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Fandom One Piece: New World

As Pandora saw the encounter between Scarlet and the other pirate, she groaned, not bothering to stifle it this time. Sure, she knew that the girl was no mental giant, but Pandora at least expected her to be more strong willed than that. "I never knew this girl was easy, or that she was even interested in romance at the first place." She said out loud, rolling her eyes as she approached the pirates. Since their "captain" was lovestruck and is unconscious, she decided to talk to these pirates in Scarlet's place. Rude, definitely, but at least they would know their "friends" better.

You know, it really is bad manners to board someone else's ship and charm the captain without even introducing himself." She said, eyeing the man carefully. Sure, he's handsome, but Pandora was never really interested in men, she preferred females over them in fact. He was well built and obviously knows what he's doing, or at least he seemed to. He exudes confidence, none of the naive and giggling act her own captain has. She wasn't even sure if that man indeed was the captain, but he sure knows his stuff. The other individuals were pretty normal, except the own walking on thin air of course. A devil fruit user, this might be tricky She thought to herself.

So, mind telling me your name and what you're here for? The captain ought to be doing this, but she's the one sprawled on the floor, drooling over your body." She said, pointing to Scarlet. She was careful not to give anything away before she knew more about the strangers. They might be after the same treasure after all, and pirates are not known for being generous.

(I assumed that the blond guy was a different guy from the floating guy.)

In a couple of minutes, Johnny was in the cargo hold, retrieving his bow and arrows. A tatered quilver was stacked between some barrels, along with two arrows stuck in one barrel. Taking the quilver and straping it on his back, he counted his arrows. "22... 23... D-" He got distracted by the sound of something hitting the deck. In a blink of an eye, he got up, along with his bow, not wanting to miss a thing.

When he arrived up, his hands started to tremble at the sight. His captain was down, and enemies were on the deck. His eyes started to become bloodshot, while he instinctively took and arrow and pointed it at the blond guy, his arm still trembling. "My aim is true, my shot is deadly." He kept saying to himself, trying to not do something stupid and brash. His hands started to get colder and colder, as his rage was replaced by worry.

Johnny looked at the one near the captain. "I-Is the captain allright?" The archer said, clearly a sign of worry in his voice. His eyes reverted to the blond person, and even he couldn't help but stare at him. It was something that made him attractive. Johnny's checks started to slowly blush and a small smile appeared on his face, without the archer knowing it.

@DaughterofAthena @National
Mateo, "Angel" Auh'Lahain, Ben and Roy

Angel had been watching this other crews arrival from where she'd been standing before, remaining silent up until Marcus had placed a blanket over the eye candy that has just arrived, eliciting a frown from her and a glare directed his way as she started that way. "Marcus, mess with my view again and we might have issues..." Angel threatened softly, running a hand across his shoulders as she passed him to reach the blanketed man. "The last thing I want is any obstruction between my eyes and this... beautiful, masculine, sculptured figure of a man..." Angel added, her voice taking on a more suggestive tone as she pulled the blanket from him, starting from the right side and stepping around him as she did. As Angel pulled the blanket from him she leaned forward against his left arm, taking a deep breath, "What did you say your name was, Tiger?" Angel asked softly.

The blonde’s head followed the redhead as she meandered around him, the smirk on his face growing slightly wider in the process. “Well, aren’t you a rare gem?” He commented, his voice deep and yet somehow smooth, as he considered her question. “The entirety of my name is quite a mouthful, but for you, my dear,” he paused as he turned to face her completely as he extended his hand to her face, placing two fingers under her chin to lift her face up so that their eyes could meet. “You can call me Mateo.”

Angel smirked up at Mateo, lifting her chin from his fingers and stepping away, "Mateo, mmm, I like that. Rolls of the tongue. My own name is Auh'Lahain, but I prefer to go by Angel." Angel replied turning around slowly as she started walking a short distance away, ensuring to give her hips a bit of a wiggle as she walked. When Angel had put a bit of distance between herself and Mateo she turned, catching his eyes and giving him a knowing wink. "So, Mateo. Why are you here might I ask?" Angel started, jumping straight to the important question. "And who are your friends?" She added, looking at the other two who had accompanied him.

“Hmm…. that’s a difficult one,” Mateo contemplated. “Why am I here… why is any pirate on the sea, for that matter?” His eyes turned to his two comrades. “Roy might not be happy with me if I answer. You are a precious little gem, I must admit, though. Ben might say…” The blonde shrugged at his own suggestion.

