• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern ʙʟᴜᴇʙᴏɴɴᴇᴛ ʙʀᴇᴇᴢᴇ ♥ || open applications!


entertainer at the house of asmodeous
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


welcome to bluebonnet village ♡

the sheet


i'm not very picky in terms of what code you use for the cs, but here's everything that i'm going to be looking for in order to accept characters!
- basics: name, age, dob, gender identity + pronouns, where they're from, sexual + romantic orientation
-appearance: just describe em, i'm weird and like knowing what height characters are
-persona: at lease three vices and virtues, feel free to include more!
-background: what led them in their life to become who they are? and what led them to come all the way to bluebonnet village?
-"role": just for funsies, let me know what "role" your character would be; for example, my character, cole, is called "the cowboy" bc he was born and raised on a ranch. and his sister, danielle, is called "the youngin" bc she's the baby in the family. it's not gonna make a difference in the rp, just for me to put when i add your character into the main post!

optional information that always makes cses more fun to read are likes and dislikes, fears, fun little head cannons, just anything that helps others get to know your character more and more ((:

some general guidelines:
-be diverse and unique! no one dimension characters, please
-nobody is absolutely perfect, everyone has flaws (some people on this site would argue that the more flaws a character has, the more loveable they are)
- i can't think of a third thing to add but i don't like only having two so ummmm have fun !!

i look forward to seeing everyone's characters!

the members


the cowboy

cole howard

a texas native, a true southern gentleman. with his southern charm and natural charisma, it only makes sense that cole howard would hold the welcome party on the block for the official opening of the revamped woodsen. growing up on one of texas' most wealthy and successful ranches, what kind of past is he hiding that caused him to uproot everything for this town?

the youngin

danielle howard

always called a daffodil by her mother, danielle howard's never had set footing in her journey in life. clinging to her brother, cole, for support, she's never truly known who she is. she decided to move to woodsen with cole to get a fresh start and discover herself. but a fresh start from what, exactly?

♡coded by uxie♡



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a.


the cowboy


full name

cole joshua howard


most people just call him cole or "cowboy", but his family calls him cj




august 5th

gender + pronouns

cisgender male + he/him


heterosexual heteromantic

song name







212 lbs

hair & eye c.

dirty blonde & hazel


built like a HORSE, he grew up on a ranch, he's a big beefcake and has been since puberty hit





at the surface, many people believe cole howard to be a someone who thinks before they act. however, growing up, cole had proven to be incredibly impulsive, acting long before he thought. but it never really got him into a huge amount of trouble, because, luckily enough for cole, he's always been a quick thinker, sharpening under pressure. he can give five seconds of thought to an idea and he's already run through all the pros and cons in his head. this particular mindset proved very handy while growing up on the ranch; since he was the go-to guy to chase down stray animals, he never thought twice about it. he would just hop on his horse and take off.

however, at his core, cole's a logical person. he's always been a realistic thinker about situations and he's always tried his hardest to not let his emotions get the best of him. but of course, like with the best of them, there have been quite a few times where he listened to his heart and let his emotions lead his actions. cole lives on the fine line of logical and passion, being naturally passionate about everything he does. he throws his entire being into anything he does, especially his music. he doesn't rest until it comes out exactly how he wants; some people say he's particular, some people say it's unhealthy perfectionism.

proven by his past, cole is also incredibly protective. it's never been in a terribly controlling way, more of a "if you hurt them, then i'll hurt you, more than a slap on the wrist," and if you dare try to call him out on his bluff, you'll definitely see how well cole follows through. cole has proven to be an incredibly loyal person, and he doesn't back down on his word. his word is good, and if you doubt it, that's on you.

and then, of course, there's his southern drawl. all growing up, he's used it to his advantage, and as a grown man he hasn't backed down from it. he loves when girls find his southern charm and charisma irresistible. he's not a huge, serious flirt, he's never had time to think about dating due to everything in his life. but he definitely teases and lightly flirts with anyone who has a soft spot for the southern gentleman type, such as himself


