• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern [OOC] Castle on the Hill -- 90's / Modern Time Skip


soul mates are overrated anyway
I miss the way you make me feel
It’s real
We watched the sunset over the

Castle on the Hill



This page will be updated every three days or so, mostly with RP-relevant discussion meant to develop your characters and/or the setting. I will make it my life’s mission to bother you people. You have been warned.

As of 14 December, I just realised I posted the OOC thread on the wrong sub-forum. FATHER FORGIVE ME FOR I HAVE SINNED.

Helpful Links: Interest Check / Sign-Ups / Lore / OOC / IC


[13 December] NPCs added to the Faces section of the Lore thread. Also Polaroid pictures. Lots of them. Also first IC-NPC posts are online.
[11 December] Super happy to see mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties officially on board! IC thread has been updated to include a second prompt. Again, lore has been updated. Also decided to make Bryce the dude with the 2nd wife.
[11 December] Error 420 Error 420 , welcome to the (foster) family! Again, multiple threads have been updated to reflect this. IC thread is now up here. There seems to be an on-going issue with Google Fonts. I'll try address is later because
[10 December] animeloulou animeloulou and A Awakening AKIRA have now been officially accepted. Cheers! Headcanon section now online. Details here.
[10 December] Sign-ups close next Sunday, 17 December. Seriously, have you told your grandma yet? Also posted some FC suggestions here. Feel free to suggest your own!
[9 December] Sign-ups are currently open! Tell your friends, tell your grandma, tell your dog!
Last edited:
Hello boys and girls,

As promised, here is the OOC. Feel free to ask my any questions here! Don't have much in the way of RP-relevant topics right now, as we haven't even started yet. For now, just wanted to know everyone's thoughts on Discord (haven't used it much myself, but always willing to try new things), and if you think we should get one.

Anyway, I guess we should do introductions. So this is me, Slade. Been RP-ing online for about 10 years now. Started when I was 13-14. I was writing a shameless self-insert Mortal Instruments RP when someone messaged me about a RP forum. I played a psychopathic hybrid of hybrids whose abilities included time travel and god-level Gary Sueness.

Regarding backstories, the app I understand doesn't really allow for much exposition. I made it that way specifically so the group can explore the characters' pasts as the RP progresses, and not all at once. However, if your character has any significant plot points/conflicts you want to address/clarify, don't hesitate to PM me about it. We can discuss ways to incorporate them into the main story!

Some people have also expressed having trouble finding a good face claim. I'm out at the moment, but I'll see what I can do maybe later this evening. If any of you have face claim suggestions, feel free to post them here!

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties PrinceOfMilk PrinceOfMilk animeloulou animeloulou myst.erion myst.erion A Awakening AKIRA Error 420 Error 420
My letter in the time capsule addresses each person individually, I'll update it for every new player, but if any of you have a different idea for a character relationship I'm willing to change it.
I will make it my life’s mission to bother you people.

I'm here like yeah u think u are but ur going to end up getting bothered by me hype-rambling so much, so bother-ception my dude.

ANYWAY. RE Discord, I'm good with that, although it's easier for me to keep a track of things on this site as discord won't install on my PC because it is persecuting me that's why.

If we're doing intros, I shall ramble:

I'm Akira / Aki / Tom (whichever is easiest for you folks) and I laughed way to hard at Slade Slade 's Mortal Instruments self-insert Gary Stu because hooooo boy do I relate. I've been RPing since I was about 10, although technically when I was 8 I accidentally catfished someone really, really badly, because I roleplayed TOO HARD. (8 year old me was an edgy criminal. Now I'm just a dork. What went wrong, thug life?). I used to exclusively roleplay overpowered hot vampires/wizards who were too hot and too cool for this world. Now I exclusively roleplay garbage people who are a mess, just like their lives.

I can 1000% hook people up with face claims and I am too into actors / models. Just let me know what vibe / Look / etc you're going for and let me deal you those sweet drugs photos.

My letter in the time capsule addresses each person individually, I'll update it for every new player, but if any of you have a different idea for a character relationship I'm willing to change it.

Ooooh, cool idea! I'll spam after you've posted them and what they're like if any ingenious ideas strike me!

*whispers* he's perfecttttt

RE Juno-Twitch dynamics, (ehehehe Lamer Mike), I loved the they got high together idea - Juno probably resented any forms of lecturing (it's not a phase, moooom) but like, secretly cared about Twitch for being there, because feelings must be secret when you're a broody boy teenager :P Does that all sound acceptable? If not, please feel free to alter stuff!
For now, just wanted to know everyone's thoughts on Discord

I'm pretty okay with Discord, but fine to just use this thread too :)

As for intros... *waves awkwardly* Hi everyone! Louise/animeloulou here :) I'm an Irish college student (help me please!! :P) who has been RPing slice-of-life, rom-com drama stuff for a good 7-8 years now :) Love anything Asian (K-Pop and K-dramas are my thing) and I've rekindled my interest in the Power Rangers world due to tabletop RPGs :P

PS please don't hate me if I botch up US states etc.

