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Fandom One Piece


Height: 5'6

Weight: 124 lbs

Age: 18

Mood: Neutral

Location: Suzumaki & Co.

Interacting: Everyone/Anyone

Health: 100%

Murasaki sat down at the kitchen eating a bowl of rice as well as eating other dishes. She had her hair up in a ponytail, some of her hair in her face but, not too much. Murasaki are a lot of food, although she was about to get on deck, she was going to eat her fill and then head on deck to interact with the rest of the crew. She then pondered about what the others where doing, then looked back to her dish, resuming to eat.

When Murasaki finished eating, she put her dish away and then stretched her arms and walked on deck, looking at whatever the crew was doing. She sighed relieved, smiling in the process of doing so. Murasaki walked forward to them, glancing at Soji and Drunk Suzumaki. She then joined the rest of her crew, carrying her notebook along with her. She wrote to them,
"Hey guys!" She said as she waved at everyone.

As Murasaki interacted with the others, she then saw a bottle thrown into the air, landing on Suzumaki's head. Murasaki gasped and got a handkerchief out of her pocket, wiping her face like a mother with a child.
"Are you okay?" She wrote with a slight look of worry in her face. Suzumaki smelled of vinegar, unlike Murasaki who didn't drink and wasn't a cook and didn't deal with stuff like that. Murasaki sighed she looked at Suzumaki's head for any cuts for Asuka to heal.

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Lorenzo Hayashi

Lorenzo tossed the two bottles up in the air before immediately hearing one of them crack above his head. His arms shielded himself as the broken glass fell above him. Bickering voices and energetic figures managed to catch the man's attention though once he put his arms back down to his sides. What the? Enzo's gaze rapidly shifted around the area in an attempt to try to understand whatever was happening at that moment. Poisoned Sake? Enzo squinted his eyes a bit and read the label from afar noticing that Suzumaki didn't know what the heck she was talking about. The small captain suddenly flung the bottle at the cook's head which caused Lorenzo's eyes to widen, "Oi Suzumaki!". He swiftly walked up to the girl and stopped before her with his brows slightly furrowed, "That wasn't sake, that was vinegar". A sigh escaped's Enzo's lips as he looked over his shoulder at Asuka, "You know what to do, doctor". Lorenzo briefly glanced at Rikka then shifted his gaze back to Suzumaki. "It even said vinegar on the label. What made you think it was sake?" He questioned while slightly raising a brow.

@Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nmz7nuIvrl1urhzgto1_540.gif.ff47473e54431d8ff507a9c91622ad95.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nmz7nuIvrl1urhzgto1_540.gif.ff47473e54431d8ff507a9c91622ad95.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Still in awe, Rikka stared up at Suzumaki, who was still holding her sword. An expression of anger was painted all over Rikka's face. She had absolutely no idea just what was going, but if it was a fight Suzumaki wanted then what choice did Rikka have other than to fight back?

Quickly, Rikka crawled up and stood in a fighting position. For Rikka, a fighting position was pretty much just standing since all she really did was kick. Seeing Suzumaki avert her attention to Soji instead of Rikka caused her to slump down and drop her guard.

She looked back and forth between the two still having no idea what had gotten into Suzumaki. When she slung the bottle in the direction of Soji, Rikka slowly cracked a smile and bursted out laughing. Maybe she laughed just a little too soon seeing as though the bottle hit her instead. As soon as the bottled busted over her head she fell onto her butt and immediately stopped laughing. She glanced over at Soji who was completely dry then down at herself, soaked in pure vinegar, the stench filling her nose.

Completely forgetting about herself, Rikka listened to everything Lorenzo said and leered at Suzumaki. She slowly crawled up onto to all fours then into a run, and kicked her right on top of the head.