- sunny days
- swimming
- four runners
- guitars
- saxophones, surprisingly
- animals
- almost any kind of ice cream
- being with people
- handheld gaming devices
- nostalgic movies


- winter
- cold, windy, weather
- most sodas
- country music
- messy rooms
- the smell of vinegar


his past coming back and hurting his family



august 5th, the day that melissa and randall howard welcomed cole joshua howard as their firstborn son.

cole was born into the bustling and successful howard ranch industry. the howard family was known for their ranch, in fact it was one of the best known ranches in texas, as it had been standing and running for over seven generations. it also helped that they were only a few hours away from the lively city of dallas, they were a pretty popular tourist destination.

the howard ranch specialized in the ethical raising, breeding, and selling of livestock. while they're best known for their cattle, they're not lacking in pigs, chickens, sheep, etc. they've always put emphasis on the ethical side of food production, they've always made sure their animals were raised and bred in love, and either sold to live the rest of their lives on a simple farm, or they made sure they were loved and comfortable before being slaughtered. being so proactive in ethical food production, it only made sense for the howard ranch to start into the farm business, growing and selling crops like corn, wheat, and other veggies.

all this to say that cole was born into the good ol southern life of texas; emphasis on the growing up on the ranch. the howard ranch was an enormous piece of land that technically belonged to his father and uncle. the howard brothers had, of course, inherited the ranch from their father, leading them and their families to live on the 10,000+ acre ranch. with cole's father, randall, being the younger brother, this meant that cole had two older cousins, allison and brian.

cole's mom and aunt love to talk about how well they planned out their kids names. the four of them were alphabetized and given "J" middle names. allison jaylee, brian james, cole joshua, and cole's little sister was danielle jewel. so the family referred to all the kids as aj, bj, cj, and dj, respectively.

aj was the oldest. she was the one that would inherit the ranch, and she was prepared. eight years older than cj, she had been well into the ranching game for longer, and she had a very special knack for the business side of the ranch. then there was her brother, bj, who was four years older than cj. he didn't really catch on o the business side of the ranch, like his father was trying to train him to be, but he sure was good when it came to the manual labor and dealing with the animals. he knew all the animals, by name, he knew all of the animals' personalities and temperaments, which animals did or did not get along with each other, and he knew all the best tricks to get the babies to take a bottle. there was no doubt that bj was the best with handling the animals.

but the time cole and his sister came around at the ages of eight and six, it didn't really seem like there was any way for them to help. but of course, they were proven wrong. cole prove himself to be the speedster of the four. when you have as much land and as many animals as the howards did, you're bound to have some that try to escape, get out of their pins and away from the heard. that's where cj shined. no one could throw themselves onto their horse, grab a lasso, and take off faster than cj. him and his horse, brick, were the faster pair on the entire ranch. they would be gone before anyone could finish their sentence. off they'd ride and have whatever animal back in their pin within the hour.

and sweet little dj? she was the best with the baby animals on the ranch. no one loved them more than dani did, and they loved no one more than dani.

they were all a big happy family, working on the ranch from the age of five and up, being exposed to the animals and proper etiquette around the animals and tools, etc etc. and they would slowly learn more and more of their responsibilities and duties on the ranch. by the time they started school, they were in the steady routine of waking up, dealing with the animals, go to school, come home, work, eat dinner, put the animals up, homework, sleep, and repeat. all four howard kids loved their lives and they were happy.

until dj was ten.

growing up on the ranch, the first three howard kids were tall, strong, and very well in shape. dj wasn't. it wasn't that she was born chubby or unhealthy, she just was not as fit as her brother or cousins. aj, bj and cj all had a lot of the manual labor jobs growing up, and by the time danielle was old enough to help, they never really needed her help, they needed her with the animals. although, she was still healthy and in shape; it was hard to not be healthy and in shape when you spend the most of your life dealing with animals. but still, she wasn't as fit as the other howard kids. going into middle school, she never even thought about it. but then the howard children were sent to a rich, wealthy private school, where they stuck out like sore thumbs. of course the stuck up kids had a field day with the cowboys that rolled in fresh off the farm. they would find any and every little thing to pick on them for. they all got teased, to an extent; they had really heavy and thick southern accents and, in comparison to the city folk of texas, it was incredibly noticable. but while the other three never once got a comment about their body and weight, danielle did.

