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Fantasy ᴍɪꜱᴛ & ʙᴏɴᴇ [𝘊𝘚]



macaroni enthusiast
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

mist & bone


application info.

Name, Nickname, Age, Gender, Sexuality, Species, Birthdate, Hometown

Hair, Eyes, Height, Body Modifications, Distinguishing Features, Faceclaim

Personality, Likes, Dislikes, Strengths, Weaknesses, Fears

Backstory (Were they born in Clover Falls? Or did their family move? Were they born into a supernatural family or were they turned?)

Abilities (Including species strengths and weaknesses, refer to beastiary info), Academics (Major, Minor, Clubs, Sports, Grades)


the wolf


Turned his freshman year of high school Liam feels as if he finally has taken back control over his life. He is graduating with his best friends, captain of the hockey team, and has maybe caught the eye of a few people here and there. However, when he wakes up in the woods one night covered in blood— his world suddenly begins to unravel.

the vamp


Born to one of the richest families in Clover Falls, the Vamp is no stranger to the lavish life. On the outside their family is perfect, pristine, a model amongst their community. However, once the death of a beloved community member shakes the town, the Vamp might uncover that their family is much more flawed than they’d imagined.

the banshee


The Banshee never wanted to be born with such an ability, ostracized as a child due to their affinity with the dead and things that lurked amongst the shadows. For the past few months the voices have been quiet, but now they’re being plagued with nightmares and visions of the victims' horrific deaths and the glimpse of a creature who they begin to fear is looking right back.

the human


The Human has lived in Clover Falls since they can remember, blissfully unaware about the existence of supernaturals until their best friend, [THE WOLF], was turned their freshman year of high school. Through that they've slowly been adopted into the supernatural world of Clover Falls. Now that another murder has plagued their hometown, they can't help but snoop into their parent's files considering they're the Chief of Police for Clover Falls.

the kitsune


The Kitsune is new to town, a transfer student surrounded by an air of mystery. Their arrival in Clover Falls is no coincidence however. For the past couple of years they've been searching for their sibling's killer and the trail has gone cold right in the middle of town. They're determined to avenge their death while hoping to not get inevitably caught in the crossfire.

the druid


The Druid had lived a seemingly normal life until they realized everything had been built upon family secrets and lies. After believing their grandmother to be dead it was quite the shock when the woman appeared on their doorstep. Their grandmother had explained that their family came from a long line of Celtic lineage, and were Druids. Creatures of balance and light placed in order to keep the Supernatural world in order. The Druid began to spend the majority of their time at their grandmothers, practicing and training to uphold the family legacy, as they were fascinated— not frightened with this strange new world. Unlike their mother, who ran away from the legacy of the family, the Druid hopes to restore claim to their family name.

the shifter


The Shifter is a known trouble maker in town and the Sheriff Department's number one suspect in the recent string of murders. It's not their fault they keep ending up at the wrong place during the wrong time. Well— that's a lie. The Shifter knows what's haunting the town, has seen it with their own eyes as it attempted to make them its first victim. They have the scars to prove it as well. Now that it has a taste for their blood its determined to finish the job, so what better way to solve this damn murder case than to bring the killer down yourself?

the hunter


The Hunter has practically know idea the locked door in their family's basement leads to an arsenal of weapons, jugs of holy water, and cases filled with silver bullets. They always believed the sudden move to Clover Falls after their mother's death was an attempt to escape their home in Texas and start new, not the first act in their father's plan for vengeance. What do you do when you find out your friends have been lying to you? Your family? The Hunter only has two options; run away or find out the damn truth for themself.

the warlock


In the beginning of his high school years, Dante was deemed the golden boy of his school. He had straight A’s, got along with everyone, and wasn’t disliked by anybody. Though this all came to an end when Dante found a tome containing a dark and sinister ritual to break the curse that holds in the townspeople of Clover Falls and the cost of freedom sends him off the deep end.

the fae


The Fae has always been the peacemaker amongst their friends, optimistic and sanguine. Against the majority they actually love living in Clover Falls and never see a reason for them to leave. After all, their life force is heavily intertwined with the ground beneath their feet in a way even they can't begin to comprehend. So, what happens when one random nose bleed becomes two? When the fatigue and nausea is not just a simple stomach bug that refuses to go away? Clover Falls is rotting, dying from the inside out. Unless the Fae can somehow find a cure for the town they love so much, then they'll certainly die with it.


Here is the link to the unofficial Beastiary of the Clover Falls universe. Please, please read this over before reserving as it ties into the characters (especially the supernatural ones). If you have any questions regarding the lore please do not hesitate to ask in the OOC.

♡coded by uxie♡
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the warlock.





full name

dante raphael vincenzo









male, he/him





date of birth

october 1st


place of birth

grosseto, italy




  • magic?

    magic comes from what is inside you. it is a part of you. you can’t weave together a spell you don’t believe in.

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • "Does it smell like wet dog in here? Oh fuck, it's me isn't it?"






    hair c.


    eye c.


    When he was younger, Liam was a small, scrawny kid, slightly cute, but that was about it. Then puberty hit and he thankfully turned into a rather attractive young man. His growth spurts hit and he suddenly shot up to a surprising 6'1''. Once he started lacrosse his scrawny figure turned lean and fit, even more so after he was bit. Other than that, his dark brown orbs and messy brown hair stayed the same as always. His style has always been a bit, well, whatever. He never really wore anything that made him look classy, or expensive. He usually just tosses on a shirt, with maybe a hoodie, or a flannel and some tracksuit pants or maybe some jeans, if he's feeling 'exceptionally fashionable'. Anything that's comfortable really. Or that leaves an impression.


    alex fitzalan

♡coded by uxie♡

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ivy loretta hayes.

#the fae

#paulina chavez

♡coded by uxie♡



the world is very old; but every spring, it groweth young again, and the fairies sing.

cicely barker.

the rotting fairy


full name

ivy loretta hayes. aka vee to her mutuals & open to more.


twenty-two years old.


cisfemale, she/her.




a fae.


september 8th.


clover falls, utah.

pretty hurts (slowed)





5'4" \ 163.8cm.


121lbs \ 55kg.


tight & voluminous brown curls often left dancing freely by her shoulders. for convenience purposes, it's hardly styled, but there is often a trail of rosemary or vanilla scents left behind.


pools of dark chocolate are often framed by trimmed brows, noticeable lashes that have just a touch of mascara, and occasional shades of natural brown eyeshadows to enhance her siren eyes.

body mods.

both earlobes are pierced.


her curly head of hair and a white, trademark smile.


paulina chavez.



in the heart of clover falls, there exists ivy, known for her usually radiant and optimistic nature. ivy embodies the essence of life and growth, forever rooted to the world around her. with an ethereal aura that shimmers like the moist ground beneath her feet under a sunlit forest, she captivates those who cross her path with her infectious joy and an unwavering smile.

despite her typically uplifting disposition, a dark shadow looms over ivy's existence. the very earth she cherishes and nurtures is being plagued by a malicious force, threatening its very core. this force, like a festering wound on the land she loves the most, seeps into her being, sapping her vitality and corroding her spirit. it is a presence that undermines her vibrant energy, gradually consuming her from within.

ivy's once lustrous wings, adorned with vivid hues reminiscent of blooming flowers and iridescent feathers, now bear the burden of decay. the vibrant petals that used to dance along the edges of her wings have withered and wilted, their vibrancy fading into a sickly pallor. the once-golden halo that adorned her head, a symbol of her pure spirit, now flickers like a dim light, reflecting the struggle she faces against the encroaching darkness.

yet, despite her deteriorating physical, mental, and emotional state, she perseveres, determined to protect the very essence of the life she holds so dear. she continues to wear a brave smile on her face, even as the corruption creeps further into her being. her eyes, once filled with glimmering optimism, now contain a touch of melancholy, betraying the weight she carries deep within her heart.

in her interactions with others, she strives to shield them from the devastating truth of her plight. her voice, though strained with the weight of her suffering, still carries a melodic lilt that brings comfort and hope to those who hear it. she offers words of encouragement, sprinkling them with gentle laughter that resonates like the sweetness of bells, momentarily masking the grief that courses through her veins.

as ivy walks through forest glades or flower-filled meadows, her steps carry a touch of grace but also a hint of weariness. the once vibrant earth beneath her feet now trembles, its life force threatened. the roots of ancient trees, entwined with her being, reflect the decay that spreads through her fragile frame. yet, she persists, her love for the world pushing her forward, even as it crumbles around her.

though she may appear to be an embodiment of light, her true strength lies in her ability to embrace the darkness that's gnawing at her very essence. she fights against the malicious threats, striving to find a way to heal the land and save the people she cares for from its clutches. and as clover falls teeters on the brink of destruction, ivy's unwavering determination to preserve the beauty and vitality of the earth serves as a beacon of hope, even as she rots with the very darkness that seeks her demise.


sunbathing, flower crowns, hand holding, star gazing, romance novels, swimming, dainty jewelry, floral printed cardigans, stopping by the candle section at every store, & fruit platters.


