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Fandom One Piece

Asuka Rin

Asuka was noooot hyped. At all. There were many reasons to why the princess didn't or rarely

Location: Whiskey Peak, a little table

Mood: Oh hell no...

Interacting with: No one

Health: 100%

drank alcohol. For one, it helped out Rikka to know that at least one person didn't raid the sake compartment. And second, she was a hardcore lightweight and a super embarrassing drunk. Like the type of drunk to cry or be really cuddly. Not what she wanted at all, especially for a pirate.


They were docking. Since Asuka felt obligated to look a bit more presentable, she quickly braided her hair and intertwined small flowers to each strand while running to the dock. After she had gotten off the ship, she was pleasantly surprised at how the citizens greeted them. At least they didn't try to shoot their heads off or anything. Something was fishy here... But hey, it had been a long time since she was treated like who she really was, so might as well make the best of it. Asuka was used to crowds of people, but had never met one so eager and excited. Hmmm...how do I act in front of such seemingly casual people? Nervously, and looking a bit tense and out of place, she politely curtsied and introduced herself. "Call me Rin." A song?


As she took her seat on one of the tables, she listened to the music and the stories, Asuka didn't feel like talking at the moment. Besides, she still hadn't moved on from the whole Soji incident, in fact, Asuka was still pretty furious. When the berri came along, Asuka backed out, obviously she didn't need more money, that would put her in an extremely suspicious and vulnerable situation than the other crew mates. Now...it was time for the alcohol. Unlike Soji, wine and champagne were her favorite alcoholic beverages. Asuka considered it the lesser of two evils because of how classy they were and of their low alcoholic content. They even served the wine in a proper glass, which she appreciated greatly. "Oh! Thank you." Taking a sip, her eyes widened at the taste. This is some good quality.. Asuka thought as she politely took another sip. At least this will distract me from all this bullshit.

@Mugiwara @prepare yourself for drunk Asuka
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/39.gif.504a1b59359ffadfa55193909c1ff95e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70117" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/39.gif.504a1b59359ffadfa55193909c1ff95e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Suzumaki sat on the floor near Soji, drinking the famous wine from a large mug like a sailor...well...you know. Finishing off her third drink with an exhale of pleasure as she then shot the sniper a triumphant smirk. "I'm gonna win!!!" I think Suzumaki got the rules of the competition a little mixed up...it's not who can drink the most and still stand, it's who can continue drinking by the end of the party. Standing up with a laugh, Suzumaki disappeared momentarily to find someone who'd refill her mug when one of the men stopped her. "Heeeey!~ So what's it like!? Being a pirate capt'n all!?" A star grew in her eye as she struck a boasting pose, "It's." Twirling on her heel then shooting the guy with her hand in the shape of a gun, "Fantastic." And with that she walked off, returning to her drinking pal's side and leaving the other guy dumbfounded.

@SirBlazeALot @Peoples



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Kazuichi polity refused the drinks. "I don't drink not to mention I had a big breakfest." Kazuichi was used to going without food so he never has ever really been super hungry like some of his other shipmates. And by some he meant most and by most he meant the captain. "I wander why they are so fascinated by the fact we're pirates normally most people would be begging us to get off their island. But these guys are welcoming us with open arms even treating us like heroes I'd like to her the story." He said to no one in particular leaning against a wall.

@Anyone nearby
Soji Sento


Mood: Square

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Suzumaki, Kazuichi kinda sorta Asuka

Soji watched the tiny girl chug the wine, and though he understood the concept of the contest, he wasn't one to be outdone. So he followed her example and took huge gulps of the stuff. It was delicious, but a stomach only has so much room. This was less about how much alcohol one could take, but how well one could pace themselves to not end up with wine all the way up to their esophagus. Against Suzumaki, this realization would be a cheap win, but a win none the less. Still, at least she was having fun. Soji looked around the room with a snarl to see which of his other crew mates were cutting loose.

There was a crowd gathered around Rikka. Tsuki was apart of it. Whatever was going on there didn't involve alcohol or gratuitous lap dances, therefore it was of little interest to the sniper. He spotted prissy Asuka, who at least had a glass in her hand, which was respectable. Thinking of Asuka immediately made him think of Shizuka, and he wondered if wine would be the judge of whether he received a lap dance from the woman or not. He'd definitely have to run an experiment later tonight. Then there was Kazuichi, who was just leaning against a wall talking to himself, much to Soji's disapproval.
"Cap, cap, cap, look, look." He nudged the Captain and pointed to Kazuichi from a distance. "Gimme something to throw at 'im I bet I can clock him square in the forehead."

@Suzumaki Arakai @Nenma Takashi @theglassangel @Leaf Fi
Asuka Rin

If there was one sentence to describe what this post was, here it is. ASUKA. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING?? She had already drank at least

Location: Whiskey Peak


Interacting with: *cries*

Health: 99%

one whole glass of wine, supposedly with little alcohol content and she was already a bit blurry-eyed and teary. She was still upset and angered after the whole ordeal. God, why did that dim-witted vice-captain give that peasant back his ugly jacket? Looking around the area, she spotted the sniper staring at her. With her blurry eyed vision, she couldn't tell if it was a harmless or harmful gaze. Although, either way, seeing his face made her mood go sour once more. Asuka was dowing another glass of...what, exactly? The citizens seemed to have replaced the wine with something much more intense...vodka? Asuka didn't care, she needed more alcohol to cope with the pain, hell, she downed the whole glass of that too.