slowly but surely dj began to hate herself. of course she kept it hidden from everyone, especially her cousins and brother. they weren't effected, why should she be?

cole and danielle always had a crazy tight bond growing up. they were super close, cole loved his little sister more than anything. dj always came first, before anyone and anything. while a lot of people would think this would bring dj to tell cole everything that was happening, but it was exactly why she couldn't tell him. she just couldn't bring herself to say anything to her big brother, until it was too late.


dj had been spiraling. for four years of middle school, she was constantly bombarded with hate. she had been spiraling hard. and then there was the day when cole tried to open the bathroom door, and was met with it being locked.

he figured dj was in there. he hadn't seen her around the house, so he figured she was taking a shower. but he didn't hear any water running. he called out to her and was met with silence. after half a minute with no response, his big brother senses were kicking in. he couldn't hold himself back from breaking the door down. and when his eyes found his sister, his entire body froze. she laid there, on the ground, empty pill bottle in her hand. his heart dropped, but just as quickly as it dropped, he jumped into action. he checked for a pulse, all while screaming her name in a desperate attempt to wake her up. her pulse was there, but barely. his parents heard the commotion and ran to the bathroom to see their son holding their unconscious daughter in his arms. the tears had already soaked the collar of his shirt, and there was no way they would be stopping any time soon. his father quickly called an ambulance while his mom raced to alert the other side of the family.

||END OF TW ||

cole didn't even know how long it was, but he was plagued with the most agonizing feeling he had ever experienced. his family had to constantly remind him to breathe, or he would physically not be able to breathe. he wasn't even sure if his heart was still beating, and his mind was on an auto pilot to just pace back and fourth in the waiting room.

after what felt like years, a doctor came and updating them. she told them that dani was going to be okay. as soon as the news fell on his ears, he fell to his knees. his mom caught him and held him as he sobbed on the floor. his vision began to blur and his head began to ache at how much he was sobbing and gasping for air. finally it was time that dani was able to have visitors, and she only wanted to see cole. she wouldn't let anyone else come in until she talked to cole first. as soon as he entered the room, they both immediately started crying. the only words that could be made out was dj sobbing out "i'm sorry" and cole's "i love you's". once they caught their breath enough to speak, she told cole everything. about the bullying, about the hate she was constantly getting, about how little she had been eating and how much she had been working herself, she even showed him the scars on her wrists that happened before that night.

to say that cole was mad would be an understatement. he was furious. not at dj, never at his little sister; at the assholes at their school. dj was cole's favorite person in the world,, that was his baby sister, and to hear that someone was causing her this kind of pain and hurt? furious didn't even begin to describe the fire that was lit in his soul.

cole stayed with dj for the rest of the night, he held her hand when the rest of the family came in and he helped stand up for her when they asked questions. he was there every day until they said dani could come home.

and that's when cole decided to do something.

he was a howard. he had money, power, and he used it to find the names and addresses of the pricks that put his sister in the hospital. it turned out, it just so happened that most of them lived around the same, richy rich, suburban neighborhood. so, cole made a way to get them all to be at an abandoned house, saying there would be some kind of party. there were five that showed up, and they were all shocked when they saw one of the "hillbillies" show up, as they had been calling the howard kids.

and that's when cole lost it. he went on a rampage, yelling, screaming, fists pounding into bodies, breaking noses and bruising eyes. you would think that five kids could over power one guy, but this was cole howard. at the age of thirteen he was already up to 5'11" in height, and he was never a scrawny kids. he had been handling animals almost his entire life, there was no way a group of city kids were going to take him down.

