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Fandom One Piece


Although Tsuki was passed out, she felt like she was only asleep. She was even dreaming and snoring and everything. In her dreams, she was staring at a young man who was wearing a straw hat and had a scar, apparently caused by a cut, under his left eye. He wore a red vest which was unbuttoned, revealing another mark which was cross-shaped, blue trousers, and sandals. He suddenly pulled his cheek, to a much further distance than a normal human could, explaining, "I'm a rubber human." After that, out of nowhere, he shouted, "I'm going to be the pirate king!"

And that's where the dream ended. But the girl was still asleep. She wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, not after all the shocking things she witnessed that day. People could try to wake her up in any way they try, but she won't budge, not in the slightest. She walked around in her sleeping state, stepping on some folks' faces, but she was unaware of what she was doing.

@National @minna


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It didn't take but a minute before Rikka totally blacked out of everything. By that I mean, she is not going to remember a thing come tomorrow morning. That's how lightweight she is with alcohol, it's bad. Now what just happened after she finished off the bottle of sake was, Soji approached her and gave her a side hug, gave a loud cheer, and pecked her on the fore head. But, plastered Rikka saw it like this: Soji approaches Rikka. They stare at one another for a second. Soji grabs Rikka and hugs her as tight as he can. Soji yells; "WooooOooh-Iloveyou-Ooooo". Soji passionately kisses Rikka.

Something terrible has just taken place before us.
Drunk Rikka now has the impression that Soji is in love with her. Drunk Rikka. Soji. Love. Setting the whole island on fire wouldn't be as bad as this.

Rikka stood with her empty bottle of what once was sake, watching Soji walk away to talk to Sarah. Just to inform you for the fifth time, Rikka is no where near her sane state of mind. Everything that is going through her head at this moment is: "Soji loves me. Why did it take me so long to notice! I LOVE YOU TOO SOJI!"

Her eyes darted to Soji and she clenched her fist beginning to cry. (Wtf.) But then she stared a little bit more and instantly stopped blubbering...Sarah... Sarah. Sarah and my lover are... they are....THEY ARE CONVERSING. DISGUSTINNNNNGGGGGG!

"That bitch."

Rikka glanced around at everyone with an expression that looked like "Are you seeing the monstrosity that dares to appear before me?" She took a deep breath and began to approach the two. By approach I mean wobble around in a circle, fall over, and then approach them.

She stopped in front of Sarah and smiled the most disgusting smile I have ever seen. She looked back at Soji. Back at Sarah. Back at Soji. Then back at Sarah. Still smiling she leaned in incredibly close to Sarah and raised her eyebrows.

"I will.... I love you... Sarah... You beautiful little beautiful... I will.. I ... Will. Ok? Are we clear? Capish?"

She then turned back to Soji and made the face you make when the cutest, smallest puppy in the world just fell asleep on your lap, only.. gross.

"Oh. Soji. You human. You are... such a human."

With that she placed a hand on his cheek and began to cry. It was kind of beautiful for like point two seconds before she burped and fell over.

Someone please make a shoujo manga out of this.

And with that, Rikka experienced her first love... for a total of five minutes and then fell asleep.

@SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden



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To everyone in the bar who was looking at L.G's crew would think they were are all chaotic drunk children. To L.G, however this was the most normal day of his life with the crew. L.G watches as Suzumaki passes out, and starts to see an circle of horny men start to get close to her. L.G sighs as he finishes his bottle of Whiskey. "Why me?" He asks himself as he stands up and walks over to the men. A balding old man gets his hand dangerously close to Suzumakis lower area before L.G grabs the mans hand and gives the man a deadly stare. "I kindly ask of you to not come even 10 feet close to her. Understood, all of you?" The men nod their heads quickly before darting away from the giant fishman. He picks up the tiny girl and holds her in a one-armed baby cradle as he pursues the sleep walking Tsuki. She didn't even drink, and she was already stepping on people's faces and bumping unto tables. A long haired man goes to grab Tsuki, but L.G pushes the mans hand away and picks up Tsuki in his other arm. She was in a knocked out phase but he knew a way to snap her out of it. He whispers in Tsuki's ear. "Wake up, or I'll let Soji kiss you on the lips." @Mugiwara @Suzumaki Arakai
Kazuichi walked to Rikka and put his hands on her shoulders shaking her trying to wake her up. "Oh god please don't leave me here alone like this your the only other sane person on this crew! DON'T LEAVE ME WITH THESE IDIOTS!"

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: Suspicious

Health: 100%

Interacting: No one

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

As of currently Sarah is exploring Whisky peak. She looks around at all the houses and stares up at the giant looking cactus.

"I wonder how these thing grew here?" Sarah upon closer investigation walks up to these cacti looking things. As she grew closer and closer to the Cacti, she sees gravestones instead.

"Oh boy." Sarah begins to worry, How on earth are there this many graves? How many people here died exactly?

Sarah begins to walk back to the party, but stops for a moment. These men here were strangely hospitable... are they really this nice. The Sarah starts to think and wonder, letting her investigative and detective side of her take over. They seemed to be very pushy on the food and alcohol too, almost seems like they were trying to... force us to? Sarah puts her fingers to her chin. No I'm probably overthinking it. Sarah decides to brush off her feeling, but she can't help and wonder. Where do they get all of their supplies? Sarah walks back and sees some of her crew fall asleep, either drunk or full of food.