Sniffling and not bothering to hold down intoxicated tears, she drunkenly stomped over to where the poor sniper was and threw little punches at his chest before he could try anything on Kazuichi.
"I...wouuuuld raather KILL myself thaaaan marryy youuuu, baaaastard..." She slurred, holding onto his upper body, almost clinging onto him. "It's all your fault.." She sobbed pitifully onto his chest. "I HATE everybody on this goddamn ship..." Asuka sounded like she was speaking to someone else and not Soji. Everyone else on Whiskey Peak were either too drunk or simply didn't care enough to feel sorry for her. Of course Asuka didn't mean any of the things she had said about all of the crew members, but hey, I did warn you about drunk Asuka.

@SirBlazeALot @oh dear pull yourself together
Soji Sento


Mood: WUTDUHFUHHH!?/hmmmmm

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Asuka

Soji was gearing up his throwing arm, ready to get Kazuichi and get him good. Nothing like a good ol' "Oi!" --SMACK! He was so focused on getting ready to nail the guy, he didn't notice Asuka drunkenly stumbling over to him. The shock of a random body suddenly violating his personal space made his twitch reflexes go for his gun but, once he recognized the softer touch of a lady, his--ahem-- other twitch reflexes kicked in. Then he realized who it was, and thus began the epic whining. I mean, at this point she could've volunteered to finally cure his blue balls, Soji wouldn't have accepted the help. He could be near death and he would've told her "Up yours!" Jake's actions may have saved the jacket, but it didn't redeem Asuka in Soji's eyes.

She started talking about marriage, a turn-off common among many assholes, and she was making it sound as if he had asked for her hand! Soji looked to Suzumaki frantically attempting to find the proper words to debunk her heinous slander.
"O-o-ooi! OI! I-I-psh-I never asked!" the tiny thing cried into his chest and then suddenly, it hit him. It hit him square in the face just like he had intended on hitting Kazuichi in the face. She wasn't talking about him.

Who she was talking about, he had no idea, but it wasn't him. The woman was in the middle of a classic drunken break down. Soji knew a thing or two about those. Being an avid bar crawler you see them a lot. Normally, a drunk can't be comforted with the smooth words of others, in fact they tend to make them more aggressive. However, this was Asuka, a rule breaker, and he hadn't much sympathy for those.
"Y-you're ruining the god damn evening for yourself!" he chastised her. "Don't be an idiot! Ya know ya don't hate everyone on the ship ya just hate me for some reason!" He sighed and pouted, looking around making sure the two of them weren't causing a scene. Luckily, everyone seemed to be too busy reveling to care. Still, the vice captain seemed to stick to the doctor like white on rice, so he figured he may as well milk some information out of her before then. After all, people tend to be very honest when drunk, it was Soji's favorite thing about drinking with others. "So out with it, mate! What's your problem with me?! Do I look like your ex? Sound like your ex? Drink like your ex, hm? Is that why ya keep dumpin' your emotional baggage on me?" As he questioned her, a strange sense of pity crawled into his soul. He couldn't quite explain it, but it was beginning to seem rather small of him to still be angry with the doctor. She was clearly at a very low point, and far more fragile than most of the crew, with the exception of maybe Shizuka. The whole jacket debacle still irked him, but he wasn't one to stomp on someone when they were this much of a mess. Just wouldn't be very sportsmanlike.

And so he hesitantly placed a hand on her back before rubbing it gently.

@theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai
Asuka Rin

"Ugh, don't touch me, asshole! You're in my fucking kingdom, I can do whatever I want." Asuka slapped his hand away from her back and swore angrily

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: Drunk and sad

Interacting with: *more crying*

Health: 90%

at him, something she didn't do very often. Asuka quickly stepped back, her hands instinctively covering her face, fear in her eyes.
"I-I..I'm going to scream a-a-and t-the guards will hear you.. just d-don't hit me, please, I'm sorry..." Strike two, Asuka (Strike one was coming here drunk in the first place). She was still talking to her "fiance" aka Soji at the moment, still lost in her own little flashback. It was like she was still living out her memories of being trapped in that castle. Why yes, meta Balze, Asuka is a rule breaker, although, she didn't react in aggression... she reacted in fear. In fact, she was almost shaking.

