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Fandom One Piece

Soji Sento

Location: Kitchen

Mood: ...no...SAKE!?

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Rikka, Kazuichi, and Tsuki

The drunk had given up hope of finding Sarah when he began to see doubles of everyone he passed on the ship. So naturally upon reaching the deck for fresh air, and ceremonially throwing up over the banister, he had fallen backward and fell asleep. A pleasant smile rested on his face as he dreamed of strangling the life out of Asuka with her own hair.

He woke up in a daze with his flask still in hand. He tried to take a swig but the thing was empty. The man shook it above his open mouth, attempting to get at least a drop, but nothing. Soji growled softly as he returned the flask to his jacket. He stood on his feet and began to saunter over to the kitchen, in search of booze for breakfast.

Upon arrival, he trudged around the tables like a zombie and attempted to raid the pantry. Alas, there was no sake to be found in the pantry. He began to raid the bar, crouching down under it searching for even a drop.
"This is a got damn outrage!" he said as he stood straight up behind the bar. He looked at Rikka with his teeth grit. He knew the lack of adult beverages wasn't her fault. If he couldn't have booze first thing in the morning then he'd just have to settle for breakfast.

"What's for breakfast, love?" he asked in a far calmer tone.

@TRASHLYN @Nenma Takashi @Yato


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Rikka leaned against the stove, whipping eggs in a metal bowl, watching as Soji rummaged through the pantry. She knew that if we didn't get sake soon this would become a regular thing for Soji, that or he'd kill the crew and use them as sacrifices for some alcohol. Whichever came first.

"For breakfast we're having eggs benedict. As far as the alcohol goes, there is no more sake. Although there is a couple bottles of wine on the top shelf in the pantry."

She sat the mixing bowl down next to the stove and began to pour small amounts of egg into a pan. Rikka had never seen Soji drink anything other than sake, but she had never seen him sober either. She hoped he wouldn't shoot her in the moment just for saying the word wine to him.

Breakfast took longer than usual to cook, but that just means it would taste better than usual. She placed eleven plates of food down onto the table and motioned to everyone in the kitchen that they could eat.

She didn't bother yelling for the crew to come eat because she assumed they'd come nosing around in the kitchen looking for food soon anyways.

After placing the food down onto the table she walked back over to the stove and started making some other extra dishes; no single serving is gonna fill up Suzumaki.

@SirBlazeALot @AllTheHoesInTheKitchen @Er'bodyWhoWantsFood​



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Suzumaki Arakai

Once Suzumaki entered the kitchen, she could see everyone or...almost everyone, piling up and waiting for food. A large smile grew on her face as she darted over and took a seat at the dining table, now beating against it. "Food, food. Food, food. Food, food. Gimme some food. Food, food. Gimme some food. Shishishi!" She then began to laugh uncontrollably because of the catchy tune to her song. After falling from the chair and hitting her head on the floor, Suzumaki calmed down and returned to the chair with a straight smile...if that makes any sense. "Ne, Rikka, hurry, hurry, hurry!" Meanwhile...the beautiful weather outside, the bright sun that could give one a fantastic tan...has now disappeared and been replaced with...snow!? The weather on the Grand Line really is strange isn't it? It was literally burning hot just a second ago. The water looks as though it has been snowing for hours now, small blocks of ice floating by. The snow was now piling up up the Sunny like crazy...

@Kawaii @RyanJXavier @TRASHLYN @Zero Gravity @GardinOfEden @Nenma Takashi @Yato



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Tsuki nodded as their cook announced the dish they were to eat for breakfast, not having a huge liking to egg benedict. She didn’t take alcohol that much either, but as a pirate she’d have to drink once in a while at least. While waiting for the food to arrive, she murmured a small tune to herself, “
We are…we are…on the cruise…

When the cooking was finished, her eyes turned into stars as she ogled at the food, drool also dripping from her mouth as by the looks of it, it might be the tastiest food she was going to eat. Rikka sure was an amazing cook. Although the aroma and the beautiful sight of the cuisine tempted her, she didn’t dig in, and instead picked up a fork and a knife and cut One Piece
of it, opening her mouth and about to take it in. A disastrous event happened right before she could do that, one which caused her to place the fork with the piece of food back on to her plate. Even if a moment ago it was intensely sunny, now it was snowing all over. She expected the Grand Line to be a daring place, but this was not natural at all. Realizing that what was occurring might be a sign that they reached their next island; she released the breath she was holding and let out a sigh which expressed both relief and disappointment, as she didn’t get to finish her meal. Wondering what to do about the snow that covered the Sunny, she looked at the captain and waited for her orders. There was a person with the ability to shoot fireballs, if she remembered correctly, so maybe she could melt all the mess on the ship away.


Soji Sento

Location: Kitchen

Mood: I'll Be Needin That Wine

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Rikka, Suzumaki + Kitchen Bros

The gunner's face visibly sunk in disappointment. "I'll pass on the wine," he said with a sigh. Of all the drinks left it just had to be wine. He wasn't a big fan, so he figured he'd let someone else enjoy it. Nothing worth blowing someone's head off over. As Suzumaki came in and began to demand food in song form, he helped himself to a serving of Rikka's breakfast. He snorted as he attempted to stifle his laughter when the captain fell out of her seat, only to immediately recover. Tough little cookie she was but as much as she banged her skull, he was betting all of her brain cells had fled town quite a while ago. He ruffled the hair on the top of her head. "Mornin' Cap," he said as started to dig into his eggs. His face lit up and a satisfied smiled curled upon his lips.