gossiping, violence, overly sweet desserts, silver, snakes, betrayal, liars, boredom, pessimism, & all attention on her.


great listener, open-minded, quick on her feet, patient, decisive in emergency situations, loyal, & gentle-natured.


a bit clumsy, gullible, unassertive, not the strongest physically, jealousy prone, anxious during pressing circumstances, & a weak liar.


silver, fire, death, dying alone, losing her friends, confined spaces, & losing control of her own life.



in the quaint town of clover falls, nestled amidst the rolling meadows and lush forests, there exists a hidden community that lay concealed from the prying eyes of humans. unbeknownst to its residents, supernatural beings coexist with them, weaving their existence and capabilities into the fabric of everyday life. among these enchanting creatures resides a nature fairy known as ivy loretta hayes.

ivy, with luminous emerald wings tucked underneath two keloid scars positioned against her back, lives a seemingly mundane life in clover falls since the day of her birth, residing in a flower-adorned cottage by a glistening lake. her humble abode, hidden amidst tapestries of blossoms and vibrant foliage, mirrors the essence of her ethereal nature. alongside her grandmother, loretta, her dwelling is a sanctuary where she can retreat from the hustle and bustle of the human world, and immerse herself in the harmonious symphony of nature.

hayes was blessed with an insatiable curiosity and an innate connection to the natural world. her childhood was spent exploring the untamed beauty of clover falls, shoes of different sizes left in every corner of the forest to further explore with bare feet. under the watchful supervision of her wise grandmother, ivy would dance amidst the dew-kissed petals, whispering secrets to the flowers and listening to the murmurs of the wind.

however, to loretta's sinking heart, ivy's curiosity stemmed further into the human world than she would have liked. and while there was no shielding her granddaughter from the mundane world her entire life, the day she dreaded the most had come far too soon for her liking. when deemed safe and only after she understood the special rules of safety (wings tucked at all times, no talking to strangers, and absolutely no touching potted plants), ivy began to flutter through bustling markets and youth-filled parks. a tinge of envy resided in her heart while observing their lives.. their joys and sorrows, their hopes and dreams.

although ivy longed to reveal herself to clover falls, children similar in age especially, her grandmother had raised a quick learner. she understood the delicate balance between her world and theirs, along with the potential chaos that could ensue. and so, she chose to remain hidden, an appointed guardian of her species' secrets, and a silent observer of human life. her role was not to interfere but to bring moments of enchantment, unseen acts of kindness that would leave a mark on unsuspecting residents.

present day as soon as she reached the appropriate age, grandmother loretta had allowed ivy unlimited access to the outside world under a promise to be careful and safe.

in the beginning, it would be an exciting journey to have been unleashed into the mundane lifestyle but it gradually became habitual. ivy would attend regular elementary, middle, and high school alongside her peers, taking precautions to steer clear of unwanted attention and conceal her true nature regardless of the trusting bonds she built. and after school days were over, she would work in her grandmother's new flower shop, sharing beautiful bouquets with the public that were freshly grown hours prior in the backrooms.

the ordinary life that young ivy had always dreamed of finally landed in her grasp as she walked amongst the common folks without them suspecting anything.

however, fate took a turn for the worst when a spell-binding trap snared the residents of clover falls into an inescapable cage, only opening up its grasp to allow the supernatural to feast upon human blood and sorrow.

ivy, intimately connected with the land she cherishes, felt the insidious tendrils of this dark force snake their way into her very being. her life essence, intricately intertwined with the fate of the town, began to wither slowly alongside the dying land.

the flowers she blooms now run on short-lived biological timers and nausea drives her to her knees. tissues reside in the pockets of her clothing to soak up the blood that trickles down her porcelain features. a weary ivy loretta hayes still walks and breathes, perseverance to fight settled well into her DNA. but with the many hunters brandishing severed heads like trophies and the malicious, coal ichor seeping into her veins, will they kill her first?






aside from invisibility and flight, ivy is able to control anything that connects with nature. her primary abilities are making plant life bloom (or even die) & can manipulate plants into moving wherever and however. controlling sediments, sands, and rocks are also within her capabilities, but she hasn't mastered it yet. weaknesses include salt/pure iron & mountain ash, and often her own emotions.

college file.

MAJOR; biology, primary interest being ecology.
MINOR; psychology.
CLUB(S); eco club & art club.
GRADES; nearing a 4.0GPA and a well-known overachiever amongst her professors.


to no one's surprise, the nature fairy would absolutely be involved in clubs that involve better care for the environment and anything that involves regulating inner peace. on campus, she isn't very well known in comparison to the sporty kids and she keeps it that way for a reason. other than remaining under the radar, she's notorious (in the best way possible) for getting the most out of her education, soaking in everything her professors teach like a sponge. while her educational life strives, ivy's social life, however, somewhat lacks even though she has very few tight-knit friends.




a widowed woman in her late 50s who shares no DNA with ivy adopted the fairy into her lonely cottage. finding the newborn child cradled in dirt and leaves, she raised her as her own without knowing what exactly she brought into her life. a mother's love, however, defies all odds, as loretta only loved her child further, regardless of their difference in species.

♡coded by uxie♡
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I really don't think there's anything wrong with being silly or fun or happy- if the world's trying to bring us down, I say bring it on.

the human


full name

aliana carling


allie, alley-cat










june 15


clover falls

the dumb song





allie has shoulder-length, dark brown hair that she's never really bothered to take care of; she'll usually just throw it into a quick ponytail or tuck it into her cap and call it a day.


allie has hazel eyes that she wouldn't describe as particularly vibrant or interesting. she wears contacts, and though she's tried wearing colored contacts before, she dislikes them- she think's they're too uncanny.


allie stands at a rather short 5'4", giving her a somewhat petite and childlike figure.

body modifications

both of allie's ears are pierced, and while she wears fake piercings every now and again, she never has particularly craved another actual piercing. in a similar vein, allie will often adorn her body with henna and semi-permanent tattoos- she currently has a rose on her collarbone and a pair of cats above her heart.

distinguishing features

none of allie's physical characteristics particularly stand out- rather, she puts an emphasis on creating her own signature style, combining an everchanging wardrobe of fluorescent tops, patchwork jeans, and colorful accessories to create a style that is uniquely her own.


auli'i cravalho



Allie describes herself as 'pretty much ADHD incarnate'- she's impulsive, easily distracted, and about as unfocused as a sleep-deprived young adult can get. These tendencies have stuck with her through childhood, and she's somewhat annoyed many people underestimate her because of it- though it does give her the opportunity to surprise them with her abilities.

Allie's brain is the ultimate sponge- sit her down at a computer, give her a topic she'd be able to hyperfocus on, and she'll come out an hour able to tell you its entire abridged history, pop culture references, and a handful of random fun facts that will leave you going, 'how did you even find that out?' While it was just some quirky personality trait when she was younger, Allie does admit that it's also a somewhat useful trait for someone who has been thrown face-first into the world of supernatural legend and lore.

Allie is also extremely empathetic- she mostly displays this trait towards the animals she works with, but she's also been known to display this trait to her friends between her normally humorous persona. don't get her wrong, she can and will use jokes in order to make herself more comfortable- she's not the traditional mom friend- but when it comes down to it, she's someone you'd want by your side when you need a shoulder to cry on.


the color yellow, sunny weather, strawberry ice cream, animals, coffee with cream and sugar, puzzles


the smell of grease, raw meat, bruises, manicured nails, plastic straws, not knowing if someone's being genuine


Allie is smart- like, scary smart. Not only can she memorize things faster than average, but she also displays puzzle-solving abilities and spacial awareness that seem far beyond the capabilities of someone with their head so in the clouds.


Allie is rather forgetful, and has a hard time focusing on anything that isn't especially dire.


what does allie fear? the question seems simple, at first. spiders. clowns. the dark- which has become exponentially more scary since she's discovered a whole underground of things that could kill her in a heartbeat. but, when it really comes down to it... allie is afraid of being alone. no, not just that- losing everyone she loves, until she is alone. losing her brother and [the wolf] and all her wild friends that have made her who she is today, until she's just the little girl laying in bed on that rainy night her mother died.



Allie's life, well... it's not a stretch to say it wasn't the best to start out. She was born in Clover Falls to parents who'd never had stable jobs- her mother worked night shifts at Applebees, and her father spent his days at the Clover Falls pub. Between the two of them, the closest thing Allie ever had to a parental figure in her early years was her older brother of ten years, Adam. Despite his essentially parentified role towards his sister, he never seemed to be resentful- he'd get her dressed, walk her to kindergarten, and cook for them when their parents were either too busy, or too beyond caring. Allie placed her brother on a pedestal- he was her parent, her cool sibling, the guy that protected her from bullies and creepy guys at Walmart.

So it was all the more heartbreaking when she had to say goodbye.