of course he got caught. nobody died, so when the kids were found, broken and bloody, of course they talked and snitched on who did it. and cole's bruised knuckled spoke for themselves. however, as stated before, the howards have money and power. they were able to "talk" the police out of anything too permanent and damaging going on his record. it went down as a "warning" and looked like he just got into a mutual school ground scuffle

since aj and bj were already done with high school, it was only cole and dani that got taken out of the private school and moved to a public high school. their parents were sick and tired of the politics and troubles that went on at that school, and they wanted to keep their little dj as safe as they could.

and this was there cole's passion was re-sparked; his passion for music. it was always there, he was the one organizing shows with dj and his cousins to put on for everyone else, he made up the songs, he remembers the first gift he ever actually asked for was a guitar. and ever since then, the seed just grew; he would write little riffs, small verses, when he got older he even brough his guitar down to downtown dallas and set up his case and played for some spare change.

his first gig was before everything with dj happened, he played at their school's talent show. once he got a standing ovation for playing a cover, they knew their son was something special. they were more supportive than he ever could've dreamed. they invested in his passion, they helped him however they could. the biggest thing was them creating a home studio in their backyard with everything cole wanted. they didn't pay and build it all themselves, of course cole did a lot of the manual labor in putting things together and raising money for certain things, but he was still incredibly blessed that his parents helped him with that.

after graduating high school, he didn't have plans to go anywhere. he had everything he ever wanted right there on the ranch. he was putting his music out there, he was helping on the farm, he was with his family, everything was perfect. who needed college?

until his parents had a serious talk with him. right before he turned twenty seven, they sat him down and said how the boys that he beat up were talking, a lot. they were ruining the howard name, their sales prices went way down. they relied heavily on local sales, and when the community saw them as people that covered up their son mercilessly beating five boys? they all decided to stop buying their products. as long as cole was around, the ranch was going to plummet.

so the howards pulled some strings, and they got word of a little down, up north from them. called woodsen. they were building an entirely new neighborhood development and were looking for residents to come. the goal was to liven up their town again. the decision was made that if cole left the ranch, people would believe they sent him away, maybe to some reform program, people would believe he was paying his price for what he did. when the price for a house out there was so stupid cheap, cole knew he had to take it. it wouldn't be permanent, but it was what would be best for the family. and after talking with dani, she demanded that she got to come too, she didn't want to live on the ranch without him, especially in that same town where those boys knew where she was.

and it was settled. cole and dani quietly packed up their things and moved out to woodsen, texas. a whole seven hours away from their ranch. cole knew it was the best, dani needed a fresh start, but man was he going to miss his horse.





danielle howard

danielle howard, dj, cole's little sister, the baby of the howard family. cole has never loved anyone more than his sister. and not in a weird way, in a brotherly way. they're only two years apart vs the four/eight year gap between him and his older cousins. it led them to be closer with each other than with their cousins. cole and dani were inseparable as they were growing up, partners in crime. to this day, cole and dani consider themselves best friends. cole might get irritated at the things that dani does, but he'll still always love her and put her first.

brian howard

the only other boy in the family, brian and cole were of course buds. brian actually was the one to teach him how to ride a horse, he even said that he should pick brick as his horse. cole can't say he's looked up to brian a whole lot, he's always seen them as equals, especially when cole could pick up and charm more girls than brian could.

allison howard

the future matriarch of the howard empire, the eldest cousin of the four. now aj is someone who cole's always looked up to. as long as cole could remember, aj knew everything there was to know about the ranch. she taught the rest of them everything they knew. she was the pack leader, she had the best head on her shoulders, in fact it was aj who was one of his biggest comforters when dj was still in the hospital. aj's always been like a big sister to both cj and dj.

melissa howard

cole's lovely mother, tied with his sister melissa is cole's favorite person on earth. cole is the definition of a momma's boy, his mother raised him right. to be respectful and kind, to put family first, to live the life you want with no regrets. everything about his mother he loves, and he might never admit this, but the biggest reason he's never moved away from the ranch was because he didn't want to leave his mom.