Asuka didn't think it was possible for so many tears to rush out of her face as she grabbed another shot of god-knows-what from a nearby tray and consumed all of it, thinking it would numb the pain even more. Why Asuka, why?
God, this is strong. Asuka fell towards him once more, almost landing in the same vulnerable position she had before, yet fortunately, her Devil Fruit's healing abilities through her tears made sure she didn't black out or throw up. In her inebriated eyes, the Prince's face faded away from her vision, she was talking to the unfortunate Soji now. Asuka's headache was getting worse. "I...I don't hate you. I just...wasn't...thinking... a-and you...about that time...when..." As Asuka began to feel a bit more light-headed, her sentences began to become almost incoherent. As Soji brought up drinking, sad laughter came out of her pretty little face as she looked up at him. "You...drink like him...that's it..but you wouldn't... hurt me, right? ...Not like I had...choice...to be.." Her voice faltered as she spoke. Strike three, Asuka. "..I'm sorry..." She started bawling her eyes out again, just like a spoilt little girl that lost her teddy bear. And she gave in. It was both a shame and a blessing she won't remember this one, eh?

@SirBlazeALot @looks like meta baseball is over @if that was too dramatic i can edit @i'm sorry everyone
Soji Sento


Mood: Ok, get away from me.

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Asuka, Suzumaki and searching for Shizuka

The sniper threw his head back and stared at the ceiling and sighed with exasperation as the girl went on another drunken tirade. He couldn't help but laugh a bit for this one because wow, what a pitiful slap, it wasn't at all as powerful as the one she dealt him on deck during their little showdown. And two, she started ranting about a kingdom of some sort. At first he thought it was just idle braggadocio but it soon became apparent that Asuka's mind was...elsewhere. His eyes widened as he began to put two and two together, the gears were finally beginning to turn. We got a runaway on board.

The man looked to the left and then to the right as paranoia sunk in. Someone could be looking for her. Someone with a lot of power and influence. Someone might even be willing to pay a lot of berri to get her back.

No, Soji wasn't planning on returning her to wherever she came from for a fat stack of cash, his concern was for bounty hunters. Of course if he could spot 'em, he could get 'em before the got him.
"Alright, calm down, calm down," he said mostly to himself, but it applied to Asuka as well. Reaching inside his jacket, he pulled out a handkerchief and grabbed a shot as a tray came around. Lord knows he could use one. After gulping down the liquid he lifted Asuka's face by her chin and tried to wipe away her weird magic tears, deciphering what he could of her babbling.

"Look around ya, mate. It's a party. Ya know what ya don't do at a party? Ya don't cry at parties, mate. Ya laugh at parties," the sniper broke down the fundamentals of turning up as he dabbed her cheeks. "Ya ain't got nothing to sorry for so quit yer bellyachin' mate," he lied, he was still very sour about his jacket. Soji didn't really have a firm understanding of the power of her Devil Fruit, so he was pretty certain she would probably throw up on him if she worked herself up enough. However, he wasn't worried at all. He was no stranger to being thrown up on, especially by women who intended to keep up with his drinking habits. What a gross thing to get used to. It was such a small concern to the gunner that it hadn't even crossed his mind.

"Come on mate. Cheer up! Whoever the bloke that didja wrong is, he's not here. We made it to the Grand Line in one piece!" (Soji breaks the fourth wall and looks directly at the reader and whispers "Roll credits,") He returned his handkerchief to his jacket and casually took the girl's hand. "Lets go find your buddy, huh? Lets go find Shizuka she'll know how to cheer ya up mate." Soji sounded calm and helpful, but he was 500% done with Asuka's shit. "Certainly not with a lap dance though," he grumbled bitterly. Still, this revelation explained her little outburst the other day and her whole...overall demeanor. Though he didn't have the story straight, it was clear that the doctor was rich enough to afford guards, belonged to a kingdom, and had an asshole ex-boyfriend of some sort that she was running away from.

Knowing that the Captain wouldn't know what to do with this information, and probably wouldn't be capable of speculating with him long enough to figure it out before being distracted by food or a butterfly, he gave Suzumaki a tap on the shoulder and whispered,
"I'll be right back. By the way you are SO GOING DOWN!" he mentioned in regards to the drinking contest with a cocky grin, before guiding Asuka through waves of people. His eyes shifted from every corner of the room in search of the pink haired girl so that he could make the doctor's drunken break down her problem and not his.

@theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi
Shizuka Sasaki

Mood: Giddy. Very, very giddy.

Location: Whiskey Peak!

Interacting: A group of horny men

Health: 95%

Let me start off this post by saying this; Shizuka shouldn't drink. Sure, she becomes a lot more outgoing and clingy, but damn, she doesn't know when to stop and how far is enough. Only once has she gotten drunk, and it ended up with a friend with a black eye, a smashed piano and her awakening on a roof of a random building with some unknown person chillin' on the chimney. She still has no idea what happened that night, and, to be quite honest, she doesn't want to find out. So she made an oath not to touch a drop of alcohol since that day.

... But I'm not the nicest, so screw that! Lady is gonna get drunk!

The events of the previous day still ran through her head, and boy did they scare and sadden her. Shizuka felt completely responsible for the actions that took place- after all, she did request that the final strip wouldn't take place- and it was a sickening feeling... Asuka cried because of her, and now her and Soji were bitter... It... It hurt. A lot. Her head rested in her hands, eyes shut tightly as a sigh left her lips. The laughter and cheery atmosphere didn't even cause the shy girl to cheer up at all; rather, it depressed her further. Boy, did the feeling suck... All Shizuka wanted to feel was better, so as soon as a shot was offered to her, the girl agreed without as much as a moment's hesitation. One shot turned into two, two turned into four, and four resulted in a crowd of men cheering and clapping as the pink haired girl twirled around on the surface of a table, giggling her little heart out. She felt as light as air, as high as a kite, and boy did she just wanna tell her crewmates how much she adored their gorgeous faces. Aaah, this was just the best!