“Of course I’m not going to be happy.” Roy huffed, glaring at his captain. “I’m never happy. Especially not when you give away out plans to the first pretty girl that meets your eye.” He than turned to Ben and smacked him in the back of the head. “And don’t be so friendly Ben! Their a rival pirate crew for fuck’s sake. Can’t you drop the nice guy shit and try to be intimidating for once?”

“She’s not the first pretty girl I saw…” Mateo pointed out. “The first one is collapsed.” His hand lazily gestured towards the collapsed figure of Scarlet.

Ben rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “But these guys seem nice. We don’t have to be enemies, do we?”

Roy sighed and rubbed his face in exasperation. “That’s not the fucking point Mateo. And stop being so damn naive Ben. I don’t fucking care how friendly they are, they’re pirates and so are we, so try acting like it.”

Angel let out a loud laugh at the spectacle before her, continuing to laugh for a few moments before her laughter subsided, "Oh, I like your companions Mateo. Well, one of them at least. Little Ben here seems like such a cutie, I would love to just wrap him up in a hug. Mmm but your other friend, well it just seems like someone didn't get enough love as a boy. No need to be so hostile, although if you really want to then I wouldn't mind taking you for a spin..." Angel said, her voice suggestive, but her eyes gave away what she really meant as she stared at Roy, waiting to see the effect of her words.

@Refaulted @sonicfreak101 @Atom
Pandora was seething in rage when the douche bag blond pirate ignored whatever she had to say. Instead he went on flirting with Angel, who obviously had to flirt back. This ship is full of easy women!!!! She screamed in her head when she saw the debauchery going on in front of her. Not only was her questions ignored, but this guy immediately answered Angel who asked him the same question, only now she used flattering words and added a sultry voice. Although Pandora would give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she's just acting? Trying to charm him or something? Whatever she wants, at least she got answers. She thought to herself to calm herself down.

Now Pandora knows that the blonde douche is Mateo, the childish guy who reminds her of Scarlet is Ben, and the only sensible guy in this side of the ocean is Roy. Pandora admits that she was a little insulted when Mateo said that Angel was the second pretty girl he saw.
Sure I don't try to look pretty, but come on, I should at least look better than them right? She unconsciously thought, but she quickly shook those thoughts out of her head. Pandora proceeded to drag Angel, not a gentle drag mind you, away from the strangers. "Oh come on Angel, do you really have to act like a dog in heat? We don't even know them! At least flirt with your own crew if you need to release some tension." She berated Angel, not seeing the need to lower your voice.

And you sir, have a point. As much as I hate complimenting strangers, I appear to have no choice since it seems than only you and I are the sensible ones out here." Pandora said, nodding to Roy. She must admit, she is a bit fond of Roy, but only because his situation seems similar to her. "I really hope you're the captain and not the blonde heartthrob." She said, rudely pointing her thumb at Mateo.

(I have no idea who's who in the post, so I'll just tagged those Athena tagged and Athena herself)

@DaughterofAthena @Atom @Refaulted @sonicfreak101
Katarina the Cook

Katarina glared at the men who appeared on their ship. She really didn't like new people and their looks were overrated in her eyes. They weren't that captivating. She gripped the handles of her knives tightly, ready to fight. She stepped towards them more, shaking her strawberry blonde hair out of her face.

"Angel, is it necessary for you to flirt?" She asked softly. She was still glaring at the enemy pirates. She had no doubt that they were enemies at the moment.

She then noticed Pandora talking to the one they call Roy and that made her sigh. They had plenty of men on the ship to fall for if they want romance. She really never got that whole appeal of mystery.

She kept her eyes on the pirates in case they made a threatening move and she hoped that Marcus could get Scarlet up before anything bad happened. She knew why everyone expected Danny to be the captain when they were first encountered. Every time.

@DaughterofAthena @CrimsonEclipse @Refaulted
As Mairi applied the medicine and bandages that Marcus gave her, Tora heard her reply “I won’t need any help with that. Since I know exactly what I’m looking for, it would be faster if I got it myself.” Tora flashed Mairi a grin before climbing up to the crows nest. "Any song request gentlemen?" she asked the two swordsmen before the form of a ship appeared on the horizon. Gali proposed forgetting about the song before leaping from the crows nest. With Norman drowning the other ship was the least of the crews worries, for the moment at least. "Sorry Leo, whatever song you're thinking of will have to wait," Tora said before quickly climbing down from the rope ladder attached to the mast.

Tora ran over to the now rescued Norman and his rescuer, Danny. She looked concerned as she quickly look Danny over. She wanted to ask her if she was OK. Water rescues were dangerous. The rescuers had just as much of a chance of drowning as the ones they were trying to save. Tora was an exception since she was part Fishman. Tora was about to ask Danny how she was holding up after what could have been a stressful rescue. The only reason she didn't was because a loud clunk turned her attention away.