She was only seven when a messy divorce between her parents started; though it was ushered by years of arguments and verbal abuse, it finally happened when it was revealed that Allie was the product of an affair. She was confused and alone, save for her brother- until, one night, when he told her he would be going away. He'd promised it wasn't because of her, but that he'd come get her as soon as he could, and if he couldn't, they'd find each other. Allie didn't believe he could even do that, just leave them, but he did. one oppressively hot summer night, he'd run off, leaving Allie alone.

Her father had walked out not long after that, and Allie and her mother moved across the country, trying to find a fresh start. Despite this, her mother didn't become much more caring; if anything, Allie felt more alone than ever. No brother, no father, no friends in an alien city that she was too afraid to explore on her own. School on her own was rough- she was smart, that was certain, but her grades were lacking. Even after skipping a year, she never got homework in on time, was unfocused in class, and, paired with her age already setting her apart from her classmates, her school life- and, to the same extent, her home life- was downright miserable.

It was an unusually rainy night in the normally dry city. A milky white moon hung far above Allie's apartment window, where she tossed and turned. She'd never gotten the best sleep after she'd moved, but even tonight, something was... off. She tried to just force herself to sleep, waiting until her mother would come home in the morning.

But she never did.

The police had called it a wild animal attack. the way her mother's body was shredded and bloodied when Allie had been asked to identify it proved that it really couldn't have been much else. Only twelve at the time, Allie couldn't realistically live on her own, and her father was uncontactable, leaving only one other option- go back to Clover Fall to live with her brother, who was now working as a police officer.

Allie was nervous her entire transfer there- she hadn't seen her brother in five years since he'd ran away. She expected their reunion to be awkward, with the air of their mother's death and father's absence hanging over them- but when he'd embraced her at the airport, Allie finally felt at home again. The way they talked as they made their way back to Adam's house made the years that had passed feel just like days, with he siblings falling back into their same old rhythm. Even if rain had began drizzling outside her brother's blue sedan as they'd driven home, Allie had never felt more filled with sunshine.

Unfortunately, one thing other than bad dreams had followed Allie back to Clover Falls- rumors. The young girl who’d lost her mother after leaving had been brought back into the town that refused to let anyone leave again. it was a sort of odd poetic justice, even if allie herself wasn't aware of it. she felt painfully alone; most of the bonds she'd had from her childhood had been severed as she had grown, and now that her brother was a full-fledged adult, she didn't have anyone she felt she'd actually be able to befriend.

well, anyone except [the wolf].

he was the first one to recognize her when she'd been introduced to her middle-school homeroom. they had once been a chaotic duo, ruling the playground with a combination of unfettered imagination and glowing charisma. once they'd linked back up in junior high, they'd become unstoppable. allie had fully broken out of her shell, securing her role as resident class clown, while [the wolf] became some what of a golden boy.

then [the wolf] became a freakin' werewolf.

yeah, those existed now, apparently. and now that [the wolf] was suddenly deposited into an entirely new world, it only made sense that allie was along for the ride. she volunteered herself for late-night lore research, scouring the library and internet for any tidbit of information that could help the duo make sense of their new world. eventually, it became almost a sort of game to allie- while she helped [the wolf] at every opportunity she could, she was never directly in the crossfire, so she basically got a backseat ride into uncharted waters. well, it was a less terrifying way to think of it, at least.

the two started college together, and life was going pretty swell. adam had gotten promoted to chief of police, and allie almost didn't even notice how distant he was becoming At first. but soon, it became impossible to ignore- he was always coming home late, too much on his mind to talk. it made allie feel... sad. hollow. frustrated that she didn't know what was going on or how to help.

that was only made worse by the murder.

everything was suddenly cranked up to eleven. allie could barely recognize her brother, he was so tired all the time. and now, with [the wolf] having an episode where he woke up covered in blood, allie feels more emboldened than ever to find out what's going on.

but she doesn't think that, even now, she can betray her brother's trust.





the wolf

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

the vamp

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

the banshee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

the kitsune

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

the druid

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

the shifter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

the hunter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

the warlock

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

the fae

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




"zip, nada, squat." allie is 100% human. no supernatural abilities to speak of, and for the most part, she's fine that way. she gains a strange sort of satisfaction from knowing that all her strengths lie in her own mind- even if she does sometimes wish she could shoot lasers form her eyes, or something.


allie is currently majoring in- or as some might call it, barely passing- wildlife ecology and conservation, with a minor in business studies. she runs for the varsity track team, having gone to nationals a handful of times, and also is on the cross-country and soccer teams.

♡coded by uxie♡
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use right arrow key to scroll

the banshee


full name

Calliope Marie Soren


Lia, Poppy




Female | She/Her



Date of Birth

February 27th | Pisces


Clover Falls, Utah

Orange Trees





4'11" | 150 cm


100 lbs | 45 kg


Long curls that tumble towards her waist, auburn in color like the leaves in autumn Most days Calliope will let her curls tumble loose around her shoulders or she will pull small sections away from her face and secure them with a bow at the back of her head, with some loose pieces framing her heart-shaped face.


Her most notable characteristic is her ocean blue eyes. They are generally bright with joy but will turn a stormy blue whenever she is upset.


Lithe and slender, Calliope seems small for a girl her age and is often mistaken for being younger than she actually is. Her blue eyes are her most noticeable feature, set in a heart-shaped face with rounds cheeks and a delicate nose. Though she looks like she would be graceful, she is fairly clumsy and trips over her feet quite often.


Her complexion is fair, with a smattering of freckles across her nose and across both cheeks. Due to her paler complexion, her skin flushes pink quite easily.

Body Mods

Calliope has both of her earlobes pierced and she generally wears studs or small hopped earrings since bigger earrings tend to look odd on her due to her earlobes being on the smaller side.

Distinguishing Features

Her blue eyes and freckles are her most noticeable features, set in a heart-shaped face with round cheeks and a delicate nose, framed by her fiery auburn hair.


Anna Sitkina



Calliope can come across as timid or shy towards strangers, but she is simply withdraw, afraid of letting her true personality show for fear that it will be ill-received. Until she has a chance of warming up to someone, she remains distant but polite.

She is fairly decent at masking her emotions, which leads others to believe that she is calm and collected but in reality, she is just able to hide how she is truly feeling.

A kind-hearted soul by nature, Calliope's empathetic tendencies lead her to lending a helping hand whenever she is able and she is unable to turn away from a person in need of help.

She can be quite gullible at times, which when combined with her empathetic nature, can lead her to being fooled by those with ill-intentions.

Calliope can also be a bit of a perfectionist; she tends to be very hard on herself when she is unable to complete a task to her satisfaction and she has a bad habit of comparing her accomplishments (or lack there of) to the accomplishments of others.

Due to her masking her emotions at times, instead of confronting her negative emotions in a healthy way, Calliope bottles them up until she is eventually over-whelmed by them.


The autumn season | Sweets | Cozy sweaters | Coffee | The colors of the sky as the sun rises | Baking | Soft blankets


The cold or being cold | Spiders | Large crowds | Spicy foods


Empathetic, Compassionate, Open-Minded, Creative, Idealistic


Gullible, Perfectionist, Neglectful of her own needs


➳ She is deeply afraid of having to predict another death of someone she cares for.
➳ She lives in fear of the voices driving her mad just like her mother.
➳ She doesn't know how to swim, so she tends to avoid deep bodies of water out of fear of falling in.



Calliope was born on a cold February night, the moon dark in the sky. Her father had left a couple of months before she had been born, so she was left to be raised by her mother and grandmother. Both women dearly hoped that the Banshee genes would pass her by; her mother knew all too well the toll her gifts took on her own body and she wanted nothing more than her daughter to live a normal life, to never experience the terrors that waited for her in the darkness.

But fate had a different path for Calliope.

Her grandmother noticed it first, able to recognize that same, thousand-yard stare fixed on her grand-daughters face; it was the same stare her own daughter frequently had when she was a baby, staring at something no one else could see or hear. The elderly woman kept this revelation to herself, hoping that it was something the baby would grow out of.

But her hopes were dashed when Calliope's first word, "Hi!", was spoken to an empty corner of the living room. Her mother noticed immediately and shared a fearful stare with Calliope's grandmother. The child was watched closely after that, her guardian's worst fears confirmed when one day she was toddling around the garden and unerringly found a dead raven underneath the rose bush.

Her actions could no longer be ignored; Calliope was a Banshee just as her mother before her was. But instead of falling into despair, a fire of determination was lit within her mother; her daughter would have a better quality of life than she did growing up, she would make sure of it.

When Calliope grew old enough to understand, her mother began teaching her about her abilities and how to utilize them. Her mother didn't have anyone to teach her growing up, but she refused to let her daughter share that same fate.

However, while Calliope grew stronger in her abilities, her mothers condition worsened. It was kept from her at first, the two adults unwilling to burden the child with worry and the fear that this might be her fate one day. But as she grew older, Calliope began to notice the signs of something amiss with her mother.

A perpetual exhaustion hung over her mother like a cloud on most days, her eyes glazed and unable to focus at times. She would mutter to herself when she thought no one was around to hear, speaking to something Calliope couldn't see or hear. She wasn't sure if it was her mothers abilities or something more terrifying: that her mother was slowly being driven mad by the visions and voices that plagued them.