@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @RyanJXavier



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Suzumaki was now rubbing the back of her head with guilt noticeably dancing around on her expression when suddenly Enzo approached her, explaining how the sake was actually vinegar. "What made me think it was sake?" The girl asked herself this over and over, averting the man's gaze as she continued to stand at the top of the steps, slightly embarrassed. "Ah...w-well...you see...ahem...Icntreed." The last phrase came out in a low mumble, making it hard to understand her. Suzumaki could be seen fidgeting, her sword now lying on the ground by her side. "And it looks like sake! Feels like sake!" The girl didn't know what to do or how else she was supposed to react...she did something that shouldn't have been done but apologizing isn't an option. Looking over, Suzumaki caught a glimpse of Rikka sprinting in her direction, up the stairs then into the air, sending a hard kick to the top of her head, causing the small girl to flip forwards and roll down the stairs; now lying on the grassy surface of the main deck. After a moment of silence, the captain sat up in an Indian style position and began rubbing her head like crazy, "Itai!!! Iyayaya! Ow-ow-ow-ow!" Okay maybe now apologizing is an option, "Gomen! Gomen! I can't read! I though it was sake, but when I went to drink it, it tasted weird and I thought maybe Rikka wanted to exact her revenge on me for being the captain!" Of course, Suzumaki has the most illogical reason for doing what she did...Rikka has never once wanted to be the captain. A large bump grew on her head as she scurried over and hid behind Enzo, wrapping around his leg. "Save me Enzo! It's an order!"

@RyanJXavier @TRASHLYN



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Soji Sento

Mood: omfg y'all

Interacting With: Sarah, Enzo, Suzumaki, Rikka, and anyone watching

Health: 97%

Location: Deck

Exasperated and just like...so done with this crew, Soji held up his index finger to Sarah, signaling her to give him a second. He wasn't satisfied with Rikka's kick to the head, so as Suzumaki sat there licking her wounds, he whipped out his slingshot and lightly fired a tiny metal ball at her torso.

"How dare you confuse vinegar for sake." he hissed before leaning down in front of the tiny girl and shaking his head. The little ninja loved sake so much, and would always drink it with him, he was genuinely disappointed. In fact, he almost felt betrayed. Dude took his alcohol and his drinking buddies very seriously. He crouched next to the girl and whispered, "I trusted you," before storming off to the kitchen and returning to the deck with an actual bottle of sake. It was already open and lord knows how many swigs of it he had taken before presenting it to the captain. Crouching down once again, holding the bottle to the captain's eyes, he said, "SA-KE," underlining the character(s?) with his finger before placing the open bottle in her lap and returning to Sarah's side.

@Suzumaki Arakai @TRASHLYN @RyanJXavier @GardinOfEden @dat crowd

Lorenzo Hayashi

Enzo gradually moved his hands through his hair then interlocked his fingers behind his head. He took on a surprisingly calm composure during situations like these. ...Impulsive people. "Rikka, please understand where captain's coming from. She apologized, right?" He attempted to play mediator for a few moments while holding in his actual thoughts on the situation. His gaze shifted back and forth at the two as he said, "No more striking each other. We just got out of a whale! Can't we celebrate competition and freedom together? Let's not let vinegar get in the way. Sound good?" The man lowered his hands before feeling a headache begin to surface. What did he mean by competition? He referred to the shooting "game" that was happening, of course. Next, Enzo focused his gaze on the girl wrapped around his leg. "Suzumaki, try collecting some facts before you go chopping someone off, kay? Rikka just acted out of self defense. I'll abide by your orders though and protect you if she lashes out at you. Just know that she kind of has the right reason to do so...or so I believe" Lorenzo clarified his point of view to try and integrate some justice into the case. The argument could go either way. It was no matter to him if someone disagreed though. What mattered was that his perspective was heard. A quick shot flew somewhere below Lorenzo and hit Suzumaki's torso causing him to immediately pick the girl up and carry her in his arms. "Nobody else hit her! She gets it already" He slightly growled under his breath while looking at the others. This wasn't his "mad state". Enzo was only trying to get a point across, "Let's carry on with this competition". The man made his way back to the bottles and gripped one of them ready as ever to throw it up in the air while carrying Suzumaki in his other arm.

@Suzumaki Arakai @TRASHLYN @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden
Kazuichi had a huge grin on his face the captain was now confirmed to had been dropped on her head as a child. But it did provide good entertainment along with the others and there reactions to the captain. He chuckled walked over to Riika and nuged her. "Captain move of a handful then I ever dreamed." He laughed only laughing harder founding out the captain couldn't read he held his side. Falling to the ground laughing.