Tora was surprised to see a metal bar on deck and the three men, presumably pirates. She watched the various reactions. Scarlet fainted due to the man who would eventually introduce himself as Mateo. She also watched Angel's flirtation with him, but she didn't have much of an opinion on it. These three men definitely had looks on their side. Tora wanted more than looks in her future husband, if she found one that is; she wasn't actively searching for one. Either way now was probably a bad time to search for a mate. It wasn't important if they were men or not, three strangers were on deck. The real question was whether the next song Tora sings will be a happy tune or a battle cry. Judging by Roy's "pleasant" personality, it may just be a battle cry.

"Danny, please tell me you have a plan," she said in a low voice.

@The Dark Wizard @sonicfreak101
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Danny, Marcus, Angel, and Norman

Uninvited Guests

Danny was in a bad mood. First she found out that her idiot of a captain had spent all of their money. Than Norman fell overboard and she had to dive in to save his sorry ass. After dumping the navigator on deck though Marcus gave her the strangest threat she had received for not placing him down gently. Lastly, and most importantly there were strange pirates on their ship and one of them had caused her captain to faint by the power of his abs.

Danny sighed and turned to Marcus. “Don’t get your pants in a twist. It’d take more than that to seriously injure him.” Danny never wished any harm on her crew mates, no matter how rough she was with them.

Marcus scowled in Danny’s direction from where he stood, arms folded together in annoyance. “It’s the possibility of him being injured that I worry about, Danny. I know he’s tough, but water can be man’s greatest enemy.” He didn’t even look in Angel’s direction when he spoke, instead upturning his nose and scoffing. “And you, Angel. I care nothing for your ability to drool over guys with ‘impressive sets’. If the Captain is going to pass out from seeing someone like him like that, then I will take the precautions to ensure it doesn’t happen again.” He stuck his tongue out childishly at her then, before turning back to his original pose.

As Marcus was looking over, Norman was floating between consciousness and unconsciousness. His body aches and he felt tingling sensations in part of his body he hadn't in several years. Suddenly he sat up suddenly, eyes flying open, and grabbing onto Marcus' shoulders. He gasped several times, and then took on HUUUUGE breath. "Crap, I can't believe I forgot again!", he said in a rush. Then, noticing the situation around him he whispered to Marcus. "Whats going on here?".

Marcus’s eyes widened as he felt hands grip his shoulders, and looked over his shoulder at Norman’s confused face. Originally thinking an enemy had snuck up behind him, his hand had flown into his coat, wrapping his fingers around a vial that only he knew what was, as he was actually very organized under the coat. When he saw his crewmates face, he relaxed slightly, though disappointment also dawned on his face. “Oh. You’re awake. Good morning.” Removing his hand, he turned around to face him. “We have some...uninvited guests. Other pirates. Just...keep your cool for now. They don’t seem hostile...yet.” His eyes went back to the pirates, narrowing in suspicion.

Sparks Fly

"Danny, please tell me you have a plan," Tora asked Danny in a low voice. At that Danny’s gaze turned sharply to the three unwanted guests. She stalked toward them, pulling out one of her pistols and aimed it at the captain’s head.

“I don’t know who you are or what you are doing, but your ship is clearly flying a pirate flag. If you don’t want any trouble then I want you to get the hell off our ship before I give in to my itchy trigger finger.”
Danny snarled, glaring at the three enemy pirates.

Over to the side Angel was dragged away by Pandora, watching the scene and containing her anger as she waited until they were at least a bit away before moving again. When Angel was certain she wouldn't be heard by their visitors she turned to face Pandora with a scowl as she reached up and grabbed the wrist of whatever hand was holding her. It only took a second for her hand to light itself on fire, giving the woman a slight burn and forcing her to let go at the risk of further damage. "Do not. Touch me. Again." She growled, giving Pandora a glare that could scare nearly anyone on the receiving end.

With that done Angel turned and strode away, putting a calmer look on her face as she approached Danny from behind, "Well I'm glad you arrived to handle this after someone so rudely dragged me away." Angel said to Danny, a slight look of aggravation crossing her face for any who were perceptive enough to catch it. Angel took a moment after those words to ensure the clothing on her arm wasn't messed up while casting one more glare towards where she'd left Pandora.

Danny simply grunted at her companion, her eyes never leaving that of her enemies. “As I was saying,” she continued. “Get the hell off our ship before I put a bullet in your head.”