Calliope tried to be strong for her mother, to support her as someone that knew the affect's being a harbinger of death could have. Her mother had more good days than bad, but the bad days could be really bad, with her mother screaming and throwing things at something that neither Calliope nor her grandmother could see.

Medication could only do so much and so Calliope was forced to watch as her mother spun deeper and deeper into the recesses of madness. Her mothers condition made her hesitant to go off to college but her grandmother insisted she go, that it was what her mother would want.

It was in the her first year of collage that everything fell apart. She was home for spring break and it seemed her mother was having good days more and more frequently. Calliope was in the kitchen getting a drink, her grandmother was out in the garden and her mother was upstairs taking a nap after claiming a migraine.

The suddenness of a vision caught her off-guard and the mug of tea slipped from her fingers and shattered against the linoleum. This went unnoticed by Calliope, her vacant eyes staring blankly at the wall. A trickle of blood slid down her lip and her eyes fluttered rapidly as clarity returned to her gaze. A sharp intake of breath was inhaled and on the exhale a chilling scream echoed through the small kitchen.

Her grandmother burst through the back door but the wail had barely faded before Calliope was tearing up the stairs. Her fists slammed against the locked door of her mothers bedroom, her pleading cries going unanswered. With tears trailing down her cheeks, she turned to her grandmother and told her to call the police.

{Trigger Warning: Suicide}

Calliope wasn't allowed in the room when the firemen eventually broke down the door, wasn't allowed to see her mother as they wheeled her body out. But she caught a glimpse of a bloodied wrist lolling over the side of the gurney before it exited the house. Even if she hadn't caught sight of that, she had seen everything that had happened in her vision. Had seen the way her mother took her own life

Her mother was dead and Calliope hadn't been able to prevent it, hadn't been fast enough or strong enough to break down the door and save her mother. It ate at her, plagued her thoughts and her dreams and because of that her grades started slipping. Unable to stay in a dorm away from home, Calliope transferred to the local college and returned to her childhood home.

It took time, but eventually she began to heal bit by bit from her mothers sudden death and her grades started to rise, however it would seem that her temporary peace would not last. Recently Calliope has been subjected to terrifying dreams and visions of people dying and a monster that she swears is looking right at her.














Calliope's Scream is her main ability. A haunting wail that causes the hair to stand up on the back of the neck of anyone that hears it, this Scream can occur when Calliope is experiencing a premonition of death.

She is able to hear whispers from beyond the grave or from others of her kind, whispers that only she is able to hear and communicate to those around her. Often times, these whispers can manifest as full-on visions of death, such as what happened when her mother died. When Calliope experiences one of these visions, her body falls into a sort of trance and she is completely unaware of her surroundings.

As a Harbinger of Death, Calliope can not only predict deaths, but also sense when and where a death is occurring as it is happening.

Though she possess the ability of telepathy, it is not something she is particularly skilled at quite yet. It takes quite a bit of concentration to send thoughts to others and at times she struggles with keeping the connection stable.

Species Strengths

Aside from being an indicator that death approaches, Calliope's Scream can be used offensively. Due to its magnitude, other Banshee's and Supernatural creatures who possess sensitive hearing can be harmed by her Scream. Her Scream can also have a physical affect on her environment, such as shattering windows or throwing anyone standing in front of her.

Species Weaknesses

Calliope is human through and through despite her abilities. Sickness, poison, everything that can kill a human is able to kill her. On top of being painfully mortal, her abilities take quite the toll on her fragile body. Migraines and nose-bleeds are common occurrence that go hand in hand with her ability to predict death.


Art, specially drawing and painting




Gardening; plants are easier to deal with than people sometimes, at least then she isn't worried about her abilities rearing their head when around nature.


Calliope used to be a straight A student, but upon the death of her mother, her grades started slipping. She had slowly started raising them back up, but now with the weird happenings in town and the terrifying visions plaguing her thoughts, school is the last thing on her mind.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Name: Ari-Lee Rosemary
Nickname: Ari
Age: 22
Gender; Female
Sexuality: pansexual
Species: Vampire
Birthdate: 07/27
Hometown: Clover Falls

Hair: natural brown hair, but she bleaches her hair to make it lighter
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’4
Body Modifications: N/A
Distinguishing Features: she always wears a yellow, blue, and pink glow-in-the-dark star bracelet.
Face claim: Mayuka from Niziu (this is linked to a picture)


Personality: Ari wants to be a leader and often does her best to lead a group. She likes to listen to things and solve problems. She tends to overthink things and is a worrier. She most likely has social anxiety and really wants most people to like her. She wants friends but isn’t sure when someone is a friend. She can take things too seriously and doesn’t understand sarcasm. She has a soft heart and is caring.

Likes: bubble tea, philanthropy/volunteer work, cats, quiet time
Dislikes: squirrels, sloppiness, people who are rude to waiters/cashiers
Strengths: creative, flexible, take initiative
Weaknesses: will not go anywhere without her bracelet, overthinker, insecure, a worrier
Fears: the dark (she still sleeps with a nightlight), disappointing her parents, drowning, her parents dying, squirrels


Backstory: Ari was born in Clover Falls and probably will die in Clover Falls. Growing up, she was sheltered due to her moms hiding the fact that Ari was a vampire. Ari wasn’t born a vampire but was turned into one when she was just a few days over five years old. Ari’s moms do not talk about it and will outright refuse to. Ari just knows she was so sick as a kid and more likely would have died if she wasn’t a vampire. Ari still went to school but wasn’t allowed out by herself until she was 19, so she has never been to a sleepover or to a friend’s house.

There are days when she and her moms will go visit the two bubble tea shops (called Rosemary’s Teas) they run in town. While most food isn’t appetizing for Ari, she often finds tapioca and teas enjoyable. Her moms live for Ari and make sure that Ari has everything she needs. They want her to be set for life and always put Ari first. They are Ari’s biggest supporters and just want the best for her. Ari sometimes will help out at Rosemary’s Teas and often puts up advertisements around campus. She often brings tea and snacks to the SGA meetings from the tea shops.

Ari doesn’t want to let them down so she pushes herself to do more than they expect. She wants to be Student Government president and valedictorian. She tries to be active in her community by organizing volunteer work days. She currently is working on getting a new children’s playroom built at a local hospital and starting a club where they help volunteer at the local animal shelter.

Heightened Senses: Vampires can smell, see and hear far better than humans.
Accelerated Healing: Vampires heal quickly from most injuries.
Enhanced Agility: Vampires can jump, run, climb, and react faster than humans.
Enhanced Strength: Vampires are much stronger than humans.
Regressed Aging: Vampires are known to age at a slower rate than humans, which makes them nearly immortal. The aging tends to slow when a vampire reaches the age of twenty-five.
Mind Compulsion: Vampires can compel most species to do their bidding but not other vampires or werewolves.

Decapitation/Fire/Wooden Stakes: Yes, it's not just the movies. All of these things can fatally injure a vampire.
Werewolf Bite: The bite of a werewolf is fatally poisonous to a vampire.
Sunlight: While they won't burn into ash while coming in direct contact with the sun, it is rather uncomfortable for them and they are weaker during the day.
Mountain Ash: A circle of mountain ash can completely trap and supernatural being.


She is a double major in English and Public Policy. She also has a minor in sociology and is considering one in linguistics. She has a 4.0 and is constantly worried about losing the 4.0.

She currently is the SGA Vice President.

One of her moms is a neurosurgeon, the other is a medical lawyer. Ari isn’t sure what she wants to do but knows it is more likely would be in philanthropy or government.

Rosemary Teas serves bubble teas and also snacks like karaage and taiyaki.

If you have any questions please let me know. I see everyone has those cool codey things that I don't know how to do. In fact, I'm worried I did mine wrong because all I see are pictures. Was I supposed to just submit a picture???

Thanks for taking me into consideration though! If you have any questions please ask, I can clarify or rewrite things. Especially when it came to the backstory, I wasn't sure if I should be extremely detailed or not.


the kitsune.




  • 01.



    kon chiaki [紺 千晶]



    estelle moriyasu



    twenty-three, allegedly



    genderfluid femme [she/they]









    november 2



    miyagi, japan





    a dark grey that gleams silver in light


    raven black, falling just beneath her shoulder blades; estelle sports wispy bangs just long enough to be swept to the side when she pleases. mostly straight with the slightest wave near its ends and more often than not, left to its own devices.


    estelle may be described as nothing less than alluring; she cuts a slender, graceful figure reminiscent of a stalk of moonflower, pale skin most beautiful beneath the moonlight. as kitsunes go, estelle's features lie on the gentle side but retain its vulpine charm— no fox can truly hide the trick in their smile, and she is no different.


    a refreshing, expensive mix of jasmine, violet, and honey atop a white musk base.

    body modifications.

    estelle boasts a double-pierced earlobe on her left and a single-pierced earlobe on her right. her tails are most often magicked as stud earrings in the shape of flowers. she sports a helix piercing on her right ear too, just because she thought it looked cool; her body is unmarked by any sort of ink.


    kaho (xxkhyn)

♡coded by uxie♡

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"blood runs thicker than water"
you wanna know the rest of that saying, pops?


