the enemy proved too superior in technology and firepower, as multiple alien heavy vehicles forced the company to retreat in Warthogs to the now arriving NOBLE Team (Noble Team being a squad of SPARTAN-III's). With the SPARTANs rallying the marines and leading the charge, the company joined Noble Team in the liberation of the facility. In this battle, the then Pvt Goodrich took point for his squad after the command structure of his company fell apart with the officers whom fell to the enemy. This proved a lasting recognition of leadership among his fellow squad mates, who followed him earnestly in their own mission to rescue civilians captured by the Covenant in the facility. Unknowing of the NOBLE Team's mission, he rescued a decent third of the station's personnel to Warthogs and led them to an UNSC extraction point set during the planning of the 'Winter Contingency' plan.

71 of the 80 men attached to his company were either KIA, MIA, or WIA to the point of discharge.

Given no break, the nine remaining members of his company were formed under an unfamiliar CO, the then Sgt Marcus P. Stacker, and given a briefing on the imminent counter assault on Covenant beachhead in the Viery Territory. He joined in the mass counter assault the UNSC organized to overwhelm the staging ground, which had some success thanks to NOBLE Team's sabotage of Covenant anti-air defenses, which led to UNSC air superiority. This air superiority was short-lived though, for a Covenant super-carrier entered the atmosphere and destroyed UNSC strike craft, thus halting the assault. It was without a doubt at this point; with the destruction of heavy UNSC strike craft, the ground forces could not force any grand offensives. The UNSC was now on the defensive. NOBLE Team proved its worth though, by using one of the surviving UNSC strike craft, the team planted a slipspace bomb into the Covenant super-carrier. The resulting explosion of said bomb destroyed the super-carrier, but took one of the lives of NOBLE team.

Sgt Marcus P. Stacker, with his rag tag squad of surviving members of other units, was stationed in New Alexandria along with NOBLE Team to evacuate civilians in the metropolis. There, the promoted Cpl Goodrich manned the elevators of a civilian skyscraper, with Sgt Stacker, and led their fireteam to a massive rescue operation of trapped civilians in the metropolis. Here is when Cpl Goodrich was first wounded, in which, with his back turned to an open window, received a needle round to the square center of his left shoulder blade. Thanks to the UNSC BDU, he only suffered a minor penetration wound that did not hinder his ability to command and man the elevators for the civilian escape. It was around this time that Cpl Goodrich was given the nickname of 'Spirit' for his commands and voice that seemed ethereal through the titanium doors of the elevators. It wasn't long before Sgt Stacker and his fireteam had to abandon Tarkus Tower, leading the civilians through the destroyed streets to UNSC evacuation points. It was then, in a stunning performance of spotting and targeting, Sgt Stacker ordered an orbital MAC cannon to nail a Covenant corvette that was threatening civilian escape craft.

The final protective fire was not enough though, and with Stacker's team escaping on one of the civilian escape craft, they watched multiple Covenant carriers begin glassing the city. An unforgivable tragedy.

With Sgt Stacker's team being exhausted from continuous action, they were assigned to the Pillar of Autumn to refit and rest. On the Pillar of Autumn, they took part in small actions to defend the UNSC ship from infiltration actions until NOBLE Team returns with their mission, a package in the form of Cortana, to the Pillar of Autumn. Stacker and Goodrich escape Reach on the Pillar of Autumn.

On the ship, with only 1,100 members of UNSC personnel, the members underwent a ranking re-evaluation. With this, Cpl Stephen, despite not having the time prerequisite, was promoted to Sergeant with Sgt Stacker being promoted to Staff Sergeant, with Goodrich as his performing officer. Stephen's quirk for leadership has proven itself, and now, he was responsible for an entire fireteam.

It isn't long before the Covenant find the Pillar of Autumn and the next step of Goodrich's life begins: The Battle of Installation 04.

The Pillar of Autumn was ultimately scuttled after being attacked by multiple Covenant ships, but that did not stop the UNSC personnel aboard from boarding the escape pods and beginning combat, led by Sierra-117, to discover the Halo's secrets. It is here that Sgt Stephen suffers another wound, for his Pelican was mostly burnt up when re-entering the atmosphere of the Installation, and he was left with several cracked ribs. This did not stop him though, he understood the dire need for leadership and with this, he led the remaining four members of his squad to 'Blood Gulch' to link up with survivors there. He joined SgtM Avery Johnson in the defense of that territory until later saved by the legendary Sierra-117. With the majority of UNSC forces linked up, and with the discovery of Cpt Jacob Keyes' capture, SgtM Avery Johnson and Sierra-117 debriefed the survivors in the liberation of their captain. Here, Sgt Goodrich showed an exceptional understanding of tactics after he decimated a Covenant patrol squad through clever use of rock falling. Thus began the assault on the Covenant ship Truth and Reconcile, in which the marines successfully saved Cpt Keyes and retreated to safety to a FOB made for their Pelican transports. Sgt Goodrich was in charge of maintaining the LZ for the assault group, defending the three Pelicans with the then SSgt Stacker until the UNSC's escape from the Covenant ship. It was then that they learned of the existence of a Forerunner facility, which a captured Covenant elite claimed was an 'armory' and Sierra-117 staged an assault on it to claim supplies for the marines in Alpha Base, the same FOB designed to house their Pelicans. To his discovery though, a parasitic species known as the Flood was released and Sierra-117's squad, including Cpt Keyes, was infected by the Flood save for SgtM Johnson, who escaped with Sierra-117.

During the battle of the forerunner facility, Alpha Base fell under attack by overwhelming Covenant forces due to one of the CO's staging a raid on the Pillar of Autumn, hoping to do the same thing that Sierra-117 was doing; acquiring more supplies. The raid was successful and scored the marines heavy armor to fight the Covenant with. Sgt Goodrich was in charge of his fireteam, the same four that survived the initial crash, in the elastic defense of the heavy armor. The casualties inflicted on the Covenant was proof of his ability to defend a dynamic and important target, thus gaining him more recognition as a 'Spirit' thanks to his almost inhuman ability to be omnipresent. Not all was good however, the Flood had already spread rapidly and had infected the corpses of the Covenant at the Pillar of Autumn and before long, Alpha Base fell under attack by the enemy Sierra-117 was running from. The survivors took off in their Pelicans and picked up the SPARTAN. He then devised a plan on a newly discovered control room.

Having the same job as his duty in the first Battle of Alpha Base, he was in charge of defending a Scorpion Main Battle Tank as Sierra-117 assaulted, solo, the control room for the Installation. He held the point with fellow marines until Sierra-117 and the AI that Goodrich saved on Reach, Cortana, discovered the real purpose of the ring and prevented Guilty Spark 343 from destroying the universe's life forms. They made an escape for Alpha Base before the final battle of Installation 04 commenced.

This battle, which all the remaining 312 personnel of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn took part in, played a clever ruse which baited a majority of the Covenant forces to attack the distraction while a small strike team commandeered the Covenant craft Truth and Reconcile. With the ship secured, Sierra-117 went on a solo mission to blow up the Pillar of Autumn to destroy the ring while the remnants of the UNSC attempted to learn the ship's controls to allow them to escape to Earth. It is here that their is a split in the leadership, with some of the officers wishing to bring the Flood to Earth to study, to also land them a promotion, and whether or not the Flood was too dangerous to study and must be eradicated. Here, a lone hero, Lieutenant Commander Gail Purdy, severs the wires between the engine and control room of the ship, thus dooming it to an explosion of all personnel. All personnel except for the small handful that escaped on a Covenant Spirit dropship. One of the survivors included Sgt Goodrich.

Here, Master Chief and Cortana went through several suicide missions to ensure the engines of the Pillar of Autumn explode before they escape on a Longsword fighter when the Installation explodes. They meet up with the survivors of Truth and Reconcile, where they took their slipspace capable vehicles and returned to Earth.

It is then, on the space station Cairo, that Sgt Goodrich gets his final promotion to Staff Sergeant. He has shown exceptional service to the UNSC and is treated as such, showing superb combat tactics and combat skill. His training into an ODST begins now, where he partakes in a two month regime to be rightfully trained into the shock troops and even though he leaves behind his old squad mates, he adapts well to the change. Knowing that by his reassignment, he may do more good for humanity. He is reassigned to the 22nd Tactical, a shock trooper unit that was based on the survivors of the Pillar of Autumn and fresh recruits from the planet below. His reassignment let to him being the leader of a squad which consisted of 12 personnel, and carrying the scars and mind of a veteran who has seen the worst of atrocities. He gets a few months rest here, in the safety of Earth's space defense net, and he recovers from wounds suffered from Reach and Installation 04 while creating new relationships with his squad. It isn't long though before Earth is attacked by the Covenant though. By following coordinates retrieved from the Pillar of Autumn before its destruction, they begin the greatest attack on humanity.