@TRASHLYN @Suzumaki Arakai


Admiring the scenery of the waves that flowed through the wide and dangerous sea they were sailing through, Tsuki wasn’t taking notice of the events that were unfolding on the ship. She was supposed to start talking to her crewmates, but she was afraid that they wouldn’t like the way she acted just like the people in her own village. They looked like they were enjoying themselves in their own unique way (she was wrong), and so she didn’t wish to disturb them.

She was taken by surprise when she heard someone’s voice behind her; she recognized it as that of their vice-captain. She didn’t get to know the other members of the crew very well, but she could distinguish their captain and vice-captain from the other members of the crew the most. Instantly turning around, her face as red as an apple, she looked up at the face of the taller person whose voice she heard. She was right; it was the vice-captain.

He started introducing himself, to which she saw no need because she already knew who he was, but didn’t stop him.

“I-I’m Ts-tsuki S-sa-sawashiro!” She was stuttering quite a bit, signs of embarrassment still being on her face. She then added with a much louder voice, “More importantly, don’t randomly sneak up on people!


Jake Killiams

Jake didn't pay attention to Sarah and Soji's competition, because the fact he could defend himself without a single weapon proved their uselessness. Noticing however, that Tsuki was nervous just by being caught off guard reminded him slightly of one of his childhood friend. "A word of advice, Murasaki is at least 5x harder to notice then me, and considering your a girl that wears a skirt, stay away from the drunk sniper... unless your like Sarah and can handle complete perverts..." Jake suggested, bracing his back on the railing of the ship while he spoke.

Age: 17

Mood: Calm, Relaxed, Slightly Nervous

Location: Deck on teh Thousand Sunny

Interacting: Tsuki, anyone else on deck

Health: 93%

"Hmm....I'm not really sure what else to say, but you and one of my fiends back home would get along maybe. She's short, has red hair, and doesn't like surprises, but I'm not sure if you can send me flying through a wall yet." He described, making a slightly worried face as he thought about how bad he'd get beaten up for describing Hannah like that, but it was true. Realizing he had been focusing on himself the conversation, decided to try to get to know Tsuki.

"So do you have any questions? I was the 4th person to join the crew, albeit I wasn't exactly on everyone's good side at first. If you don't, then mind if you told me how you fight? I assumed you were a fighting kind of person cause the other recruit, Kazu, looked like a decent fighter. Not that it would be bad if you weren't, I get along with Asuka pretty well even though she has to fix me up all the time.." Jake asked, partially thinking out loud. He started to relax by watching the rest of the crew as he described them, making it easier to talk to someone who he had previously avoided. He really did like to make new friends, but strangers put him on edge since he was a child.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/36.gif.9ed29a4ee7e7aee64794c054689f88d7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67574" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/36.gif.9ed29a4ee7e7aee64794c054689f88d7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki had been hit in the chest with a small pellet before latching onto Enzo's leg for safety. The girl looked over at Soji who was now crouched down before her, speaking his disappointment. Pursing her lips, Suzumaki raised a fist as he walked away, "B-baka! I don't c-" Her words were cut off as Soji stood up and walked away, disappearing into the kitchen for a moment, only to return with the last bottle of sake that Suzumaki tried so hard to find. She turned her head and looked away stubbornly when he underlined the characters that states it was sake. "I don't care." Yeah, the crew fights a lot...but they're pirates. Eventually and undoubtedly, they'll all make up within I don't even know how quick. As Soji walked away, Suzumaki was scooped up into the arm of Enzo, and carried over to the area of the grassy deck in which the bottles for Soji and Sarah's battle were. The small girl just dangled there as though she were dead, "Uwa-a-a-ah." A nonchalant groan escaped her person as she then began to wiggle around, trying to escape from the man's grasp. "Oi! Let go now! I understand that..." Her body went limp for a second before speaking up in an unconvincing manner, "I did wrong." Returning to her struggle, "Now let go!"

@RyanJXavier @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @People



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Location: Deck

Mood: Excited

Health: 100%

Interacting: Soji

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

"Well Alright rules are rules." Sarah removes the white cuff around her arms exposing her soft skin. She then takes off her hat leaving her hair flowing through the wind. She takes off her shoes showing her delicate feet. After removing the three articles of items. She then reaxhes sround her back and undos a black string relasing the balck peice showing her mini white corset. Sarah is left only in her corset, pants, and underneath her clothes, her bra and panties.