"Oi, Rikka! I think you're the best damn cook I've ever shared a ship with~" he said as he chewed. Just then it started to feel a bit...drafty. The sudden change in temperature prompted the confused man to take his plate and head up to the deck. He got a peak of snow piling up on the ship and thought aloud, "Well. This probably isn't very good," apathetically before returning to the kitchen. He set his plate down at the bar before entering the pantry. When he emerged again, he had a full bottle of wine in his hands. Pulling the cork out with his teeth, he began to drink straight from the bottle. "Changed my mind about the wine," he mentioned as he returned to his seat.

@Kawaii @Zero Gravity @theglassangel @ do not die
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Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki hadn't noticed the snow until Tsuki glance over at her, causing some food to drop from her mouth as she looked around, "N-nani?" Looking out of the window to the kitchen, she could see a white glow from outside. Suddenly the girl's eyes grew sparkly and she disappeared within the blink of an eye, taking some food with her. "Ehh!~ Just a while ago the weather was warm!? Sugoi!~ Ahaha!" Suzumaki jumped down and onto the grassy deck of the Sunny and began rolling around in the snow, picking it up and throwing it around. And...now she's building a snowman. After a minute or two, Suzumaki somehow managed to make a halfway decent sculpture with a green cape, uneven black orbs for eyes, and a large piece of wood for the hands and nose...where she got it all is beyond me. "Yosh! It's done! The man that came from the sky!" And with those words, she placed the finishing piece on the snowman, a large wine barrel...empty...what a shame. "Mr.Snowman!" The small girl turned around to face the wall that leads up to the second deck, an eerie grin grew on her expression as she began scooting Mr.Snowman back a little, situating him. "Shishishi...snowman!" Suddenly Suzumaki hit the back of where one of the snowman's arms were, causing the stick to fly out and over the banister of the second floor...no harm done. Wait...never mind, it just busted through the small, round kitchen window. Dammit Suzumaki!

@SirBlazeALot @RyanJXavier @theglassangel @Leaf Fi @TRASHLYN @Yato @Silvey @Kitchen People



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Location: Women's Quarters then Kitchen

Mood: Tired

Health: 100%

Interacting: No one

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

Sarah wakes up and streches her arms out. Again being the last female she enjoys the alone time she has. Sarah streches out her body in various yoga poses and feels her body popping her bones and pulling her muscles. She walks to her closet and sees her clothes all nice and clean. She never really knew who cleans them so she never complains. Sarah searchs through her clothes and finds an outfit she hadn't worn in awhile.

"This old look will be amazing to wear today!" Sarah quickly changes into her outfit for today.

"Yeah this will definitely work today."


"I forgot why I don't wear this anymore." Sarah stops for a moment and thinks about it.

"Hmmm." Sarah struggles to remember why, but ends up not remembering.

"Oh well it couldn't be that bad anyways." Sarah brushes it off and walks down to where everyone else is at. The Kitchen! When she walks out of the Quarters she is hit by a freezing gust of wind.

"Ugh why is it so cold!" Sarah complains. She walks through the snow covered area.

"That's so much better." Sarah walks into the kitchen and sees people eating, like always. She walks to the coffee maker and makes her a cup.

"Nice and toasty." Sarah inhales the coffe and takes a sip. Everything was fine with her, that is till a stick came flying through the window surprising her.
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Jake Killiams

"Oh sweet, thanks." He said, fixing the flower to his hair, and although it might look girly Jake didn't care very much. If he had put it in his pocket, the flower would crumble up, and Jake didn't want that to happen. "Yeah, it isn't really a good idea to train before you eat.." Jake said, although he did it all the time. It starting snowing, however he chose to ignore it since if it was something to worry about then someone else would freak out, and entered the kitchen.

Age: 17

Mood: Calm, Relaxed

Location: Deck, then Kitchen

Interacting: Asuka, everyone else

Health: 100%

Instantly seeing where Soji was sitting, he sat nearly on the opposite side of the room. Despite it felt good to talk to Asuka and even better to sleep in the Sick Bay, he still wasn't much in the mood to handle the drunk sniper. "Mornin' everyone. Does anyone else feel like they forgot something, or is it just me?" He asked, yawning for a moment. Jake hoped the incident between Asuka and Soji wouldn't cause them to go at each other's throats, but sometimes people did things he just didn't understand the point of, even though he'd break it up regardless. After getting himself some breakfast, Jake thought about the newest technique he was developing, debating if he should use it as a last resort or use it to end a fight before it even starts.
Asuka Rin

"W-What's this?" Asuka lived in a warm climate for most of her life and had never seen snow before. "Why are clouds falling from the sky?" Asuka was


Location: Deck, then kitchen

Interacting: Suzumaki, Rikka, Jake, everyone in the kitchen

Health: 100%

too curious and intrigued by the weather, stopping midway before they got into the kitchen, not noticing Jake walking into the kitchen. Asuka thought it was beautiful, and took a liking to it immediately.
It looks so pure.. she ignored the chillness of the weather as she continued to touch the snowflakes with her delicate hands. Asuka looked like an innocent child as she simply roamed through the grassy deck, a slight shiver running down her spine, the snow getting stuck in her hair and dress. She watched with curious eyes as Suzumaki made her snowman. "Good morning Captain-san~" You can build clouds from the ground?! I wonder if they melt back into the sky... The feeling was nice, but it made her whole body blend in with the pale snow. Asuka sneezed from the cold weather and made a mental note to herself. Dress warmly for clouds.