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel @aaaa this is gonna be fun @be prepared for a silly Shizuka peeps @you're all gonna get some of that luuuuuv~
Asuka Rin

Asuka politely accepted the handkerchief and allowed him to wipe the tears off her face, not much she could really do at this point with her drunken self.

Location: Whiskey Peak


Interacting with: yURI loverrr

Health: 98%

"I-I don't...but?" But before she could say anything else, she was being led around the crowd to find Shizuka. Stumbling over her own feet, she tried to protest. "B-b-but...he's looking...h-h-he has money...a lot..." Her silver eyes began to widen, but at least her tears stopped for now. "Y-y-you can't...let him...find..." Oh dear, if Asuka was sober right now, she would have slapped the hell out of him and denied her ever being in trouble. Yet, she was drunk, oh so very intoxicated as her fear quickly went away as it was replaced with a look of distance and confusion.

"Shiiiiizukaaaaa..." Asuka gently reached out to her. She pulled the musician off the table and cupped her face with her's. "W-what aaaare youuuu dooooing to yourself? Stooop drinking so much! I CARE about you..." Asuka awkwardly grabbed a strand of Shizuka's pink hair and put it behind her ear. "You. Don't. Deserve. To. Be. Here." She kissed her gently on the lips and hugged her tightly, the crowd of horny men began to cheer. What most pirates/villagers didn't know, kissing someone lightly on the lips was a noble's way of showing someone you cared. It was basically the noble equivalent of giving someone ice cream or some money on a bad day. "Please...don't give him that lapdance...RESPECT YOURSELF." She said loudly for all to hear, much to their disappointment. Kissing her gently once more, she went on about modesty in a lady and how important having class was as Asuka stroked the girl's shoulder to comfort her. "Don't you care about what I think?" She continued on with her noble's tradition of kissing, except more intensely for emphasis, although it could easily be turned into something else if she wasn't careful enough.

@Leaf Fi @YURI @sorry, @SirBlazeALot, you're getting cockblocked
Shizuka Sasaki



Interacting: MY YURI LOVER

Health: 95%

The pink haired girl continued to twirl and laugh until she felt someone tugging her hand, a gentle urging voice accompanying the light pulling. Shizuka blinked before hopping off and, as a result, she was immediately face to face with the rather attractive Asuka. Her face was painted with worry, and her sliver eyes were slightly bloodshot for whatever reason. Did she get something get in her eye? Right now, Shizuka wouldn't be able to even consider the fact that anyone could cry in such a wonderful place, so the thought never even crossed her mind. Listening to the other with great concentration, a look of horror fell upon her features. "B-but I llllllike it h- mpfh!"

The light pressing of Asuka's lips against her own completely caught her off guard, and before she could even react, the other girl pulled away and embraced her in a tight hug. Shizuka blinked in a complete daze, the screams from the crowd around the two girls not even fazing her in the slightest. 'D-did she just... Kiss me?' She pondered. 'Oh well, it was probably a one time thing.' Honestly, not even an eyelid was going to be batted at the situation at hand for now; it was only one sweet little kiss that didn't really mean anything, so there was no point in over thinking it. But then more kisses were introduced... And with the showering of attention, soft lips and obvious care and love in Asuka's tone, the drunk Shizuka began to realise that this might not be a platonic thing... And hey, the doctor was pretty attractive herself, so it wasn't like she didn't enjoy the experience. The only thing now was that... Well... Shizuka thought the other wanted more, but was too shy to show it... But that was going to change.

"Of course I care about what you think! You mean the woooooorld to me, Asuka!" She cut off the kisses for a moment to connect their gazes, a weak smile pulling her lips upwards. Cupping the others cheek with one hand, she lightly stroked the area with a thumb. "You're the best friend I've ever had!" She told her before leaning in to give a gentle kiss in return. "And I love yoooooou! Looooove you for being my frieeeeeend!~" Honestly... Please don't make her drink anymore... "So thank youuuu..." Shyly, she averted her eyes to the ground for about a second before nodding, cheeks turning the same shade as her hair. In the blink of an eye, both of her arms were looped around Asuka's neck, hands snaking to the back of her hand before she leaned in once more, kissing the other more passionately and lovingly, both body's now pressing together. Yup. Shizuka, the most timid and quiet of the crew, had officially started a make out session. Boy did the crowd go wild as a result.