“Hey, easy!” Ben raised his hands in a gesture of peace, clearly startled. “We didn’t come looking for trouble.”

“Finally,” Roy remarked, eyeing up Danny. “Somebody I can take seriously.” He turned to Ben and jabbed a thumb in Danny's direction. “This girl knows how to be intimidating. Why don’t you get lessons from her?”

"So you couldn't take me seriously eh? Well I'm sorry, pirate I may be but I've still retained some semblance of manners unlike yourself. Although if you want intimidation then I can give you plenty of that..."
Angel interrupted, raising her left hand up to chest level as she turned her fist into fire! "Plenty right here..."

Danny smirked as Angel threatened the pirates. “I believe you should take all...most of us quite seriously, pirates. You’re outnumbered and outclassed. Angel and I alone are probably enough to hand all three of you your asses.”

Roy scoffed. “You may be a better at acting like a pirate than Ben over here but neither of you scare me. Hey flame girl,” Roy turned to Angel. “Nice devil fruit you got there. How about the two of us go for a swim?”

“Roy!” Ben whined. “we’re not trying to pick a fight here.” He turned to Danny and Angel and said, “I’m sorry about him. He’s always like this. He’s not so bad when you get to know him.”

"He's lacking in the manners department, although at least someone here knows how to treat a pair of ladies, right Ben?"
Angel asked, throwing him a wink as she lowered her hand, although not before giving Roy a nice little hand sign in response.

“Well I try to be nice to everyone, if I can.” Ben smiled innocently at Angel. “Life just seems easier when you’re friendly to people.”

“That’s bullshit.” Roy huffed. “Being nice is just an invitation to the world to take advantage of you.” Roy turned back to Angel and growled. “And I don’t need manners either. I’m a pirate, I can do whatever I want. I don’t give a damn what anybody thinks of me.”

Angel rolled her eyes at Roy’s statement when he finished before looking to Ben, "There you go sweety, you're on the right track. Don't listen to Roy, you can easily be nice and not let others walk on you. I manage all the time in fact. There's no reason to be a sour ass like him. In my opinion anyone who acts like that just because they can has no self respect for themselves or any respect for others." Angel explained, giving Ben am appraising smile.

Despite his wishes to participate in entertaining banter, the whole of the conversation so far had seen Norman struggling his way back to his feet, with help from Marcus. He looked up with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, "Now don't start any of the fun stuff without m-", he stopped mid sentence as he opened his eyes. His gaze was fixated on Angels hand, his body rigid with fear.

As he realized that her hand was in fact on fire, a small scream of terror seemed to rip it's way from his lungs. And before you could sneeze he seemed to fly apart, particles flowing upwards through the air. He reformed in the crowd nest, weapons drawn from God knows where. Marcus, meanwhile, stood stunned on the deck, looking at where Norman had been seconds ago, and now was gone. He looked around for a couple seconds, until he looked up to see the young man in crows nest, where he only gawked in more stunned silence.

Danny rubbed her forehead and sighed. Being on this crew was giving her plenty of opportunities to practice patience. Ignoring the navigator’s freak out, Danny turned back to the problem at hand. “If you aren’t here to cause trouble then why are you even boarding a rival pirate ship? If you truly don’t want to fight then tell me what it is you want.” Danny questioned the captain this time, staring holes into the blond man’s head as if to decipher the inner workings of his mind.


Danny Talking

Marcus Talking

Norman Talking

Angel Talking

Ben Talking

Roy Talking

@DaughterofAthena @CrimsonEclipse @shadowdude505 @Refaulted @AllHailDago @Atom
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Captain Scarlet Indigrid and "Angel" Auh'Lahain

An Unfortunate Fall

Leo Trace, for some odd reason, had decided that staying in the crow’s nest would be best despite the current situation boiling on the deck of the ship. Maybe he was thinking - maybe he was honestly keeping an eye on the ship watching for any further complications - or maybe he just didn’t want to fight. Either way wouldn’t really come to matter in the end.

As Norman materialized within the crow’s nest, forming from scattered ashes within the wind that just barely kept the ship moving, Leonardo jumped. He hadn’t been paying attention and he certainly hadn’t expected anyone else to join him within the watchtower. It was a combination of these unfortunate events that lead to further misfortune. Leo, by Norman’s materialization, was knocked slightly off balance and he tumbled down onto the deck of the ship. If anyone had been watching, they would’ve see the collision. His head bounced off the deck of the ship as his neck twisted in a very painful way although not a scream was heard. His body laid still on the deck of the ship.