Walking in slowly to the kitchen, lightly sneezing, Asuka stopped in her tracks once she realized Soji was in the room. With his damn jacket.
"Good morning Rikka-san! I hope you slept well, I'm looking forward to breakfast as usual~" Asuka continued on with her cheerful attitude as if nothing happened. Avoiding eye contact with the sniper, Asuka looked towards the opposite end of the room sat next to Jake out of default. "I didn't know clouds were going to be this cold...I even have some on my hair..." She exclaimed to everyone in the kitchen, shaking little snowflakes off her hair. Her curiosity and inexperience was extremely apparent in her voice and it was so obvious that she had never seen snow before. "Clouds are falling from the sky! Why aren't you guys excited?"

@Suzumaki Arakai @TRASHLYN @Silvey @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @Yato @everyone in the kitchen


The skirt-wearing girl was startled when their captain jumped into the snow, without wearing any clothing to keep her warm first. She must’ve had a really good immunity system to play around in the snow while not showing any trace of feeling cold. However, unlike Suzumaki, Tsuki was sensitive to wintry weather, and so she just stayed sitting in her chair, gazing out the window and wishing the ice would melt away soon.

She was shocked when a stick flew through into the kitchen, making her jump and yelp in fear. Who would do that other than the captain? In retaliation, she did something which was almost as crazy as the things the aforementioned person did, and ran out the door, as the window was too small for her to go through, and leaped onto the snow, the purpose being to keep the other small girl from doing anything else that she thought of as insane. When touching the snow, she enjoyed the feeling a lot, as it was very soft and fluffy. She rested on the floor of the deck, forgetting about how the weather would affect her, and moved both of her arms and legs outwards and inwards repeatedly, creating a snow angel. Getting back on her feet, she piled up some snow and threw it at the captain, looking forward to her reaction.

@Nenma Takashi @Suzumaki Arakai @TRASHLYN @Silvey @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @theglassangel @minna
Soji Sento

Location: Kitchen, then the deck

Mood: Definitely glad I got the wine

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Asuka, Jake, Rikka and then Tsuki, and Suzumaki

Minding his own business and enjoying his breakfast, he noticed Asuka and Jake enter the kitchen. He sat up straight, and annoyingly enough smiled at the two of them. "Morning doctor," he said with venomous sarcasm as he set his fork forcefully down on his plate, creating a loud clinking sound. He wasn't one to be ignored. "Vice cap," he said with a nod of his head, before wolfing down the remainder of his breakfast and handing the plate to Rikka. "Scrumptious as always, love." Bowing his head, he decided to take his leave. Asuka's unwillingness to talk about what happened yesterday and Jake taking her side thoroughly pissed him off. However, her avoidance of him was quite pleasing. Yet, he decided that walking away from situation, pretending that nothing was wrong, would probably either resolve the conflict or piss both of them off. He'd be happy with either outcome. Soji grinned as he left the kitchen promptly afterward. "I always come out on top," he muttered confidently to himself with great satisfaction.

He headed upstairs to the deck with his bottle of wine, which made him wretch upon every swig. Not only was the stuff gross, it didn't even make him drunk really. He'd have to finish the whole bottle before he felt any type of way. Upon reaching the deck, he spotted Tsuki, one of the new crew members, initiating a snowball fight with the captain.

What a splendid idea.

Running to the second floor of the deck, he began to roll balls of snow and create a sizable pile. Now this was right up his alley. He finished his wine bottle before tossing it off the ship into the ocean. He might be kind of buzzed, maybe. Or maybe he just wanted to believe he was properly buzzed.
"Oooooi! Eat shit! BOTH OF YOU!" he yelled from the second floor, and began relentlessly tossing snowballs at both of the midget girls with pinpoint accuracy.

@Mugiwara @Suzumaki Arakai

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Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki flinched upon hearing Mr.Snowman's arm fly through the kitchen's window, busting it open. Turning around, she was just about to run and hide behind the stairs leading down to the Gaon Cannons controls, when suddenly Tsuki jumped down, gathered up some snow and launched it at her. The cold white slapped her across the face, almost knocking her backwards but she soon caught her balance, blinking in confusion after it all fell from her face. A large grin grew on Suzumaki's demeanor as she began just picking up snow and throwing it at the other girl like an automatic base-ball gun (Or whatever the hell they are.) Without paying attention, Soji had stepped in and began throwing snowballs as well. Suzumaki was now laughing like a maniac until one of Soji's pellets managed to knock the captain right in the mouth, sending her back on her butt with a grunt. "Guuuu~waaa!~" < < < Slow motion sound effect.

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Meanwhile, Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday are now sitting in the kitchen with irritated glares on their faces. Looking over at the ship's doctor, Mr.9 continued to shiver.
"Oi, you. Doesn't this ship have any heating?" Miss Wednesday suddenly looked over at her as well, "I'm cold." Pfft, these two should be outside shoveling snow off of the ship, they're not guests! Suddenly a large, blinding streak of lightning shot down from the sky, startling Suzumaki as she then jumped up and ran into the kitchen, screaming like a chimpanzee. "Blue fire! Raining from the sky!" Suzumaki you know what lightning is...The weather on the Grand Line...still manages to amaze me. "What's up with this weather!?" The small girl could now be seen hiding beneath the dining table. Okay...first it was hot as hell outside, then it began snowing like crazy, and now...there's a lightning storm. The wind sounded as though it was howling, the skies grew dark. "The seasons are spinning out of control!" Looking over at the small, black haired captain, Miss Wednesday's lip twitched in smile just a tad. "This is the Grand Line." - "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" - "And you're not even steering the helm. You sure that's a good idea?" At these words, Suzumaki's ear flinched a little, causing her gaze to dart around in search of their navigator. Darting out from under the table, the small girl began running circles around the kitchen with her hands in the air, "Momo! Momo! Are we on the right track!? Are we!? MOMO!!!~"