@theglassangel @FUCK YEAH YURI @I'm so sorry for this @SirBlazeALot @I apologise @Soji can't join @The yuri lovers only
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Asuka Rin

Asuka was feeling a lot better than when her scene with Soji started. In fact, making Shizuka deal with her drunken breakdown was probably the best thing

Location: Whiskey Peak, the most yuri place in the world

Mood: Emotional and romantic, but mostly drunk

Interacting with: YURI LOVER

Health: 97%, slowly deteriorating

he did for her. 'Twas a shame the lapdance wasn't going to happen.
"Oh... I'm glad~" Asuka was on the top of the world, at least someone cared in her mind. She sighed a sigh of relief, finally she understood...until Shizuka pulled her back in for a makeout session. Wait a minute. Nopenopenopenopenope, this was not what she had in mind. Kissing was a very big deal in the kingdom she came from, hence the traditional light kisses. Hell, it was such a big deal that if you kissed someone, you were either married, in love with that person, or very close family. Don't even get me started on making out, that would be a whole other story. Shizuka clearly didn't understand tradition but Asuka was too drunk and emotional to care.

Besides, Shizuka was exactly Asuka's type in a girl. Gentle and kind, attractive as well. Her hair was so soft...
she was such a good friend, Asuka thought. Ironically the most sophisticated and mannerly member of the ship was in a makeout session with the most quiet and timid girl there, leaving many quite in surprise. But for some reason... it made the action feel satisfying, almost something innocent to her, even romantic. It was nothing like the shame or embarrassment Asuka had felt when the Prince had tried to do the same to her, in public too. In fact, it reminded her of another moment... Crying delicate happy tears, she picked the white rose off her hair and intertwined it into her pink hair without seperating from the kiss. Feeling a bit uncoordinated, she tried to move onto the surface on the table to prevent herself from falling. She was so close to Shizuka that the pink haired girl was almost on top of her, almost a habit, she stroked the musician's hair and held to her waist. Ohmygod, this was happening so fast.. Asuka's mind rushed as her heart was thumping in her chest, feeling frozen in time.

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot @YURI OMG @where is the tradition xD @Who needs to be a princess when you can have yuri?
Location: Whiskey Peak


Health: 100%

Interacting: Everyone

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

Well since there was a party going on down there Sarah deiced to change her attire, again she wasted another outfit... oh well she can wash it later. Now first dress and make up. Sarah stays in the Women's Quarters and does her make up making sure she doesn't mess up.

"I'm so glad this got washed." The dress Sarah wore before the whale swallowed them was all clean and pressed after washing it of course. She throws it on and straps on her side holsters for her guns. Sarah laces up her high heels and rushes out the door. Throwing her hair back, she looks to the crowd in front of her from the ship.


(Just in case you forgot how it looked like)

"Well someone needs to stay sober to help these drunk asses out." Sarah decides not to drink today and just watch them have fun, but eating will be something she shall do, considering she really hasn't ate like anything. Sarah places her guns on her side of her thighs and heads down to where everyone is. Arriving on to the ground she was greeted with a bunch of horny men staring at her body figure and smooth skin. Sarah gives them a flirtatious smile and winks.

"Sorry boys, but I can't play right now." Sarah walks to where a group of men are at and sees Asuka and Shizuka having a full blown make out session.

"Wow girls you two can really put on a show!" Sarah shouts. Watching the two girls get it on she then decides to go explore the island.

"There's got to be more to this... Whiskey peak huh, what's your secret?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/19.gif.80101c2bc1c6d80743e2651b708cfd20.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/19.gif.80101c2bc1c6d80743e2651b708cfd20.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Suzumaki had started on her fifth mug of grape wine when suddenly Soji nudged her with a finger towards Kazuichi who was leaning against the wall over yonder, talking to himself. The girl snickered before quickly chugging down her drink and standing up to throw it at the other, which is what Soji had originally planned to do... Suddenly Asuka wobbled her way over and threw herself down onto Soji's chest, but Suzumaki paid no attention to it as she launched a wooden mug across the room, causing it to bust on the wall beside Kazuichi, in which she then clasped her hands over her smiling expression and went wide-eyed. "Ah!...Shit..." By now, Suzumaki had quickly returned to a innocent sitting position, facing away from Kazuichi who probably knew it was either her or Soji, but seeing as Soji was practically walking away with Asuka, the spotlight basically shone down on the smaller one who was now lightly sipping someone else's drink. Soji had spoken to Suzumaki right before he left with Asuka...what was it? Oh! Jumping up, Suzumaki shot a finger towards the sniper and laughed triumphantly. "As if! You fool! No one! Beats! Me!! Ni~hahaha!" She sounded like Miss Wednesday when she laughed there for a second, it might be mockery.

@SirBlazeALot @Nenma Takashi



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Kazuichi shot his look to the shattered mug that had hit the wall next to him. He looked over at the captain and walked over putting a hand on her head and slowly squeezing her head increasing his grip. "Captain were you aiming for me~" He said with an evil smile and equally evil voice. His hand turned metal only making it harder if the captain tried to get his hand off.

@Suzumaki Arakai


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/15.jpg.284fa54d83c1293a358cd8f7e05f0676.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70771" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/15.jpg.284fa54d83c1293a358cd8f7e05f0676.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As Suzumaki began yelling out towards Soji, her head was suddenly grasped by a certain someone who happened to be lucky that she can't throw worth shit. As Kazuichi increased his grip, a loud screech sounded out from Suzumaki's vocals as though she were a dying monkey, waving her arms around in the air and stomping her feet before suddenly calming down as the other asked if she was aiming for him. Suzumaki's face went blank, this is how she lies... "No. I didn't throw my mug at you." Well...you see Suzumaki...you kind of gave yourself away there.