"Shall we?" Sarah asks wanting to continue the competition.
Soji Sento

Mood: Ooh la la~ wait wut

Interacting With: Sarah, Enzo, and anyone watching

Health: 97%

Location: Deck

As Sarah undressed, Soji failed in his attempt to suppress his smile. He also failed in his attempt to suppress his opinion.

"Good god woman," he said in awe, shaking his head before turning back to Enzo.

"Alroight mate, enough gawking!" he shouted at Enzo, accusing the shipright of a crime he had just committed only seconds ago. "Throw the shitz!" he shouted with all of the hype in the world.

As the bottles went up, he went through the same process. Arm extension...the world gone...there was only bottle, finger, and gun. As he shot, he heard the sound of glass breaking, but alas, it was not his. Frowning as he watched the bottle drop to the ground with a crash, he hit himself in the head. He was as quick with an excuse as he was with a pistol.

"Oi it's the Cap'n's fault for pissin' me off!" he informed the crowd and Sarah. Even though he was a sore loser, he wasn't one to chicken out of the rules. He took a swig from his flask and then returned it to his black lether jacket.

He gave Sarah a cheeky smile and said, "But rules are rules," as he removed his gloves. Next, he wiggled out of his spikey black jacket. Finally, as Sarah had done, he removed his shoes, except he was wearing a pair of red socks.

"Three for three," he said to Sarah, now standing inly in his pants and his socks. Like any douchebag would in this case, he made sure to flex every muscle in his upper body.

@GardinOfEden @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nnxl11BXdD1url9f9o7_250.gif.7b6236723ae10a57e970fbe2cafd13de.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nnxl11BXdD1url9f9o7_250.gif.7b6236723ae10a57e970fbe2cafd13de.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After Suzumaki and Rikka had their little domestic dispute, Lorenzo came to the rescue and stopped them before anything else happened. What kind of idiot confuses Vinegar for Sake? Listening to Lorezo's attempt to calm Suzumaki and Rikka down, all Rikka had to say back was;


Let's be honest, she didn't actually listen to a word he said. She placed her hand's on her hips and began to walk away. She was soaked in pure vinegar and clearly pissed. What she needed was a bath. After all she had ran all over the boat, got swallowed by a whale, swam in stomach acid, and now she was soaked in vinegar. A bath was long overdue today.

She didn't look back at Suzumaki, Lorenzo, or Kazuichi and she headed straight for the bathroom.

@RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @Nenma Takashi

(Im RP lazy today.)​



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#186Today at 12:13 PM

Location: Deck

Mood: Excited

Health: 100%

Interacting: Soji

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

Sarah readies her aim. The sound of a bottle breaking is heard.

"Ha ah yes!" Sarah twirls her guns around her small finger tips.

"Well now I'm assuming its your turn to strip?" Sarah teases. She ends up giggling after hearing his poor excuse as to why he missed.

"Maybe you should quit drinking, it could mess up your aim." Sarah suggests, "I wouldn't want this to be to easy." Sarah watches the man undress and afterwards felxs for the crowd.

"Oh please the only person who would be impressed by those are you."

"And uh Enzo its okayto stare." Sarah winks his way.
Shizuka Sasaki

Mood: Embarrassed, but having fun

Location: Deck

Interacting: Everyone on deck. She ain't chatting though

Health: 100%

Usually, Shizuka would be all flustered and nervous once anyone undressed in front of her very eyes, but with Sarah, for some reason, she didn't feel anything... Well, just a little embarrassed, but nothing too much that would make her squeak and hide her features to the world. Perhaps it was because of the game? She couldn't tell... Although, this wasn't a complaint at all; she was actually pretty proud of herself. That was, if course, until Soji did a typical Soji move and made an comment. Goddammit, Soji. Just... Goddammit. Shizuka immediately felt like a pervert, and she cast her eyes to the ground as a red colour highlighted her cheeks. "Y-you can still d-do it, Fortune-san!" The encouragement was soft, the thought was what counted, right?