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Momo winced as Suzumaki had been screeching at him, as he had been peacefully sitting and watching the snow before it had turned into a full-on thunder storm. He quickly pulled out the Log Pose, nodding softly in approval as they were still going in the right direction. "Yes, Suzumaki. We are going in the right direction. Call yourself down," he stated, raising an eyebrow as he gave her a worried look. "However, we need to be careful, because we could easily stray off course with this weather," he stated. He stretched out his legs quickly, making sure he held himself up while the boat rocked back and forth.


Kazuichi sighed and held up his hand ready to chop the captain again this time turning his hand to steel. "Suzu please calm down or do I have to hit you again?" The Captain was childish so the thought of getting hit again hopefully scared her. Even though in a real fight Kazuichi figured he'd lose. The captain was dumb but smart at the same time all she would have to do is kick him off the ship and he would drown sinking like a rock or metal to be more literal.

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki, for some reason, continued to run around in a crazy fit, even after Momo confirmed that they were heading in the right direction. Although, after Kazuichi stepped in, threatening the girl with an iron fist, she clamped both hands over her mouth and shook her head with two steps back. "Hmp, Mmp." After this, the small captain darted back outside and onto the deck in which the thunder and lightening began to clear away, leaving a blue sky for about three second until they were then engulfed in a very thick fog, but before that happened. Suzumaki took notice of a large, white figure and jumped into the air. "Minna! Giant ice burg at 10 O'clock! WE GOTTA MOVE!!!" Within the blink of an eye, the small girl appeared up at the helm, making at attempt to turn the ship with everything in her...but she was turning the wrong way. Bad idea.




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Tsuki had no time to dodge, as both of the people who threw snow balls at her did it at a quicker pace than what she could react to. Before she knew it, she was covered under an avalanche of snow, and couldn’t move a limb except her arms and legs. She let out muffled noises from below the pile, and squirmed, flailing the only body parts that were free around. A shiver went up her spine when she heard a crackling roar which rang through her ears. From the sound of it, she could guess that it was lightning, and that the actual crash she heard was thunder. Her suspicion was confirmed by the girl she threw a snow ball at, who was yelling about a blue flame coming from the sky. Still not understanding how the weather pattern in the Grand Line worked, she got that this wasn’t a time to be stuck underneath some small white balls, and got up, using her elbows and hands as leverage, pushing the white stuff off of her body.

After getting up, she stared at the sky carefully, not wanting to be fried before even getting to her first island in the dangerous sea. She was still on deck though, and so was susceptible to being hit, but stayed there to hear anything the captain had to say. Though she wasn’t a very decent one, the red-haired girl respected her role as she thought that she was good enough to get them through any peril they might have to face in the future. Her decision was correct, because if Suzumaki didn’t warn them about an iceberg being in front of them, she wouldn’t have noticed it as she was watching the sky. Unfortunately, the tiniest person on the ship wasn’t a particularly good helmsman, and steered in the complete opposite direction they were supposed to go to, which caused the girl crewmate to raise a hand up to her temple and shaking her head, at the same time muttering, “
That’s our captain for you…



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After everyone had eaten and thanked Rikka for the food she got ready to do the dishes, completely ignoring the stick that broke her precious kitchen window.

As I've said before Rikka liked to tune the crew out as much as possible, it's the only way she stayed sane, so she really didn't too hear much about the "snow" on the outside of the boat. Just then, Rikka felt herself shivering when she placed her hands into the sink water. She turned around to the kitchen door and glanced out the small window.


She looked around at the crew mates who were playing in the snow.
"How are they goofing off like that when its so cold?"

At this point she didn't even care why it was snowing, she just wanted a blanket. She took a deep breath and darted out the kitchen door as fast as she could, heading for the women's quarters. When she entered the girl's room it didn't even take her half a second before she jumped under her covers.

Getting dressed into a warmer outfit, she trotted downstairs and onto the deck.

Just as she stepped onto the snow covered grass, lightning struck the boat! LIGHTING. SNOW. I did not sign up for this. In fact why am I on this pirate ship to begin with?

Day two of the grand line.... worse than day one - not even noon yet.

When the lighting struck the boat, Rikka flung herself back onto the stairs and watched as Suzumaki ran around frantically. This pirate crew is literally the dumbest crew ever. The highest priority to this crew was mostly "Where is the sake." And for once Rikka could actually go for some sake, you know, might as well, we're all gonna' die anyways.

Just when it couldn't get any worse.

"Minna! Giant ice burg at 10 O'clock! WE GOTTA MOVE!!!"

Suzumaki's words rang in Rikka's ears.


Now Rikka was almost always calm, but you know, sometimes you just need to pull a Suzumaki.