It was on the space station Cairo that SSgt Goodrich had joined in the defense of Earth. He fought in the main guns of the station, fighting back the Covenant forces that just exited slip space and thanks to the efforts of John-117, the space station was ultimately not destroyed, but the Covenant forces had broken into Earth's atmosphere. It was at this time that SSgt Goodrich joined in the defense of New Mombasa, being shot down in his new SOEIV pod. History then tells of the Covenant's carrier slipspacing to safety, causing major casualties to the ODST's who were falling into combat, but the ones that survived led an extremely important mission by saving numerous civilians and scientists from ONI facilities on the surface. Goodrich's squad, which was 12 personnel, had been knocked down to a mere five, with him being overcome with grief. He did not show it to his squad though, he maintained his professional atmosphere and fulfilled the mission he was given, no matter hard it was to complete it.

While Goodrich was fighting in New Mombasa, Sierra-117 fought to contain the Flood ship that had landed on Earth and with its defeat, retrieved Cortana's coordinates to the last Halo ring. Installation 00.

He did not join in the attack on a new discovered Installation, being Installation 00, instead he opted for his continued training of recruit personnel. He had fought long and hard, for many months, and he knew that his loss of squad mates was going to affect him. Thus, instead of slowing the SPARTAN down with his personal loss, he would contribute to the war effort by training the soldiers that would ultimately join Sierra-117 in the final battle of Installation 00, thus ending the war.

Even with the war over, and with the Sangheili joining an alliance with the humans for the end of the war, he still holds an extreme distaste to extra-terrestrials. He has been clearly scarred by the war, multiple wounds have left his skin mutilated and with the loss of so much life, his mind has been seemingly ripped to pieces. Though, SSgt Goodrich remains stoic and strong, he overcomes his grief and is now continuing to lead his own squad of ODST's; 'Ghost' Squad, named after his callsign/nickname being 'Spirit'. 'Ghost' Squad ultimately gets transferred from the shattered remains of the 22nd Tactical, and gets moved to the 7th Shock Troops Battalion where he currently receives orders from at the rank of Staff Sergeant.
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Character Name: Steven Delacruze

Face claim(If applicable):


((He is on the right))

Nickname/Alias: Frost

Age: 39

Gender: Male


Role(Specialty and/or Occupation): Combat Specialist; Special Forces

Rank: Captain [6 Points]

Equipment: [use bullets please.]

  • M5AC(S) Assault Rifle [silenced Standard Automatic Rifle] [2 points]
  • M7S SMG [1 point]
  • M6C Magnum [0 points]

Strengths: [use bullets please.]

  • Light; Is quick and agile
  • Quiet; Prefers suppressed weapons so he can keep the element of surprise.
  • Intelligence; Studies his targets very well before launching operations.
  • Tough; Shot down on planet Fanon. With only a unit of 4, completed his mission in securing a Covenant Communications Relay.

Weaknesses: [use bullets please.]

  • Slow; Takes a lot of time studying his targets, wastes resources on intelligence.
  • Light-hearted; Rarely punishes those under his command.
  • Precautious; Will ensure of no civilian casualties. Will wait days to attack his target.

Biography: [Multi-paragraph if you can.]

Steven earned his nickname of Frost when the unit he was in was shot down on Fanon. Assumed Command as a private over his small unit, and completed his mission with no further casualties. Shortly after their mission was completed, it was declared classified. Their ranks were petty considering what they had accomplished.

Then Corporal Frost split from the 4 he knew. They were split up into different units. He ran a small reconisance unit for 2 years, before gaining his promotion to Sargeant. He then became a member of an assassination squad known only as BlckHwk. This unit was responsible for countless assassinations against both the Insurgent and Covenant troops.

((At this point, I am going to merge the Bio's of Two-Face and Frost))

After his run with BlckHwk, he was given the rank of Lieutenant. He earned his own Special Forces unit, and was re-united with Two-Face after his demotion from Sargeant. Though dissapointed in his demotion, Two Face was happy to be under Frost's command once again. They then spent, and are spending, the rest of their time in a unit known as Sqre1. Their goal was to set their enemy back to Square 1, where the unit earned it's nickname. It was also the unit Frost and Two Face were a part of back on Fanon. As a Lieutenant, he oversaw the operations of their small unit, under the command of Captain Nicholas Grimes (Archer). Archer lead his unit into the Battle of Installation 05. They fought valiantly alongside their Marine brothers, But Captain Grimes was killed during a seige on a fortified stronghold. Assuming field command, He worked under Miranda Keyes and Avery J. Johnson who were able to slip through, and, in the end, the Arbiter, Rtas 'Vadumee, and half a dozen Special Operations Sangheili were able to slip into the periphery of the Library. There were a pair of gondolas that, when activated, automatically brought their passengers into the upper tiers of the Library, where the Index was kept. While the UNSC was first able to seize a gondola, the Covenant were close behind. However, when the Flood began to screech, alerting the Covenant that they were in full force in the bowels of the Library, Rtas 'Vadumee took a pair of Special Operations Sangheili, holding them at the entrance to the gondolas to defend the rest from the Flood as the Arbiter took four Special Operations Sangheili on the second gondola, trailing behind the UNSC-held one.

The gondola ride, however, was harrowing. The Flood attacked from all sides, assailing both the UNSC troops as well as the Arbiter and his quartet of Special Operations Sangheili. Tartarus, in his Phantom, attempted to provide cover fire for the Arbiter, using the three plasma cannons of his dropship to burn off any Flood on the upper levels of the Arbiter's gondola, but later, Tartarus chased after the UNSC-held gondola.

Finally, both gondolas ascended to the top levels of the Library, although the UNSC one arrived first, and a small UNSC force of six soldiers (four Marines (including Perez and McKenzie) led by Miranda Keyes and Avery Johnson, entered. Although many Combat Forms had been exhausted in the Flood's last-ditch attempt to stave off the gondolas, there were a large number of Infection Forms prowling the Library which killed off the four UNSC Marines as Keyes and Johnson advanced towards the core of the Library. The Arbiter shadowed the surviving humans, who remained unaware of his presence.

While the UNSC forces deployed from In Amber Clad had suffered near total loss, Commander Keyes was able to secure the Index, but only for a moment. Sensing movement, the two cautiously began to edge away from the core, with Johnson readying his BR55 Service Rifle and Keyes hefting her pair of M7/Caseless Sub Machine Guns. However, the Arbiter quickly rendered Sergeant Johnson unconscious, and proceeded to disarm the Commander just as easily. Before she could react, Tartarus entered with four of his Jiralhanae Captains. Tartarus used his Gravity Hammer, the Fist of Rukt, to stun Keyes and levitated her towards him. With the leader of the humans captured and the Index secured, the Covenant seemed poised to triumph.

With the Library cleared of hostiles, the Arbiter demanded to have the Index, as he was personally ordered by the Prophet of Truth to secure it for the Covenant. However, unbeknownst to him, he had been betrayed by the Prophets, as had the entire Sangheili race. The Prophets had named the Jiralhanae their new champions, a race both heavily militarized, and unquestionably loyal to them and their Great Journey.

Tartarus refused to give the Sacred Icon to the Arbiter, and instead, his Jiralhanae Captains leveled their Brute Shots at the Arbiter as Tartarus revealed the betrayal. Tartarus swung his Gravity Hammer, sending a shock that knocked the Arbiter into the bottomless chasm above which the Index was once situated.

This event turned out to be a mixed blessing for UNSC forces at the Library. While most of the deployed Marines had been slaughtered by the Flood and Covenant, the betrayal of the Sangheili would be the spark that ignited the Covenant Civil War. Ironically, the Prophet's lust for the sacred Rings would prove to be their undoing. Seizing control of In Amber Clad, the Flood would soon pour into High Charity. The center of all Covenant military and political power was to become fodder for an infestation on a galactic scale.

Being some of the few surviving Marines, Two-Face and Frost were sent back to earth, to rearm and rest. Frost was promoted to Captain for his bravery, and given his own unit of Joint-Forces. Two-Face was admired and honored, but his lack of remorse for innocents lead to his continued dismissal of rank. Standing on the brink of Discharge, Frost hopes to get him back into shape with a new unit.
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Character Name: David Francis-Ryan

Face claim(If applicable): On left on the other picture

Nickname/Alias: Two-Face


Gender: Male


Role(Specialty and/or Occupation): Demolitions; Special Forces

Rank: Specialist [4 points]

Equipment: [use bullets please.]

  • M7S SMG [1 point]
  • M6C Magnum [0 points]
  • M9 Grenade [High-Fragmentation Grenade]: 1 point
  • M363 Grenade [Anti-Armor Sticky Grenade]: 1 point

Strengths: [use bullets please.]