@The Dark Wizard has decided to go on hiatus from this rp due to personal reasons and thus, Leonardo is unconscious and he will be for a while. @Refaulted, I am sorry for giving Marcus more work although I am sure Marcus's reaction will be most amusing, but this was the easiest way to temporarily write Leo out of the plot. He is still alive although he may have suffered a head injury. You may note this in Marcus's examination of Leo if you wish to do so.

Malestrom and Map

Scarlet’s head jerked, nearly bumping Marcus’s arm as she realized that there was something completely and utterly disgusting on her tongue before her mind registered the fact that it was spicy. Scarlet hated spicy. Jumping up almost like a kangaroo, Scarlet stuck her tongue out and began rubbing at it with her hand all while spitting like a wild man. “YUCK!” The captain proclaimed, still jumping and fidgeting about in such a way that it almost resembled a dance albeit not a very graceful one.

The blonde male who still stood aboard Charybdis, his eyes watching the actions of those around him although they were constantly returning to the figure of the beautiful redhead, looked as though he had been about to speak; however, Scarlet’s charade had clearly interrupted him. “Hmm?” he remarked offhand before his eyes flickered to the people who had been surrounding her previously collapsed figure. “The princess awakes!” He almost seemed happy about it although his attention didn’t remain on her for long. He hadn’t forgotten the question he had been asked.

Turning his attention back to another woman on board the ship, the one who had offered an honest question. An honest question deserved an honest answer, at least as far as he was concerned. “Would you not be curious too about a ship that appeared to be heading right into the malestrom? You do know that’s where your current heading leads, right?”

“Malestrom?” Scarlet’s head shifted as her chaotic movements calmed themselves before her eyes once more settled on the abdomen of the beautiful man who had made his way on board her ship. Pausing for a moment, it was unclear what the brunette might have been thinking. While there was the slight chance it could’ve been something intelligent, it was highly improbable. “You mean the spiral thingy!?” Scarlet’s voice rose as she spoke, rising to a very high volume and a very high pitch as she reached into her back pocket and pulled out the map she had revealed to Norman earlier that same afternoon. Her finger dwelled upon the image of a whirlpool as she held it out for all three of the rival pirates to see.

Angel had been watching as Scarlet and Mateo spoke, choosing this moment to step a bit closer to their captain, watching the three warily.

Mateo’s eyes lit up at the sight of the unfurled parchment in Scarlet’s hands before the flickered to Roy and Ben for the slightest moment. It was a movement that was hardly noticeable, hardly there. “Would you mind if I took a look at that, Beautiful?” His voice once more became deep and luscious as he took the slightest of steps towards Scarlet. Mateo turned his head ever so slightly back to Roy, giving him a glare that contained the threat within it, the threat that said Mateo knew what he was doing and that if Roy wanted to judge his strategy, it should be at another place another time.

Angel's eyes narrowed slightly, watching the man's movements and the glare he directed backwards. It was then that she felt the need to intervene, stepping forward to be beside Scarlet as she spoke, "You know I've yet to get a proper look at that...let me see it a moment while you talk to this nice sculptured specimen?" Angel asked.

Scarlet’s eyes turned to Angel as she practically jumped, having been unaware that her shipwright was standing directly behind her. She jumped so much, in fact, that her movement carried her right into the “nice sculptured specimen.” Scarlet once again froze as she felt his skin against her bare arms, the warmth of it radiating through her own body although a slight shiver tingled in her spine.

That was the only opening he needed. Scarlet’s body up against his own, Mateo reached in and snatched the parchment from the captain’s hands before he pushed her forward, ramming her right into the red-haired woman. Turning quickly, Mateo started running back to his crewmates as he created from his hand the bar that would allow him to swing back to his own ship with Ben and Roy in tow.

Angel snarled at the underhanded move, spinning to the side as she allowed Scarlet to bounce off of her, "Sorry hun! Gotta clean up your mess!" She apologized before springing forward after Mateo, engulfing her body in flames as she attempted to lunge forward and wrap her arms around his waist and abdomen.


Scarlet "talking"

Mateo "talking"

Angel "talking"

@sonicfreak101 @AllHailDago @Atom @Refaulted @Thesmashbro @AnnoDomini @Lioness3009 @general ostruppen @National @CJ Mason @CrimsonEclipse @Tulani @shadowdude505 @BLUR @DeadgurlXD
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Tora watched at Danny threatened Mateo by putting him at gunpoint. Angel also dropped some of her flirtatiousness to show off her Devil Fruit power. Things were getting interesting now. “Nice devil fruit you got there. How about the two of us go for a swim?” was Roy's reaction. Tora smirked. "I'll take you up on that offer," she said, holding her arms out in front of her in an x-shape to show her pair of sharp fins. Her abilities may seem like something from a Devil Fruit, but since they actually came from her Fishman heritage a water fight wouldn't put her in the same danger as a Devil Fruit user.