"Guess I better sleep to." Though still unsure of the band of people Sarah hides one of her guns inside of her dress and the other on her holster on her thigh. Good night to me. Sarah lays somewhere close to where they are, but not close enough to where they can see her. Knowing them I won't be able to sleep with that kind of noise. Sarah is an over all pretty deepish sleeper, it takes awhile to wake her up with noise, but if something like a gunshot is heard by her, she'll wake up. Pushing her and moving her around though won't do much. Closing her eyes she drifts off to sleep.
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L.G Hardy

L.G watched as everyone was starting to get drowsy. He could feel his own eyelids start to get real heavy. He yawns as he sets down Tsuki and Suzumaki and stands up, walking out of the bar. The night was very beautiful, with thousands of stars dotting the night sky. It was a wonderful sight, something you don't usually see everyday. He watches as all the shops start to close up for the night. This day was over, and everyone was preparing for a good sleep. L.G walks back into where everyone else was and smiles as he sees his crew sleeping peacefully. He lays down on a sleeping bag he brought with him and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Asuka Rin

Asuka groaned in a drunken tiredness as she pulled back from the makeout session that seemed to last forever. She was also feeling breathless and tipsy to top it off. Stroking Shizuka's hair with her small hands and grabbing her hand, she led her down princess style off of the table where the series of kisses had happened. Misty-eyed, Asuka embraced the pink haired girl in her motherly arms, sleeping together nicely on the floor. It had been a while, and the party seemed to have drawn to a close. By the time most of her crew were passed out or fast asleep (except Soji and Sarah of course), the white dress she had worn became torn and stinking of alcohol; so were the rest of her, really. But could you really blame her? Asuka did have a pretty shitty week.

In drunken Asuka's mind, it was almost like her emotional run-in with Soji had never happened, all that existed in her thoughts was Shizuka. Asuka didn't know how to feel about her, although they were most definitely closer than the rest of the crewmates. The two girls had bonded over their common love for music (although Asuka was nowhere near as talented as Shizuka), their mutual dislike of Soji, how Asuka could make pretty flowers out of anything, and they just seemed to click perfectly, despite differences in background or demeanor. She had never met anyone that she could connect to. This was mostly due to the reason that most royalty were spoiled rotten or corrupt, topped off with her strict parents that never let her casually mingle amongst commoners, let alone pirates. Of course, this explained her confusion perfectly. Asuka didn't know what it was like to make a friend she could connect with, and she wasn't in the best position for another relationship, seeing she was a runaway and all. As she fell deeper out of consciousness, Asuka could hear and see images in her mind....
a dream?

The moon was full in her dream, the stars were out as per usual. Her parents and a majority of the guards were in the grand hall of the castle, hosting some extravagant party or meeting of some sort. Knowing from experience that most guests didn't even notice she was gone in the first place, Asuka took this moment to sneak outside and get some alone time, away from the guards. They preferred listening to her brothers or her father speak, to them she was just a mere shadow. An extra in some sort of movie. Asuka remembered this moment, she was only around 15, maybe 16? She ran her fingers through her hair, only to find that her hair was only up to her mid-back and a light brown color. Her wide eyes were no longer shining silver, they were a light hazel. It was a different dress, a peachy pink made of silk and laced with pearls. This was before the whole Devil Fruit mess happened. Asuka quietly snuck out of the crowded hall through a couple of doors until she made it to her bedroom, opened the balcony door and climbed the nearby vines to get down to the castle gardens. Sighing in a tranquil sort of satisfaction, she spent the night enjoying the flowers in the garden. Besides, that was what her kingdom was known for, nature. Or more specifically, flowers. And beautiful ones at that.

"Good evening to you, princess." A welcoming voice suddenly pierced through the peace and quiet of the garden. A wise female voice. "Nana, you scared me!" Asuka cried out in a pleasant surprise. "Nana" was Asuka's loving and free-spirited grandmother that stood at a proud 78 years old. The elderly woman had wrinkles in her eyes from smiling and walked with a prideful and happy stance. Due to her age, she could no longer be a part of court politics, but was treated as an adviser or counselor of sorts. Nana had much more freedom than Asuka did, something the girl had envied. At least Nana could actually afford talking shit about other princes and princesses in public.

"I understand the parties were too much for you. You're almost turning 18, you know.." The old woman said, patting her gently on the back while reminding her of the age most princesses were supposed to have official weddings. "I know, Nan. I know. It's just..." Asuka sighed as she picked off the petals of a nearby flower. "Love takes as much time as it needs to, be it at first sight or over a century." Her old eyes looked up at her. Asuka didn't answer, she wanted to respond back with something along the lines of "What if I get married to an asshole?", but that would just be rude...and major foreshadowing. The princess knew Nan wouldn't have answer for that and she didn't want to put her own grandmother through answering that question either. Her worried look ceased as Nan gently kissed her, right on her button nose.

"Besides, what happened to that knight lad? He's kind of cute..." Nana smirked, she was back to her old ways again. She nudged her granddaughter as she laughed without a care in the world. Life seemed so easy for her now, being so old and peaceful. "Nana, stop it! We're simply friends...nothing more." Asuka's cheeks turned a light pink. Goddammit, Nan. "It's not like anything could happen between us anyways." She bitterly reminded her. Although she would never admit it, yes, she did have a slight crush and enjoyed the flirtatious banter they both shared, but at the end of the day, Asuka didn't want the poor knight to get into trouble because of his feelings. She didn't want it to end up like Romeo and Juliet, we all know how messed up that story was."If you insist, princess... come on, Asuka. The roses look beautiful in the moonlight..."

