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Fandom OOC Talk

Alright ladies and gentlemen,

seems like enough are still interested in doing this group RPG. We still need to more characters though. Based on the lack of reply, I will remove @Lycaon and @Blackinnon_love as well as @Temptress, @ReverseWells from the roleplay. I'm really sorry for that but I want to move this forward so here we go.

Following characters won't appear in the roleplay anymore: Frank Longbottom, Tom Riddle and Lucius Malfoy. We do need a new James Potter (thanks to @HighlyInapropriate)and Severus Snape.

If any of you want to change characters or take on a new one, please feel free to PM me and we can change things accordingly. Also please ask around if any of your friends would be interested in taking on James or Severus.

Hopefully you all have a great weekend,




I'm confused. Are we starting from scratch ?

We were doing the scene at the lake before things got stuck. So I would skip over the rest of the scene and the summer to start with a new school year.
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As Severus Snape is the only one of the main cast still missing I would be willing write him.

(At least until we find somebody who would love to write him)
Alrighty, since things seem to er going again. I will try to start posting again over the weekend. : )
I will start working on a post asap. Got driving lessons now but hopefully ill get it up by sunday which is tomorrow.
Welp good news.. i wrote mah post all i need is type it xD should be up by tonight my time x
Hey guys, would you mind sharing this with your friends and fellow Potterheads? So we'll get a new Sirius and a Severus as soon as possible.

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