• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Ooglie Booglie ♡



Ooglie Booglie



Everyone, whether consciously or subconsciously, hopes a little adventure will fall into their laps. That doesn’t mean they expect it though. So when you come home from work, school, or something of that sort, and find a prettily wrapped letter in your mailbox, you’re beyond intrigued.

Here is what it reads:

Dear you, whomever you may be...

I hope this letter finds you in good health and such, as you will need it should you choose to follow my instructions. Yes, I am aware that strange letters from strangers asking you to do even stranger things often leads to misfortune. However, I mean no ill will, and am here to offer you an adventure! My abandoned estate has long since gone to rot, but that doesn’t mean it is unoccupied. I am offering you a chance, as well as a select few others, to roam the once magnificent halls and familiarize yourselves with the otherworldly things that inhabit the home.

Honestly, I would like nothing to do with it at present, but I still love to give people an opportunity to experience what I have.

However, this comes with a warning. Not all that now reside there are friendly, and should you upset them in any way, your life could fall forfeit.

Also, as of late, more violent and vile beings than I have ever seen before have taken to bombarding my guests. AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS! The brighter and kinder of beings will always attempt to assist you and keep you out of harms way, but the moment you fall into darkness’s clutches, you will be forever lost to this world.

This letter sounds like utter bullshit. There’s no way this could possibly be true. But that small little fire in you has been lit, and you’re going whether you realize it yet or not. Included with the letter was a small slip of paper with an address on it. It’s surprisingly close to you, the old manor on the north side of your small town, down a not-so-beaten-up path into the woods. Now that you think about it, you and a gaggle of others used to go there to tell ghost stories when you were kids.

Looks like it’s come back to haunt you.

what we're looking for

Hi there! So, if you've made it this far, hopefully that means you're interested. If you are, then keep reading! There's a couple more things we'd like you to know before we get started.

First off, this roleplay was created in collaboration with the one and only, @Genieva Von Bubbles . We were super excited about this, and hopefully you will share our enthusiasm along the way! Of course, there are a few guidelines we'd like you to take a look at, which are listed below ↓

1.) This roleplay will include anime/digital artwork. We ask that you do not use realistic face claims. One of the reasons for this is that we would like you to play a version of yourself in this roleplay. Now, that may sound a tad silly, but bare with us! A few years ago, Bubbles and myself were introduced to this sort of set-up, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. What we are asking is to find a picture of how you look (or, how you would like to look) so that we can get a glimpse of the authentic you! Don't stress too much about finding something like portrait; we understand the uniqueness of your appearance, and hope you'll have a bit of fun with this.

2.) To further this little 'operation', we would also like your own personality to be written when you're creating a character. Don't limit yourself here, though. If you're up to it, add a couple of traits you'd maybe like to have one day. Perhaps you'd even like to make a 'genderbent' version of yourself, or maybe portray your 'darkside'. Seriously, just be as creative as humanly possible.

Side note:

It's totally okay for you to write your true personality, or what people see day to day. Das cool.

3.) Regarding your history, it is entirely up to you how you would like to portray it. If the character you're creating has the exact same background as you do, fabulous! If not, that's perfectly okay too. We'll give you free reign on this one.

4.) This roleplay will be detailed. We love characters from all walks of life, but will only accept five, excluding Bubbles and myself for a total of seven players. We don't think having a million teenagers in a single hunted house will effectively capture the type of atmosphere we're hoping for in this rp. That being said, don't feel you can't post a character if five character sheets have already been submitted. We thoroughly encourage quality in your sheets, as this will be the main factor in your acceptance.

5.) Regarding post length and general quality, we are hoping for around two-three paragraphs per post. Ah! Scary! Do not fret dear child, for it is not that hard. This roleplay will have many casual aspects to it, meaning that things should be taken generally lightly. By enforcing this rule, we feel it will effectively immerse your character, while also adding nice detail in to your post. We hope for humor, angst, bad puns, and of course, dad jokes. What would be a good rp without dad jokes?

So just relax a little bit, bud. We'll let ya know if you're fallin' short, and we're completely willing to help you out with any concerns or help you may need. Our PM's are always open.

6.) So, you know what bugs me? When people post a "WIP" in the sign-up thread without actually ever editing it. If you're gonna do this, go right ahead. However, we will only allow this for forty-eight hours. After forty-eight hours, I'll shoot you a PM inquiring whether you're still interested or not. If you aren't, I'll go ahead and delete your post. But if you are, I'll leave it up for another two days. If nothing is edited by then, Imma just delete it, 'kay? Nothin' personal.

7.) Please please please, in the name of Pepe, don't control other people's characters, or physically harm/ kill them without asking them first. Listen, we don't even know if we want people to die anyways, so just chill. Find your chill. Keep it. Your chill is your friend.

Don't think I won't call you out on it too. Boiiii, I'll hop on your ass so fast I s2g.

8.) If you have beef with someone, talk to me about it. I seriously wouldn't like you to be fighting anyways (good vibes br0), but I understand certain discrepancies regarding an offensive comment (although, we make pretty bad jokes... that should be noted) or something of that sort. We would like it if you addressed it in PM or asked one of us to talk about it to the other person. We all deserve to be respected, my dudes.

9.) This is a LGBTQ safe and discrimination-free zone. DO NOT come here with your racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, or generally hateful bullshit. Your ass will be gone so fast, Usain Bolt would be jealous. (Bad joke, but you get it.) Just be cool, man. I know that you can do that.

10.) Of course, follow the RpN rules and all that good stuff. I'm sure you already knew that, though.

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