- so much big brother energy
- he will be a big brother to anyone
- his sister comes first
- forever and always
- no matter how much she fucks up
- gets homesick, a LOT
- big time momma's boy
- cannot dance
- like, at all
- dani has tried to teach him
- homeboy has the stiffest hips when trying to dance
- which makes so sense cause when he's performing, he doesn't look awkward at all
- at least the boy can square dance
- loves sharing his music
- doesn't really collab with others
- he has before, but he prefers his music to be his



♡coded by uxie♡



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a.


the youngin


full name

danielle jewel howard


a lot of people call her dani, her family calls her dj




september 30th

gender + pronouns

cisgender female + she/her



song name







114 lbs

hair & eye c.

light blonde & brown


she's on the thinner side. she has some muscle on her, being a dancer and all, but still pretty skinny


madelyn cline



for as long as danielle could remember, she was known as "cole's little sister". without doing anything, she earned the reputation of the sister that had his heart and was the root of his anger issues. but to everyone looking in from the outside, dani's the typical little sister. feisty, always says she doesn't need someone looking out for her, and she's convinced that she can make it throughout life without anyone's help. she puts on this mask, leading her to be very stubborn. she hates being babied, and she feels like she has to convince everyone that she knows what she's doing.

but anyone who knows her past, they know it's a front. she acts independent and tough, she tries to act like she doesn't need anyone; but it's not true. she needs people like her brother and good friends to help her through life. she's fragile and insecure, but she hates the idea of ever being open and vulnerable with people. she tried to just be likeable and unproblematic. events of her past have caused her to be very insecure and tough on herself. she tries to do what she wants to do, but if it causes conflict with someone she doesn't know, she immediately tries to diffuse the situation. she just wants to be liked, she doesn't want to give anyone any reason to bully her.

nevertheless, dani is honestly a sweetheart. she's learned a lot from her brother in how to be respectful and kind to others, and at her core, she's a social person. she loves being with people and having a good time. she picked up dancing after everything in her life happened, right around when she was fourteen. and she loved it. it doubled as a way for her to work out and lose weight (not in a healthy way) and to get people to like her. at parties, she's the first on the dance floor, and she can drag whoever in to join her as she teaches them how to dance.

at the end of it all, dani's just an insecure person who tries to hide that behind being a social sweetheart


- dance
- animals
- kids
- ice cream (salted caramel)
- bracelets
- being around people
- summer
- warm weather
- swimming


- the cold
- crowded spaces
- tight clothes
- being yelled at
- opening up
- fuzzy socks


her past repeating itself



the end of september brought another blessing into the howard family, specifically for melissa and randall. danielle jewel howard was born as their new baby daughter; after having their one baby boy, they were more than thrilled to welcome their baby girl two years later.

growing up on a wealthy ranch in texas, and being the youngest howard kid of four, dani's life was proven to be plenty interesting. with cole and dani's mom always being so busy with work on the ranch and upcoming farm, cole basically raised dani; at least, according to her memory. she always remembered cole helping her with the animals, putting bandaids on her scrapped knees, and even helping her get gum out of her hair. cole was always there for her, even when their parents were too busy.

none of this to say dani doesn't love her parents, because of course she does. she loves her family as a whole and everything they've done for her. they've given her a wonderful and full life, and had no qualms when she decided to follow her passion of dancing.

but as long as dani remembered, she saw a difference in her parents, and the person who raised her.

just because dani remembers cole being the one who basically raised her, it didn't change the fact that the howard family has always been crazy rich. this lead to all the howard children going to a fancy prep school; this was a little strange, as they didn't present themselves as fancy prep school people. they were southern "hillbillies" with thick accents, nice flannel jackets, torn up jeans and good boots. of course they got called out and made fun of.

but dani was different. she was made fun of for something more than just clothing and her accent.


