Just Like The Horror Movies! : A Winona and Joziah combination.

Dead Girl Walking appears behind Winona as she commands her Stand to raise the dead as a horde of zombies which descend upon their target at her command of "Bite."  However, out of nowhere, Joziah and his Mr. Roboto appear and begins to punch all of the undead husks, using his imprisonment ability to transfer the entire horde into a nearby television before both he and Winona use their Stands to pummel their victim harshly and pin them into the same nearby television, where they are torn to shreds by the undead. 

Possible dialogue?

Winona: Death is never-ending; You'll have plenty of time to think over what you've done. Bite.

Joziah: Hold on, let's cut his connection for good!

Winona, as he transfers the corpses: ...Talk about obsolete data.. It's practically rotting...

(At the same time, pummeling the victim into prison.)



Just Like The Horror Movies! : A Winona and Joziah combination.

Dead Girl Walking appears behind Winona as she commands her Stand to raise the dead as a horde of zombies which descend upon their target at her command of "Bite."  However, out of nowhere, Joziah and his Mr. Roboto appear and begins to punch all of the undead husks, using his imprisonment ability to transfer the entire horde into a nearby television before both he and Winona use their Stands to pummel their victim harshly and pin them into the same nearby television, where they are torn to shreds by the undead. 

Possible dialogue?

Winona: Death is never-ending; You'll have plenty of time to think over what you've done. Bite.

Joziah: Hold on, let's cut his connection for good!

Winona, as he transfers the corpses: ...Talk about obsolete data.. It's practically rotting...

(At the same time, pummeling the victim into prison.)



This is the best one tbqh fam. 
Junior and Winona's could be Winona having a bunch of zombies and Junior using Hail to the King to make them all obey his command since Winona's limit about basic commands and keeping them in check doesn't matter if Hail to the King is the one who is controlling them!

@GinkyGotBack @Quiet

(Possible scenario?)

Masters of Life and Death

Winona: Dead Girl Walking!

*Winona raises a bunch of zombies while Junior Senior cowers in fear*

Winona: If you can't make yourself useful, then I'll make you suffer..

Junior: S-sorry, right away!  Hail To The King!

*H.T.T.K slaps the zombies with the back of its hand*

Junior: N-now subdue the enemy, tear them limb from limb!

*the zombies hold down and devour the enemy.  Junior looks away in disgust while Winona watches the scene with interest*

Winona: Interesting, I'll let you live for now.

Junior: Th-thank you miss!
I would like to begin once everyone has their character sheet clocked in and approved. It would feel wrong to begin while someone is not ready.
It's been quiet here. I guess we'll have to start without those other folks 

BUT HEY! It isnt like I am abandoning them. This Bizarre Adventure will take us across the United States! We are sure to run into them eventually, yeah?

Is that alright with everyone else? Shall we begin?
Who takes over at part 6? Is it Jolyne?





Ack. I need help catching up. I am trashman

I gotchu fam.

The date is Oct.14, in the late afternoon.

People from Loserville are protesting in the streets of Tampa, Florida. Why? 'Cause they want raises. Make the minimum wage higher and shit.

An Englishman is trying to talk some sense into these shitlords, but you know what they say, "You can not win an argument against an idiot."

The resident delinquent girl is fighting some biker from DM's clusterfuck of Stand users. So, it's a spinning specialist Stand vs a guitar-axe Stand.

A kid is going to the area where the weird shit is happening (A.K.A. rallyists debating with British boy).

Alladin is looking for jasmine to show her 「ZA WARUDO」

Our Jojo is trolling the protestants by using his Stand to make an insulting billboard about 'Murica, and Jr.Sr. is talking to Jojo then backs out on his word like a pussy.

And I still don't know how to insert Erik into this fun scenario.

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