@Nenma Takashi



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Kazuichi was now made first she tried to hit him now she just straight up lied he got ready to karate chop her but he stopped mid way. "You know Kazu you should learn to be nicer to girls." He let go of the captain's head and walked back to his spot. "Just don't do it again." He said over his shoulder.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/18.jpg.9aa60152e2100fcd341a8f4c79bac7f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70775" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/18.jpg.9aa60152e2100fcd341a8f4c79bac7f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Suzumaki just stood there with a blank face as Kazuichi let go of her head and walked away, returning to his previous spot near the wall. Watching him walk away, Suzumaki grabbed another random drink that happened to belong to someone else, and began chugging it down as she followed Kazuichi because her former drinking buddy was busy. Although, the competition isn't over. "I didn't mean to." A sweat drop could be seen sliding down her cheek as her eyes darted side-to-side. After a moment of pressure that wasn't actually there, Suzumaki dropped to her knees and gripped her hair, pulling at it with a scream. "I lied!!! It was me! I did it on purpose! It was funny too! I laughed about it! It was Soji's idea though!" Standing back up within the blink of an eye, the small girl turned and shot a finger towards wherever Soji was. Rikka could still be seen cooking a bunch of random food, which caught Suzumaki's interest, causing her to run in place before darting off towards the cook with her tongue hanging out. "Foooood!"

@TRASHLYN @Nenma Takashi



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Soji Sento


Mood: Lucky stars

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Asuka, Shizuka

What had begun as Soji attempting to ditch the doctor became something much more...intriguing. During their initial encounter, he'd stood there with a blank face, watching Asuka peck at Shizuka's lips. It was as if he no longer existed to either woman, which was a plus and a minus. A plus because his plan had worked and emotional ass Asuka was now off of his back. Whenever one of his plans came together, he always made sure to give himself a mental (sometimes audible) pat on the back. It was a minus because this was yet another interaction he'd be having with Shizuka in which he wouldn't be receiving a lap dance. But by that logic, that would make every interaction with Shizuka a minus, and that can't be true, right? I mean, he had to have enjoyed her company without a lap dance at least once, right? He pondered this mathematical conundrum until coming to the conclusion that the numbers added up pretty well, as every time he'd spoken to the woman would've been made infinitely better if a lap dance was involved. That was a lot of missed opportunities.

But this had quickly evolved into more than just "a plan that worked." No. This was a whole other type of triumph. This was one for the ages. One of the fundamentals of shooting anything, be it a gun or a slingshot, was
timing. And god dammit, had the stars not aligned for this one. Who could of guessed that Shizuka would also be drunk off her ass? Who could've guessed that the two most conservative women on the ship would be down to make out with each other in front of a crowd? Shit, who could've guessed both of them were even into girls?

That's right. No one. But who made it happen? Bitch you guessed it. Soji Sento.

Contrary to popular belief, Soji's arrogant ass didn't count this as a loss. This was a flaming win. Soji put two fingers to his lips and kissed them before putting them in the sky, blowing a kiss to Lady Luck, before pulling up a chair at a nearby table to watch the action and stealing a mug from the table behind him. A man who was formerly drinking it was too busy gawking at the girls to protest. Again, Soji continued to mentally fellate his great fortune as he enjoyed the view.
"Alcohol...you've never let me down!" he said before raising his mug to his lips.

@Leaf Fi @theglassangel @ asuka loves shizuka, shizuka loves asuka and soji loves watching
Height: 4" 9"

Weight: 87 Ibs

Age: 17

Mood: Freaked

Location: Whiskey Peak, a very strange place

Interacting: No one

Health: 93%


Tsuki was still observing the 'Kanpai Competition' that was announced, thinking about whether or not she should join in. Obviously she hadn't reached the legal age of drinking yet, but they were pirates. They fought for freedom, to do whatever they wished to do, and didn't give a rat's ass about the law. Ultimately, however, she chose not to, as she was unaware of the consequences and was afraid if something happened to her body.

She watched intently when they started. She was offered one herself, but declined for the aforementioned reasons. She choked when their doctor suddenly leaped and clung onto another member of their crew, Soji. The way she acted and spoke next frightened the ballerina, a fearful look appearing in her eyes. The next thing that happened was making out between two girls, one being Asuka, and the other being Shizuka. Not wanting to believe what weird people her crewmates turned into when they were in a drunken state, she fell asleep on the floor, hoping that this would all be over when she opened her eyes.

