OOC Discussion

Rollcall! Jason is in his office. I'm currently waiting on no one, I do however owe a post to Manic, which I'll be doing tomorrow because II have the day off!

Viola is in limbo, as I've not posted her into Episode 3 yet, and I'm not entirely planning to.
Well, you claimed a spot for Viola in Allen's class, so you're gonna have to. :P
@welian Rollcall!

Mitch is still inside the Political Powers Classroom, with Minah and Denzil. She joined the chatroom now, but i don't think Mitch would flash out her phone and be active in the chatroom.
Sam is so screwed. She's not meant to be strong and barely even knows how to use her speed. >.<
Sorry for the late post DX a bit busy these several days with graduation stuffs

Mary is in collateral damage class, just finished watching Jamie to the Rescue show and about to begin her own :v @Gus

Gaby is on break in this episode, although if agent Harry a.k.a the substitute teacher manage to go to his class this round, she might make an appearance... :P @welian
[busts through a wall and action rolls into the room]

YO! Sorry I haven't been around at all, guys. College ended up eating up my life more than I thought it was gonna, and it's probs gonna be that way until the end of the semester.

I totes told welian about this a grip ago, but because of that I decided to take a little hiatus from AEGIS on the character front. I'll still be around and stuff, helping out with mod things that might get tossed my way though.

Hope to return soon~

[proceeds to get grappled by many shadowy hands and dragged back out]
So yes, I decided to dump Denzil and keep Luci. That was nearly as hard to write as killing Luci's sister was.

Now a Luci post. That... likely won't happen today, think more Wednesday-ish.

Keep well RQ! 

I am am just sad this means we'll never meet codename Renfaire.

Oh I nearly forgot about her! Well. Maybe when I've found my groove a bit better we'll see her. Maybe
So yes, I decided to dump Denzil and keep Luci. That was nearly as hard to write as killing Luci's sister was.

Now a Luci post. That... likely won't happen today, think more Wednesday-ish.

Oh I nearly forgot about her! Well. Maybe when I've found my groove a bit better we'll see her. Maybe

That was hard to read, as I knew exactly what it meant. Aaron will miss Denzil, and I will too. My first collaboration partner, and also the guy who brought Lucas the fire blanket...

Sorry! I posted here in the OOC before I read your post in the RP, I didn't realize you wrote him out already. I'm not going to say anything if you decide to post as him a few more times....

Sorry! I posted here in the OOC before I read your post in the RP, I didn't realize you wrote him out already. I'm not going to say anything if you decide to post as him a few more times....

Nah see I have time to post about every two weeks, and if I have to split that between two characters too many people are left waiting too long. I'd miss Luci if I wrote him out too, and it's only natural since I've had Denzil, what, half a year?

Edit, more than eight months. Wow does time pass.
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I had got the impression Suzuki was strongly against ghost writing of characters generally… 

That said, I am always up for trying to change up style to imitate somebody else's. I am not good at it, but it is fun to try. 

And I love Nike, personally.

Aaron is going to be a little star struck when he finds out she is on staff and not just guest lecturing.
Posted in halloween post. I think Aaron might be going mad.

Aren't you folks who chose 'down' lucky? 

We're going to have some fun in the basement, my ducklings, yes we are! 
Red: "I not only brought change to this fucking place, I curbstomped the person behind it and made his name a household title of SHAME. WORSHIP ME YOU USELESS GHOST."
Errol: "You literally had your underlings leave a flaming bag of shit on my desk."

Scarlet: "And I still use that desk, I put an extra layer of varnish on to preserve the scorch marks."
Errol: "Like a tool? No, I think your daughter was the most useful tool I've ever owned."
Errol: "It might have been when you defected, seeded inner turmoil in my agency, destroyed three of my most important laboratories, and completely ruined a trade deal with Russia's military. Or it could have been when I cancelled the muffin contract with the local Amish bakery."
R: "If I recall, it was when I carved them into your face when you decided to try and manipulate me by tearing my family apart. Oh! SPEAKING OF...If I recall, your family likes me leagues more than you. Sharon even talks to me on a first name basis. Might help I don't try hooking up with every redhead thirty years younger than myself."

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