@Leaf Fi @wait shizuka is older than asuka xD @old neutral characters are the beeest @shit sorry this was getting too long @listened to some piano music and i felt inspired @yuriii
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At some point in time during the party, Igarappoi, the mayor of Whiskey Peak, had left the building, leaving everyone to do their own thing and enjoy the party, food, and delicious whiskey. Many of the men around had already passed out as well, or so that's what the Straw Hats think. Luffy had already eaten so much food that his rubber body looked like a giant bouncy-ball, which would probably shrink up soon enough. Meanwhile, Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday were alone in a small cabin outside of the town's line of view. "And due to their interference, our provision acquisition mission ended in failure. However, we would like to report that we have successfully lured their crew to Cactus Island." The two could be seen sitting by a small table in the middle of the room as Mr.9 wrote a letter, reading the words aloud to Miss Wednesday. "B-a-b-y. Very good!" Smacking his pencil down on the small surface, the man then rolled the paper up and presented it's perfection to Miss Wednesday. "Once the boss gets this, we'll be cleared of our disgrace!" Miss Wednesday smiled before taking the letter in her hand and standing up, "You're right. I'll put it in the Unluckies Box." The Unluckies are the two creatures that flew over and dropped a bomb on the two just yesterday evening; an otter and a vulture. Miss Wednesday held her pinkie out from all of the other fingers as she carried the paper with her, exiting through the cabin door and outside where the stars could be seen shining brightly in the sky. There was a small mailbox with a large seagull figure on top of it that rested just near the edge of the cliff in which the cabin they resided in could be found. "They'll deliver it for us..." Once the letter was placed in the box, Miss Wednesday made her way back into the cabin with Mr.9. "To the boss." Looking closer at the mailbox, you could see the word, "Baroque" written on it over top of a jolly roger.


Scanning back down to the group of pirates partying in the small townhouse, the last few Straw Hats could be seen finally passing out. Once this happened, the men and women within the room waited a good fifteen minutes or so just in case they weren't completely asleep. Igarappoi was now standing outside by himself, different townhouses surrounding him as he stared up at the sky, "They've finally tired themselves out and fallen asleep. Sleep well, my little adventurers. This night, the dancing moonlight is glistening beautifully on the Cactus Rocks." Looking behind him, Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday could be seen sitting on the flat roof of the building. "Well, aren't you the poet, Igarappoi?...Rather, Mr.8." The mayor didn't flinch, nor did he turn to see who it was; instead he just remained positioned with both hands behind his back, staring up in a daze. "So it's you two." Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday jumped down from the roof in sync, landing on the ground with ease before taking some sassy stances, Mr.9 placing his hands upon his hips. "What of them?" Miss Wednesday questioned about the pirates. "They have fallen....into hell that is." There was a brief moment of silence as the three stood there in suspense, Miss Wednesday and the mayor sharing intent eye-contact with each other until the moment was suddenly broken by a large black woman with a high-pitched voice; dressed as a nun who had exited out of the back door to the building in which the Straw Hat Pirates slept peacefully. "Honestly....they were a stubborn bunch. We had to keep putting more and more alcohol into their drinks. If we hadn't, they'd still be awake and causing a ruckus." The woman then gripped the hood of her outfit and pulled the irritating clothing off with ease, revealing a pink head of hair; pinned up into two low and scruffy pig-tails in the back. "Still, was it really necessary to put on that drama?" Upon removing the entire get-up, you could see that she was very...very muscular, wearing a short dress with a white and pink, checkerboard pattern. "For ten measly pirates? We should have finished them off at the harbor. Even without them here, the whole town has a food shortage to worry about." Glancing over at Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday, the dark woman narrowed her eyes. "I knew these two wouldn't be able to bring back that whale meat."

"You don't have to say it like that!" Mr.9 turned to face the woman with a nasty glare, both hands still on his hips; just gripping tighter with irritation. "We tried very hard, I'll have you know!" Giving off a sigh, the mayor looked towards Mr.9 and spoke up, not having to clear his throat. "Compose yourselves! Look at this. I've been doing some checking on them." The man could be seen lifting a paper, revealing it to be a bounty with the name "Monkey D. Luffy" (Should be SUZU!) written across the bottom; as well as the number "30,000,000" behind a berri sign. The three others suddenly gathered around and within the blink of an eye, had their faces pushed together as they stared at the bounty poster. "30,000,000 berri!?" Their voices overlapped each other, eyes gaping at the picture. "THOSE guys?" Igarappoi jerked the poster around and took another look at it for himself, studying the retarded smile of Luffy on the cover. "It is foolish to judge a pirate's ability by their appearances alone, Miss Mo- gmm..." Igarappoi let out a loud, scratchy choke before placing a hand beneath his throat and straightening his back. "Mah~ Mah~ Maaah~!...Miss Monday." The other three just stood there and stared with blank faces; a small sweat-drop could be seen gliding down the large, dark woman's cheek as she then placed a hand on the back of her head. "I-I'm ashamed." The mayor didn't give her much time to say much more as he turned and began speaking again. "But now that they've been disposed of. We can make a favorable report to the boss. We'll take all the valuables on their boat immediately."