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S U Z U M A K I :: R I K K A

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As Suzumaki pulled on the newly repaired helm, turning it as far to the right as she possibly could, the ship grew closer to the giant block of ice, making it look as though they'd crash head on upon advancing any further. Looking up, Suzumaki came to this realization and screamed like a maniac, "WHAT HAVE I DONE!?" Chibi tears began streaming down her face, both hands now gripping her hair and no longer turning the ship. The small girl crouched down and large black clouds grew throughout the sky, darkening everything around them. Just as it seemed like they were about to smash, the ship managed to barely scuff the side of the ice burg, tearing up some of the wood on it's left side. Always the left side huh? A momentary silence fell over the crew, causing Suzumaki to lift her head and look around, realizing that they were safe and sound. "Y-....Yataaa!!!~ AHHHH!" She had jumped high into the air with a loud cheer until another strike of lightning shot down, scaring her back into a ball.

(Short Time-Skip)

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After everything settled down, everyone was now calm and laughing about the hectic event that had just happened. Yes, they could've died a horrible death, but all's well. Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday had eventually darted out and onto the deck to help with the situation, their hair and clothes in a mess, and could now be seen huffing in deep breathes side-by-side. At one point in time, Rikka had wiggled her way back to the kitchen and began whipping up a meal that seemed impossible considering they have almost nothing left on the ship to eat. It didn't take five minutes for her to finish up and head back out and onto the deck where everyone now resided. A large tray of rice-balls adorned the "golden" platter, causing Suzumaki to sprint towards her like a dog after deer, her tongue dangling from her mouth.
"Meeeeshhiii-guwa!" And...Rikka kicked the captain away with no mercy, sighing as she placed the tray down on a barrel that once had sake in it, but no more. "Yosh, everybody eat up." The woman held her head high, both hands now placed on her hips, legs gaped in a triumphant fashion as her gaze suddenly shot towards the two strangers lying on the grassy surface of the Sunny's deck.

"Heeh? Why're they here?"
Her finger jutted out at them as she looked over at random member of the crew, waiting for an answer when suddenly Suzumaki just so happened to be sitting on the ground beside her, stuffing rice balls in her mouth with a laugh. "Shishishi, Rikka ano bakaaa~." And off in the background, Mr.9 jerked around in a funny fashion, spreading his arms and legs as he laid there on his back, "Slow!" But no one paid him no mind. "I...don't want to hear that from a short child." Rikka's eyes narrowed at the captain. Yes, Suzumaki is older but that doesn't matter. "We're heading towards their hometown. Mr.9 is a king." At these words, Rikka's brow twitched as she looked over at the orange haired male who was now in one of those, "Draw me like on of your French girls," poses, causing her expression to cringe as he began to gloat. "Ahh, yes. I am the ki- chikwa." The cook had made her way over to him and pushed his face to the ground with her foot, knocking the crown that somehow managed to stay on after everything that's happened off.

"A king huh? Don't bullshit me." An eerie grin could be seen dancing around on her face as she managed to stare the truth out of him, causing he and Miss Wednesday to take the grounded-bow pose with their heads to the ground. "W-we're very sorry!" - "I-indeed!" - "But please!" Miss Wednesday looked up at Rikka with a pleading glare and glistening eyes, "Please don't pry any further! We promise you'll be caused no trouble!" At these words Mr.9 just nodded, clasping his hands together with chibi tears streaming down his annoying cheeks. Rikka was about to turn sadistic and tease the couple when suddenly Suzumaki stepped over and placed a hand on her shoulder...well, tried to. "Daijoubu!" A knightly smile was sent towards the chef, causing her eyes to narrow in an unimpressed manner before walking over towards the banister of the Thousand Sunny and leaning against it with crossed arms. "I already told ya I'd take you home! Whiskey Peak right?" At this, Rikka spoke up, looking off to the side, "It's not like we owe them anything, and there isn't enough food to go around." Suzumaki just took a seat on the ground, crossing her legs and leaning forward on her hands. "Un, I know." As if the girl had eyes all around, Suzumaki shot a finger towards the front of the ship...well the stairs that lead up to the helm, and grinning wide. "Besides. The first leg of our journey is complete!" Looking over, you'd notice a large island that looked as though it was covered in gigantic cacti hidden just behind a thin layer of fog.

The small girl stood up and darted up the stairs, including the small five steps in which the controls for the gaon cannon hid behind, and took a seat on the Lion's head with an excited laugh.
"Land ho!" Rikka looked over and watched Suzumaki, wondering at first what she meant until the island was revealed to her own eyes upon advancing to the helm's deck. "Ah!...hm." A small, gentle smile appeared on her lips and her arms remained crossed. "Our first island on the Grand Line." Even the cook was excited. Of course, some others had came up and gaped at the wonder for a sight, laughing and grinning with adrenaline. "It sure is a weird island, check out those huge cactuses!" A fist was knocked across the back of Suzumaki's head by Rikka, "It's cacti you chibi moron." Suddenly Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday jumped up and landed on the upper deck banister beside everyone, taking strange poses with their pinkies held high. "This is our stop. - Thank you for the ride, my honeys. - We'll meet again if it is to be!" With that the two grinned and let out a breath of a laugh, speaking in sync. "Bye-bye babies." Without a second thought, Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday jumped backwards and into the ocean, leaving everyone around dumb-founded or slightly irritated. Suzumaki just laughed. "there they go."

"There's a river mouth up ahead. Looks like we can disembark there." The ship began sailing further, soon making it's way down the path of water between the two plates of land on each side of them. "If we meet monsters we can just kill them and leave. Right? Shishi-" Rikka punched Suzumaki once more and pointed in the direction Momo most likely resided. "No we can't. Don't forget there is a certain amount of time we have to stay on this island."

"How come?"