  • caution!

    This is a full and extensive personal file of a Clover Falls resident [COLE HOWARD]. This file is confidential, only select personnel are authorized to view this file. Everything within this file is as true and correct to the extent and knowledge of the Clover Falls record keepers.
    Do you wish to continue?

    i agree

© weldherwings.

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Chloe O'Sullivan;
the druid


given name

clodagh o'sullivan


clo, chloe




may 22nd

star sign

aqua ☼ aries ☽







  • a.



    naturally a soft strawberry blonde, she likes to increase the vibrancy of her orange hue. she usually wears it long and straightened


    earthy brown and dangerous. like deep pits you could fall into.


    five foot five inches, but has an attitude that makes her seem taller.


    thin and lithe, with long legs that she loves to show off.


    double lobes in each ear, daith in right ear, tragus on both ears, industrial on left ear, right nostril, belly-button piercing. a few scars, from hurting herself in various daring activities. celtic tree of life on her chest, butterfly wings on her back, botanical sleeve on right arm, mermaid on left leg, falling icarus on left forearm.


    anything lacy and revealing makes the cut when clo is choosing her clothing. she does tend to stay a bit in the darker shades region, unless she's trying to play nice with her mother and she'll wear something a bit more "normal". but only a bit. she loves denim for a more casual look, but nothing beats dresses in her book. they're easy to move around in, comfortable, cute, seductive, any vibe she could possibly want rolled up into one garment.


    miçary ruiz














♡coded by uxie♡

the vamp.

the holier-than-thou.

tristan r. fox.

A student in his first year of law school, having previously graduated as a philosophy and political science double major. He's always been a model student, maintaining a 4.0 grade point average even when under immense pressure. It's like he doesn't sleep and can manage to study and crank out the bulk of his work in the ungodly hours of the night and still maintain a lively social life. He was nicknamed "The Machine" in his fraternity in undergrad(now an inactive member in graduate school), known to show up late to a party after doing a hefty assignment in one sitting and raging late into the night with his brothers. Now in graduate school, he may not compete in any competitive clubs but was formerly a member of model un as well as captain of the debate team. However, he has earned a spot as an assistant coach on the debate team after four years of excellent service and many wins on the team, and still attends club meetings.

As a vampire, he has a myriad of strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. As a born-vampire of a pure bloodline, he is immensely more powerful than those who have been turned. His strengths and abilities include:
>> Heightened senses. Tris's vision, hearing, and smell is much more powerful than that of a human's. He always seems to catch what you've muttered under your breath and can eerily identify people by the sound of their footsteps or the smell of their perfume. He's been accused of having eyes in the back of his head.
>> Accelerated healing. He recovers from most injuries quickly. His body is free of scars and harmless scratches seem to fall off by the end of the day. His ears have remained unpierced and his skin untattooed, since the first attempts healed over rapidly and practically disappeared overnight.
>> Enhanced agility. Tristan runs, jumps, and climbs much faster than humans and possesses an accelerated reaction time. He would've been a fine athlete for sports dominated by physicality, like football or lacrosse, but with his lithe form he was usually glanced over by coaches and the sports never interested him much. The most he partakes in is tennis at the country club with his family.
>> Enhanced strength. Similarly to above, he possesses immense strength that outmatches that of a human. It gives him one mean overhand serve.
>> Regressed aging. Tristan will not age the same way as his human counterparts. In just a couple of years, at the age of twenty-five, his aging will slow to a near-halt making him just this side of immortal.
>> Mind compulsion. While most chalk up his charisma to his dashing good looks and obscene amount of generational wealth. However, one of the magical perks of being a supernatural, blood-sucking being means that he can compel most species to do his bidding. The only exceptions are werewolves and other vampires.

Along with his abilities come with some weaknesses:
>> Decapitation, fire, and wooden stakes. These are the only real ways to injure Tristan that his mystical metabolism can't heal. They're deadly to himself and other vampires, and injuries could and likely would be fatal.
>> Werewolf bites. A werewolf bite is poison to him. If he's bit, he's guaranteed to die. It's caused him to harbor a strong distaste for the lot.
>> Sunlight. Tris won't burn to death out in the sunlight, but it does act as a damper on his abilities. He's weaker during the day and finds the sun to be physically uncomfortable to be under.
>> Mountain ash. He can become completely trapped by a circle of mountain ash.

the basics.

Tristan Remiel Fox.
>> Tristan: Welsh / Old Brythonic origin, influenced by the French triste. "Sad" or "sorrowful".
>> Remiel: Hebrew form of the Arabic Ramiel. "God shall have mercy" or "thunder of God. Remiel is the archangel of hope, tasked with guiding the souls of those who were faithful to Heaven.
>> Fox: English or Irish origins. Use of the English variant was to denote someone with fox-like features. The Irish variant was a direct translation of the surname Mac a'tSionnaigh, meaning "son of the fox".
date of birth
December 28.
Clover Falls, Utah
Cisgendered male. He/Him.
Pansexual, demi-panromantic.
The Vamp.

the visage.

160 lbs.
Thick and jet black. It would be considered a long cut for a man, cut an inch or two above the top of his shoulders. It's mostly straight, with a slight flip outwards towards the bottom of the body and a bend around his face in the front. Long sideburns frame his cheekbones, the ends in line with the bottom of his nose. Even when worn down, everything about its style seems meticulous. Not a strand out of place. Typically worn slicked back in a ponytail.
Prominent. Deep set. Close set. Deep, dark brown. The color can be chilling, bordering on black in the right settings. In direct sunlight, the hue may throw a brown, still very dark, that looks slightly red. They're hardened, careful, shifty. They seem to know something you don't.
A rectangular face shape, sharpened with angular and straight features. Bottom-heavy, pouty mauve-ish lips, unsmiling. Ecru skin tone, pale with warm undertones, smooth. Upward, straight brows with high arches, close together and textured. Impeccable posture, exuding an air of confidence and poise. No body modifications.
body type
Very lean. His height adds a little bit of a gangly, spider-like appearance. Has some muscle, but very little.
face claim
Aaron Bernards.

the heir.

the personality.

Snobby. Proper. Spoiled rotten. Words and traits such as these get thrown around whenever discussing any of the Foxes. As a large, elite family they have quite the reputation for being stuck-up and asshole-ish, and Tristan has been justly lumped in with the rest of those who bear the name. He's been raised to believe he's better than others. He is innately superior and it's his birthright. As a citizen of Clover Falls who is a member of the richest family in the town— and one of the richest families this side of Utah— he is above those without the most valuable asset a man could have: cold hard cash. As a young vampire who is a member of one of the most influential vampire families in the west, and a born-vampire, he is above any fledgling who has been turned and any half-breed who is the unfortunate offspring of someone who had been turned. His inheritance of natural supernatural prowess and affluence has inflated his head. He's got an ego that's admittedly fragile, and often comes off as stuck up(which, he mostly is). He's prone to making snap judgements and sticking to them and has a hard time navigating his own privilege and bias.

While generational wealth has paid for his education without much worry about the cost or the pressure of requiring fantastic grades, he's still an intelligent young man. While having money certainly didn't hurt his admissions, he still maintained stellar grades and has always been known as a good student. Fox is certainly a fitting name for Tris as well, as he can be very sly and crafty. With the added ability to compel non-vampires and non-werewolves, he can be very manipulative. He thinks quickly on his feet, equipped with charm and charisma. He can get away with just about anything with the combined work of natural wiles and supernatural persuasion.

Tristan has a lively social life, surrounding himself with many friends and divulging in frequent and extravagant parties. He seems socially adept and can be a bright presence in a room. He's confident, to the extent of arrogance, and is a cocky competitor. Any of his social facility not lent by his family's name or money comes from his willingness to participate in risky behavior. He finds himself mildly bored by the idea of near-eternity, and plans on living almost every experience. Drinking, drugs, parties, sex(although half of them are neutralized by his fast metabolism and accelerated healing), he'll do it all with almost no questions asked. Despite being social, he is guarded, and can be standoffish if he deems you unworthy of his presence or attention. He becomes broody and rude, his entitled and judgmental behaving taking center stage. He's not a great friend, anyways, since he's largely selfish and self-serving. He primarily acts in the interest of himself, rarely going out of his way in the aid of others. He hates inconvenience and can be quite impatient. Not to mention, he's got an intense temper and can often be moody, lashing out on others for minor infractions— especially if he feels insulted, by reason of extraordinary vanity.

the virtues.

Intelligent // Hardworking // Driven // Crafty // Quick thinker // Social // Powerful // Poised // Manicured // Charming // Charismatic // Proper // Persuasive // Socialite //Confident // Ambitious // Rich

the vices.