"And? What about them?"

"What'll we do?"

"If we kill them, we lose 30% of the bounty. The government enjoys it's public executions after all." There was another random moment of silence as the four stood there in suspense, intently focusing on Igarappoi's back; waiting for him to continue speaking.

"Go! Capture them alive!"

This is where Soji shows up out of nowhere


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Igaram.jpg.bb95b4782869839d5cc7fa085d277b02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71314" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Igaram.jpg.bb95b4782869839d5cc7fa085d277b02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4387d3f5_MissMonday.jpg.0bd0ca11f85269087336b2f9af98514e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4387d3f5_MissMonday.jpg.0bd0ca11f85269087336b2f9af98514e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4383b8f7_MissWednesday.jpg.6f5860391e3512391e73d4509b358472.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c4383b8f7_MissWednesday.jpg.6f5860391e3512391e73d4509b358472.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Mr.9.jpg.5bf6ba28916e9ea3ac27f4d85df41e72.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71316" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Mr.9.jpg.5bf6ba28916e9ea3ac27f4d85df41e72.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey...peak?

Mood: Solitude

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Rikka and Kazuichi

A single eyebrow remained skyward on the sniper's face as Rikka stumbled over to him and Sarah. What started off sounding a lot like a threat sort of began to turn into a declaration of love, which made the man roll his eyes as he anticipated yet another girl on girl makeout session. He was beginning to think he was cursed but then Rikka turned back to him and ever so gently stroked his face with a drunkenly amorous expression painted on her face. He couldn't help but erupt with laughter at the cook's compliment as Sarah left to do God knows what. "Oi, I guess I--" the cook was out like a light before he could finish his sentence. "Am." he rolled his eyes at his light weight crew mates.

When Kazuichi began to shake the girl in an attempt to bring her back from her drunken slumber, Soji stepped over the two of them remarking, "A word to the wise.... mate. Violently shakin' a woman who juss finished a whole bottle of sake is a grrrrreat way to get a whole bottle of sake and her dinner all over yourself!" he knelt down and gave Kazu a pat on the back. "In ottther words, I wouldn't recommenddd. It." And with that he sauntered off in search of another lady to charm.

~*falsetto voice* Muthafuggin' Timeskiiiiiiiip~

During the party, the sniper found himself striking out with most of the women he spoke to. The goal was to get one back to the ship to pork privately but they all attempted to convince him to stay put in the townhouse. It was quite annoying. "WHY DOES NOoO ONE WANT TO GO AaaAaaLL THE WAY!?" he'd shouted before grabbing a mug of wine and promptly exiting the townhouse for some fresh air. Most of his buddies were passing out any way and the entire room was filled with prudes.

"I'll just go find Zarah and mmmake out with her," Soji grumbled to himself. You're probably wondering how drunk the man is at the moment. He was what most people would call "comfortably turnt" meaning he wouldn't be blacking out tonight, but he's still drunk enough to be delusional. He took sips from his mug as he strolled away from the townhouse. Glaring into the mug, he spoke as if someone was next to him. "Does this taste more...uhhhhh" he took a sip and smacked his lips in thought. "Tmm tmm. Definitely....stronger." As we're aware Soji is not fond of wine. He'd enjoyed Whiskey Peak's wine and thought the recipe was perfect, despite its lack of alcoholic content. But now it tasted like shit, which meant it would be a chore to finish.

Eventually, he heard some voices, a few of them oddly...familiar, and one of them was distinctly that of the mayor's. "They probabry might maybe might know where Zarah is," he said as he found his way to the crew. Upon seeing the mayor he voiced his concerns with the city.

"OI! Currrlz! What's with ye women, mate!?" Sarah was now completely out of his mind. It was far more important that he tell the mayor of this otherwise wonderful island how to improve its schtick. "None ovvum ever wanna go past second...base?" He'd just clued into the presence of Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9. He pointed at the two of them and straightened up a bit.

"Wait a minute...I thought you two were.." alright, now maybe it was the alcohol, but Soji could feel his gut beginning to freak out. "Nyeh..." he growled softly and began to take steps backward, studying the...colorful cast of characters in front of him. The huge black woman with bigger muscles than him made him far more disturbed than he already was. "Is that....Is that a man with tits, mate?"

@TRASHLYN @Nenma Takashi @Suzumaki Arakai


Just as the Mayor gave the orders for everyone to capture the Straw Hat Pirates alive, a red haired male came staggering out of the door in which Miss Monday recently exited through as well. Upon hearing his voice, all four agents turned around to see Soji standing there in a drunken manner, questioning something about the women of Whiskey Peak. Just as this happened, two men opened up the same door that Soji just came through, hollering out in a fit of worry. "Mr.8! Miss Monday! The perv- Ah!" Just as they noticed Soji, the two men lifted their guns and prepared to shoot until suddenly Igarappoi lifted a hand, speaking in an irritated manner. "Wait!" Looking at Soji, they suspected that he possibly overheard them, causing the mayor's expression to grow dark. "Fiend. You should have been completely unconscious!" There were actually a lot of people gathered around by now, each of them holding weapons; about a hundred.


Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey peak.