The next round played, and, surprisingly, the sniper lost. The girl's brows raised in shock, but she didn't vocalise the feeling. After all, it wasn't nice to rub salt in a wound. At his mischievous smile though, how she wished she did... And, of course, after taking off various items of clothing, he began to flex and show off his torso. Her cheeks began to flare off a red colour once more as her lips pressed into a line, eyes flickering away once more in shame. Sarah's comment did get a giggle from the flustered girl though.

@GardinOfEden @SirBlazeALot @Y'all
Asuka Rin

"Oh my goodness..." Little tears formed out of shock, she had sensitive ears and couldn't stand the sound of shattering glass. Pinching her petite nose, she

Mood: Embarrassed, can't stop staring

Location: Deck

Interacting with: Everyone on deck

Health: 100%

carefully stepped next to Rikka and Suzumaki, her hair and rose out in their direction, trying not to look or smell the two bickering pirates until suddenly Rikka decided to leave to take a bath.
Oh thank the gods, guess it's just Suzumaki then. Taking a deep breath, she began her healing song that the members have heard millions of times. Surely Suzumaki must have needed the healing with all that had happened today. Asuka put her hair off to one side for now as she quickly walked to the kitchen for a glass of water.

Asuka reached the deck in no time with a perfect glass of water in hand, humming along a tune until she heard another gunshot. Soji had the first shot..but Sarah had won. Seeing Sarah in such a revealing state made her nervous enough already, making her feel shy as Asuka adjusted her dress with a pink flush to her face. Asuka just couldn't stop staring. Then..there was another gunshot. Sarah had won...big time. Wincing at the shattered glass along with the sound of the gunshot, she didn't open her eyes until Soji started removing his clothes.

Oh jeez... Asuka turned bright scarlet just like his hair as she did a spittake, the water spilling onto the grassy deck. Oh god, don't do this to me... Asuka was a gentle bisexual and preferred modesty above all else, but seeing strength in such a raw form like Sarah or Soji made her want to hide in a room somewhere. Strong people were her personal kryptonite other than not being able to swim. She looked over to her crewmate and friend Shizuka unexpectedly having the same reactions.

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @Leaf Fi
Kazuichi stopped laughing and stood up when he first joined the crew he thought they all were just some powerful idiots but know he saw that wasn't the case well mostly not. Except for the captain the others weren't as mindless as he first thought. In fact this crew was beginning to grow on him they have there flaws of course but they did provide a good laugh. He couldn't remember the last time he laughed like that well that wasn't all true he could but he choose not to.

Lorenzo Hayashi

Blah blah blah was all Lorenzo heard from Suzumaki as she struggled in his arm, "Okay, okay I'll put you-". Boom. Enzo's face turned a deep shade of red at the pain that surged throughout his body. The little girl had unintentionally struck the shipwright in the place where the sun didn't shine. His grip tightened around the hyper captain as some thoughts went through his head. THIS GIRL! Oooh calm down, dude. Just get this over with, Enzo. It's almost done. He watched Sarah comply with the rules and begin to strip. After a few moments of waiting for the woman to finish up with her little show, Lorenzo tossed up the next two bottles, put Suzumaki down, and wrapped his arms around her to cover her from the shattering glass pieces. He stood back up before turning to the shooters and giving a thumbs up to Sarah. The man slightly raised a brow at Sarah's words though. Okay to stare? What does she mean by-...oh got it. He thought once his eyes locked onto her hair. It looked awesome flowing in the wind. His glance briefly checked on the male shooter to see if he was done with his part of the deal. "Let's get this over with, shall we?" Lorenzo unenthusiastically announced prior to throwing the last two bottles up into the air.

@Suzumaki Arakai @GardinOfEden @SirBlazeALot
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Soji Sento


Interacting With: Sarah, Enzo, and anyone watching

Health: 97%

Location: Deck

Soji scoffed at Sarah's remark about his body. He carelessly pointed to the crowd with his gun (really you jackass?!) specifically at Shizuka and Asuka. "I think they'd beg to differ," he said with a mocking laugh, acknowledging their red faces. Little did he know, it was both of the gunners that had their faces glowing. Drunk ass Soji had yet to engage in a conversation deep enough with either woman to determine their sexuality. No, with him, it was all "Gimme a lapdance!" or "Heal my blue balls!" Dude really needs a speech filter.