  • Cunning; knows how to sneak around guards.
  • Well-Taught; Knows how to arm and disarm any weapon he comes into contact with, up to and including a class 5 nuclear weapon.
  • Tough; Shot down on planet Fanon. Assisted Frost in completing their mission.

Weaknesses: [use bullets please.]

  • Headstrong; Will not wait for intelligence. Demoted from Sergeant because of this reason.
  • Harmed; Is badly scarred from being shot down. Has severe PTSD.
  • Relentless; Will kill innocents to get his target. Another reason he was demoted.

Biography: [Multi-paragraph if you can.]

Two-Face joined Sqre1 back when he was a private, and fought alongside frost in the mission for Fanon.

After the battle of Fanon, he worked with a marine expeditionary unit back on earth. His unit discovered a unit of Insurgent forces hidden in their ranks. In the pursuit of their leader, he killed 6 civilians. He was court marshalled, and Demoted from Sargeant.

((This is where he rejoined Frost)
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Nuitari said:
Character Name: Steven Delacruze
Face claim(If applicable):


((He is on the right))

Nickname/Alias: Frost

Age: 39

Gender: Male


Role(Specialty and/or Occupation): Combat Specialist; Special Forces

Rank: Captain [6 Points]

Equipment: [use bullets please.]

  • M5AC(S) Assault Rifle [silenced Standard Automatic Rifle] [2 points]
  • M7S SMG [1 point]
  • M6C Magnum [0 points]

Strengths: [use bullets please.]

  • Light; Is quick and agile
  • Quiet; Prefers suppressed weapons so he can keep the element of surprise.
  • Intelligence; Studies his targets very well before launching operations.
  • Tough; Shot down on planet Fanon. With only a unit of 4, completed his mission in securing a Covenant Communications Relay.

Weaknesses: [use bullets please.]

  • Slow; Takes a lot of time studying his targets, wastes resources on intelligence.
  • Light-hearted; Rarely punishes those under his command.
  • Precautious; Will ensure of no civilian casualties. Will wait days to attack his target.

Biography: [Multi-paragraph if you can.]

Steven earned his nickname of Frost when the unit he was in was shot down on Fanon. Assumed Command as a private over his small unit, and completed his mission with no further casualties. Shortly after their mission was completed, it was declared classified. Their ranks were petty considering what they had accomplished.

Then Corporal Frost split from the 4 he knew. They were split up into different units. He ran a small reconisance unit for 2 years, before gaining his promotion to Sargeant. He then became a member of an assassination squad known only as BlckHwk. This unit was responsible for countless assassinations against both the Insurgent and Covenant troops.

((At this point, I am going to merge the Bio's of Two-Face and Frost))

After his run with BlckHwk, he was given the rank of Lieutenant. He earned his own Special Forces unit, and was re-united with Two-Face after his demotion from Sargeant. Though dissapointed in his demotion, Two Face was happy to be under Frost's command once again. They then spent, and are spending, the rest of their time in a unit known as Sqre1. Their goal was to set their enemy back to Square 1, where the unit earned it's nickname. It was also the unit Frost and Two Face were a part of back on Fanon. As a Lieutenant, he oversaw the operations of their small unit, under the command of Captain Nicholas Grimes (Archer). Archer lead his unit into the Battle of Installation 05. They fought valiantly alongside their Marine brothers, But Captain Grimes was killed during a seige on a fortified stronghold. Assuming field command, He worked under Miranda Keyes and Avery J. Johnson who were able to slip through, and, in the end, the Arbiter, Rtas 'Vadumee, and half a dozen Special Operations Sangheili were able to slip into the periphery of the Library. There were a pair of gondolas that, when activated, automatically brought their passengers into the upper tiers of the Library, where the Index was kept. While the UNSC was first able to seize a gondola, the Covenant were close behind. However, when the Flood began to screech, alerting the Covenant that they were in full force in the bowels of the Library, Rtas 'Vadumee took a pair of Special Operations Sangheili, holding them at the entrance to the gondolas to defend the rest from the Flood as the Arbiter took four Special Operations Sangheili on the second gondola, trailing behind the UNSC-held one.

The gondola ride, however, was harrowing. The Flood attacked from all sides, assailing both the UNSC troops as well as the Arbiter and his quartet of Special Operations Sangheili. Tartarus, in his Phantom, attempted to provide cover fire for the Arbiter, using the three plasma cannons of his dropship to burn off any Flood on the upper levels of the Arbiter's gondola, but later, Tartarus chased after the UNSC-held gondola.

Finally, both gondolas ascended to the top levels of the Library, although the UNSC one arrived first, and a small UNSC force of six soldiers (four Marines (including Perez and McKenzie) led by Miranda Keyes and Avery Johnson, entered. Although many Combat Forms had been exhausted in the Flood's last-ditch attempt to stave off the gondolas, there were a large number of Infection Forms prowling the Library which killed off the four UNSC Marines as Keyes and Johnson advanced towards the core of the Library. The Arbiter shadowed the surviving humans, who remained unaware of his presence.

While the UNSC forces deployed from In Amber Clad had suffered near total loss, Commander Keyes was able to secure the Index, but only for a moment. Sensing movement, the two cautiously began to edge away from the core, with Johnson readying his BR55 Service Rifle and Keyes hefting her pair of M7/Caseless Sub Machine Guns. However, the Arbiter quickly rendered Sergeant Johnson unconscious, and proceeded to disarm the Commander just as easily. Before she could react, Tartarus entered with four of his Jiralhanae Captains. Tartarus used his Gravity Hammer, the Fist of Rukt, to stun Keyes and levitated her towards him. With the leader of the humans captured and the Index secured, the Covenant seemed poised to triumph.

With the Library cleared of hostiles, the Arbiter demanded to have the Index, as he was personally ordered by the Prophet of Truth to secure it for the Covenant. However, unbeknownst to him, he had been betrayed by the Prophets, as had the entire Sangheili race. The Prophets had named the Jiralhanae their new champions, a race both heavily militarized, and unquestionably loyal to them and their Great Journey.

Tartarus refused to give the Sacred Icon to the Arbiter, and instead, his Jiralhanae Captains leveled their Brute Shots at the Arbiter as Tartarus revealed the betrayal. Tartarus swung his Gravity Hammer, sending a shock that knocked the Arbiter into the bottomless chasm above which the Index was once situated.

This event turned out to be a mixed blessing for UNSC forces at the Library. While most of the deployed Marines had been slaughtered by the Flood and Covenant, the betrayal of the Sangheili would be the spark that ignited the Covenant Civil War. Ironically, the Prophet's lust for the sacred Rings would prove to be their undoing. Seizing control of In Amber Clad, the Flood would soon pour into High Charity. The center of all Covenant military and political power was to become fodder for an infestation on a galactic scale.

Being some of the few surviving Marines, Two-Face and Frost were sent back to earth, to rearm and rest. Frost was promoted to Captain for his bravery, and given his own unit of Joint-Forces. Two-Face was admired and honored, but his lack of remorse for innocents lead to his continued dismissal of rank. Standing on the brink of Discharge, Frost hopes to get him back into shape with a new unit.

Congrats on being our first post! Character accepted, welcome to New Mombasa, Cpt Frost.
Name: Renae-B207

Nicknames: Ren (primarily), Snoop (this tends to be used to demean her, but she usually ignores it), Hoot (typically only used by other soldiers who know Ren and her knowledge-seeking habits well, especially while in battle. It..tends to be used as a nice term. Usually.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/PlayerModel-5.png.4fc4a84a56c4484f05d33dbc198d23bc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90523" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/PlayerModel-5.png.4fc4a84a56c4484f05d33dbc198d23bc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 21

D.O.B.: February 22, 2532

Homeworld: Jericho VII

Build: She looks pretty small for a Spartan-III, but Ren is actually rather stable, agile, and lethal despite her petite size.

Current Height Without Armor: 6' 3"

Current Height With Armor: 6' 7"

Average Weight Without Armor: 227 lbs.

Average Weight With Armor: 928 lbs.

Skin Color: A good portion of Spartans of the earlier two generations have pretty pale skin due to always being in their armor. Ren kind of does as well, but her skin is a couple shades darker than the average Spartan due to her genetics. Not to much of an extreme, but her skin still slightly darker.

Nationality: Descended from Americans that migrated to Jericho VII three generations before she was born. She is technically considered Caucasian, but like it is described above, her skin is naturally a few shades darker than the average pale complexion that most Spartan III's and II's tend to have. This hints at the fact that she also has some other nationality in her line, most likely African American mixed with White American. This possibly could have occurred not long before her recent ancestors left Earth to live on Jericho VII, or even after her ancestors arrived on Jericho VII. Her parents weren't truly documented and they died before she was taken into the Spartan Program, so it's hard to say for sure if they show more signs to prove anything.