dani was slightly bigger than the other kids. there wasn't any real reason, she never had an insanely unhealthy diet, and she didn't have a sedentary life style; she worked on the ranch just like her brother and cousins. but the students at the fancy prep school didn't care about that. of course not. dani was different, and that's all the focused on, it's all they let her know. every day was a living nightmare for dani. while at school, dealing with the bullies, she never even had the chance to make friends. everyone immediately jumped on her for her weight and everything else. between slipping pictures of pigs into her locker and her textbooks, making oinking noises as they passed her in the halls, sending her horrible notes during class and even shoving her down in the middle of the busy hallway and saying she couldn't get up because of how fat she was, she was all alone.

everyday at the fancy prep school, she hated herself. but the other howard kids didn't struggle with the bullies like dani was; she was convinced she was being weak and too much of a cry baby. so she kept it to herself, she never even told cole. not when she took it out on herself by hurting herself, and especially not when she tried to take her own life

she had convinced herself that downing a bottle of some random pills she found was the way to go. she'd just pass out and go in her sleep; she figured she'd be dead before anyone found her, so there would be no desperate attempt to save her, just moving on from her death. they didn't need her on the farm, she didn't do anything important. if she didn't have any friends at school, if everyone there was telling her she was useless, how much longer till her family realized the same thing? although, when she woke up in a hospital, she was mortified.


it wasn't what she wanted, and when the nurse said she had visitors, she told the nurse she wouldn't speak to anyone until she talked to cole. she demanded to see him. as embarrassed as she was and as terrible as she felt, she knew she had to talk to him first. before anyone else, it had to be cole. when the nurse let him into her room, the siblings broke down at the sight of each other. dani saw the terrified expression on her brother's face, and it made her immediately regret trying to take her own life and immediately regret never talking to cole. she instantly hated herself for ever putting cole through that.

now, their mom is dealing with lung cancer. she hasn't told cole, and she made dani promise not to tell him until she was ready. as much as she hated to keep more secrets from cole, she knows how close he is with their mom, and if he knew that she was dealing with lung cancer, he would immediately drop everything, music included, to take care of her. it's why her mom made up the lie about having to get cole away from the ranch; and it's why dani was forced to go with him. well, there wasn't a lot of convincing involved, because dani and her brother had always been inseparable; she didn't want to be without him. that on top of dani not fully accepting the fact that their mother might die, deep down, she knew that if she went with cole to woodsen, then she wouldn't have to worry about it. being around cole would mean being away from the pain and the heartache happening at home.

except now, she has to make sure not to let it slip that their mother has lung cancer.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:

  • bluebonnet.org/residents/sasha-epoque





    • scroll

      Will my metaphors be
      profound enough?
      Will I ever outdo myself?

      sasha epoque

      twenty-five years old

      female - she/her


      april fourteenth

      from philadelphia, pa

      the independent writer

      Devouring my skull but never feeling full.

    /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

    © weldherwings.





leo sun
aqua moon
aries rising​

  • basics.

    full name

    carver wade




    cis male


    august 2nd




    the mechanic





    hair color

    dark brown

    eye colour


♡coded by uxie♡[/fo




leo sun
taurus moon
scorpio rising​

  • basics.

    full name

    elizabeth sterling




    cis woman


    march 22nd




    the teacher





    hair colour


    eye colour


♡coded by uxie♡

;; idumea

“she has many names - sometimes abundance, sometimes gratitude - but her practice never changes. with open palms she eases the the way for the reaping of summer fruits and rains plentiful blessings upon those around her. when the fields are golden under the sun, she is happiest.”

【name】— idumea lynette noirwood

【age】— 35 years old
【gender】— female | she, her
【sexuality】— pansexual
【d.o.b】— may 20th
【p.o.b】willow city, texas
【occupation】— horticulturist | owner of a lovely shop known as the wilds. the wilds offers all sort of beautiful flora straight out of any nature lover’s dreams. the tempting smell of baked goods will have passerby’s heading straight for the front door. though the wilds isn’t a sweets shop, idumea would be happy to share her creations.

