OOC Thread

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long silence, I've been busy dealing with some real-life issues and haven't had the chance to put a lot of effort into this recently. I'm hoping to beat that setback by putting out some content as quick as I can, thanks for sticking with this, I hope to see you all in Od soon :)
Everyone, it is with much deliberation and a deepest sadness that I am announcing a close to this version of Od. It never really got off the ground in the way that I had hoped, though I do hold dreams of renewing it in the future, I cannot deliver that at this moment or place in my life. I will be in contact with you, the players, over time as to the status of developing Od as a world, its progress and making its way to a playable state, but do not expect it to be so for a very long time coming. I appreciate all the time and effort spent by you in encouragement and participation, I hope to ask you all to revisit Od once again in its full glory. Until then, safe journeys, travelers!

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