Hair Color: Dark brownish-black.

Hair Style: Unlike most other Spartan-III females, Ren doesn't have a shaved head or very short hair. Instead, the tips of her hair end an inch below her jaw line. She always leaves her hair pulled back in a tight, low ponytail while in her armor. As a result, she has a small ponytail at the back of her head that is less than two inches in length. While out of her armor and undersuit, she typically leaves her hair down. Ren rarely strolls around in anything other than her armor or undersuit, though, so her hair is practically always held back in a ponytail.

Eye Color: Deep blue with small flecks of green and brown that are only noticeable if you look closely.

Soldier Type: Spartan-III. She has been offered a chance to become part of this new Spartan-IV program like most other III's, but she isn't going to join it quite yet. Ren would rather stay here on New Mombasa for a while longer.

Faction Affiliation: UNSC

Role: Special Forces/Combat

Rank: Chief Petty Officer [6 points]


• MJOLNIR Powered Exoskeleton [4 points]

• BR55HB Battle Rifle [1 point]

• Dual M6G Magnums [0 points]

• M9 Grenade [1 point]

Armor Configuration: Her helmet and body plate are both of the CQB type, and her shoulders are of the Scout variant.

Armor Colors:

Primary- Silver

Secondary- Cobalt

Tertiary- Cyan


• Intelligence/Knowledge; She loves gathering knowledge, and will use it to come up with her next plan of action or to inform others.

• Stealth; She can move very quietly while on the battlefield, as long as she needs to.

• Resourceful; Even if something isn't meant to be a weapon, she can still figure out how to use it as one in most situations if the need arises.

• Attentive; Ren pays close attention to all the important things going on around her, especially people.

• Marksmanship; She is nowhere near the best aim, but she is still talented with quickly aiming at and popping an enemy, especially with here BR.

• Determined; Even when things seem bleak or she feels like absolute garbage, Ren will still stride on with as much confidence as she can muster.


• Aloof; It is not uncommon for Ren to become distracted by something that is interesting to her, even while on the battle field.

• Hesitant; She sometimes thinks too much before she acts, which carries the possibility of slowing her and others down.

• Intelligence/Knowledge; It may be helpful to be smart, but to a point. For Ren, she has reached that point time and again by trying to soak up more knowledge than she has time for.

• Slight Xenophobe; She tries desperately to forgive the alien soldiers that have sided with the UNSC, and she has on some instances. But after being raised to kill those aliens on sight, it's kinda difficult to change from habits and learned reflexes. And her blurry memories of the night that she lost her family don't help much.

• Quiet; That is usually a good thing when on the battlefield. But if Ren has to lead a squad, her natural tendency to be quiet isn't too helpful. She will speak up and talk a lot when she has to, but she doesn't usually talk much unless it is needed.

Personality: Ren has a personality that can be best described as, in short, a slightly concerned and rather attentive chill. Almost as if her lax personality is being used to hide something else.

This Spartan doesn't talk a whole heck of a lot. In fact, unless she is asked a question, with good friends, in a good mood, or feels that her thoughts are important to say aloud, people don't normally hear her talk. It's not that she's cold or anything. Nothing like that. Ren just doesn't feel the need to always open her mouth. The Spartan is more talkative off the battlefield, but she still isn't extremely talkative even there. She is nice though, and caring in her own way. Very caring, for she hates to see those close to her being hurt. She also hates seeing people getting dogged when she thinks they don't deserve it. The thing is that she doesn't usually show that caring side unless the occasion arises, and when it does, those other two emotions mixed in with her chill attitude actually overpower her more relaxed side. Renae can easily become a very serious person and lose her relaxed personality in certain situations. And, boy, does she have a sense of humor. It's not exactly nice and...safe, and it can sometimes be rather biting or demeaning. Even to her own friends. But hey, she's being humorous in the only way she really knows how, being a Spartan and all. At least she's trying.

Ren doesn't seem to have a preference to working alone or with a team, but she actually prefers to be out in the field with at least one other soldier. She'll definitely work alone when a mission allows it or when she thinks she is able to, but she tends to feel more comfortable when fighting alongside her team. She knows that she stands a higher chance of survival if she has other soldiers to work with. Renae isn't the best leader, though. Like stated earlier, she is rather quiet. And even though she will give her thoughts out time to time, she isn't the most demanding or outright when it comes to telling people what to do. Ren definitely won't take shit from anyone or let them walk all over her, but she doesn't feel the need to boss others around unless she knows it is needed. She just doesn't feel comfortable with being the alpha of a team. Beta, maybe, but not an alpha. Renae knows that she isn't exactly cut out for that position. But, if it is needed, she will fill those shoes.

Possibly, Ren's most prominent and notable feature is her intelligence, and extreme attentiveness and curiosity. She watches everything around her intently, especially living things. It's not like she's doing it on a combat standpoint, because she does it wherever she goes. Instead, she's more or less doing it to gather information about someone or something. Ren knows more about how living things work than people give her credit for due to her attentiveness, and she does it without even meaning to. It just happens. After being around someone for even a short time, she already has a decent idea of how the person works; she knows the basics of what makes them tick. More often than not, she uses that to work people and push their buttons in just the right way to get the result she wants. She will also use it to comfort people, but she is and will probably always be a little awkward about helping people in that way. So she just naturally picks at people instead, mostly in a "fun," joking kind of way (and, ya know, sometimes for revenge, no matter how small and petty). She'll even do it to Covenant soldiers if she gets the chance. Does she do it on purpose or unintentionally? No one really knows. But she does it, and it's one of her most striking features as a person. Now, back to her curiosity. Part of what sparks her ability to understand many people is due to her curiosity. But that personality trait can also be put to use on other things. Anything, really. As long as she finds something interesting, she will delve into it and thrive to learn more. She always wants that, especially when it comes to things she doesn't know much about. Knowledge about things that she finds intriguing is stimulating for her, and she can't help but know as much about it as she can. Almost like a child with a new toy or book. Although, her curious and attentive character may seem interesting, but it is also dangerous to her. That side has gotten her into trouble in more ways than one on multiple occasions. On the battle field, one example would be that she is so caught up in examining something or someone - or even another species - that she almost forgets that she is in the battlefield. She zones out and forgets to pay attention. This usually awards her with a rude awakening, either by her fellow squad mates yelling at her to pull her head out of her ass or an enemy trying to finish her off. That has gotten her badly hurt many a time, as well as scolded by her team. Another way that curiosity kills Ren the cat is when she gets into things that she shouldn't. This has happened far less often than the former example, but it still happens every once in a while. She is usually caught red handed, and she only sometimes feels guilty for it. But she is reprimanded every time, for officials aren't too forgiving of her curiosity when it comes to those instances. All in all, it's not like she's a bad soldier. On the contrary, she is very good at her career that she grew up in, and she is known to be very lethal with almost any weapon she can get her hands on. But these two traits of hers do set her back sometimes, and she is both proud and resentful of them.

As an added thought, Renae is a responsible, trustworthy soldier who is talented and ruthless. She will accomplish most missions that she is set out to do, and will try her hardest all throughout even if she doesn't succeed. And, even though she can become distracted, she is still smart enough to usually know when to pull her head out of the clouds and use her brains to be useful. The one asterisk to this is if she is given an order or mission that she doesn't believe is beneficial or smart, or if she thinks it endangers individuals that she doesn't believe deserve it. If she feels that a mission fits into those guidlines, she will either complete the orders with resentment or deny them altogether. And these moments are some of her most vocal. This has only happened a few choice times in all her years of service, but these are the instances where she will get into the most trouble with officials. It's not like she finds it fun to cause insubordination, because she is actually respectful to her superiors. Her problem is that she doesn't want to do something that is against her morals. It just wouldn't sit well with her in the long run if she allowed herself to do that.

Biography: ((I'm working on it.))



  • PlayerModel-5.png
    50.7 KB · Views: 75
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[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]
Name: Renae-B207

Nicknames: Ren (primarily), Snoop (this tends to be used to demean her, but she usually ignores it), Hoot (typically only used by other soldiers who know Ren and her knowledge-seeking habits well, especially while in battle. It..tends to be used as a nice term. Usually.)


View attachment 202396

Age: 21

D.O.B.: February 22, 2532

Homeworld: Jericho VII

Build: She looks pretty small for a Spartan-III, but Ren is actually rather stable, agile, and lethal despite her petite size.

Current Height: 6' 7"

Average Weight: 227 lbs.

Skin Color: A good portion of Spartans of the earlier two generations have pretty pale skin due to always being in their armor. Ren kind of does as well, but her skin is a couple shades darker than the average Spartan due to her genetics. Not to much of an extreme, but her skin still slightly darker.