Prejudiced // Spoiled // Stuck up // Elite // Arrogant // Entitled // Egotistical // Rich // Judgmental // Sly // Manipulative // Cocky // Bored // Risky // Guarded // Broody // Rude // Selfish // Vain // Temperamental // Standoffish


Parties // Sex // Alcohol // Drugs // Law // Power // Money // Attention // Philosophy // Night time // The moon // Stargazing // True crime // Piano // Motorcycles // Risk // Danger // Thrill // Adrenaline // Winning // Debate // Politics // Neutrals // Extravagance // Piano // Cello // Classical music


Meatless meals // Boredom // Routine // Losing // Sunlight // Bright colors // Turned vampires // Half-breeds // Humans // Werewolves // Poor people // Vulnerability // Committing to people // Fire // The outdoors // Bugs // Being insulted // His drug + alcohol resistance // Know-it-alls // Ugly people // Blood from animals // Horror movies

the ancient.

TW! Brief mentions of sexual assault, domestic violence, suicide, murder.

Tristan's story starts well before him. It starts before even his parents. The Fox lineage is a long one and one held in high esteem by not only the members of it, but other vampires in their community. The Foxes claim to be descendants of the first vampire.

Their ancestry can supposedly be traced all the way back to Jure Grando. Jure Grando was a stone mason, born and raised Kringa, a small village near Tinjan, Croatia. He was married to his beautiful wife, Ivana, and had two daughters, Ana and Nicola. Unbeknownst to his wife and daughters, he was a witch, and a part of a small, local coven. On top of his masonry, he met with other men and women of their village in an attempt to use their magical gifts to assist the village's prosperity. Jure, however, thought they could use their gifts for more than aiding crop growth. Their magic could be used for something greater: power. He wanted to elevate himself and the coven into positions of nobles— even kings. He was caught using dark magic to manipulate members of the Catholic church in an attempt to garner himself influence in the community, as he was just a peasant. In turn, he was deserted by his coven for breaking his oath and executed. He was found hung from a tree outside his home by his wife, Ivana. He died and was buried in 1656, buried in the local cemetery by priest, Father Giorgio.

Not long after Jure's death and burial, local village peoples began to report that they had seen Jure walking around the village at night. He wandered around and knocked on doors near the hour of midnight. His knocking became a marker for death, as those who had their door's knocked on were found dead within a matter of days. They were believed to have been eaten and had the blood from their bodies drained by Jure. Angered by his own death, he murdered his own coven in an act of revenge.

Every night that he rose, Jure visited his widow. On his nightly visit, he came to Ivana, a gasping, smiling corpse, pale and rancid and much to Ivana's terror, in Jure's death he expected Ivana to still lay with him and fulfill her marital duties. So, every night, he sexually assaulted her.

Jure's reign of terror lasted for sixteen years. After sixteen years, Father Giorgio and the village people had grown tired of Jure and living in fear of him. When Jure came to the village one night, Father Giorgio confronted him. He held up a cross and shouted at Jure, "Behold Jesus Christ, vampire! Stop tormenting us!" Father Giorgio retreated afterwards, tears falling from his eyes. A few nights later, a prefect for the village, Miho Radetic assembled a group of brave villagers to kill Jure. The group of nine men exhumed Jure's grave, finding his body perfectly intact— a clear sign of his vampirism— with a smile upon his face. Father Giorgio, who was amongst the group, cried out: "Look, vampire, there is Jesus Christ who saved us from hell and died for us. And you, vampire, you cannot have peace!" Giorgio attempted to stab a hawthorn stake through Jure's heart, but the steak could not pierce Jure's skin. Giorgio then attempted an exorcism, which failed.

The bravest of the villagers, Stipan Milasic, who had accompanied Miho and Father Giorgio to Jure's grave decided to take matters and Jure's fate into his own hand. He found and took a saw and sawed off Jure's head. When the saw tore the skin of Jure's corpse, the vampire let out a terrifying scream, and blood began to flow from his neck. Peace was restored to Kringa.

However, the lineage of vampires was not over. Scarred from her father's death, rising, and assault of her mother, Jure's youngest daughter, Nicola, was now seventeen. Ivana, without a husband to provide for her and her family, she married both Ana and Nicola off so that they may be cared for and so that she may be cared for by them and their new husbands. Nicola was only thirteen, and a rebellious child who did not take kindly to the arrangement. After a few years of a marriage to a man who was unkind to her and hit her while Ana and Ivana lived nicely down the road, she had decided she had had enough. She could not live any longer. She killed herself by hanging, and as she succumbed to the release of death, she cursed both of her parents on her last breath.

Within a few nights of her death and burial, Nicola rose again with a craving for human blood. Terrified and angry that she was alive again, she didn't know what to do. She hid during the day and fed on low peasants on the outskirts of the village at night in an attempt to remain off the radar. She was found by a member of her father's coven, also turned vampire as a result of his murder. The coven was among the first vampires ever created naturally after Jure, along with Ivana. The coven member told her of the combine the undead coven had created and offered to take her to them where she could learn to live as they did, safely and away from Kringa. She agreed. Amongst the members of the combine, Nicola lead a better life than she ever had in Kringa, and had fallen in love with another member. She birthed the first born-vampire, the start of the Grando-Fox lineage.

the campainers.

In Clover Falls lived Benson Jeremiah Fox, a talented young criminal prosecutor whose family had immigrated to the United States and Utah from Eastern Europe many generations ago. The Fox family had resided in Clover Falls for as long as anyone could remember, at this point a pillar in the community’s longstanding history. He had been born and raised there, his parents had been born and raised there, his grand parents had been born and raised there. He couldn’t count the generations on one hand.

Benson was renowned within the town for his stellar work as a criminal prosecutor. He was tough, serious, and no crime went unpunished under his watchful eye. His opening and closing arguments were beautifully written and delicately spoken. He was a powerful orator that seemed to be able to compel a jury to vote however he wanted. He could argue any topic, any side, and still come out the victor. By the time he was 30, his perfect win record had remained in tact throughout the course of his career and he found himself appointed to District Attorney for Clover Falls.

Somewhere in between being appointed Clover Fall's DA and graduating from undergrad with his bachelor's in political science, Benson had fallen in love and gotten married. His wife, Shihan Qian(now Shihan Fox), was another graduate from the same university as him, also a part of the political science program. They had met, fallen in love, and became a high-powered and notorious couple in the area. Shihan's degree focus, however, was more so on the world of politics and government rather than the criminal justice her collegiate sweetheart had taken. She wanted to leave her stamp on a different level and became immediately involved in local and state politics. In the most recent years, she'd decided to make a run for mayor of Clover Falls running on a policy of being tough on crime and providing for the children of the town. The campaign has drawn more eyes to the Fox than ever before— many noted how after long, successful careers in stressful job sectors both Shihan and Benson have remained fairly fresh-faced and free from the graying hair of their coworkers and rivals— and to their growing son, Tristan.

What was unknown to the general public is that Benson and Shihan's private life was one full of blood, secrecy, and intense quarrelsome in-laws. No, they weren't mobsters perse. They were vampires. As outrageous as it might sound, the couple were both from longstanding(separate) bloodlines of pure-born vampires. Benson, being a distant descendant of the original, traditional vampire, Jure Grando, and Shihan coming from a long line of Jiangshi in China. While the couple claims to love each other, their marriage was more or less an arranged one from the time they were young. It was always each family's intentions to keep the bloodlines pure and powerful, and merging two of the most notorious vampiric families was the natural progression for each of them. And Tristan, whether fortunately or unfortunately, was the heir to it all.

Tristian Remiel Fox's birth was a widely celebrated one. Shihan and Benson Fox had been trying for years to conceive. Both sides of the family were pro-natalists, believing that vampiric families(especially those of the purer nature) should have many children. Big families added to the power they held and having a large family was a badge of honor for every vampire to wear. However, due to some unforeseen fertility issues, Tristian was the only child they would have.

the heir.

Tris was very beloved by his parents. He was smothered slightly and spoiled greatly, his parents giving him everything he could ever wish for. Any bad behavior barely went punished and due to the power his family held both in the civilian and supernatural worlds, even the colossal fuck ups got swept under the rug. They raised him to believe in the same things they believed in: blood supremacy and the pursuit of power. As a born-vampire, he was better than any turned vampire. Turning and creating more vampires was the ultimate sign of weakness and even dirtiness. Subsisting off of animal blood was weaker than subsisting off of human blood, and he would never do the former. He was to be strong, terrifying, and commanding. And, honestly, He was.

In high school, Tristan became acutely aware of the kind of future he was expected to have: he was going to have a career that paid well and earned high community recognition, he was going to live in the mansion that had been in the family for as long as anyone could remember, he was going to marry a pure-born vampire woman and have children with her while his parents and grandparents slowly disappeared from the public eye only to haunt the night and become responsible for the hunting to feed the rest of the nest. He became a little defiant and began engaging in risky behavior, doing things that would typically threaten and endanger the life of someone who was mortal. He knows that in a few short years he will have to relinquish his freedom to a life he's not sure he even wants, but he will do it to keep the peace in his family. Unless, that is, something changes between now and then.