As Enzo threw the next pair of bottles into the air, his arm swung forward. Bottle. Gun. Finger. Pull!

Satisfaction flowed through his veins as the sound of glass shattering rang in his ears. It was like a chorus of angels. Making sure Sarah hadn't done the same, he looked to Sarah, tilting his head and giving her a knowing smile. No words. Just an extremely smug expression. Again, he carelessly pointed from her corset to her pants with his gun.
"Oi." was all he whispered.

@GardinOfEden @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi @theglassangel @anyone watching
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Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki hadn't noticed that she hit Enzo in the jewels, instead she just grew slightly confused as to why he was in so much pain. Eventually he finally put her down and threw some bottles into the air for Sarah and Soji to shoot, then guarded the small girl to shield her from the debris. This caused Suzumaki to furrow her brow and swat the other away, "Oi! Oi! I'm fine! A little glass wont take me out! Ahahaha!" She now stood with her legs gaped and her hands on her hips as she laughed triumphantly into the sky. It was beginning to grow dark. Asuka approached Suzumaki and did her little healing thing using the Chiyu Chiyu no Mi's powers. The urge to run away warmed over her but she figured enough trouble had already been caused.

Walking back up to the second floor of the deck then neared the stern of the ship in which a large hut-like structure, contained with the bathhouse and the library. As quick as everything else she does, Suzumaki ran into the library then up the ladder leading into the bathroom and threw off her clothes before entering the shower room, jumping into the water in which Rikka was relaxing peacefully.
"Ni~hahaha!~ Rikka! Geronimo!" The small girl had attempted a dive but...the water isn't deep enough for something like that; she hit her head. Now floating lifelessly in the water, bubbles could be seen floating up from where her face was...Tsk, tsk, tsk...this captain though.

@TRASHLYN @RyanJXavier @theglassangel



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Shizuka Sasaki

Mood: Embarrassed and nervous

Location: Deck

Interacting: Everyone on deck. She ain't chatting though

Health: 100%

Shizuka's eyes widened rather comically as Soji's gun was aimed towards the crowd. On complete human instinct, the girl's arms darted upwards to shield her face from any bullets, but it was words shot at her instead. To be honest, the words hurt a little more than what a bullet probably would. Her lips pursed as her brows furrowed in disapproval at the other, but it only lasted a moment. 'He's completely shirtless now.' The thought alone made the expression melt away from her face, and she whined gently as her head shook side to side frantically. Oh, this was pure torture!

Before she could throw a stuttering response back at the red haired male, the sound of a bullet shot and glass shattering rang through the air, catching her completely off guard. She jumped off her position on the railing with a squeak, both hands darting over her heart as it raced. The winner was Soji... Oh no... "R-Rin-san..." The words were said as if she was experiencing her final moments. Complete dread took over now, and Shizuka knew if she stayed any longer she'd probably collapse. "S-Sento-san! I-I think that's e-e-enough stripping for to-today! D-don't you agree, R-Rin-san?" A nervous laugh followed the sentence as she cast Asuka a look that pretty much begged her to agree. At least the scenario would most likely look as if she was trying to protect Sarah and her body, not show off her sexuality to the group. After all, it wouldn't be uncommon for the girl to interject in situations like this.

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel @GardinOfEden
Asuka Rin

Breathing heavily, Asuka was still taken aback by the whole scene, but hey, better Sarah than Soji, Asuka thought. She was handling it better than Shizuka,

Mood: A bit princess-y, noble for some reason

Location: Deck

Interacting with: Everyone but mostly Soji, Sarah and Shizuka

Health: 100%

but not by much as she continued to gawk at him with wide eyes. Asuka stood up and then looked down on the grass with her hands clasped together on her lap, closing her eyes at the gun.
"Sento-san, please don't do that.. It's not like me or Sasaki-san actually wanted to see you without that unrefined piece of cloth you call a 'shirt'." Asuka wasn't the type of person that threw snarky or sarcastic insults, so using her "kingdom tone" (which made her sound like a bitchy princess whenever she put emphasis on some of the words) was the best she could do. Asuka even turned up her button nose up in the air with a huff and flipped her silver hair off to her shoulder. Asuka was practically a confident version of Shizuka, still harmless and compassionate, but not afraid to diss someone if the occasion came around. She wasn't even the type to throw insults at all, but Soji was so special that she had to throw at least one today. It wasn't like standing up for yourself was a bad thing.