Nationality: Descended from Americans that migrated to Jericho VII three generations before she was born. She is technically considered Caucasian, but like it is described above, her skin is naturally a few shades darker than the average pale complexion that most Spartan III's and II's tend to have. This hints at the fact that she also has some other nationality in her line, most likely African American mixed with White American. This possibly could have occurred not long before her recent ancestors left Earth to live on Jericho VII, or even after her ancestors arrived on Jericho VII. Her parents weren't truly documented and they died before she was taken into the Spartan Program, so it's hard to say for sure if they show more signs to prove anything.

Hair Color: Dark brownish-black.

Hair Style: Unlike most other Spartan-III females, Ren doesn't have a shaved head or very short hair. Instead, the tips of her hair end an inch below her jaw line. She always leaves her hair pulled back in a tight, low ponytail while in her armor. As a result, she has a small ponytail at the back of her head that is less than two inches in length. While out of her armor and undersuit, she typically leaves her hair down. Ren rarely strolls around in anything other than her armor or undersuit, though, so her hair is practically always held back in a ponytail.

Eye Color: Deep blue with small flecks of green and brown that are only noticeable if you look closely.

Soldier Type: Spartan-III. She has been offered a chance to become part of this new Spartan-IV program like most other III's, but she isn't going to join it quite yet. Ren would rather stay here on New Mombasa for a while longer.

Faction Affiliation: UNSC

Role: Special Forces/Combat

Rank: Chief Petty Officer [6 points]


• MJOLNIR Powered Exoskeleton [4 points]

• BR55HB Battle Rifle [1 point]

• Dual M6G Magnums [0 points]

• M9 Grenade [1 point]

Armor Configuration: Her helmet and body plate are both of the CQB type, and her shoulders are of the Scout variant.

Armor Colors:

Primary- Silver

Secondary- Cobalt

Tertiary- Cyan


• Intelligence/Knowledge; She loves gathering knowledge, and will use it to come up with her next plan of action or to inform others.

• Stealth; She can move very quietly while on the battlefield, as long as she needs to.

• Resourceful; Even if something isn't meant to be a weapon, she can still figure out how to use it as one in most situations if the need arises.

• Attentive; Ren pays close attention to all the important things going on around her, especially people.

• Marksmanship; She is nowhere near the best aim, but she is still talented with quickly aiming at and popping an enemy, especially with here BR.

• Determined; Even when things seem bleak or she feels like absolute garbage, Ren will still stride on with as much confidence as she can muster.


• Aloof; It is not uncommon for Ren to become distracted by something that is interesting to her, even while on the battle field.

• Hesitant; She sometimes thinks too much before she acts, which carries the possibility of slowing her and others down.

• Intelligence/Knowledge; It may be helpful to be smart, but to a point. For Ren, she has reached that point time and again by trying to soak up more knowledge than she has time for.

• Slight Xenophobe; She tries desperately to forgive the alien soldiers that have sided with the UNSC, and she has on some instances. But after being raised to kill those aliens on sight, it's kinda difficult to change from habits and learned reflexes. And her blurry memories of the night that she lost her family don't help much.

• Quiet; That is usually a good thing when on the battlefield. But if Ren has to lead a squad, her natural tendency to be quiet isn't too helpful. She will speak up and talk a lot when she has to, but she doesn't usually talk much unless it is needed.

Personality: Ren has a personality that can be best described as, in short, a slightly concerned and rather attentive chill. Almost as if her lax personality is being used to hide something else.

This Spartan doesn't talk a whole heck of a lot. In fact, unless she is asked a question, with good friends, in a good mood, or feels that her thoughts are important to say aloud, people don't normally hear her talk. It's not that she's cold or anything. Nothing like that. Ren just doesn't feel the need to always open her mouth. The Spartan is more talkative off the battlefield, but she still isn't extremely talkative even there. She is nice though, and caring in her own way. Very caring, for she hates to see those close to her being hurt. She also hates seeing people getting dogged when she thinks they don't deserve it. The thing is that she doesn't usually show that caring side unless the occasion arises, and when it does, those other two emotions mixed in with her chill attitude actually overpower her more relaxed side. Renae can easily become a very serious person and lose her relaxed personality in certain situations. And, boy, does she have a sense of humor. It's not exactly nice and...safe, and it can sometimes be rather biting or demeaning. Even to her own friends. But hey, she's being humorous in the only way she really knows how, being a Spartan and all. At least she's trying.

Ren doesn't seem to have a preference to working alone or with a team, but she actually prefers to be out in the field with at least one other soldier. She'll definitely work alone when a mission allows it or when she thinks she is able to, but she tends to feel more comfortable when fighting alongside her team. She knows that she stands a higher chance of survival if she has other soldiers to work with. Renae isn't the best leader, though. Like stated earlier, she is rather quiet. And even though she will give her thoughts out time to time, she isn't the most demanding or outright when it comes to telling people what to do. Ren definitely won't take shit from anyone or let them walk all over her, but she doesn't feel the need to boss others around unless she knows it is needed. She just doesn't feel comfortable with being the alpha of a team. Beta, maybe, but not an alpha. Renae knows that she isn't exactly cut out for that position. But, if it is needed, she will fill those shoes.

Possibly, Ren's most prominent and notable feature is her intelligence, and extreme attentiveness and curiosity. She watches everything around her intently, especially living things. It's not like she's doing it on a combat standpoint, because she does it wherever she goes. Instead, she's more or less doing it to gather information about someone or something. Ren knows more about how living things work than people give her credit for due to her attentiveness, and she does it without even meaning to. It just happens. After being around someone for even a short time, she already has a decent idea of how the person works; she knows the basics of what makes them tick. More often than not, she uses that to work people and push their buttons in just the right way to get the result she wants. She will also use it to comfort people, but she is and will probably always be a little awkward about helping people in that way. So she just naturally picks at people instead, mostly in a "fun," joking kind of way (and, ya know, sometimes for revenge, no matter how small and petty). She'll even do it to Covenant soldiers if she gets the chance. Does she do it on purpose or unintentionally? No one really knows. But she does it, and it's one of her most striking features as a person. Now, back to her curiosity. Part of what sparks her ability to understand many people is due to her curiosity. But that personality trait can also be put to use on other things. Anything, really. As long as she finds something interesting, she will delve into it and thrive to learn more. She always wants that, especially when it comes to things she doesn't know much about. Knowledge about things that she finds intriguing is stimulating for her, and she can't help but know as much about it as she can. Almost like a child with a new toy or book. Although, her curious and attentive character may seem interesting, but it is also dangerous to her. That side has gotten her into trouble in more ways than one on multiple occasions. On the battle field, one example would be that she is so caught up in examining something or someone - or even another species - that she almost forgets that she is in the battlefield. She zones out and forgets to pay attention. This usually awards her with a rude awakening, either by her fellow squad mates yelling at her to pull her head out of her ass or an enemy trying to finish her off. That has gotten her badly hurt many a time, as well as scolded by her team. Another way that curiosity kills Ren the cat is when she gets into things that she shouldn't. This has happened far less often than the former example, but it still happens every once in a while. She is usually caught red handed, and she only sometimes feels guilty for it. But she is reprimanded every time, for officials aren't too forgiving of her curiosity when it comes to those instances. All in all, it's not like she's a bad soldier. On the contrary, she is very good at her career that she grew up in, and she is known to be very lethal with almost any weapon she can get her hands on. But these two traits of hers do set her back sometimes, and she is both proud and resentful of them.

As an added thought, Renae is a responsible, trustworthy soldier who is talented and ruthless. She will accomplish most missions that she is set out to do, and will try her hardest all throughout even if she doesn't succeed. And, even though she can become distracted, she is still smart enough to usually know when to pull her head out of the clouds and use her brains to be useful. The one asterisk to this is if she is given an order or mission that she doesn't believe is beneficial or smart, or if she thinks it endangers individuals that she doesn't believe deserve it. If she feels that a mission fits into those guidlines, she will either complete the orders with resentment or deny them altogether. And these moments are some of her most vocal. This has only happened a few choice times in all her years of service, but these are the instances where she will get into the most trouble with officials. It's not like she finds it fun to cause insubordination, because she is actually respectful to her superiors. Her problem is that she doesn't want to do something that is against her morals. It just wouldn't sit well with her in the long run if she allowed herself to do that.

Biography: ((I'm working on it.))


I am very impressed! This is really well written so far, I congradulate you on your writing abilities. Accepted.

[QUOTE="SSgt Goodrich]Salutations,
I am very impressed! This is really well written so far, I congradulate you on your writing abilities. Accepted.

Thank you! Like I said, I've been sitting on this CS for a week or so while making it for fun. So that's why it's as long as it is.