She heard someone fall out of the crows nest and turned her head to see an unconscious Leo on deck. Her first instinct was to run over and see what she could do, but she wasn't a doctor. "YUCK!” Her captain's verbal sign of displeasure turned Tora's attention over to Scarlet. The Red Ribbon Captain was conscious. Tora let out a sigh of relief. Now Marcus could turn his attention to Leo.

Tora watched as Mateo mentioned something called the Malestorm. Was that where they were headed? Even Scarlet seemed to have the same question as she pulled out her map. Without much of a warning other than Mateo's quick glare to his crew, the map was snatched out of Scarlet's hands and she was pushed back by the handsome man. Deep down these men were't the fine specimens that their appearance claimed that they were.

"Oh no you don't," Tora thought as the rival pirates began to make a break for it. "Captain, but a sound barrier around the crew," she shouted. She was planning to stall the other pirates with a siren song and didn't want to distract her crew mates. After giving Scarlet enough seconds to create the barriers, Tora started to sing. "I hear your voice on the wind. And I hear you call out my name." Her voice echoed and sounded more enchanting than her normal singing voice. "'Listen my child' you say to me. 'I am the voice of your history. Be not afraid, come follow me. Answer my call and I'll set you free.'"



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Adam Beryln

Quite a nice breeze it was today, warm blanket, warm sun. What could possible ruin Adams sleep in such a beautiful day like this....Well another pirate ship would be it, but there was just no way that a pirate ship would get close enough to catch us off guard. Suddenly a ruckus came up and could be heard not to far from Adams ears. But it sounded like it was getting louder, Adam turned his body to the side to block his ear with the floor and another with his hand. Obviously it didn't work and adam just had quite enough of this ruckus.

Adam shot up his body and sitting there he turned his to the direction of the sound, "
Oh look at that a pirate ship.......A BLOODY PIRATE SHIP?!?!?!" Adam was confused at the fact that they were this close to them. He looked up at the sun (not directly at it you fools) and calculated that he was asleep for maybe an hour or two.... Maybe less..... "Damn it Adam there's no time for calculations of time." Adam suddenly noticed a different crew members below deck that was with his captain. The first thing he spotted was his captain be shoved back and forth and to the ground by some blonde shithead and another shithead from his own crew.

"YOU DAMN BASTARDS DONT TREAT A WOMAN LIKE THAT!!!!!" With his anger and energy boiling he quickly with his small telescope he pulls out of his pocket, he calculated the distance of the ship from where he is and where it was. He estimated that it was 80 yards and unfortunently he wouldn't think he would have enough time to ram or blow up there damn ships with his own inventions. He then jumped down to meet the bastards and yelled at the top of his lungs. "YOU BASTARDS SHALL RECEIVE MY KICK OF JUSTICE!!" He suddenly started running towards the two shit heads first and leaped towards them with a kick.

Suddenly tho he started to hear a voice, a beautiful voice. Adams anger suddenly dropped and he felt at peace again. He felt attracted to the voice, "actually guys why don't we just go ahead and follow tora eeeeeh" giving out a smile. Adam just couldn't help it deep inside his heart he wanted to split that ship apart, but his mind thought otherwise.he started to make way towards tora.
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Clay Plainswalker

It all happened rather quickly, very soon after Clay had gathered in the center of the deck with the rest of his fellow pirates as he awaited his captain's announcement and instruction. Not surprisingly, no announcement was made, as it seemed Captain Scarlet completely forgot she had called everyone over moments after the action, as she was instead preoccupied with saving Norman from drowning. This was a crappy situation for Clay, as he had just cleaned Norman's face moments prior and made it all spick and span. He would have to shove the mop in the navigator's face again...

Actually, he wouldn't get that chance. As soon as Norman was saved, the other pirate ship that had been heading towards Charybdis' direction. Clay decided to take a seat on Charybdis' deck as he watched three men come out of the mysterious ship, and, quite literally, fly over to the Red Ribbon Pirates' ship. The one pirate that seemed to walk on the air itself got Clay's attention, as coming from Karate Island, Clay knew a similar technique, but was not sure if he was seeing the same one.

"A user of Rokushiki?" Clay doubted aloud, knowing full well that Rokushiki, also known as "The Six Powers," was normally a martial arts style reserved only to highly capable marines.