【hair】— black, thick, and slightly wavy. idumea’s hair soft to the touch and full of life thanks to a little magic here and there. her mane is often left loose, adorned in lovely bows and ribbons for aesthetic purposes. idumea will style it occasionally, favoring braided styles and pigtails. her hair is currently a dark auburn that’s more on the brown side.
【eyes】— black, almond shaped, and surrounded by long lashes. her gaze is the type that holds all the warmth of a fireplace on a cold night. they light up her face, granting those who gaze back a glimpse into her soul.
【skin】— warm brown, earth toned, some would say. full of imperfections that she has to intentions on hiding. from moles to stretch marks and scars, she wears them proudly.
【build】— she has an endomorph body type. like clay ready to be molded, her body is soft and some would say plush. she stands at 5’7.
【style】— vintage or old-fashion. idumea adores flowing dresses and beautifully designed corsets. with her love of lace, cotton and linen, she would fit right in worlds like that of anne of green gables and little women.

【personality】— whispers follow her wherever she travels, tickling her ears and beckoning her to listen. she pays them no mind, letting them glide off of her life water or silk. a phantom to some, a mere glimpse of a flowing dress as it turns a corner or leaves a room. idumea is a woman wrapped in mystery. one will find that getting answers from such a woman would prove to be difficult. her words can be confusing to some, for she can speak in sayings and ramblings that make little sense to the common man. with a head that seems to be permanently floating amongst the cloud, it’s best to not take her seriously. a sense of ethereality seeps from her. idumea is a woman who knows herself and does not desire to let others in on the knowledge. instead she floats through life, alone but never lonely.

gentle creatures are often targets for those who believe themselves stronger. the world views kindness as weakness and emotions as something to suppress. idumea has had her runs in with those types. they soon find out that she is not timid in the slightest. they mistake her love for peace as fear of conflict. there is a darkness in her that she inherited and wielded when the time was right. she holds grudges and demands justice for all slights against her.

【vices】— secretive, vague, emotional, vengeful, self-indulgent
【virtues】— spiritual, intuitive, patient, compassionate, modest
【likes】— autumn, baking, sewing, reading, nature walks, foraging
【dislikes】— winter, fighting , cheats, loud environments, senseless violence

【 background 】— in the town of willow city, texas, the noirwood family were well known among the community. their family history was often viewed as something to look up to and a level of success to strive for. the noirwoods are fourth generation farmers with humble beginnings, as the family started off with only a small amount of land and little tools in order to tend to their animals and crops of citrus and sugar cane. they were met with many challenges as the years passed and the number of black farmers began to steadily decrease. the noirwoods were met with threats and setbacks. from the bank stalling their loans or giving them far less than what was needed, to dead cats placed beside their tractors and oil drained from their vehicles. hard times fell on the family but still they prevailed, unlike many unlikely families in the same situation.

idumea grew up on her family’s impressive 64, 457 acre land, where she was told that they acquired over the years with hard work and smart investments. constance with her parents, along with her grandparents, aunt, uncle and their three kids. the four of them were also getting into something, from playing in her mother’s pearls to them making mud pies and harassing the family dogs. a lot of her family lived within different houses on the property, staying close in order to manage the farm together. so she was never really alone.

she grew up learning how to manage a farm. she’d often trail behind her father like a lost puppy, watching as he tended to the crops and animals. there were many times where she’d sit on his lap while in his tractor. things were the same with her mother, only idumea was taught how to learn about the land around her and garden.

it came as no surprise when idumea decided to follow in her family’s footsteps. she attended college and graduated with a dual manor of environmental science and agricultural. for a long time she stayed on her family’s land. that was until she decided to branch out and start her own business.

coded by reveriee.

Gaz, 27
The Fool
Texas, USA

About me
My name is Gareth Llewellyn and I am first and foremost, a Welshman. Cymru am Byth! I was born in the wonderful coastal town of Aberystwyth on Halloween which probably explains my love of horror movies. I've been acting for most of my life and have always been drawn to darker plays, series and films. I just think there is something to be said for confronting fear and horror allows people to do that from the comfort of a chair.