Rank: Corporal

Name: Espen Verdier "Cherry"


Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Birthdate: December 31

Faction Affiliation: UNSC

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 118 lbs. (Without Armor)

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brunette

Race: Human

Significant Other: None

Role: Specialist/ Melee


  • Cupid's Knife[0 Points]

  • Katana[4 Points]


  • Stealth. Espen is excellent at making a noiseless attack.

  • Stamina/ Speed. She can go great distances without slowing down, even in armor.

  • Stoic. She isn't easily hurt. Of course, having a bullet rocketed into her stomach is an exception.


  • Stoic. This may lead her to think she can do anything, getting herself and others in trouble.

  • Emotional. She is easily upset, whether its that she's sad, angry, or happy, its always to the extreme.

  • Kind. Its hard for her to kill humanoids or creatures that look like humans. And damn near impossible for her to hurt children.

Personality/ Biography:

Cherry is rather kind and caring. However, this is not certain because she could be flirting with you one minute and thrusting a knife into your throat the next. Espen is loving and makes friends easily. You're either her best friend or a stranger. She loves animals, which unfortunately aren't very common anymore.

While she is considerate, she is also horrifically stubborn when she wants to be. This determination is good for missions, but not so much in formal settings.

Espen is rather flirty after getting to know you. It's often just her way of saying "I love you." It takes a lot to win her affection, but it's not based on looks. She hates those that believe they are better than her(even if they are) and is always prepared for some competition.

Cherry is surprisingly funny, always having witty answers or analogies for anything that's said.

In four short words: Funny, friendly, flirty, fun(and fabulous.)

Espen was born into a military family on planet Reach. She didn't exactly have a proper home and was taken care of by allies of UNSC.

Once both of her parents were murdered by the Flood, she was swiftly put under training. The training she went through as a teenager was both mentally and physically excruciating. She had a single friend to help her through this. The entire time he would always keep a positive view on just about everything. After five years she was sent on her first mission as a private. During this mission her team was unknowingly completely surrounded. By the time they had walked into the Covenant's trap, it was too late to escape.

A few were captured, including Espen. She developed Dissociation Disorder, meaning that she blocked the memories out to numb the pain. It took twelve days before she found a chance to escape. By that time there were only two others left. It was a humiliating failure for those who remained. Her friend, did not.

The attacks after that were rather uneventful. She left Earth for her second and third missions, which she struggled with both her co-workers and the Covenant for various reasons. After the first mission, Espen had been negatively impacted and would never reach her full potential. She fought on the ring, which left her with a scar from her shoulder to her waist. Due to this injury, she was allowed to rest for a month.

When her unit returned to Earth, she discovered that it was even worse than when she left in the first place. Her first mission on Earth was without casualties, though it was perhaps the second-hardest she'd seen. At this time she was soon promoted to Lance Corporal.

(I'm trying not to make it obvious that I know nothing.)

On her fifth and most recent mission, her team became trapped in SnowGrove after an avalanche erupts out of no where. Many starved or froze to death before they were rescued. For the leadership Espen showed, she was given the title of Corporal. The remainder of her team was flown to base where they remain.


(I know that I got something wrong, but I don't know exactly what it was. I haven't played this for a reeeaaally long time so my knowledge is not so much >.<)

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ThePumpkinQueen said:


Rank: Corporal

Name: Espen Verdier "Cherry"


Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Birthdate: December 31

Faction Affiliation: UNSC

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 118 lbs. (Without Armor)

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brunette

Race: Human

Significant Other: None

Role: Specialist/ Melee


  • Cupid's Knife[0 Points]

  • Katana[4 Points]


  • Stealth. Espen is excellent at making a noiseless attack.

  • Stamina/ Speed. She can go great distances without slowing down, even in armor.

  • Stoic. She isn't easily hurt. Of course, having a bullet rocketed into her stomach is an exception.


  • Stoic. This may lead her to think she can do anything, getting herself and others in trouble.

  • Emotional. She is easily upset, whether its that she's sad, angry, or happy, its always to the extreme.

  • Kind. Its hard for her to kill humanoids or creatures that look like humans. And damn near impossible for her to hurt children.

Personality/ Biography:

Cherry is rather kind and caring. However, this is not certain because she could be flirting with you one minute and thrusting a knife into your throat the next. Espen is loving and makes friends easily. You're either her best friend or a stranger. She loves animals, which unfortunately aren't very common anymore.

While she is considerate, she is also horrifically stubborn when she wants to be. This determination is good for missions, but not so much in formal settings.

Espen is rather flirty after getting to know you. It's often just her way of saying "I love you." It takes a lot to win her affection, but it's not based on looks. She hates those that believe they are better than her(even if they are) and is always prepared for some competition.

Cherry is surprisingly funny, always having witty answers or analogies for anything that's said.

In four short words: Funny, friendly, flirty, fun(and fabulous.)

Espen was born into a military family on planet Reach. She didn't exactly have a proper home and was taken care of by allies of UNSC.

Once both of her parents were murdered by the Flood, she was swiftly put under training. The training she went through as a teenager was both mentally and physically excruciating. She had a single friend to help her through this. The entire time he would always keep a positive view on just about everything. After five years she was sent on her first mission as a private. During this mission her team was unknowingly completely surrounded. By the time they had walked into the Covenant's trap, it was too late to escape.

A few were captured, including Espen. She developed Dissociation Disorder, meaning that she blocked the memories out to numb the pain. It took twelve days before she found a chance to escape. By that time there were only two others left. It was a humiliating failure for those who remained. Her friend, did not.

The attacks after that were rather uneventful. She left Earth for her second and third missions, which she struggled with both her co-workers and the Covenant for various reasons. After the first mission, Espen had been negatively impacted and would never reach her full potential. She fought on the ring, which left her with a scar from her shoulder to her waist. Due to this injury, she was allowed to rest for a month.

When her unit returned to Earth, she discovered that it was even worse than when she left in the first place. Her first mission on Earth was without casualties, though it was perhaps the second-hardest she'd seen. At this time she was soon promoted to Lance Corporal.

(I'm trying not to make it obvious that I know nothing.)

On her fifth and most recent mission, her team became trapped in SnowGrove after an avalanche erupts out of no where. Many starved or froze to death before they were rescued. For the leadership Espen showed, she was given the title of Corporal. The remainder of her team was flown to base where they remain.


(I know that I got something wrong, but I don't know exactly what it was. I haven't played this for a reeeaaally long time so my knowledge is not so much >.<)

I find no major faults in this, not really. I was wondering where you go the idea for a katana seeing as I do not have one currently in the Items page.


But the fact that you took the liberty and made something so exotic worth four points (which is what I would price it at if I was to determine the price), I congratulate you. Soft reminder though, since you have spent all of your points on the katana, you will be stuck with basic Army/Navy/Marine/Military Police BDU's, for the sake of logic, do not offer as much protection as you might find in MJONIR power armor.


But the fact that you took the liberty and made something so exotic worth four points (which is what I would price it at if I was to determine the price), I congratulate you. Soft reminder though, since you have spent all of your points on the katana, you will be stuck with basic Army/Navy/Marine/Military Police BDU's, for the sake of logic, do not offer as much protection as you might find in MJONIR power armor.

Thanks :) I figured there was an items page but I couldn't find it, so I just remembered that I had a katana in Halo: Reach.
Character Name: Cairbre-013

Face claim(If applicable):



Nickname/Alias: Lucky

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Weight: 168.2kg (Unarmoured) 468kg (In full armour)

Height: 225.3cm (Unarmoured) 244cm (In full armour)

Faction Affiliation: UNSC

Role(Specialty and/or Occupation):

Spartan-II Specialist, Demolitions.

Rank: Petty Officer Second Class


- MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armour [Free, Spartan-II Specialist]

- XM510 MGL [4 Points]

- Akimbo M6D PDWS [Free]


- Strong

Even for a Spartan-II Cairbre is pretty strong, capable of lifting 200kg with ease, and making long journeys with heavy gear.

- Extremely skilled in most forms of combat

As with all Spartan-IIs Cairbre is capable of using all UNSC small arms, and most Covenant small arms as well.

- High pain tolerance

Cairbre has shown an ability to take large amounts of pain, including being impaled by an energy sword.

- Unbreakable

Like all Spartan-IIs Cairbre is highly resistant to most forms of torture.

- Very Fast Reflexes

Spartan-IIs Reflexs have been augmented heavily, to the point that they cannot be accurately measured, though they are estimated to be around 20 milliseconds.

-Sheer Willpower

Cairbre should of been killed by the augmentation procedure he survived by sheer will, he is by far the most stubborn Spartan-II.


- Conspicuous

Standing at 223.5cm Cairbre can't exactly go unnCairbre

- Heavy

Out of armour Cairbre weighs roughly 168.2kg in armour he weighs about 468kg. Do the math, he weighs nearly half a ton in full armour.

