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Realistic or Modern [OOC] The Simulation


A Faded Ghost
All out of character stuff goes here. That includes any questions, or discussing plot, or even just random 'How was your day?'s and such things. You know what I mean.
So, Dani just posted her character, so that makes three characters done.
Rage will probably post his character later, I'm guessing.
My character should be done by Friday at the latest (I'm getting through it slowly because I have a bunch of exams at the moment)

After that, we just need one more person. But I will start working on the starter post this weekend.
Yay... this is a really interesting storyline for me and it's kinda nice trying to recall some of my archery knowledge... hopefully we can start it soon...
Also Maxx one question. Where would they be waking up in the simulation, like what kind of location are they in???
That stuff I'll establish in the first post, I still need to work out properly myself.
I guess so. But I don't think the people behind it would have put the lab into the simulation, because of all the stuff they didn't tell the beta testers.
So, I have finally finished my CS, guys. I shall move all of CSes to a separate thread, and start on the first post.

While I'm doing that, does anyone have any questions?
Heyo guys! Just a couple things:

Firstly, I've been thinking, and there's not going to be a set posting schedule, but to make sure no one wakes up to a flood of replies to read through, there's a limit of five posts maximum a day per person.

And the other thing, in the starter post, I did say that it is currently night, but many of you have said about it being day. In my post, I will be once more establishing that it is night, and I would appreciate it very much if people pay attention to that.
No, don't worry about changing them if you don't wanna, I was just mentioning it so you all knew.
I'm mainly waiting for Comet and Pidge to reply. I'm gonna give them until Monday, before I post. I know they've been online (well, I know Pidge has been online, not sure about Comet), so they should have posted by now. Or at least told us why they can't post.
Ok was just wondering because that’s happened to me before then the RP died.... and I really don’t want that to happen.
Actually, Rage kinda did move the story along with his Glitch post, so... You could have just had your character react to the temperature again, what with it lowering now, or something.

But I weren't even talking about you posting. I'm just waiting for everyone else to have posted before I post again, which means Comet and Pidge.
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