Mood: God dammit

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Mr. 8 Miss Monday Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday

The man sighed and threw his head back once he realized that the crew had walked into a trap. Worst day ever. "Ooooiii..." he groaned. No lap dance, no one night stand, and now this. His ears perked up at the mention of the names Mr. 8 and Miss Monday. A light bulb illuminated the inner workings of his mind. Ever so carefully, he began to do a headcount on all the bounty hunters. In the mean time, he had to stall.

Acting drunker than he really was, he swayed a little bit as he spoke. "Oooooi~I get it noooow. Yoooou guyz...arrre members of the..."a glint flashed in his eye and a sly smile curled upon his lips. "Baroque Works."

@Suzumaki Arakai


Upon hearing Soji speak up more, mentioning the name of their agency, their expressions went from slightly angered to mind blow, causing Igarappoi to take a step back, lifting an arm in disbelieve as Mr.9's jaw dropped. Miss Wednesday and Miss Monday just gasped, eyes gaping as they stared over at the red haired male. "H-how do you know that name!?" The mayor's composure broke, causing his voice to crack slightly when talking. Baroque works is a criminal organization in which agents often function as bounty hunters and take down pirates in order to aid their operations. Only the top agents within the agency know who "Boss" is. Many of the people around could be seen taking their stances, ready to fight. The members of the agency basically know nothing of one another and call each other by code-names, technically being a fault considering that's all it took for Soji to figure out who it was.

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Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey peak.

Mood: smugsy wugsy

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Mr. 8 Miss Monday Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday and 100 bounty hunters

"Saaaaa~" Soji took a sip from his wine mug and cleared his throat, and mockingly said "Maah~ Maah~ Maah~" before answering.

"Earnt a name for myself shootin' shit. Appapaperaperantly whoever's runnin' your little operazion thought I'd be a good fit. Of course I refused." He sighed with satisfaction and wobbled about a bit while drunkenly chortling. "I want everyone to know my name. Soji Sento: the man who doesn't miss."

@Suzumaki Arakai


After silently standing in place, listening as Soji explained how he knew baroque works, and how someone tried recruiting him in the past; along with an irritating mock, Igarappoi furrowed his brow, letting out a sharp sigh. "This is surprising. Since you know our little secret, we have no choice but to eliminate you." Everyone stood quiet for a moment, the wind could be heard lightly, sending chills down the spines of some agents who weren't as experienced as others. "And then...we will add another gravestone to the cactus rocks." Indeed. Taking a closer look at the giant figures, you could notice that they weren't your normal, spiny cactis; but instead, they were just plain ol' cactus rocks with gravestones, thousands of them, decorating the main one's surrounding the small town. This just goes to show how many times the people on this island have been successful towards bounty hunting. A large, eerie smile appeared on the mayor's face as he let out a low grumble, soon throwing his finger out at Soji and yelling in a loud voice, "Kill him!" At these words, the men and women around instantly prepared themselves, ready to charge for battle.

Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey peak.


Health: 85%

Interacting With: Mr. 8 Miss Monday Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday and 100 bounty hunters

As soon as Mr. 8 gave the order, Soji stopped exaggerating how drunk he was. The two men who came out of the door and gave away the Baroque Works' identities were his first victims. Soji whipped around and threw his half full mug into the face of the gun toting man in the blue robe. He snatched the rifle away from him while he was distracted and blew a hole in his chest before punting the fellow in the cowboy hat with the butt of the rifle and stomping on his face as soon as he hit the ground. "Weeeee~ mwahahahahahHAHAHAHA!" he cackled as he reloaded the rifle and began to flee. Inside of the building he found several bottles of vodka.

"Time for science!" he searched around the building frantically searching for a cloth of some sort. He decided to tear a piece off of a curtain and douse it in the liquor. Hearing footsteps outside, he hid behind a counter and retrieved his lighter from his jacket. When the door flung open, he stuffed the cloth in the bottle, lit it on fire and tossed it out the door, causing it to erupt in a shower of flames. The bounty hunters ran around frantically attempting to cease their flesh from burning off. Soji took the opportunity to disarm a few of them. He slung the rifle over his shoulders and snatched three pistols. holding two in each hand and the handle of the other in his mouth.

Yes. That's a Zoro easter egg.

Of the five men that had gathered at the door, only three had become BBQ, the other two that were combat ready were quickly executed by the sniper. Standing in the alley with two smoking guns, he clicked both of the pistols to reload. Two groups of swordsmen appeared on either side of the alley and began to charge the man. He grinned through his grit teeth and extended his arms out into a Jesus died on the cross for your sins pose.

One by one swordsmen dropped as bullets plunged into their foreheads during their charge. When there were only two left, one on either side, they had gained enough ground to lunge and skewer the gunman. He shot the one on the left in the head, but the gun in his right hand was out of ammo. He chucked the gun at the swordsman's face, stunning him briefly before Soji retrieved the gun he'd been holding in his teeth to shoot him in the heart.

"Oooooi ooooi!" he boasted as he sauntered away from the pile of bodies, twirling the gun on his finger. "The problem with 100 men? 100 guns." Realizing his math was off, as many of the hunters were clearly swordsmen, he furrowed his eyebrows and shrugged. "Sounded more bad ass in my head..." he grumbled.

"Fool!" a woman's voice called behind him. He turned around to find the source of the insult flying through the air, tackling him to the ground. A woman with crazy long sharp nails scratched at his bare chest, drawing blood before beginning her villainous monologue. "We don't all have guns and we're not all men!"