I've recently moved to a small Texan town to try and get away from city life. I've had a few magazine articles published about me recently that have tried to paint me as someone I'm not so that's why I'm leaving city life behind. People may say it's an admission of guilt but at heart I'm a small town man and the sensationalism of modern journalism makes living in dense cities unpleasant. If that "journalist" at People Magazine took the time to reach out then my family and friends wouldn't have had to see my face plastered over the news. Instead, he wrote his piece and ended up looking a fool when this woman admitted to never being in the same room as me, let alone a relationship. Even so, once you're accused of being a man who raises his fists to a woman, innocence doesn't matter anymore even when the accuser admits they lied.

I'm not a complex person and the whole idea of celebrity is the only downside to being an actor. It's always nice to have fans and I'll always take the time to speak with them, it's the paparazzi and gutter media that make things so rough. After everything that's happened I'm used to it now and I don't let it effect me like I used to. Being miles away from major cities helps and it's extremely easy to ignore the negativity when I have to look after my trusty puppy, Dahlia. She's the single greatest thing to happen to me in years.

Beyond that, I try to give back through regular charity fundraising. My extended family has suffered heavily with illnesses over the years so I've seen the importance of many underfunded services that help people get through or come to terms with their illness.

When I'm not looking after Dahlia or raising money, I'm usually outside in the fresh air or sat in front of my TV listening to twelve year olds shouting obscenities at me over video game chats. I'm comfortable indoors and out, and I'm more than happy to sit down and talk with strangers in a coffee shop or a bar. Life's short and filled with so many interesting people, there's no point shutting yourself off from meeting as many as you can.

I've seen this done a few times before so I'll join in, if I could describe three virtues and vices they would be:


My Basics
📏 6'1"
🔩 186lbs
🎬 Actor

🍺 Social
⚽ Semi-Pro
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Cymraeg

🔎 Something Long Term
🐕 Best Friend

🌨️ Snow Please
🙏 Agnostic
🖤 Heterosexual

My Likes
⚽ Football

📽️ Horror
🤘🏻 Metal

🌌 Space

My Dislikes
⚾ Baseball
🚲 Cycling

🦞Sea Food
🕺Sober Dancing

🐝 Wasps
My History
I grew up in a small seaside town that gave me everything I needed to turn into the man I am today. The hardest thing I ever did was leave but dreams are never free and sacrifices have to be made to reach them. I started my acting career fairly young, appearing in several low budget movies and British soaps. Not a glamorous life by any means but it was a means to an end.

When I finished school and went to university I worked on an independent film project called Dead Man's Whisper, and that is what gave me my break in the US. The film won awards at multiple film festivals and from there I began to get offers from directors stateside. I auditioned and was lucky enough to receive several offers for parts which led me to take the role of Hank Francis in Ghostwood. Three seasons and an Emmy later, the series finished in a fitting climax.

After that I did a few more movies before returning to a television role. I just prefer the feeling you get on a television set, there's far less drama and it's much more of a family environment. There's far less strong personalities and egos which makes things far simpler.

I have just finished filming of my first written project, which I also star in, called The Sunset. It's a story about a small town plagued by the supernatural and I play the role of a man recently widowed as a result of a major supernatural disturbance.
My Career by IMDB
Casualty - Young Boy - 6.7⭐
EastEnders - Harry Taylor - 4.7⭐
Hollyoaks - Austin Evans - 4.6⭐
Dead Man's Whisper - Steven Williams - 8.7⭐
Ghostwood - Hank Francis - 7.3⭐
One's Lost Love - Owen Grayson - 6.9⭐
Maestro - Dr Richard Adkins - 7.1⭐
Pirate of Astoria - Chester Copperpot - 7.0⭐
The Sunset - John Craven - TBC⭐
Gaz's Location
Woodsen, Texas
0.2 Miles Away

🗽Lived in New York, USA
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿From Aberystwyth, Wales
My Anthem
Pain Remains by Lorna Shore
Gaz's Top Artists on Spotify
The Black Dahlia Murder

Lorna Shore
Shadow of Intent


coded by Sugarnaut
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