"We have to let the log pose adapt to the island's magnetic field. Or else we can't continue on to the next island. The time it takes to adapt is different for each island. Therefore, some islands may take only a few hours, but others may take days." Suzumaki gave a nod between each pause in Rikka's lesson, brossing her arms with a triumphant expression on her face that actually said, "I have no clue." but she said, "Right. So it's a mystery island." She then turned around and continued facing towards the trail ahead of them as Rikka's fist was now shaking in the air, trying to hold back the urge to push the girl into the water. "But remember guys. Be prepared to run or fight at any moment, your guard is not to be dropped."

(Short Time-Skip)

After a short moment of chatting and slim fog, the ship was still sailing down the wide river that streaming between the two islands in which people were hidden with binoculars, scoping the Sunny-Go Pirate out.
"Oi. They're pirates." They then ran off to make certain preparations. Upon advancing further, Suzumaki still sat on the Lion's head when suddenly she noticed the moving figures through the fog, placing a hand over her eyes. "Oi, something's moving." Rikka had noticed it too, furrowing her brow on inspection. "People? There are people on shore. Everyone...on your guards."

@Mugiwara @RyanJXavier @GardinOfEden @Nenma Takashi @Everone I Decided To Advance Us Further



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Tsukibraced herself for impact, covering her head with both hands and sitting down with her face buried in her knees. She was prepared for anything what was going to happen, holding no regrets. Of course, death was out of the question, because if she knew what kind of person her captain was, she was the type that’d figure out a way out to anything, no matter how weird of a solution it’d be. Even though she knew what kind of person Suzumaki was, she didn’t think that the tiny girl would be able to steer the ship away without a part of it being injured, and so, she didn’t want to see that scene, as the Sunny-go was part of their crew, being with them in all the adventures they went through. After some time, she stood up and looked around in silence, realizing that they made it out in One Piece. She was about to cheer when another lightning bolt struck, making her return to the bracing position.


The pink-haired girl was still on the deck, although she had recovered from the earlier wild weather and events. She was simply watching the waves on the sea like normal, while the others were having fun as usual. It was like the things that occurred earlier on their way to Whiskey Peak never happened, and just was a part of her imagination.


Her melancholy turned into gleeful joy as their delightful cook arrived with the tasty stuff. Her cooking was the best she ever tasted in her life. “Itadakimasu!” She took a bite out of one of the rice balls with a huge smile, loving the taste of the food. Her eyes were closed as she was eating, so she didn’t take notice of the two people on the surface, until Rikka pointed them out. She was very shocked at some individuals she didn’t recognize taking a ride on their ship.

She was crawling back and staring at them, because to her, they seemed threatening. Especially the guy with his strange pose. Hearing that they were headed to the boy and girl’s hometown, and that the former was the king of that location, she believed the news that came to her ears. He had some form of crown on his head, which did make him look like a king to the young lass, and he looked like he was fluent in the language, as ‘kichikwa’ was a word she didn’t understand.

She went back to being suspicious when their smart chef saw through his lie, however thinking she was a bit cruel when she saw their pleading, and, albeit slightly irritating, Mr.9’s crying. When the captain announced that she saw land, she ran up to the helm, looking forward and her eyes widening when she saw that they finally reached their first island in the Grand Line. The fact made her wear a wide smile, as she was looking forward to what adventures they might take on, and her first step in finding her parents. She was left speechless when the two weirdoes they took on their ship jumped into the water, never witnessing such outlandish folks before in her life. She remembered that she had to stay on the island’s magnetic field for a certain period of time when Rikka mentioned that they had to stay.


She was idling around the Thousand Sunny-go before it was noticed that there were people stalking them. Standing still and focused, she tried to be more aware of her surroundings, to be prepared if anyone attacked.

Soji Sento

Location: Deck

Time: After Both Timeskips

Mood: Whiskey. Peak. So much yes.

Health: 100%

Interacting With: No one

"Ugggggggggh finally!" Soji exclaimed as the land mass had come into his sights. His wine buzz had died rather quickly, especially after eating a meager lunch of rice balls. At this point in time, Soji cared not for the fog or the people on shore. All he cared about was getting some liquor into his system. Dude was practically going through withdrawals. He cocked both pistols and informed everyone, "I don't care what we have to do to get it, but we're not leaving this island until we're fully stocked on adult beverages."

@Mugiwara @Kawaii @Nenma Takashi @GardinOfEden
Kazuichi didn't like having to keep his guard up not to mention he was confident that if anything did try and attack them they'd be more then capable of beating them. But just to be on the safe side he kept his guard up and stood next to the captain. He figured he should stand next to her things go south she'd leap at it head first keeping him from getting in the line of fire too quickly.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Location: Kitchen then Deck

Mood: Why do things keep falling

Health: 100%

Interacting: No one still

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

After the madness that took place on the deck and in the waters, Sarah was in the kitchen just holding on to the counter top because if the sudden turn of the ship.

"What the hell just happened?" The Kitchen was a mess with pots, pans, spoons, and everything falling.

"Yeah Rikka isn't going to like this." Sarah looks at the mess in front of her, and then a magical pot appears bashing her head.

"OW!!!" Sarah yells. She stares at the pot and kicks it.

"STUPID POT!" The pot goes flying into the wall leaving a small hole and a dent in the pot. "Oops, Well might as well leave before any further damage." Sarah casually walks out of the Kitchen, the cluttered Kitchen filled with utensils and pots........ and a broken pot........ and a hole in the wall. As Sarah walks out and on to the deck and sees the group staring at something in the distance. Upon further investigation Sarah sees that they're men on the island. Unsure of what happen and not knowing what anyone else said she pulls out her guns just incase she needed them.