My letter in the time capsule addresses each person individually, I'll update it for every new player, but if any of you have a different idea for a character relationship I'm willing to change it.

I love the idea of Twitch's nickname coming from Amy! Plus the fact that he may have had a crush on her without Amy realising is adorable!
I'm pretty okay with Discord, but fine to just use this thread too :)

As for intros... *waves awkwardly* Hi everyone! Louise/animeloulou here :) I'm an Irish college student (help me please!! :P) who has been RPing slice-of-life, rom-com drama stuff for a good 7-8 years now :) Love anything Asian (K-Pop and K-dramas are my thing) and I've rekindled my interest in the Power Rangers world due to tabletop RPGs :P

PS please don't hate me if I botch up US states etc.

I love the idea of Twitch's nickname coming from Amy! Plus the fact that he may have had a crush on her without Amy realising is adorable!

Oh my gosh I just started getting back into K-dramas recently, which was a TERRIBLE idea, because I ended up bowing to my tutor today to say thank you and he judged me very, very hard. Also hello from the GMT timezone and your awful, awful, shitty neighbour country England :P

Ditto on the states thing. I'm just here like I know it's 'mom' not mum and everything else is ???? But hey, we can just claim we're being #authentic to Ed :P
Jesus, folks, stop it with these awesomeass apps, will ya? My heart skips any more beats, I'm gonna need a doctor. But for real, liking what I see here so far. I'm not even sure who I'm gonna pair with who for the first part of the RP, since pretty much any combination of the characters so far will yield potentially very interesting interactions, the way I see it.

I'll hold off on Discord for now, then. This OOC looks like it will suffice anyway. Oh yeah, one more thing: if you have any headcanons about your character that you don't mind publicly sharing (little quirks, etc), post them on here. I'll put them up on a separate section on the lore thread.

Also, to all you Europeans out there: I may live closer to my big brother Murica, but the "u's" in my "colours" and the "zed" in my alphabet speak of my heart's true desire. The amount of internal turmoil I had to battle to keep myself spelling City Center as City Centre, I swear.
The amount of internal turmoil I had to battle to keep myself spelling City Center as City Centre, I swear.

Horrifically relatable. Especially when my word processor keeps defaulting to american english and tries to correct me to throw 'z's into every word that dare uses an 's' instead.

Also Slade, flattery will get you everywhere - excuse me whilst I happy cry.

p.s. my dog said 'woof' so I reckon he's gonna sign up
I'm American, but I'm a German speaker and learned English from reading the works of Englishmen, so I relate.
Oh goodness hello all! I'm Kevin, used to do Mary Sues, then got avid distaste for them, and now just like. flaws. and suffering. and dislike caps bc my keyboard hates me so. anyways please hook me up with fcs im going a getting their life back on track character vibe thing??? LIke. been through their shit already and is finally recovering i guess aha.
Update: Finished the second part of my app. Deadline for applications is now set 1 week from now (Sunday, 17 December). Since all the apps are looking great so far, I might consider starting earlier than that if we get at least 4/6 roles filled before deadline -- in which case, the rest of the roles will remain open until the RP reaches a point where all the PCs finally get together.

Some FC Suggestions
Alan Cumming -- Dorky + Glasses

James McAvoy -- Dorky + Longbottomed

Neil Patrick Harris -- Dorky Fetus

Ewan McGregor -- Bad Boy

Parker Posey -- Cool Chick

Marissa TomeI -- Flowers + Rainbows, Probably

Adam Baldwin -- Tough Guy
Slade Slade i cannot believe u called jame mcavoy long-bottomed I have watched that man pretend to snort cocaine and do gosh knows what to the scottish population, I am cry-laughing help

Dorky fetus for NPH is 100% acc-u-rat
u say ewan mcgreggor is a bad boy but I'm pretty sure he's a sagely old man telling Luke at his arcade to use the force

I'm gonna jump on the face claim rec train because YEAH BOI







































k, seeing as i am close to making my app, and im on computer now, imma give a short intro....