She shared the same feelings of tension because of her sexuality as Shizuka like true bisexual yuri babes.
"Y-yes..I completely agree, Sarah, don't you think this is a little bit..unladylike? Not that you're not a lady, but don't you feel at least a bit uncomfortable?" Asuka said with some reluctance in her voice. She delicately stepped in between Sarah and Soji, their heights towering over her small frame while holding on to the longer parts of her white dress and of her hair, not wanting to drag it along the grass. "You don't n-need to do anything you're not used to... I mean, I would never do something like that if I wasn't comfortable.." Asuka blushed and put her right hand on Sarah's arm as if to reassure her, frantically searching for people in the crew to agree.

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @someone back her up
Shizuka Sasaki

Mood: Embarrassed, nervous, and a little intimidated...

Location: Deck

Interacting: Her yuri lover Asuka, Soji and Sarah

Health: 100%

'Thank goodness she understands...' The pink haired girl sighed in relief, her body language becoming more relaxed and posture straightening. Honestly, what would she do without Asuka on the ship?

It took a bit of hesitation on Shizuka's behalf before she followed her bisexual bestie towards the two shooters. While Asuka radiated a sophisticated and mannerly aura, the other girl pretty much gave off a shy, awkward vibe... Then again, when doesn't she? It doesn't help that Soji and Sarah were like titans compared to her; it just made her more nervous. "H-hai! S-so you don't n-need to do this! You'll c-catch a cold, Fortune-san! T-then you can't fight as well a-as you normally would!" It was a complete ramble, but the words were semi-true; it wasn't the warmest, after all, so it wouldn't be good to undress so much. She reached out to pull the other woman away, but, alas, Asuka had beat her to the chase... Now she had to attempt to take away Soji... This wasn't going to be fun.

"S-Sento-san! Aren't you c-cold? W-we should get you to put everything back on t-too!" She suggested, attempting to glance upwards at his face, but sorta got lost on the way... Dammit, why were torsos so attractive?! A cherry red blush covered her features for the umpteenth time that hour as Shizuka averted her gaze once more. Instead, she simply took one of his arms and gave it a little tug in the opposite direction of the other two. "A-and we can, uh... Uh..." Gosh dammit, she couldn't think of another distraction!

@theglassangel @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @She got your back Asuka @But damn is she dying right now
Soji Sento

Location: On Deck Boi

Mood: ...tf is this shit?!

Health: 97%

Kickin' It With: Sarah, Shizuka, Asuka, and anybody watching this go down

You see...Soji takes games very seriously. And although he probably would've talked about this victory for weeks, it was only a matter of time before he challenged Sarah again to a different game and lost. Despite his harsh demeanor, he was a man of honor. Sarah had agreed to the rules, and she'd done her best, and she ended up on the losing side, and that was that. Even Soji could respect that, there was nothing more sacred that the rules of a game.

So at first when Shizuka had spoken up, he'd brushed it off. Yep, he outright gave her a "Pfffft," and a wave of dismissal. He'd looked to Sarah with a chuckle and a look that said, "Can you believe her?" In fact, he was actually impressed the girl was brave enough to voice her disapproval. He had total faith in Sarah to hold up her end of the bargain, as Sarah, much like Suzumaki, had far more of a backbone than the other ladies on the ship. Surely, Sarah would obey the rules and strip. After all, if Soji were in her shoes, (speaking hypothetically seeing as the woman is barefoot) he'd already have been in his underwear right now and spinning around for everyone to get a good look. Yes, he was thoroughly confident that Sarah would be doing the same in just a moment.