- Doesn't deal with people well.

Social skills weren't part of Halsey's lesson plan. Get it, got it, good. Now get the fuck out.

Biography: Cairbre was born to a family of farmers on the planet Harvest. He always showed signs of being a special child, stronger than his peers, and smarter. At a young age he could help his Dad fix the family tractor, he was also one of the smartest in his kindergarten class. One day he met a man, who he would later know as Gunnery Sergeant Harrison. Harrison asked him a few questions, unlike most ONI agents interviewing the Spartan-II candidates Harrison asked bluntly "Cairbre how would you feel about helping the war effort against the insurrectionists?" Cairbre replied "I think the war is a horrible thing, and it should stop."

In a way the abduction saved Cairbre's life in two ways. One, almost ten minutes after his abduction his family home burnt down. Gas from the garage ionized and spread its way through the house. Cairbre's father didn't shut a valve correctly. The gas ignited burning the house down and killing Cairbre's parents, and older brother. Two, it got him away from Harvest before the Covenant's onslaught. If he had not been abducted there would of been no doubt. He would of been on harvest when it got glassed.

At the age of 14 along with all of the other Spartan-IIs Cairbre received his augmentations. At first his body rejected them. Halsey and her team wanted to stop the augmentation process. Cairbre met with Halsey, while siting in a wheel chair Cairbre told Halsey "Ma'am with all due respect. I'm a Spartan, if my body doesn't take the augmentations I would rather die than give up." Against Halsey's better judgment Cairbre was back on the operating table the next day. Surviving the augmentation process through sheer willpower. His recovery took alot longer than the other Spartan-IIs.

A year later and significant recover time later, Cairbre surprised members of Red team by joining them for active operations. Most of them believing that he died during augmentation. The operation he joined them for was dubbed Operation Phoenix. Their mission was to disable a Insurrectionist deep space station. They boarded via a stolen Cargo ship, then proceeded to the station's command center. During the firefight in the command center Cairbre was forced to depressurize the station, presumably killing all the insurrectionists (I'm thinking someone could play a survivor of the attack. Would be interesting.)

Other: Before you say Cairbre is overpowered. Remember that Spartan-IIs were super soldiers, and augmented humans.
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One thing I have to comment, if I may: Spartan-II's were only 41 to 42 years old by the year 2553, which is the year this rp is based in. If this rp was based in the year 2558 (same year as Halo 5), then the II's would be between 46 and 47. But in the year 2553, they are only 41 to 42 years old, and that includes Cairbre. I don't know if I'm allowed to comment on the sheets of another person's character, but I had to at least say that.
Yeah, yeah. I know, the majority of III's are supposed to have SPI armor. But there isn't any SPI armor on the list of equipment, so I used the MJOLNIR GEN1 armor. Also, from what I have learned, the armor in Reach (and used by Noble Team) is MJOLNIR armor. I also don't have any way to generate my own custom set of Reach-style armor since Vanity doesn't work on my laptop. So I used the Halo 3 armor generator for her armor. If you want, just imagine that she has the Reach-style armor with the CQB helmet and Scout shoulders with the colors on her CS above. Well, maybe different shoulders because I would have to look through the Reach shoulders to see which one fits her most, but I hope you get my idea.
The reason for Noble using the MJOLNIR is because in a 1/1000 chance some of the S-IIIs could take the augmentations. They were all put into Noble, and then died.
Let's not. I have a feeling this will end in an argument, and I really hate engaging in arguments. They always end up pissing me off. I don't want us to end up hating each other over this.
Oh, I just didn't want to clutter the CS tab. Any way nice to meet you. I'm here to help Goodrich keep the lore a bit gud. Anyway, I'm off to work on Cairbre's CS some more. I've barely gotten into it.
Name: Louis McKnight

Nickname: “Mac”

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Faction: UNSC

Role: Tank Commander

Rank: Sergeant[6 Points]


  • Marine BDU [Free]
  • M7 SMG[1 Point]
  • M6G [Free]


  • Capable tactician
  • Calm in the face of danger
  • Will full, his drive to win has gotten him and his crew out of trouble more than once


  • War weary. He has been on the front lines almost since the beginning and has lost more friends and comrades then he really cares to count at this point
  • Distant. To protect himself he has developed a cold personality. While he genuinely cares for the lives of the people around him, he doesn't let anyone get close.


Louis McKnight was born in 2505 on Reach to Harold and Molly McKnight. His child hood was not anything spectacular. He went to a normal school and had a normal life. He played for his High School football team and made a name for himself as a smart and aggressive player. However, an injury during his junior year prevented him from playing the next season costing him any chances for a scholarship. While his family wasn't poor, his mom and dad has to support 5 kids so there wasn't enough money to support McKnight in college. As a result, McKnight decided the best thing to do was join the UNSC Marine Corp. McKnight figured he would do a standard enlistment of 8 years, save up some cash and let the military pay his way through college. His mother and father originally protested because of the danger associated with him joining. Their greatest fear was him being shipped off to a back water planet to fight the insurrection and getting killed. Despite their concern, McKnight eventually talked his parents into supporting his decision and he joined the UNSC Marine corp at age 18.

McKnight was an immediate stand out in basic. His drill Sergeants rode him and the other recruits hard but his physical condition allowed him to cope well with the training. McKnight also scored well in the preliminary testing allowing him to qualify for a whole host of specialties. He decided to join the Tank Corp. Upon completing basic training on Reach, McKnight was shipped back to Earth where he was put through the UNSC Armored Warfare School. At the school he learned everything about tanks he possibly could. He was introduced to the behemoth that was the Grizzly but he was mainly focused on the workhorse of the UNSC, the M808B Scorpion. He learned how to perform maintenance, drive the tank, accurately fire the main gun and a whole host of other skills required to operate the tanks. He completed his training in 2525. He was scheduled to go on leave when his long awaited vacation was suddenly cancelled and before he new it he was on a transport heading to the outer colonies.

McKnight was among the first member of the UNSC Marine Corp to face the covenant in a major ground campaign. As part of the UNSC effort to retake the planet, McKnight was part of a company of Scorpion Tanks leading an attack against Covenant fortifications. McKnight being the driver of his vehicle, with direction from the commander skillfully guided his vehicle through the battle and the UNSC successfully overran the enemy positions. The ease of their first victory caused moral to soar within his unit. However, over the next 5 years, McKnight and his unit would continue to fight the covenant in the Harvest Campaign. He saw the worst of the fighting during the campaign and his unit took over 100% Casualties. Of the original members of the unit, only McKnight and 4 others actually survived the campaign. For his part, McKnight had 2 tanks blasted out from under him and was slightly wounded each time but managed to stay in the action. He was quickly promoted and eventually went on to command his own tank and at one point was a platoon leader for four other tanks.

In 2531 McKnight was assigned to the UNSC Spirit of Fire to augment the ships tank battalion. After arriving at Arcadia colony, McKnight's tank was deployed down to the planet to assist in the evacuation efforts. His tank covered one of the escape routes the civilians were using to reach the shuttles. He and his crew managed to successfully destroy 2 Covenant wraith's. Despite helping save thousands of lives. McKnight personally witnessed the covenant slaughter hundreds more civilians. Their positions overrun, the UNSC were forced to retreat from the city. McKnight aided Sergeant Forge and the other marines from Spirit of Fire in defending their positions until Spartan Omega Team arrived to assist. McKnight then assisted in destroying a covenant base. McKnight was also part of the operation to destroy the Covenant Super Scarab on Arcadia. However, he was assigned to another force clearing the remaining pockets of Covenant off the planet. While he was bitter about leaving his comrades, these orders probably saved his life for he was not on board the Spirit when they discovered the shield world.

McKnight went on to fight in many battles over the course of the war. The most significant being the Battle of Reach itself. Forge was directing his tank through the streets of New Alexandria when his tank was hit by a fuel rod blast. McKnight and his crew continued to fight on foot defending the civilian transports from Covenant infantry. McKnight was manning a machine gun turret when he took a direct his from a plasma rifle. The round burned through his chest plate and caused severe damage. Only the quick application of Bio foam saved his life. He was evacuated on one of the Civilian transports back to earth where he spent the next month recovering in a UNSC hospital. It was during his time in the hospital that Mcknight learned his parents and youngest sibling were unable to evacuate and were killed when the Covenant glassed reach. His other brothers and sisters were only spared because they themselves had followed McKnight into UNSC service. However, one of his sisters had gone MIA during Reach and was presumed killed. The news sent shock waves down McKnights spine and he went into a deep depression. While he pretend otherwise, those who know him best say he never really came out of it.