Clay was knocked out of his questioning mindset as he watched his captain faint after having her hand kissed by the man who had created the metal bars that propelled two of the enigmatic pirates onto Charybdis. He was a blonde, and he was handsome enough to take consciousness from Clay's captain, though Clay was unsure of how high the threshold for that really was. He continued to watch as the group of newcomer pirates began to talk with a few of Clay's fellow crew, easing up as he decided the three men were friendly enough that Clay wouldn't have to do anything, meaning he could continue to relax and watch the show.

For a few minutes, Clay continued to simply observe the pirates, trying to figure out what their aim was in coming on board Charybdis. He didn't like strangers on the ship, after all. However, he was distracted from this task by a loud collision that also made the sound of cracked wood.

Jumping up to his feet from the sudden and abrupt crashing sound, Clay turned to see the cause of the loud noise. He spotted Leo Trace, the swordsman of the crew, lying limp on a damaged area of Charybdis, his neck twisted in a manner that was very unsightly.

"LEO!!!" Clay yelled, running towards the direction of his fallen comrade. "Look at what you did to Charybdis you damned fool! Who do you think is gonna have to clean up this mess!" Clay continued to scold, slapping his palm onto his face in frustration. Obviously, since he was unconscious, Leo did not respond to Clay's misdirected concern.

"Hey Marcus, clean up on aisle.....um.....this area right here," Clay called out, hoping Marcus could come take care of Leo while Clay cleaned up the damaged area on the ship. The Red Ribbon Bum also turned to find Angel, since she would need to replace the damaged planks, but at that moment he witnessed the girl turning into fire as she jumped at the blonde from before.

"Eh? The hell did I miss?" Clay asked nobody in particular. At that same moment, Tora, the resident fish person of Charybdis began to sing, which only meant one thing.

"Huh, suddenly I feel like walking towards Tora for no apparent reason," Clay blabbered. Doing just as he said, Clay began to walk over towards his crewmate.
Johnathan Chrome

Johnny's bow was still tense, looking at the exchange. He started to breath easily when the enemy captain seemed to be friendly. His eyes now really started to take him into account. Those charming eyes, his muscles, the bare chest. The blond hair that made him loose every sense of reality, and that voice. His blushing was getting more visible by the minute.

"What's wrong with me?! I've been joking and poking fun at Adam, b-but h-him..." Johnny said in his mind, his eyes never even looking at the others. His heart was pounding pretty hard, as his bow started to lower, and his arrow dropping down. His eyes lowered, to see what he was doing. "Am I sick?" This question popped in his head just now, as he slowly picked his arrow up, looking again at the blond guy.

But, he violently shook his head when he saw what he did. "Nobody hurts my captain!" Johnny yells, jumping down onto the main deck, being ready to fire. "I'm gonna stick this up your-" Something weird started to be heard. 'A song?' Johnny asked in his mind, turning to Tora. "It's... beautiful." He says, letting his arrow fall down, walking towards Tora. He couldn't help what was happening.
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Norman Newman the Ninja Navigator

Things were not going well for Norman. First the being set on fire and jumping in the ocean(but at least he remembered his devil fruit after that). Then he finds one of his crewmates uses the very devil fruit that had been haunting his nightmares for years. And if you think that was the end of it, you were very wrong. As he stood in the crows nest, attempting to pull himself together, knowing his crew needed him, he heard a soothing lullaby. At first it gave him only confusion, but then all his fear and pain seemed to go away. He needed to get to the source of that voice, he needed to find the songstress capable of assuaging his fear and pain. So he stood and without thinking about it, climbed right over the side of the crows nest. This was... a bad idea.

As he fell he reflexively turned to ash and back, but when he did hit the deck he was unfortunately not in such a state. As such he hit his head... hard. He struggled to maintain consciousness for a moment. Attempted to crawl towards the voice that seemed to be drawing him in an inch at a time. But alas, he could not hold for long, as the fear, and recent dip in the ocean seemed to have weakened him more than expected. In moments he succumbed to the head injury and sank into unconsciousness. Unfortunately for him, it was not to be a soothing and pleasant spell of dreams, or even the simple peace of darkness. Instead he found himself thrust into the past. A past he'd rather forget.

5 years ago

North Blue

Island of Silly People Who Definitely Aren't Ninjas

It was a beautiful day indeed. The sun shined kindly in a endless blue sky, not a cloud to be seen. To Norman, a perfect day for ranged weapons practice on the beach with his mom. They stood on one of the islands infamous red sand beaches, and used the trees of the forest that went right up to the edge of the beach for practice. There were targets and dummies all over, at varying heights and sizes as well. The thrum of a bow echoed as Norman's mom landed an arrow right in the center of bullseye on one of the further back trees. "Alright Normy, see if you can beat that!", she teased lightly. Norman pouted at her for a moment.