@ anyone

L.G Hardy

Location: Whiskey Peak


Height: 7'0

Weight: 320 lbs

Mood: Pissed, Sad

Interacting: No one yet


L.G walks out of the bathroom, whistling a time as he walks over to the sink and turns on the water. He washes his hands as he looks into the mirror, seeing his large face. He smiles, as a man walks in and goes to use the urinal. But once he saw L.G, who is a fishman, the man quickly exited out. L.G sighs as he dries his hand with paper towels and walks out of the bathroom. This was normal for L.G. People think he will ravage their town and kill them all. People were afraid of Fishman, and L.G thought this was stupid. Humans and L.G, despite their differences, they were still equal. As he walks down the street, he hears a lot of commotion from one bar. Instantly, L.G knew his crew was there. One little girl, who was maybe around 6, was playing with her balloons until a few of them started to float out of her reach. She started to cry, but L.G extended his arm and snatched the colored balloons from the sky. He kneeled down and handed the balloons to the child. "These are yours, right?" The little girl smiles and nods. "Thank you sir!". He nods as he stands up and walks over to the same place most of the other crew was. He sits down next to Soji and sips from his flask. "You look happy. @SirBlazeALot
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42fad169_NakiriErina1.gif.96e7d4a691a4629f7e48c9469bf02d2b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42fad169_NakiriErina1.gif.96e7d4a691a4629f7e48c9469bf02d2b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As the people praised Rikka on her cooking, she couldn't help but be overjoyed. I am the best cook, huh? Rikka wasn't even sure what she was doing anymore, she was pretty much cooking anything and everything they sat in front of her and throwing it down. Mostly for the praise of it though. No one was even eating but she wasn't at all phased because she new they could just take what they didn't eat with them! Finally we can get some food on that boat! And it's free!

I guess I spoke too soon. Suzumaki was now set on eating and came sprinting towards the grill with her tongue hanging out. Rikka didn't even look towards Suzumaki, normally something like this would make Rikka unreasonably angry, but this time she just let it slide and pointed over to the large table that was full of already prepared food.

Ahh. Everyone is going to be so tolerable tomorrow, we're just cruising down the grand line, this is great. This totally makes up for being eaten by a whale and almost dying 10+ times today. Hah~ Good times.

Rikka was having a great time cooking, but it was clear her 'fans' were getting bored or antsy, I'm guessing. Rikka and the other cooks were conversing and carrying on, but they began to walk in the direction of the other crew mates. My stardom! No one on that filthy boat respects me, this could be my only chance to have respect! Rikka turned off the grill and sped up next to the others. As her and the crew of chefs were strolling around through the party, Rikka didn't shut up about her cooking at all, until she glanced over at the sight of Asuka and Shizuka with their tongues down each others throats. Rikka had to look twice.

"What tha fu-"

"So what island are you from Sezaki-chan?"

Rikka's attention was brought back to the group of cooks as they handed her a bottle of sake. Oh shit. Oh no. Rikka was so lightweight with her alcohol you have no idea. You know why those bottles of wine sat in the pantry for so long? Because Rikka refused to put them in the food, due to the fear of passing out drunk. If I don't drink my fans will leave me. MY FANS.

Rikka cleared her throat and awkwardly grabbed the bottle with both hands, and with an unsteady voice she responded.

"Ahh. N-N-North B-Blue. Ha...Ha...Hahahahah....Ha."

Don't do it. Put the sake down. You know how you get. The only time Rikka was ever drunk, she completely blacked out and had no idea what she did, but luckily I do. Her and her crewmates, on the Baratie, were just having an extremely slow day and the men started to drink, now Rikka was the only woman on the boat and wanted to fit in, so she grabbed a bottle of sake, didn't even sip it and was instantly drunk; she threw twelve grown men overboard (only eleven were found) and set the kitchen on fire.

Now, here we are on whiskey peak and Rikka has a bottle of sake in her hands. The chef's each chugged all of their bottles of sake dry and stared at Rikka waiting for her to do the same. Very awkwardly she pulled the cork out with a pop and brought the glass to her lips. The only thing that ran across her mind was 'Shit shit shit shit. Why am I doing this.' In only a matter of seconds the bottle was empty and Rikka was officially WASTED.

@Leaf Fi @theglassangel @Nenma Takashi @GardinOfEden

(Sorry if some of the information in this post is inaccurate, I haven't been getting noties. If anything is wrong tell me in line.)



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Soji Sento


Mood: Thoroughly enjoying himself

Health: 100%

Interacting With: Asuka, Shizuka, L.G., Rikka, Sarah (Kazuichi mentioned)

Soji leaned back in his seat and sipped from his mug contently. The girl on girl action was quite the unexpected treat, but it dulled in comparison to the reaction of the crowd, which of course, Soji attributed to his own doing. Rocking on the legs of his chair, he actually became a little bored with the yuri goodness going down in front of him, and that made him feel guilty, spoiled almost. I mean, this was like the best random happening he'd ever had a hand in triggering in a while. So he did his best to enjoy it while it lasted, eventually finding merit in how long it had continued.

Lost in his own greatness, he felt a hulking presence come near, one that he'd come to recognize. L.G. As the eel like creature spoke to him, the now buzzed sniper turned to him with a silly smile plastered on his face. There was something remarkably amazing about a fishman, how one could briefly catch the full attention of any human in the room. A fishman could even steal the spotlight from two cuties making out with each other.