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© weldherwings.

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the banshee.

the exhausted.

aeron l. nash.

A student in the second year of her associate's degree in mortuary science after taking a gap year after she graduated high school. She was originally unsure of what she wanted to do for a career, having also considered entymology and theology studies as degree paths. Not always the best student, she opted for a more hands-on program with a shorter track in the educational railway. She will also be expected to complete a year-long internship with practice on at a minimum of 50 embalmings. She's always been a bit of an outsider, so she's not really the outgoing type to attempt to join a club all on her own. Although she's been eyeing the art club and attempting to convince herself to join, she's not in any clubs. In addition to her associate's degree, she's thought about adding an actual taxidermist program as she already partakes as a weird but small hobby of hers. In her free time, she also works at a local antique shop to occupy her time and pay for her schooling.

When Aeron was a growing child, it was revealed to her and her parents that she was a banshee. She'd always been ostracized for being dark and downright strange. She was taunted for being different, gravitating to the shadows and being not only curious but genuinely interested in death and dead things. She was yelled at by parents and teachers alike to leave the roadkill alone and to quit torturing the bugs. Her fascination grew, the bubble of her interest expanding from just bugs and animals to humans too. Aeron was also teased for having imaginary friends for far too long. She always seemed to be talking to someone who wasn't there, having elaborate backstories for people who couldn't exist. To the outside world, outside of her little family of four, there was just something strange about her. She clearly had never and would never fit in. She'd be a black sheep for the rest of her life. Once it came to light that she was a banshee, some of those things began to make more sense. She had a handful of supernatural gifts, but was dreadfully just a boring human who could access the supernatural. Some of these gifts included:
>> The scream. Often accompanied with intense nightmares and hyper-realistic visions, Aeron possesses a blood-curdling scream that's almost guarantied to make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up. The scream is accompanied by a premonition of death and is her main supernatural tool. She could use her voice and scream as an attack if necessary, as the scream can be physically damaging to those with supernatural hearing, including other banshees.
>> Whispers. A vessel who can see and hear between the veil of the living and the dead, most of her abilities culminate in her ability to hear things. She can hear voices in her head that are not present to others. The voices are only heard by her and can only be translated by her. Most often, the voices are extending to her from beyond the grave, speaking from the afterlife. Other times, they may be the voices of other banshees. On occasion, these voices can manifest into prophetic visions that suspend her into a purgatory-like state. Her visions are always of death. They're just predictions, but they always manifest into reality, and can appear as a number of things. They may be factors or causes that may lead to near or actual death.
>> Death Harbinger. You may be catching on to a general theme regarding death and darkness in Aeron's abilities. Not only can she predict death, but can sense death as it's happening, and identify where death has occurred.
>> Telepathy. This is a gift less refined in her repertoire. She finds it difficult to focus and use the ability of telepathy, though banshees have historically shown the ability to eb telepaths. With many whispers going on in her head, it's hard to dissect the living from the dead and intentionally reach into the mind of those around her. It's happened a few times before, unintentionally, and people's minds are easier to permeate when they are unguarded or feeling something incredibly strong.

Since Aeron is not a true supernatural being, there is no real weakness to her abilities than her own humanity. At times she finds constantly seeing and dreaming of death to be incredibly draining, even if she's grown to find comfort in it as an adult. But she cannot remain unshaken by everything she sees. Especially not with a monster on the loose who she's been seeing a lot more in her visions.

the basics.

Aeron Lydia Nash.
>> Aeron: Welsh origin, meaning "mountain of strength". In Celtic mythology, Aeron is the god of slaughter and battle.
>> Lydia: Greek origin, feminine form of the ancient masculine name "Lydus". Meanings include "beautiful one", "noble one", and "from Lydia".
>> Nash: English origin. A topographic name for someone who lived by an ash tree. Or, it may have referred to anyone who was from one of the many places in England and Whales named Nash or with Nash in its name.
date of birth
October 30.
She doesn't really know where she was born, but was adopted by a couple in Salt Lake City, Utah as an infant, and spent a lot of time growing up there. When she was about sixteen, the family moved back to Clover Falls, the hometown of her dad. She's not sure which she would call home if her family were not in the picutre.
Cisgendered female. She/her.
Bisexual, biromantic. Slight feminine preference.

The Banshee.

the visage.

133 lbs.
Thick, coily, and wild. It rarely seems to stay in its place, having a mind of it's own. Full of volume and bounce, she's done her best to keep it healthy but can never seem to properly tame the frizz that comes with it. It's been compared to a lion's mane on more than one occasion. It's got several colors in it after being highlighted a couple dozen times, the most prevalent being a medium brown and a warm brown that throws red in the sunlight. Though, it's natural color is a nice, dark, chocolate brown. She's never straightened it to get an idea of it's true length, but curly it stretches just passed her collar bones which would imply it may be a few inches longer if you accounted for the shrinkage of her curls.
Warm brown that her pops liked to call "gingerbread" colored. Slightly hooded and upturned in their shape. They seem careful in their movements, usually framed by dark circles and bags. They crinkle significantly when she smiles, which she always liked. Warm, inviting, but seem to be a bit dull at times. Extremely expressive, they always betray her and reveal her thoughts to those around her.
Full, pink lips usually adorned in a neutral pink gloss. A heart-shaped face with a prominent chin. Voluminous, curly, red-brown hair. Dark circles under her eyes. A sweet smile with slightly crooked bottom teeth and a small cap between her two front teeth. A wider nose with a low profile and square tip. Small ears. High, full cheekbones. Pale freckles. Double lower lobe piercings, upper lobe piercing on each ear. Large, feathered brows with a high arch. A sense of insecurity.
body type
Aeron would describe herself as being average sized, maybe a little on the thin side. Any muscle she has(which is very little) is soft and untoned. Her body shape is a very slight hourglass figure, with her waist coming in slightly before her hips but her backside is rather flat.
face claim
Ashley Moore.

the outcast oracle.

the personality.

Aeron's always been an odd kid. A black sheep who has never quite fit in with other people her age. Or, really, anyone for that matter. She's a loner, having a hard time making and keeping friends as they're usually turned-off by her "creepy" interests. Expecting cruelty from most interactions has caused her to develop into someone who is reserved, incredibly awkward, and naturally distrusting. Conversation and people-skills are not her forte, and she carries the suspicion that people are making fun of her behind her back or being nice to her as some sort of prank that she'll learn about later. Because of her distrusting nature, she can come off as either standoffish or shy, but she's really neither. She's just grown to expect the worst because she receives the worst and doesn't necessarily like people in general anymore.

Her family, however, she is incredibly close to. Her family is everything to her, feeling like the only people on the planet earth who can accept her for what she is. They see her for who she is outside of her strange obsession with death and the dark, someone who is incredibly loving, caring, and loyal. She'd do anything for those she cares about, and when she trusts she loves with her whole heart. They'd also describe her as sensitive. Like nobody's business. Aeron is astonishingly empathetic, her own energy feeding off of those around her. Even if she hated your guts, when she witnessed you feel pain she'd feel it too. Seeing others cry makes her cry— believe me, she is no stranger to tears— if someone else is angry, she'll get fired up as well. Every emotion she witnesses, not only does it reflect in her behavior but she physically feels it too. This reflects in two additional ways within her persona: extreme sensitivity and an acute awareness of the emotional state and cues of those around her.

While she should be used to the brutal comments she hears made about herself, since she's heard them for several years, they're still pretty damaging and have caused her to be a bit insecure. It's easy to touch a nerve with her and her knee-jerk emotional reaction is usually anger. And her response to her own anger is usually to cry. Attached to said anger is intense stubbornness, usually finding herself set in her own way of thinking. Once comfortable around you, she can be a little feisty, even if withdrawn, and overall could be described as an emotional mess. On the other side of the same coin, she's incredibly in tune with the emotions of others. While her gifts in telepathy occasionally give her a little boost on what's going on in most people's minds, she's become keen to the nonverbal signals they give off to alert her to their feelings. She's alerted by even the smallest movements and can read a room better than most people.

Other descriptors for Aeron would include unfocused. With all the voices in her head, she has a hard time focusing and multitasking, and they also make her a bit sensitive to noise. She's been dismissed as lazy and a bad student because of her issues, often coming off as someone spacey and distracted. But she's doing her best. Because she has such a hard time focusing, she has an equally hard time devoting her attention and energy into the things she's not interested in. Instead, she devotes herself to her special interests. She may come off as a bit of a fan girl, or someone who is way too excited to talk about bugs, but she works hard at the things she's particularly passionate about. A great way to get her to come out of her shell is to bring up something she's interested in. She talks fast and loud, excitable beyond belief to have someone take interest in her and what she likes to do without judgement.