hi, you guys can call me scotty, I am 17 years old, i just witnessed my most innocent friend pretend to be a horse on someones lawn, and I recently went through a terrific personality change. I live in Sydney, Australia. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE! [ill stop that patriotism right now] I have been roleplaying since I was 13, and please, do not ask me to describe my writing back then [i wanna throw up just thinking about how many people i pissed the fuck off] Uhm, I like swearing, and I swear ALOT so if anyone has a problem with that please, dear god, let me know will you? I don't wanna upset anyone. I like to use sarcasm [the sentence before this was NOT sarcasm] and feminism is always a BIG mood for me [just putting that out there]. I hope, that even if this rp doesn't work out for me, that I can still call each of you internet aquaintances :P . There won't be any hard feelings from me no matter what happens from here on out. I just wanna chance to be apart of a worthwhile rp group, full of worthwhile [awesome] people :) can i stop cringing at myself now?
k, seeing as i am close to making my app, and im on computer now, imma give a short intro....

hi, you guys can call me scotty, I am 17 years old, i just witnessed my most innocent friend pretend to be a horse on someones lawn, and I recently went through a terrific personality change. I live in Sydney, Australia. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE! [ill stop that patriotism right now] I have been roleplaying since I was 13, and please, do not ask me to describe my writing back then [i wanna throw up just thinking about how many people i pissed the fuck off] Uhm, I like swearing, and I swear ALOT so if anyone has a problem with that please, dear god, let me know will you? I don't wanna upset anyone. I like to use sarcasm [the sentence before this was NOT sarcasm] and feminism is always a BIG mood for me [just putting that out there]. I hope, that even if this rp doesn't work out for me, that I can still call each of you internet aquaintances :P . There won't be any hard feelings from me no matter what happens from here on out. I just wanna chance to be apart of a worthwhile rp group, full of worthwhile [awesome] people :) can i stop cringing at myself now?

ah man, hi from the opposite side of the world australia. I... do we WANT to know why your friend is pretending to be a horse? I swear a LOT but most of all when IC, because #excuse to blame them mwuhahaha. And BIG MOOD feminism made me lol b/c whilst reading this I am simulatenously researching for my essay on Feminism in The Bloody Chamber and The Yellow Wallpaper so BIG MOOD but also BIG CRY b/c essays TTmTT

nice to meet you and not cringy at all, Scotty (*whispers* beam me up)
ah man, hi from the opposite side of the world australia. I... do we WANT to know why your friend is pretending to be a horse? I swear a LOT but most of all when IC, because #excuse to blame them mwuhahaha. And BIG MOOD feminism made me lol b/c whilst reading this I am simulatenously researching for my essay on Feminism in The Bloody Chamber and The Yellow Wallpaper so BIG MOOD but also BIG CRY b/c essays TTmTT

nice to meet you and not cringy at all, Scotty (*whispers* beam me up)
i'm beaming right now.
AHHHHH beammeupscotty used to be my username XD
and, I suppose you do? I had my best friends 18th yesterday, and ms innocent pretty much ended up off her face pissed :D
Oh my gosh I just started getting back into K-dramas recently, which was a TERRIBLE idea, because I ended up bowing to my tutor today to say thank you and he judged me very, very hard. Also hello from the GMT timezone and your awful, awful, shitty neighbour country England :P

Ditto on the states thing. I'm just here like I know it's 'mom' not mum and everything else is ???? But hey, we can just claim we're being #authentic to Ed :P

I have the 'bowing and saying aish under my breath' down to a fine art~ :P And hello from your awkward GMT neighbour! :D
I'm American, but I'm a German speaker and learned English from reading the works of Englishmen, so I relate.

Oh goodness hello all! I'm Kevin, used to do Mary Sues, then got avid distaste for them, and now just like. flaws. and suffering. and dislike caps bc my keyboard hates me so. anyways please hook me up with fcs im going a getting their life back on track character vibe thing??? LIke. been through their shit already and is finally recovering i guess aha.

k, seeing as i am close to making my app, and im on computer now, imma give a short intro....

hi, you guys can call me scotty, I am 17 years old, i just witnessed my most innocent friend pretend to be a horse on someones lawn, and I recently went through a terrific personality change. I live in Sydney, Australia. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE! [ill stop that patriotism right now] I have been roleplaying since I was 13, and please, do not ask me to describe my writing back then [i wanna throw up just thinking about how many people i pissed the fuck off] Uhm, I like swearing, and I swear ALOT so if anyone has a problem with that please, dear god, let me know will you? I don't wanna upset anyone. I like to use sarcasm [the sentence before this was NOT sarcasm] and feminism is always a BIG mood for me [just putting that out there]. I hope, that even if this rp doesn't work out for me, that I can still call each of you internet aquaintances :P . There won't be any hard feelings from me no matter what happens from here on out. I just wanna chance to be apart of a worthwhile rp group, full of worthwhile [awesome] people :) can i stop cringing at myself now?

Hi everyone! You all sound way cooler than me, but I echo Scotty's thoughts <3 Would love to be acquaintances/friends out of this :P

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