During the battle for Earth, McKnight was assigned to tank platoon in East Africa attempting to prevent covenant ground forces from advancing. However, his unit was repeatedly strafed by Banshee's forcing him and the survivors to retreat before the onslaught of the enemy. After the Battle of Earth, McKnight was assigned to the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn for their expedition to installation 00. McKnight was a tank commander during the armored assault on the installations silent Cartographer and assisted in the destruction of the Covenant Scarab. McKight was evacuated back to earth on board the Shadow of Intent along with the rest of the UNSC personnel. He is currently stationed in the New Mombasa region of Earth.
Windhover118 said:
Name: Louis McKnight
Nickname: “Mac”

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Faction: UNSC

Role: Tank Commander

Rank: Sergeant[6 Points]


  • Marine BDU [Free]
  • M7 SMG[1 Point]
  • M6G [Free]


  • Capable tactician
  • Calm in the face of danger
  • Will full, his drive to win has gotten him and his crew out of trouble more than once


  • War weary. He has been on the front lines almost since the beginning and has lost more friends and comrades then he really cares to count at this point
  • Distant. To protect himself he has developed a cold personality. While he genuinely cares for the lives of the people around him, he doesn't let anyone get close.


Louis McKnight was born in 2505 on Reach to Harold and Molly McKnight. His child hood was not anything spectacular. He went to a normal school and had a normal life. He played for his High School football team and made a name for himself as a smart and aggressive player. However, an injury during his junior year prevented him from playing the next season costing him any chances for a scholarship. While his family wasn't poor, his mom and dad has to support 5 kids so there wasn't enough money to support McKnight in college. As a result, McKnight decided the best thing to do was join the UNSC Marine Corp. McKnight figured he would do a standard enlistment of 8 years, save up some cash and let the military pay his way through college. His mother and father originally protested because of the danger associated with him joining. Their greatest fear was him being shipped off to a back water planet to fight the insurrection and getting killed. Despite their concern, McKnight eventually talked his parents into supporting his decision and he joined the UNSC Marine corp at age 18.

McKnight was an immediate stand out in basic. His drill Sergeants rode him and the other recruits hard but his physical condition allowed him to cope well with the training. McKnight also scored well in the preliminary testing allowing him to qualify for a whole host of specialties. He decided to join the Tank Corp. Upon completing basic training on Reach, McKnight was shipped back to Earth where he was put through the UNSC Armored Warfare School. At the school he learned everything about tanks he possibly could. He was introduced to the behemoth that was the Grizzly but he was mainly focused on the workhorse of the UNSC, the M808B Scorpion. He learned how to perform maintenance, drive the tank, accurately fire the main gun and a whole host of other skills required to operate the tanks. He completed his training in 2525. He was scheduled to go on leave when his long awaited vacation was suddenly cancelled and before he new it he was on a transport heading to the outer colonies.

McKnight was among the first member of the UNSC Marine Corp to face the covenant in a major ground campaign. As part of the UNSC effort to retake the planet, McKnight was part of a company of Scorpion Tanks leading an attack against Covenant fortifications. McKnight being the driver of his vehicle, with direction from the commander skillfully guided his vehicle through the battle and the UNSC successfully overran the enemy positions. The ease of their first victory caused moral to soar within his unit. However, over the next 5 years, McKnight and his unit would continue to fight the covenant in the Harvest Campaign. He saw the worst of the fighting during the campaign and his unit took over 100% Casualties. Of the original members of the unit, only McKnight and 4 others actually survived the campaign. For his part, McKnight had 2 tanks blasted out from under him and was slightly wounded each time but managed to stay in the action. He was quickly promoted and eventually went on to command his own tank and at one point was a platoon leader for four other tanks.

In 2531 McKnight was assigned to the UNSC Spirit of Fire to augment the ships tank battalion. After arriving at Arcadia colony, McKnight's tank was deployed down to the planet to assist in the evacuation efforts. His tank covered one of the escape routes the civilians were using to reach the shuttles. He and his crew managed to successfully destroy 2 Covenant wraith's. Despite helping save thousands of lives. McKnight personally witnessed the covenant slaughter hundreds more civilians. Their positions overrun, the UNSC were forced to retreat from the city. McKnight aided Sergeant Forge and the other marines from Spirit of Fire in defending their positions until Spartan Omega Team arrived to assist. McKnight then assisted in destroying a covenant base. McKnight was also part of the operation to destroy the Covenant Super Scarab on Arcadia. However, he was assigned to another force clearing the remaining pockets of Covenant off the planet. While he was bitter about leaving his comrades, these orders probably saved his life for he was not on board the Spirit when they discovered the shield world.

McKnight went on to fight in many battles over the course of the war. The most significant being the Battle of Reach itself. Forge was directing his tank through the streets of New Alexandria when his tank was hit by a fuel rod blast. McKnight and his crew continued to fight on foot defending the civilian transports from Covenant infantry. McKnight was manning a machine gun turret when he took a direct his from a plasma rifle. The round burned through his chest plate and caused severe damage. Only the quick application of Bio foam saved his life. He was evacuated on one of the Civilian transports back to earth where he spent the next month recovering in a UNSC hospital. It was during his time in the hospital that Mcknight learned his parents and youngest sibling were unable to evacuate and were killed when the Covenant glassed reach. His other brothers and sisters were only spared because they themselves had followed McKnight into UNSC service. However, one of his sisters had gone MIA during Reach and was presumed killed. The news sent shock waves down McKnights spine and he went into a deep depression. While he pretend otherwise, those who know him best say he never really came out of it.

During the battle for Earth, McKnight was assigned to tank platoon in East Africa attempting to prevent covenant ground forces from advancing. However, his unit was repeatedly strafed by Banshee's forcing him and the survivors to retreat before the onslaught of the enemy. After the Battle of Earth, McKnight was assigned to the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn for their expedition to installation 00. McKnight was a tank commander during the armored assault on the installations silent Cartographer and assisted in the destruction of the Covenant Scarab. McKight was evacuated back to earth on board the Shadow of Intent along with the rest of the UNSC personnel. He is currently stationed in the New Mombasa region of Earth.
Interesting role! I find your backstory and general idea for your character very interesting, consider yourself accepted.

Character Name: Jacob Greenwick

Nickname/Alias: "Archimedes"

Age: 35

Gender: Male


Role(Specialty and/or Occupation): Researcher and Technician

Rank: Science Advisor for the UNSC and its Affiliates, Engineering Advisor for the UNSC and its Affiliates


  • A variety of tools used for construction, measurement, analysis, etc. The "tools of the trade" if you will.
  • A kevlar suit, worn under his normal garb for protection.
  • M6 Magnum, for self defense.


  • Reliable when it counts.
  • Extremely intelligent.
  • Inventive.
  • Knows his way around a gun... for the most part. He can fire most weapons well enough, but he's no marksman.


  • Socially Inept, introverted.
  • Very eccentric
  • Tends to become detached, cold, etc. when under extreme pressure. Both a good and bad thing.

Biography: Starting at the early stages of the development of the Spartan-II program, Jacob was Dr. Halsey's lab assistant. He is rather awkward and not socially adjusted, but after debating with her over one of the few subjects he had a passion for, his previously unrevealed intelligence was recognized by Halsey. He was eventually apprenticed under her, and frequently found himself used as someone to 'raise' Cortana by playing against her in chess and other such stimulating activities when Halsey was too buried in work to do it herself. This, naturally, led to him developing a reputation as a 'housewife' among some of the research staff during his time under her.

However, the Human-Covenant war provided an opportunity for him to step into the spotlight. A few years in, he managed to get out from under Halsey's shadow after designing the initial power packs implemented in the MJOLNIR power armor used by the Spartan-IIs. Though his designs were improved upon and eventually replaced, with this he was able to start rising through the ranks of both the research and development divisions of the UNSC.

During the war he was held as a POW by Insurrectionist forces, who had not yet decided to focus their efforts on eradicating the Covenant. He was recovered by Blue Team, the group of Spartans led by the Master Chief, but the experience left him scarred. He became eccentric, etc. but due to the fact that he didn't seem to be hostile or anything of the sort, and the fact that he continued to research and develop remarkable advancements, he retained his position and was kept in the UNSC.

His contributions were not too frequent at first, but what he did contribute tended to be major, and he was one of the group assigned to reverse engineer Covenant technology, and later headed the group assigned to improve upon it. After the war, he managed to reach one of the highest positions possible in both branches, but due to his social ineptitude it isn't likely he'll be promoted to anything higher than an ONI adviser, since the position of Head is already filled, and the Head often has to make public appearances and the like. No, he is satisfied where he is, able to continue his research and the like while only occasionally being called in for advising or to collect feedback and such.
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I don't know what a mg6 is. But outfitting one of the M6 series with slugs wouldn't be possible, nor would it be helpful. They already fire a round larger than most common day anti-material rifles. The M6D is also outfitted with explosive ammunition.

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