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Fantasy ᴍɪꜱᴛ & ʙᴏɴᴇ [𝘖𝘖𝘊]

currently fangirling cause thee uxie is here.
popping by with some questions about the kitsune ( ´ ω ` ):
1. does the kitsune's sibling necessarily have to be supernatural? or is it feasible for them to have just been killed by a supernatural being?? and on that same note, i'd also have to ask that it be okay for the sibling not to be blood-related!!
2. with regards to a kitsune's tails, do they max out at nine like in actual folklore? what would you say a good average number of tails is (just for a benchmark!)? and finally, given that tails can be manifested as destructible objects, is it possible for a kitsune to give tails to other kitsunes?? as outlandish as it sounds.

SORRY THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS. and some of them are out of pure curiosity than anything so it's perfectly okay if there's anything you don't want to explore/expand on lore-wise!
( the beastiary is super interesting btw!! i had so much fun reading )
i am up at an ungodly hour to report that your local fae is now completed & ready for review. please let me know if anything needs fixing and for now, ignore any typos. i'll shall do cosmetic touches when my brain isn't fried. <3 goodnight/goodmorning, idk.
things have been a bit hectic since I’ve been at my friends and I haven’t had time to sit down and work on my character; but I’m going back home on Thursday so I should be able to have something up then.
today is the day!!! i Will finish my character sheets!!

edit; haha jk my internet is being trash. rip me. will hopefully return today but if not, tomorrow!!
don’t worry guys, the party is officially here 😎

hoping to get a placeholder for a kitsune up when i get home from work!
at what point in the story would we be starting, if it's okay to ask? ^^
it’ll probably be after another recent murder where the town is beginning to realize they have a really killer on the loose— thinking of also implanting some sort of Clover Falls Fall Festival/Fair… this is tentative though but it’s cookin 👨🏼‍🍳
tentatively throwing my hat into the ring because the concept was too good ( ´ ▽ ` ) but she's just a face and a(n undecided) name atm..... we'll see if my brain musters up a more concrete idea for her....

aaahhhh !! so happy to have you and can’t wait to see her :-) let me know if you have any questions!
today is the day!!! i Will finish my character sheets!!

edit; haha jk my internet is being trash. rip me. will hopefully return today but if not, tomorrow!!
no worries!!! You have plenty of time— can’t wait to see them 🫡
I’m SO sorry for flooding this thread— for some reason it’s not updating with the new messages and I’m not getting notifs 😭

popping by with some questions about the kitsune ( ´ ω ` ):
1. does the kitsune's sibling necessarily have to be supernatural? or is it feasible for them to have just been killed by a supernatural being?? and on that same note, i'd also have to ask that it be okay for the sibling not to be blood-related!!
2. with regards to a kitsune's tails, do they max out at nine like in actual folklore? what would you say a good average number of tails is (just for a benchmark!)? and finally, given that tails can be manifested as destructible objects, is it possible for a kitsune to give tails to other kitsunes?? as outlandish as it sounds.

SORRY THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS. and some of them are out of pure curiosity than anything so it's perfectly okay if there's anything you don't want to explore/expand on lore-wise!
( the beastiary is super interesting btw!! i had so much fun reading )

I LOVE QUESTIONS! I will try to answer them to the best of my ability but if you need any more clarification let me know!

1. They do not have to be necessarily supernatural or blood related! Feel free to make it your own in whatever way you like. I was just giving you a bit of guidance but I’d love to see whatever spin you put on it.

2. I think maxing out at nine would be the best and perhaps a young Kitsune would have maybe 2-3 tails or even 4 if they had more experience! As for your other question, I didn’t even think about passing on tails but I wouldn’t be opposed to it at all! It’s a really interesting concept and I’d be down to see how it manifests. The only thing I had seen set in stone with the Kistune was that their tails could be destroyed. I will definitely update the beastiary for you when I get the chance!
hi i lied and i'm actually disrespectfully looking at the hunter! working on getting a placeholder up rn!
I’m SO sorry for flooding this thread— for some reason it’s not updating with the new messages and I’m not getting notifs 😭

I LOVE QUESTIONS! I will try to answer them to the best of my ability but if you need any more clarification let me know!

1. They do not have to be necessarily supernatural or blood related! Feel free to make it your own in whatever way you like. I was just giving you a bit of guidance but I’d love to see whatever spin you put on it.

2. I think maxing out at nine would be the best and perhaps a young Kitsune would have maybe 2-3 tails or even 4 if they had more experience! As for your other question, I didn’t even think about passing on tails but I wouldn’t be opposed to it at all! It’s a really interesting concept and I’d be down to see how it manifests. The only thing I had seen set in stone with the Kistune was that their tails could be destroyed. I will definitely update the beastiary for you when I get the chance!

thank you for the answers, they're so helpful!!! currently mulling over whether an older or a younger sibling would be.. cooler..... (っ˘ω˘ς ) it'd be two different directions for each, but i'll see where the wind takes me!
hey!! i had a couple quick questions about the vampire role! in the bestiary, it specifically calls out that vampires can be either born or made— i’m curious about the connotations of the term “born”. was the expectation that a born vampire was birthed by two existing vampires, with an implication of maybe vampiric dynasties who have lineages of pure-born vampires? or, are they born in the sense that they are created the way original vampires were according to folklore(by dying while excommunicated from the medieval church, cursing their parents when they died, dying as a witch, dying by suicide, etc)?
hey!! i had a couple quick questions about the vampire role! in the bestiary, it specifically calls out that vampires can be either born or made— i’m curious about the connotations of the term “born”. was the expectation that a born vampire was birthed by two existing vampires, with an implication of maybe vampiric dynasties who have lineages of pure-born vampires? or, are they born in the sense that they are created the way original vampires were according to folklore(by dying while excommunicated from the medieval church, cursing their parents when they died, dying as a witch, dying by suicide, etc)?
Thank you so much for asking and sorry I didn't make it a bit clearer, I meant born as in birthed by two existing vampires. I envisioned the vampire coming from a pureblood line but really feel free to make it your own, whether they might be adopted, illegitimate or perhaps just put off by their families obsession with a pure lineage. If you have any more questions, please let me know! I'm happy to help :-)
Thank you so much for asking and sorry I didn't make it a bit clearer, I meant born as in birthed by two existing vampires. I envisioned the vampire coming from a pureblood line but really feel free to make it your own, whether they might be adopted, illegitimate or perhaps just put off by their families obsession with a pure lineage. If you have any more questions, please let me know! I'm happy to help :-)

perfect! pureblood lineage was also my initial thoughts, but for some reason while working on a cs it occurred to me that vampires could be born in a different sense and wanted to verify what the thought process was. thanks for the help!!
finnly. finnly. A question about the shifter, has it been established what/who the killer is? It says the shifter has seen it with their own eyes and it left them scars, so to what extend should I go into detail regarding this in the CS?
finnly. finnly. A question about the shifter, has it been established what/who the killer is? It says the shifter has seen it with their own eyes and it left them scars, so to what extend should I go into detail regarding this in the CS?

The killer hasn’t been established and will remain a mystery for a bit as it’s a pivotal plot point that I’ve planned. As for the Shifter, I’m imagining they understand that it’s just sort of a big creature with no identifiable features that would lead them to have any sort of clue regarding its identity. You can play around with the idea that maybe they can’t really remember much about the attacks due to trauma or they way they occurred. I hope that helps! Feel free to keep asking questions if need be, I’m happy to help!
he’s coming, i promise
excited to see some finished CSes 👀 💜
i THINK I've finished both of mine. might go back to nitpick but the basics are down

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