Once you get to know Aeron, she's a really chill friend. While sensitive, she's an otherwise laidback person. Strange things don't seem to surprise her anymore. Despite her interests in mythology and tarot and superstitions, she seems very down to earth. She's got a solid head screwed onto her shoulders and not the biggest fan of conflict. You can tell, though, that she's mentally exhausted. She's tired all the time, drained from the intensity of her gifts. They can make her incredibly anxious and frenzied as well, having developed into panic attacks more than a few times. While her abilities have caused her to grow very comfortable with death and the dead— and even want to pursue dealing with them as a career— the intensity of some of her visions can be terrifying and she becomes scared of specifically what she's seeing. The one's she's been seeing lately of some sort of... creature have been bone-chilling. They're downright horrifying, and she'd really prefer if they stopped.

the virtues.

Loving // Family-oriented // Loyal // Caring // Empathetic // Sensitive // Emotionally intelligent // Feisty // Observant // Self-aware // Excitable // Passionate // Relaxed // Laidback // Immune to the strange.

the vices

Reserved // Loner // Quiet // Distrusting // Suspicious // "Creepy" // Insecure // Awkward // Poor conversationalist // Sensitive // Stubborn // Angry // Feisty // Unfocused // Anxious // Exhausted.


Taxidermy // Insect pinning // Collecting // Mythology // Tarot // Superstitions // Animals // Antiques // Oddities // Reading // Headphones // Rock + indie music // Death // Insects // Iced tea // Soul food // Baked goods // Comfortable clothes // Fun patterns // Rain // Genealogy // History // Science // Her family // Soft blankets // Warmth // Fireplaces // Hot chocolate // Scary movies // The macabre // Clowns // Coffee // Graveyards // The woods // Night time // Astrology // Mysteries // Ghosts // Quiet // Autumn // Blue // Black.


Loud noises // Modern history // Mean people // Judgement // Winter // Roses // Yellow // Math // Studying // People // Hard candies // School // Intense visions // Attention // Skeptics // People who have a lack of personal space // Liars // Rudeness // Entitled brats // Being lost // Being away from family // Running // Exercising // Crowds // Surprise visions // The Creature // Know-it-alls // The unloyal // Failing // Being insulted // Trusting others.

the unsighted.

Riley Nash and Ellis Ryan met by chance in college. Both business students, they happened to sit next to each other in their freshman accounting class and when their eyes met, it was love at first sight. Riley had always lived in Salt Lake City, and was a city boy to his core. He didn't like the feel of small towns. However, he did like the small town boy Ellis, that he'd loved since the first day they'd met. Ellis had been born and raised in Clover Falls, moving to Salt Lake specifically for school. Ellis was a fish out of water in the city, used to the secluded sleepiness of the mountains. The two never married, but moved in with each other shortly after each graduating with their respective bachelor degrees.

While the two chose to remain unmarried, they still had a dream of having their own, small family. So right away, they applied to adoption agencies. They were put on a waitlist for a baby for about eight years. Then, their miracle happened. They got a call telling them that they had a baby girl waiting for her family. That's when they got Aeron. Aeron was quickly the light of bother of her parents' worlds. The usually stoic and serious Riley melted whenever she called him her daddy, and sweet kind Ellis would follow the little girl who called him pops to the ends of the earth. The couple raised her in the city for awhile and when their little girl, Aeron, was four, they received another call announcing that they were matched with a baby boy. They adopted baby Lennox, who they called Lex for short, and their small family was finally complete.

the oracle.

Aeron's strange behavior started at a very young age. Even as an infant, Ellis and Riley were surprised by her demeanor. She would start fussing in the middle of the night, only to seem to calm down as if she were being comforted by someone who was not actually there. When she was a toddler, she was babbling to imaginary friends that she never seemed to grow out of and her interest in roadkill could be considered alarming. When she was starting grade school, she started to experience intense night terrors. Night terrors can be fairly common in children, but something about these were different. She wouldn't necessarily be scared when she woke up, despite screaming her lungs out while she slept. Even when doctors recommended mouthguards and glasses, nothing seemed to improve her nightmares.

Kids didn't really like Aeron when she was in school. She was weird. She didn't seem bothered by the bird that had flown into and died on the hot concrete of her elementary school. She would've picked him up and taken him home if Miss Elizabeth hadn't screamed at her for it. She spent her recesses catching bugs and talking to her imaginary friends. Friends she didn't grow out of even when she was in the fifth grade. The only children who didn't seem to be afraid of her or repulsed by her behavior was her own little brother, Lex. Who she loved to no end but also got on her nerves all the time.

Concerned by her behavior, Riley and Ellis took Aeron to many hospitals to get her checked out. Doctors, psychologists, specialists of every kind. They all had different diagnoses for her that just didn't sit quite right. This went on for years, with Aeron herself not knowing what was going on. Just that she was plagued with dreams of death that were beginning to bleed into the daytime. She started to have visions about people being killed in what turned out to be a high-profile murder case in Salt Lake City. The details she was able to provide concerned her parents, even though they knew their baby was not a killer. Ellis, knowing the rumors of supernatural activity that went on in his home town, convinced Riley to go out on a limb and see a non-traditional doctor. They saw a herbalist in a small shop on the outskirts of the city, bringing Aeron with them. Aeron wandered around the shop, excitedly eyeing the oddities that were staged around in many cabinets and atop the table tops while Madame Belladonna spoke with her parents. Based on the information they gave and Aeron's demeanor with her and around her shop, she was able to identify that Aeron was a Banshee. A human who was born with supernatural gifts, the ability to see and hear beyond the veil and witness visions of death. The nightmares and visions she was having were real people's death, and the voices she was hearing was that of those who had already passed on, speaking to her.

Riley and Ellis discussed their options for Aeron, and concerned for her safety and future, Ellis convinced Riley to move back to Clover Falls and home school Aeron. would be able to live in the peaceful mountains where there were less suspicious eyes on her and the current residents were just as strange. Her reputation as the weird girl remained pretty much intact at Clover Falls, and the ruthlessness of teens in public school remained unchanged. But there was something more at home there. Riley quit work to homeschool Aeron and take care of Lex and Ellis began to work as an account manager at the nearest large city. They tried to live in peace for as long as they could.

the terror.

The first vision that shook Aeron to her core was when she predicted Ellis's death. At night, alone in her bed, she had a nightmare that he'd be hit by a drunk driver driving home from work. She woke up screaming and sobbing. She knew exactly when and where it was going to happen. Her parents hadn't seen her react in such a way to a vision in a long time. She was practically inconsolable. She wailed for hours as Ellis held and rocked her, attempting to soothe her pain, while Riley sat stoically by their sides, eyes fixated on the pinned bugs mounted on her bedroom walls. He had a feeling based on her reaction what she might have seen. A few days after the vision, when Ellis was away at work, he asked her what she had seen that night. Tears in her eyes, she told him. Riley just solemnly nodded his head and reached out to hug her tight. They never told Ellis or Lex. They made as much time as they could for him until he passed away a few months later. Aeron was seventeen.

After her vision of Ellis, the voices and the visions went quiet for awhile. She graduated high school and did her best to move on. Their perfect, small family had become even smaller. Aeron and Lex adjusted okay, but she still took a gap year in order to figure herself out. Not knowing what she wanted to do with her life, she took a job at an antique shop and continued to expand on her interests in bug pinning, tarot, astrology, mythology, and theology. Her dad finally pushed her into pursuing a short associate's degree in mortuary sciences, since she didn't mind death and could help people who couldn't handle it as well as she could. She agreed.

In the last year, her visions have returned. But instead of being general and random, they seem to be following one creature. The deaths she's witnessing are brutal, and she's starting to feel like the creature she sees is starting to stare back at her through her dreams. She even witnessed a near-death with the creature, and can recall the [shifter]'s appearance from the vision, despite having never met them before. Something's much different this time. Something is much stranger.

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© weldherwings.

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  • dean.

    I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach


    sub urban.

    character name

    Dean James, no middle name. People often get confused and think he's telling them his second name instead of surname. It wouldn't be a problem, but it happened so many times that it has become a running joke among Clover Falls residents. To this day, teachers who have known him since he was a kid ask him in a playful tone to repeat his full name every single time 'just for clarification', which annoys Dean to no end.


    Even though Dean insisted it's a cheesy nickname, his friends nicknamed him DJ when they were kids and, despite their falling out, they still use it out of habit. His family calls him James, because when he was little he could never pronounce James properly and they liked to tease him by referring to him as such. It stuck.


    20 years old, he's constantly teased by his seniors for behaving like a punk when he can't even drink legally. Not that this has stopped him from drinking before, but his 21 birthday is nearing and he can't wait to not have to use his fake ID anymore.


    Male, He/Him. His shifter abilities have made him indifferent regarding his own gender.


    Pansexual. Because Dean is able to change his appareance at will, this aspect isn't his focus when looking for a potential partner. He doesn't limit his attraction solely based on gender identity.





    Clover Falls, he was born and raised there, much to this displeasure. Dean would take the first opportunity to get out of Clover Falls if it wasn't for the circumstances surrounding the town and Dean's bigger goal.

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡
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