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Realistic or Modern OOC: Santa Monica Home for Boys and Girls [Reboot!]

Ok got my post up.

Also omg aww I LOVE Asher's little crush on Jack. So fricking cute lol! :hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:
Lol yeah It is. He's so nervous about screwing things up again tho.

Also Dawnstar Dawnstar i will try and get a post up for Nate as soon as I can but going into work right now.
hoo looks like nate and felix are talking now. im gonna have dez give em some space :>

Miaow Miaow are you still looking for someone to write with for the scene? :o
Looks like Jack is gonna be laying low for now, so the rest of you do as you see fit. I don't think I'll be coming in until it becomes night time or dinner time, whenever we chose to (if we even do) do a time skip lol.
Yeah sorry Mika. You're free to join them still, or join Ev' and Miyako on the couch!

Me and Kakemha did offer for Miaow to interact the pair as well, kinda been waiting for them now.
Looks like Jack is gonna be laying low for now, so the rest of you do as you see fit. I don't think I'll be coming in until it becomes night time or dinner time, whenever we chose to (if we even do) do a time skip lol.
In before jack gets another knock at his door.
hoo looks like nate and felix are talking now. im gonna have dez give em some space :>

Miaow Miaow are you still looking for someone to write with for the scene? :o
I am c: I keep meaning to jump in and forgetting haha, I'm not watching the thread so it completely slips my mind. Are you wanting Minnie or Haewon?
...Guess ill stop having Evelyn and Miyako on pause for you then Miaow and just post. >.>
Well I was working on Ashers post but the internet went out still waiting for it it come back on but at this rate I'll be asleep when it does so next post probably won't be until the morning.
Heyo, I'm sorry to say but I'm going to have to drop out of this one. School is picking up and i have a ton of hw to get through for the year and need to drop some rps. Hope you have a nice rp tho! Sorry about this again.
So here is something I am thinking like stated Asher still very much plans on buying a new hockey stick for Jack. So within the next couple of posts he is going to be sneaking out to make that happen. So I was thinking that might be a good time to skip a couple of hours in game get the day to move along a little and such.
I've got no problem with that, and was thinking of suggesting we did a skip soon as well.

How far ahead do we want to skip, ahead - I thought possibly just straight to the evening? -Like just like 10-15 minutes before the kids all get called Dinner. Give characters a little bit of chance to have a few posts either by themselves, or having a quick talk like Asher x Jack, or Nathan x Evelyn before everyone gets called to eat.
After dinner those interested able to go watch the hockey-game.

A timeskip to near Dinner might might also help Miaow Miaow get into the story, assuming they still interested since it'd be a bit of a hard reset of interactions once everyone sits down to eat and all?
Yeah I was thinking of just skipping straight to dinner time.

And I was thinking the same Miaow Miaow i would make the perfect opportunity to get involved.
Neat. I've already got an idea for what I think Felix and Evelyn will be probably be doing in that brief-gap after we timeskip just before dinner is called.
Well i will work on getting Nates next post here at some point during the day and we will get ready to do a time skip then.

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