S U Z U M A K I ||R I K K A

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/16.gif.cd977aaf3725c5fcba24a175130ddefb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/16.gif.cd977aaf3725c5fcba24a175130ddefb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Suzumaki's eyes didn't move away from the human like figured until suddenly Sarah stepped up and onto the helm's deck, bracing herself just like Soji and a few others. Suddenly, sending chills up the small girl's spine, cheering could be heard as the fog cleared and the Sunny-Go furthered down the river-like stream. People could be seen jumping up and down, "Welcome to the Grand Line! Welcome to our town! The town of celebration! WHISKEY PEAK!" This caused Suzumaki to jump to her feet, now standing on the lion's head instead of sitting. A large smile was plastered on her face as she stared out at all of the cheering people. The people cheering out, waving in greeting, "Pirate crew!! Welcome! Long live the heroes of the sea! Banzai!" Suzumaki's feet dribbled momentarily before she jumped, "Banzai!!!" Rikka's head titled as her arms remained crossed over her torso, "What's going on?" Most likely to Soji's luck, there were many beautiful women to be seen, cheering on the pirates as well. "They love us!" The short captain began blowing kisses out at all of the fans, striking a random pose every now and then before hopping down and quickly climbing up onto Soji's shoulders. "Soji! I bet they have sake!!! BANZAI!" Rikka sighed, "Haa...Idiot." before leaning back against the railing, staring suspiciously out at all of the people. "Oi!!!"

(Short Time-Skip)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Igaram.jpg.be2a05f526d7622be35d4894a9e6cd6d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Igaram.jpg.be2a05f526d7622be35d4894a9e6cd6d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Sunny-Go was now docked and people could be seen gathered all around, large smiles still painting their expressions. A large man with white and fluffy hair could be seen standing before them all, he looked like the most superficial one.
"Maa~ Maa~ Maaah~." What was he doing? Clearing his throat by singing? A trumpet could be seen held in his hand as he stood there, greeting the pirate crew. "Welcome. My name is Igarappoi." Doesn't that mean annoying? "I am the mayor of Whiskey Peak." Suzumaki and some others had already disembarked and were now standing before all of the cheerful strangers. Suzumaki's legs were gaped and her arms rested across her chest as she gave a triumphant nod. "Un, I'm Suzumaki. Nice to meet ya." Pointing a finger towards the Mayor, "Ossan, your hair's way to curly." Of course, none of the people paid attention to her technical insult and just continued to smile, "This is the town of spirit brewing and lively music, Whiskey Peak." The small girl's ears perked up at the mention of 'spirit brewing,' and she shot an excited glance towards Soji. "We take pride in our hospitality. We have an entire ocean of spirits for your enjoyment. Would you care to join us in celebration and share stories of your adventures? We would be-..." Suddenly his voice strained and he let out a cough like noise before placing a hand by his throat, clearing it once more. "Mah~ Mah~ Maah~." His smile then returned, "We would be delighted to hear them." Suzumaki ren over towards Soji and jumped, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and dropping back down to her feet, most likely jerking him down into a bent over position due to her height. "OUR PLEASURE!" A loud laugh sounded out from the small girl as Rikka just watched with a nonchalant expression before stepping forward, looking at the Mayor. "Hey, by the way ..." She looked back at wherever Momo was, "The Log Pose...How long will it take for the log pose to adapt to this island?" Igarappoi just stared down at her, "Log?" He then smiled, leaning forward a little, causing Rikka to make a face that said, 'gross'. "Let's not talk about such formal things. Take a well-deserved rest from your travels please."

Stepping towards the cook, Mr.Mayor turned and placed a hand on Rikka's shoulder, "Now, everyone! Prepare for a celebration! A song for our adventurous guests!" As if on queue, all of the people jumped into the air and cheered once again before running off to do as they were told. Meanwhile, the people from before who had dropped a bomb on Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday were hiding from a far distance, unseen by anyone. The otter like creature continued to beat a shell against another shell as though it were normal or something...

(Medium Time-Skip)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1.gif.8920d3200f40cd3c3de80353d75c63d8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1.gif.8920d3200f40cd3c3de80353d75c63d8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Loud music played throughout the town as people danced and lolly-gagged, telling stories and listening as the pirate guests told stories as well. They were all located in a small building, big enough for at least 30 to 40 people I mean. Some men and women played instruments that Suzumaki had never even seen before. There was all kinds of alcohol to go around, and Suzumaki was truly enjoying that fact,
"Ossan! This stuff is amazing!" The Mayor looked down at the small girl and smiled, "Mah~ Mah~ Maah~. This is our finest wine , made from the highest quality grapes on the island. Our special drink. Although it is called wine of the sea, there is little alcohol in it." Suzumaki stared of into space, thinking that she'll just have to drink a shit ton of it, and the same was probably running through Soji's mind as well. "It's delicious." The Mayor suddenly raised his arms into the air, exciting the small captain. "And to celebrate the harvest! Our traditional Kanpai Contest!" Many men around threw their drinks into the air and cheered at these words as Suzumaki gave Soji a look of confusion, wondering what the man meant. Meanwhile, Rikka was somehow managing to cook a shit ton of food with a broken buck-stove, boasting to some of the other cooks in the room about her awesome skills. "And you never use the oregano oil first." She threw some strange ingredients into the large pot, causing a fire to shoot up and excite the men around as they then clapped. "Very detailed! - Indeed! - Teach me!!" Back to Suzumaki and Mr.Mayor, "Let me explain. It's a contest where everyone keeps drinking, and the last one standing is the winner. Everyone, please join in!" Suzumaki sneered at these words and stood up, shoving a finger towards her drinking pal and fellow sniper. "We're in!"