Then Asuka spoke up. And boy, did she do so with quite a bit of venom. She started with his fashion sense. The comment on his "unrefined" top definitely rubbed him the wrong way. It was his favorite jacket, and it's not like he even bothered to cover his chest most of the time. If someone wanted to see him shirtless, he was pretty much shirtless twenty four seven. But her fashion police comments weren't what had him taken aback in utter disgust. No, he was standing there looking like she had taken a shit on his dinner plate because of her tone. For once, the particularly loud mouth Soji was dead silent, because in all of his years, he'd never been talked down to in such a manner.

As if to add insult to injury, the woman came between them and attempted to talk Sarah into chickening out of the game. Veins began to bulge beneath the sniper's skin, increasing in size with every word Asuka said to Sarah.

And poor Shizuka. Oh man. The poor pink haired girl now had the responsibility of leading Soji away from this predicament. However, her efforts were for naught. The shy girl could've removed all her clothing right there and tackled the man...it wouldn't have mattered. The man had been thoroughly pissed off.

"Am I cold?" he said quietly at first.

"Am I fucking cold!?" Now he was shouting. He jerked his arm away from Shizuka and dropped his gun; a conscious decision to avoid shooting one of them in the face in this moment of pure rage.

"NO. NO I'M NOT COLD, SASAKI-SAN." he said the girl's name in a mocking tone. "In fact, I don't think I've ever been more heated!" he continued. He stepped away from the women before returning immediately and pointing a finger at Asuka. "Now you listen here you stuck up, know-it-all, weak-ass bitch. I may be a lot of things. I might be 'unrefined'" he said the word in a mocking tone, making quotation marks with his fingers. "I might be an asshole but one thing I'm not!? A FUCKING PUSSY. We BOTH agreed to get naked if we lost!" He turned to Shizuka and began slapping the back of his hand into his palm vigorously. "Those were the fucking rules. Ya can't just break the GOT DAMN RULES," he bellowed. He was becoming quite animated, his hair becoming messy and chaotic. He feigned a calm attitude and walked around in a highly feminine and characterized fashion.

"Ooooh, look at me. I'm just so lady like why, I'm so lady like I decided to become a FUCKING PIRATE." he broke character on those last two words. Damn, he'd really been set off. "Not everyone is as much of a sodding prude as you two are! Just because she's a lady doesn't mean she can just fucking break the grrrr...the very thought behind the sentiment is just...ugh!!" he was now attempting to calm himself down and avoid ranting about feminism.Instead, he placed a hand on his forehead and took a short breath. Alas, his efforts were to no avail. He pointed in the opposite direction. "Why don't you two prance off somewhere and have a got damn tea party and STOP. INTERFERING. WITH. THE GAME. I WON. SHE LOST. SHE GETS IN HER UNDIES. I GIVE HER A DRINK. AND WE ALL HAVE A GOOD LAUGH ABOUT IT. What's so wrong with that?" he ended his rant, out of breath, and now, less angry that he'd gotten it out of his system.

@Leaf Fi @theglassangel @GardinOfEden @ oh lort
Lorenzo Hayashi

"Alright, I'm outta here dudes! Congrats to the winner" The man casually announced before giving a slight wave to the others then walking back indoors. This happened just as the last glass was shot. Lorenzo entered the ship's rooms with inventive thoughts running through his mind. The grappling hook gun was almost completed. Why should he hold himself back? There needs to be a manual force push in order for the hook to shoot out with a quicker speed. All he needed was rubber and a faster shot. A voice suddenly bellowed from the outside of the workroom he had just entered. Enzo knew it was that of a guy's, but he just couldn't understand exactly what he was saying. Where was I? ...BULLET TRAP! The shipwright smiled a bit at the thought of finally completing his latest invention.

Lorenzo sat himself down on the workroom's stairs, picked up the grappling hook gun, and got to work. His hand quickly grasped the gun's barrel and pointed it right at him as he walked back over to a chest. This was his way of measuring the hole he had to fill. Enzo flipped the cover up with his free hand before shifting his gaze to eye the ingots he had. I can do something with these. The man picked up five different ingots, and made his way to the weapon development room. If I'm not mistaken, steel, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, and vanadium should make pretty strong material. After melting the ingots and mixing them together, Enzo did some other steps, placed the substance onto the stone topped furnace, then hammered away to form the bullet trap. Easier stolen than made.

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