Soji winced, but then cracked a smile as he looked up at the woman.
"Where were you during the party?" he asked before lowering his eyelids and turning his grin into a cheeky smirk. "I love it rough~"

Infuriated and flustered by his total lack of fear or at least respect, she raised her hand to slash his neck.
"Better handcuff me next time!" Soji spat as he pressed the nose of his personal pistol, which he'd been reaching for as he taunted her, against the bottom of the woman's chin. She flinched and the sniper winked.

"Sorry, not my type," he said before pulling the trigger and tossing the body off of himself.

"He's over here!" He was surrounded in the alley yet again. Luckily, not too far from him was a conveniently placed ladder leading to a roof. He holstered his pistol and made a mad dash for the rungs. Once he was on top of the roof, he kicked the ladder down to topple the few hunters that were hot on his heels. "Crabs in a bucket." he rolled his eyes as he took the rifle from his shoulder and posed to fire into the crowd.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for~ The sweet release of DEATH!" he began to pull the trigger, picking off bounty hunters in the crowd while maniacally counting his kills.

"1 fucker down!" click, reload.

"2 fuckers down!" click reload.

"3 fuckers, now that's a party! Can he make it four? OF COURSE HE CAN. 4 fuckers down!" The gunmen in the crowd were firing back but their aim was flat out disgusting. Still, based off of sheer probability, Soji backed away from the edge of the roof after his fifth kill, returning the rifle to his back.

@Suzumaki Arakai @ may have gotten carried away.
Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: Suspicious

Health: 100%

Interacting: No one

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

From gun shots being fired Sarah wakes up.

"Ugh what now!" Sarah walks towards the sound of the shots and sees the group of people who they were partying with shooting and trying to kill Soji. Sarah just stared at what happening.

"So I was right." Sarah remembers about all of the tomb stones she witness before. "Ah shit those must be the dead people the killed as well." Sarah feels like a real idiot not warning them about that, but then again they were drunk and probably wouldn't believe her anyway.

"Should I help him?" Sarah wondered while watching the madness go forth. "Nah he's fine." Sarah sits there in the dark hiding from all those people and watching Soji kill each and everyone of them.

"He gots this." Sarah was sure Soji could take him down. He isn't the best damn sniper she ever known for a reason.

"Ha my mom would've loved him." Watching Soji reminds her of the many times her mother took her shooting. "Good times."


None of the agents were prepared for the sudden and quick movements of Soji as he instantly began killing men off, one-by-one without a single hint of mercy. People around began to shake in their boots as others just continued to fight, resulting in a lost life. Upon seeing this, Igarappoi grew angered as he shoved a finger towards them all and yelled, "Finish him off! He's just ONE sniper!" But even after hearing this, the weaker men continued to fight hesitantly, chasing Soji around wherever he ran to. At one point they all had him surrounded, swordsmen that is. They were at an advantage...or so they thought. The sniper finished each man, and even a woman off within a mere thirty-seconds or so, not even breaking a sweat and all the while smiling. Soji could now be seen climbing his way up a ladder with another man following up it as well. Once the sniper made it to the top of the roof, he kicked the ladder of, sending the other down into a crowd of people, injuring them each before come time for Soji to basically blast their brains out with ease. Shortly before Soji made his way onto the roof, Mr.9, Miss Wednesday, Miss Monday, and Igarappoi still remained in the same place they were before, now realizing that the weaklings won't be able to handle this man alone. And if I'm not mistaken, the mayor, not too long ago, said that it's foolish to judge a man based on just his appearance. "It seems that we'll have to deal with this one ourselves." Miss Wednesday's pinkie was held high as Miss Monday began to crack her knuckles, and Igarappoi increasing the grip on his trumpet. Everyone held dark glares on their expressions, preparing themselves mentally. The Mayor looked highly pissed and completely done, a large vein was throbbing on his forehead as he looked off in the supposed direction of where Soji might had disappeared to. "Does he really think he can fight all of us by himself? Even after revealing he recognizes us as Baroque Works." The Straw Hat Pirates were still sleeping peacefully in the townhouse, Luffy continuing to snore in the most disturbing manner. His figure at the moment was just comical...because of how much he had eaten, and the fact that he's rubber, his stomach had grown to a very large size, making him look a little bit like L.G. Hardy. The captains pants were undone as well, the reason for this is obvious; he ate too much. Rikka was smiling in her sleep, probably thinking drunkenly of how Soji was in love with her or something. Meanwhile, Sarah is the only one, other than Soji, who isn't in the building with the others, and she's most likely awake as well. So this is the "welcoming town" of Whiskey Peak, a nest of bounty hunters. Once Soji had begun making his way up the ladder to the roof of a random townhouse, Miss Monday began making her way to find him as well, but in the meantime, a kid had beat her to it. Running with a loud yell, a small boy with brow hair began running towards Soji, bumping into his leg before falling backwards with a grunt as a nun then darted over and wrapped her arms around the child, now resting on her knees with a golden crucifix. "Oh, God, grant us your divine protection...your benevolence....grant us your divine protection to save us!" The two were now allowing obviously fake tears to stream down their cheeks as the nun then lowered her head for a moment before they both instantly shot eerie grins towards the sniper; Miss Catherine, the nun, suddenly pulled a string that was attached to the top of the crucifix, opening up a hole in the center of it as a poisonous gas then began to spew out from it. "Kami no Gokago Metsubushi!" A laugh sounded from the woman's lungs. She felt triumphant; besides...who would kill a nun and a child, right?

@SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden

Sarah doesn't come in just yet, but soon.
Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey peak.

Mood: omg

Health: 80%

Interacting With: Mr. 8 Miss Monday Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday and 100 bounty hunters

The sniper could see that sneak attack coming from a mile away. One does not simply send a child into battle if they're not planning on pulling the whole "innocent act." And a nun? Really? Talk about your wolves in sheeps' clothing cliche. As soon as the cross device opened and gas began to pour out, Soji covered his mouth and nose. He yanked the cross from the nun's grip and tossed it over the roof to where he'd last seen the crowd of hunters down below. "Thanks for that," he said with a deep breath as he drew his pistol and pressed it to the nun's forehead.

"I always wanted to...uh...what's the right word..." Soji put his freehand under his chin and rubbed it. "Get blown by a nun. Figures it'd happen the other way around. Have fun with God!" Yeah he did it. He squeezed the trigger and killed Miss Catherine in cold blood. His justification?

She had literally just attempted to kill him, and had she succeeded in debilitating him with that gas, she no doubt would've gone for the fatal blow. The horrified boy was next. Soji knelt down and pressed the barrel of the gun to the boy's forehead. He silently stared into the boy's whimpering face for what surely felt like an eternity. Then he finally spoke.

"I want you to remember this moment. I want you to remember what it feels like to have another man hold your life in his hands. Never let it happen again." With that, he bonked the boy over the head with the handle of the pistol, knocking him unconscious.

@Suzumaki Arakai @GardinOfEden @ oh my


As Soji continued quarreling, the Straw Hats continued sleeping; even as four men carrying weapons quietly stormed their way through the townhouse, stepping over everyone, and by quiet, I mean not so quiet. Once the left, shutting the door behind them, Luffy randomly sat up and looked around, droll leaking down him chin as he stared at the wall with sleepy eyes. "Niku....uuh~?" And with that he fluttered back down into the same exact sleeping position from before, falling, once again, into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, Sarah has probably already decided that she's had enough of listening to Soji fight. Just as Soji knocked out Miss Catherine and her little subordinate, Miss Monday finally made her way up onto the same roof in which they all resided, sneaking up on Soji with the same ladder he had used to send a man tumbling to the ground, smashing his fellow bounty hunters. A loud grunt escaped the large woman's lungs as she gave the wooden object a swift swing like that of a monster, making an attempt to bash Soji and send him flying.

@SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden

((Sarah can come out in search of treasure! If she wants, she can kill a few men but only if they see her sneaking around for treasure and stuff. Also, remember that there is barely any treasure on the island, despite being a town of bounty hunters. They've got a drought in food, so obviously they won't have much money as well. Another thing! Don't let Soji and Sarah interact with each other just yet.))
Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: Bored

Health: 100%

Interacting: No one

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

Sarah watching silently off from the fight is slowly, slowly, slowly, losing interest.

"Ugh this is so boring." Sarah was about to go off, until she saw Soji put a gun towards the little kid's head. Sarah eyes widen.

"Soji I swear if you hurt him." Sarah grew hot. When she gets hot no one like that, the ground or more like sand below her started to heat. Before anything else escalated she hears Soji say something about remembering this moment then knocking him out. Sarah lets out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God!" Sarah says loudly, but still no hears her. She looks around seeing how no one sees her still.

"Well maybe if I sneak around I can loot some of these people." Sarah gets off from her spot and takes off in search for treasure, but stays hidden in the shadows, she takes one step and *Ploof* she falls on her butt.

"Whaaa?" She looks below her and sees that she turned a wide area of sand into glass. O.o ........ "Well oops." Sarah carefully walks away from the glass area as if nothing happened there.

"I should really be more careful." Sarah unleashes her rapier and chain, "But for now it's treasure time!"
Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey peak.


Health: 80%

Interacting With: Mr. 8 Miss Monday Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday and less than 100 bounty hunters

Sensing the presence of someone large behind him, he figured L.G. had come to his aid. But the grunt behind him was certainly not the fishman's. He instinctively threw himself backward onto the ground, turning his body to meet his attacker's eyes as the ladder smashed into pieces inches above his head. "Dzzt!" he seethed through gritted teeth as he stared horrified at the man woman....woman? from before. "The man with tits!" he exclaimed before standing to his feet to ask a burning question. "Tell me mate...re you a very muscular woman...or a man with a very high pitched voice? Which is it!?"

@Suzumaki Arakai @ sorry for shortposting wanted to get this out before I go to class


Stepping forward, Miss Monday towered above Soji as he stared up at her with a horrified expression. The large woman didn't allow his nasty gender remarks to phase her on the outside, but on the inside she was raging. A dark shadow covered her eyes as she began placing metal sheath on her knuckle, now gripping it tightly with a deadly glare towards the sniper. "Don't get too cocky. No man can defeat me with strength alone." Bending down, Miss Monday grabbed Soji by the throat and lifted him up off of the ground with a grin, "This is the end for you." Tightening her grip, the man was lifted even higher now; Miss Monday's arm now fully extended as she continued to choke him. After a moment, the dark woman swiftly slammed Soji to the ground and reared back her other fist; the one armed with metal knuckles. "Kairiki...!" Her voice sounded a little deeper than usual as she said this, letting out a loud yell in order to allow all of her strength to be placed into this attack. No time was really given for Soji to escape as Miss Monday punched forward, slamming her fist into Soji's face, yelling out at the same time. "Merikan!" Almost the very second the punch was landed, the roof beneath the two cracked, looking as though it could collapse at any moment. After this, Miss Monday stood up and dusted off her hands before removing the hardened knuckles and returning them to...wherever she got them from; now ready to walk away.