The mayor then dug into his coat and pulled out a bag with a large berri sign on it,
"And the prize is! 100,000 berri!!" For some reason this strike me as something Sarah would jump in for...she just seems like a money lover, but so does Momo. Suzumaki didn't even care about the money, she just wanted to beat Soji and began drinking.

@Mugiwara @theglassangel @Time To RP And Party For A Bit!!!​



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Tsuki's feet pointed in opposite directions, with the heels touching each other, and her arms in their usual position, next to her body. This was her usual starting stance for her techniques in case she needed to use them in a fight. She was prepared, or so she thought, for any creature that was going to appear and attack them. What she wasn't ready for was that the people were actually friendly, or so they seemed. Their town was called 'Whiskey Peak', and apparently they were pirate lovers. Normally, islands were unwelcoming and/or frightened at pirate ships docking on their town, so the fact that they actually looked like they were really happy brought suspicion to her.

Of course, this was the Grand Line, the place where dreams come true, from what she witnessed so far, so she assumed that this wasn't anything strange, since most of the people that go out to sea and into the Grand Line were pirates. The place was even called the 'Pirates' Graveyard'. Their captain didn't suspect them, but this was their captain, the most naive person you'd ever meet. But she was also really powerful, especially with her speed, so she didn't see anything was to worry about.


It wasn't long before their ship was anchored, and some of the crew had gotten off. The number of people cheering merrily around them made Tsuki nervous, as she wasn't used to being around this many people. A man who was different from the rest gave the impression that he was clearing his throat with the strange singing he was doing. He introduced himself as 'Igarappoi' and as being the mayor of the town they were on, which was located on the first island of the Grand Line, a cactus island. He did give off the appearance of a mayor with his long, curly white hair, which the captain commented on. He asked them if they wanted to join the townspeople in their celebration and share their stories, clearing his throat again before saying that they'd be delighted.

When their cook questioned about the time it'd take for the Log Pose to adapt, the mayor answered by saying it doesn't matter in a very peculiar way. "Strange people." The short girl hadn't spoken in a long time, so those two words were the first she uttered in a while.


While others were running wild or partying, Tsuki went over to admire Rikka's cooking with the crowd. Although she had many chances to see it in their ship, she was deeply impressed every single time she saw it. Her eyes sparkled when she saw the fire light up from the pot. Her attention shifted when Igarappoi announced the drinking contest. The pink-hair thought that this was a great opportunity, because she was interested in seeing what some of the people in the crew she was in looked like when they're drunk, and the last one standing would get some money. Obviously, she doubted her chances, but rushed over anyways to simply spectate.

@Kawaii @GardinOfEden

Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey Peak


Health: 100%

Interacting With: Cap'n

There was just so many reasons to be hyped. First the fog had cleared, and better visibility meant a better chance at busting someone's knee caps if it came down to that. Luckily, the second reason to be hyped kind of counteracted the first. The people of Whiskey Peak actually appreciated pirates, even going as far to refer to them as heroes. "Finally, we're gettin' some god damn respect around here!" And thirdly, as one could easily predict, Soji was enticed by the wide array of gorgeous women cheering in the crowd. He joined the captain in striking poses, heartily laughing as the tiny girl climbed up on his shoulders. He holstered his guns to balance her by her shins. "They damn well better have sake! And beer! And whiskey! And vodka!" he began to salivate at the thought. Why would anyone even want to go past this island?

~Muthafuggin Timeskip~

As the mayor spoke, Soji completely ignored him. He was too busy making eye contact with the pretty women in the crowd, winking and smiling at them, causing a few to erupt in a fit of coy giggles. Oh yeah. He was definitely going to enjoy his time on this island. He only began paying attention when the mayor mentioned spirit brewing, and like clock work, he and the captain shared a brief glance of utter hype.

An entire ocean of spirits. Soji began to imagine himself swimming in such a thing. Truthfully, he was beginning to think that they really
had hit that iceberg or that they really had been digested by that whale, and that this entire time they only thought they were still alive. And now, they were in heaven, because this place was too good to be true. This island had way too many things that Soji liked for him to be suspicious, even after that log pose business with the mayor. He truly didn't give a fuck. When Suzumaki brought him down to her level, he flashed a grin and gave the mayor a thumbs up.

~Muthafuggin Medium Timeskip~

Despite the fact that wine was probably his least favorite adult beverage, Soji had found Whiskey Peak's brand to be particularly tasty. And what with so many alcohols going around, he decided to take it slow and pace himself to make sure he didn't blackout before he got to try them all. He could've guessed that the wine had very little alcohol in it, and the mayor confirmed his suspicions.

The mayor mentioned some kind of contest, piquing Soji's interest once again. Upon the announcement that it was a drinking contest, the captain volunteered the two of them. Soji downed his wine and punched his palm.
"You know me well, Cap!" he grinned wildly at the bag of Berri. Soji had built up such a tolerance to alcohol, it'd be nice to get paid for some shit he was going to do anyway.

@Mugiwara @Kawaii @Zero Gravity @RyanJXavier

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