Soji hadn't seen many of them, L.G. being one of the few he'd ever known by name. Of course, he'd grown up with the nasty remarks about the powerful creatures, but the thing about Soji is, he considers himself to be superior to most people, fish or not. So really, he didn't treat the man any different than he'd treat anyone else. However L.G. would occasionally become a victim to his drunken racially insensitive comments from time to time.
"Oh I'm happy alright. Trouser-happy!" he exclaimed with the pride of a toddler who had just defecated in a toilet for the first time on their own.

"Where'd all this come from?" he asked the fishman in an awestruck tone as he reached up to the taller man's glorious mane and ran his fingers through it. "How does it stay so god damn silky?" he asked through chuckles as he fondled L.G.'s hair. "Awwww c'mon, mate!" he said as his rubbing intensified, picking up on L.G.'s low energy. Between Asuka crying and Kazuichi leaning against a wall talking to himself in a room full of wenches that weren't making out with each other, he'd become a bit sick of the downers in the crew. "What's with the face?! Drink and be merry!" he handed his half finished mug to the fish and stood up. "Enjoy these for me," he said in reference to both the alcohol and the yuri while placing his hand over his heart.

"An' if anyone gives ya a hard time about bein' a giant aquatic monstrosity yooooooou lemme know and I'll shoot 'em in the face." he gave the fish a brisk pat on the shoulder and winked before Sarah caught his eye. She was looking like a bombshell as usual, and he figured he'd seen enough of this makeout session. Who knows. Maybe the girls might bless L.G. with a double lap dance. If anyone deserved it for all the shit they had to put up with, it was the fishy crewmate, even Soji Sento could admit that to himself.

On his way to sexually harass Sarah he casually passed Rikka and her chef buddies. He grabbed a shot from yet another convenient plate coming by and swallowed it after Rikka had finished an entire bottle of sake. He joined her briefly by wrapping an arm around her shoulder and bringing her in close for a weird side-hug-thing and raising his empty glass in the air while shouting
"WOoooooOOooo!" ((waifu put the thing in the line as soon as u read that)) before kissing the chef on the top of her head playfully before releasing her and trudging over to Sarah.

"Oi! Ya sure changggge CLOTHES a lot!" he said to break the ice, stealing yet another unattended mug of wine and leaning on a table as he attempted to capture the attention of his rival. "Ya know ya technically owe me a strip tease, right?" he raised an eyebrow and smiled devilishly as he finished the wine. He slammed the mug back on the table and folded his arms.

@Leaf Fi @theglassangel @National @TRASHLYN @GardinOfEden @Nenma Takashi @ i didn't mean to write this much for him it just kinda happened. @ he's kinda in his element though
L.G Hardy

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: Amused


Interacting With:

L.G finishes his flask, and he catches his first glance of Soji's face. He was Shitfaced, and hard. L.G knew what this meant. L.G had a decently high tolerance against alcohol since he was a fishman, but he knew you had to be special to be drunk like Soji was. He knew that he was going to touch his abnormally silky hair. L.G was secretly very prideful of his luxurious hair, taking excessive care of it. He felt Soji's hands start to go through his hair, but L.G was used to this. "Excessive washing and conditioner." He replies to the giddy Soji. Soji had a point, even if he was drunk. L.G had to lift up his mood L.G drains the mug that was handed to him. He watches as Soji walks over to the others girls of the crew. Knowing Soji, (reminds me of Soja. Respect to whoever knows who they are)

He was going to try to slide into the girls pants. Typical Soji. L.G looks over at Tsuki, who fell asleep on the floor. This was a horrible idea, as she was in a bar with a lot of horny men. And that meant she was going to wake up much looser, and knowing Tsuki, if the Yuri scene freaked her out, this would make her kill herself. He gently picks up the little girl and gently flicks her head. "Wake up Tsuki. This isn't the place to sleep." @Mugiwara


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As Suzumaki was sprinting towards Rikka, she could barely notice out of the corner of her eye, that Soji was making his way towards the cook as well, which for some reason, made Suzumaki angry. She then picked up her pace, legs now practically blurs, and jumped towards Rikka until suddenly the distanced point towards a table of food sent her flying backwards somehow. Clutching her heart, Suzumaki sat up off of the floor and stared at Rikka who's back was now all that could be seen. "R-....Rik...Fine! Old hag!" Wait...why is she depressed now? Angrily, Suzumaki stomped over to the large table and grabbed as much food as she could, now sitting down with a pouty face as she slowly nibbled a meat bun. "Rikka you stupid hag." I guess you could call Suzumaki an attention-seeking child...despite the fact that she's older than a few of her crewmates. It was then when the girl realized she needed to keep drinking, causing her to flinch lightly before shoving the entire meat bun into her mouth and darting over to some random person, now chugging down his wine with a pleasured facial expression. After she finished it off, her eyes darted over to Soji, giving him a triumphant glare...but then she grew depressed again upon noticing he was focused on others. "Soji...stupid pervert." And with that...Suzumaki just pigged out on a shit ton of food and eventually passed out with one last, "We made it to the Grand Line!!" No, she wasn't drunk when she passed out...just very full on a shit ton of food.

@SirBlazeALot @TRASHLYN @Everyone​

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