((Sarah doesn't yet interact with Soji, I'll be sure to tell you when @GardinOfEden))

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: Bored

Health: 100%

Interacting: No one

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

Cupboards, cabinets, drawers, closets, and safes. NOTHING! Not a single useful or even worthful thing on this island.

"God Damn! For a bunch of bounty hunters they sure are piss weak at keeping valuables." Sarah walks out of the house she is as of currently in. Sarah strolls down the streets of the empty houses avoiding people at all cost, don't want any of them getting in the way of her and any treasures on the island. She searches house and house, but still nothing.

"Hmm what about this?" At one of the houses she stumbles upon she found a cross made of pure gold. "Heavy, maybe it'll cost something?" Sarah decides to take it with her.

"Gosh this place is so useless! All it is, is a huge burial ground for dead pirates." Sarah is unamused by the sheer boredom this place brings. In the distances a loud boom is heard, Sarah looks over and sees a tall muscular woman pounding Soji's face into a roof and walking away.

"Damn I really thought he could take them." Sarah places one hand on her hip and reaches for her rapier.

"I guess I have to be extra careful now." Sarah walks towards the houses that she hasn't checked yet that are near Soji, she won't admit to it, but she is worried for him, he may be a drunken bum at times, but he's apart of the crew.

"Hope you don't die just yet Soji." Sarah goes off savengering into the houses, while keeping a watchful eye on the hunters and Soji.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c43cc4b5e_Erina10.gif.36d5fe775326edf91d62b2ec04b7ca90.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c43cc4b5e_Erina10.gif.36d5fe775326edf91d62b2ec04b7ca90.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(How it feels to sleep in a yuri sandwich.)

"Put the salt... simmer... Soji."

Rikka slept like a baby on the wooden floor of the loft they were previously partying in. Her dream may sound a lot like she's cooking Soji and, well, she is.

Anyways, she lied on the floor with drool all stuck to her face. Gross. Her long blonde hair took up pretty much the whole floor. The disposition of her limbs could have made anyone think she was dead. How ugly.

For just a moment Rikka woke up and looked around the bar. It was pretty much empty but she didn't really care or think too much about it. Little did she know a massive fight was going on outside. She was in one of those states where you're so asleep someone could be getting murdered right in front of you and you wouldn't even notice, hell she could be getting murdered right now and wouldn't notice. Although, the floor was starting to get pretty uncomfortable.

While she looked around the bar she tried to think of places or ways she could sleep more comfortably. Almost everyone was sprawled around the floor just like she was. There was actually no where to sleep. The floor was so uncomfortable, of course I'm sure everyone else felt the same but why would Rikka care about how they felt. Don't judge, every man for himself in this crew.

There was almost no hope left for Rikka and her desire to sleep comfortably (How tragic.) Until! There lied Asuka and Shizuka clinging onto one another, they were on the floor as well, but they looked incredibly comfortable. Their heads were pressed together and Shizuka's leg overlapped Asuka's body. It was the most beautiful sleep in the history of all sleeps.

Rikka didn't even think, she just crawled over to the two as fast as she could. She stared down at the two while on all fours and cherished this adorable moment.

"Aww. How cute. I ship it. "

This was something that would warm even the Grinch's heart.

"Now scoot over."

Too bad Rikka doesn't have a heart.

Rikka pried the two girls apart, they were both surprisingly strong, or maybe it was just the yuri. She squished herself in between the two and wiggled around a little.

And then it happened...
This is by far the most comfortable thing in the world. It was like sleeping on a cloud of cotton candy, teddy bear, rainbow, heaven, unicorn shit!

And in just a split second inside her soft yuri sandwich, Rikka fell into the best sleep she'd ever experience.

@Leaf Fi @theglassangel



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Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey peak.

Mood: MY FACE!

Health: 20%

Interacting With: Mostly Miss Monday

Taking a metal knuckle straight to the face would put a damper on anyone's day. But for a man who overvalues his physical appearance? To him, getting hit in the face was the equivalent of shitting on his mother's corpse, despite the fact that he himself shoots people in the face every chance he gets. Surprised he was still alive after being hit so hard the roof caved in, he laid on the ground until his eyes stopped swirling and the little stars stopped dancing over his head, mumbling something inane about panties.

When he finally came to, he did a quick draw on both of his pistols and fired one bullet each at Miss Monday's thighs. He stood weakly as the woman fell in pain and reloaded both guns as he taunted the woman.
"I'm afraid you're mistaken sir," he spat out some blood and wiped his mouth before continuing. "I didn't intend on beating ya with strength at all. I was planning on shootin' ya!" he winked and turned to address the rest of the Baroque Works. "Who else thinks they're gonna kill the great Soji Sento tonight!?"

@Suzumaki Arakai @GardinOfEden

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