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Fantasy [OPEN] The Price of a Life

Yaoke Saint][URL="https://imgflip.com/i/dajss said:
dapperghost said:
(You guys have such cool ideas and Lupin and I are just sitting here like... Scrub the floor. LOL)
LMAO Fran would most definately prefer scrubbing the floor than... whatever she's doing right now.
I must say, Thomas made the RP a hell of a lot more interesting. Not that it wasn't already interesting, but yaknow.

Poor Fran. And Alva. And Aeola. Just going about their daily business and then suddenly all this gets thrown at them.

Alec and Chess too, but at least they're safe
PowderSnow said:
I must say, Thomas made the RP a hell of a lot more interesting. Not that it wasn't already interesting, but yaknow.
Poor Fran. And Alva. And Aeola. Just going about their daily business and then suddenly all this gets thrown at them.

Alec and Chess too, but at least they're safe
I never knew playing such a horrible person could be so fun!

No, I'm not insane!
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]I never knew playing such a horrible person could be so fun!
No, I'm not insane!

For thank we thank you

Thats what the insane people say!
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]I never knew playing such a horrible person could be so fun!
No, I'm not insane!

xD good villains add interesting flavors to a story. You get to enjoy the flavoring :)
Haha, yeah

I have a private roleplay with my best friend that's been going on for nearly five years now (holy fuck we were ten when it started) and I get to play the villian. He's been the most interesting character I've ever gotten to play and develop. :)
Dominaiscna said:
...5... Years...
The longest one i've had is just under a year! How the hell?! xD
I too have noticed that rps that are one on one between two good friends tend to last the longest xD

I've been doing the same role play with my friend for about the same time xD

I really don't know

especially considering right up until early last year it didnt even have a damn plot

Me and her met over the RP and ended up getting really close so. there's that.
PowderSnow said:
I really don't know

especially considering right up until early last year it didnt even have a damn plot

Me and her met over the RP and ended up getting really close so. there's that.

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