"Mooooom, I asked you to stop calling me that! What if someone heard you?"
, he protested and look around just in case. She laughed lightly, "Well i suppose you'd have to shoot them to keep word form spreading, now wouldn't you? But before you try for a living target, how about you try the ones in the trees.". He harrumphed and set his eyes to the forests edge, pulling back the bowstring and taking aim. This shot would show her! He loosed the arrow and yet another thrumming echoed across the beach. Followed shortly by a thin crack, and the sound of splitting wood. Both of them stared in shock at his shot. Then he let loose a peal of laughter and a HA. His mother simply stared at his arrow, having split hers clean in half and taken its place in the bullseye she just hit. It was an astounding shot, she had to admit. When did her son get that good?

"Well you definitely take after your father in weapons now don't you? But after lunch we'll see how you do in hand to hand, hm?", she gave him a smirk he knew too well. His joy was wiped from him quickly. He may be as good or better than her at weapon use now, but she was WAY strong and better at hand to hand. Better than his dad even. Although his dad was faster and better with weapons, Norman's situation with him the opposite as his mother. He grimaced, he would be sore tonight for sure. "Fine. But we have to eat a lot first, I'm STARVING.". They set out a blanket on the sand and laid in the sun, eating the sandwiches they had brought for lunch. Norman lazed in the sun, happy to be relaxing on such a beautiful day. Warmth suffused his whole being, physically and emotionally.

That's when they saw the boat. Boats rarely if ever even made it to this portion of the island, it was rather isolated. And it was just so much easier to use the ports on the other side that no one bothered trying. That was why it was used for training the youth of the island. Seclusion was important after all, training was supposed to be all you concentrated on if you could. Norman's mother stood up drew a small kunai from her hip. Norman took notice of this and drew shurikens of his own, a small lump of fear settling in his chest. He'd never seen his mother draw weapons in earnest before. "Mom? What's happening?", he practically whispered. "Norman, you need to run. Get your father and anyone else you can right away. Now.". Her use of his actual name startled him a moment, but he began to jog to the edge of the beach towards the forest. He was almost there when he heard a steaming whistle noise. Instinct took over and he dove to the side.

Had he not he would have died, as it was his sleeve caught on fire. He beat it out in the sand and looked to where he would have been. The sand had superheated into glass, and the tree beyond was burning swiftly. He turned to see his mother talking to a man who had just disembarked from his ship. His hand seemed to be on fire somehow. His mother and the man faced off from each other for a silent moment, and then there was an exchange Norman barely kept up with. The man turned to fire and launched himself forward incredibly fast. But his mother tossed her kunai at him, it seeming to Norman to be darker in color than normal. And as quick as he turned to flame, he turned back, the kunai lodged in his shoulder. He swore to himself and threw a punch at Normans mom. But she grabbed his hand, wrenching it up and sliding around behind him. He let out another scream of curses as she held his arm up high behind him. His mother muttered something else. Then the man smirked.

Norman tried to yell out to his mother, but he was too slow. A shot rang out from the deck of the ship, and a bullet punched it's way through his mothers stomach, passing through the man she held. She gasped, letting go and taking a step back. Then he spun on her his hand blazing, and shoved his burning fingers into her throat. She tried to let out a gasp, but her airway had been scorched beyond saving, and she was unable to do so. She collapsed as Norman let out a scream. Norman dashed towards her, flinging shuriken as he did. Two men on deck, one with the gun, and another who held a telescope had shuriken sink into their foreheads with meaty thunks. A third passed through the face of the man who killed his mother. The man laughed and took a step forward, one after another, slowly. Norman threw one weapon after another, exhausting everything he had. But everything simply passed through the man. He didn't understand. But it didn't matter.

The man grabbed his shoulder, burning it. The scent of cooked flesh met Norman's nostrils as he screamed. "So boy, a fighter like your mother i see. You killed two of my men, y'now. No one does that to me. I am Firebrand Felix, the best slaver in North Blue! And you, I believe you just got yourself a one way ticket to Hell, boy.". He pressed a finger to the Normans chest on the left side, and slowly he burned it in, bit by bit. Laughing as Norman screamed. "Yes boy, yell. Scream. Call for your father while your at it. Burns or no, you should fetch well high a price enough for my troubles today. A pet assassin is well sought after, and scars add character, y'see. Say good bye to your home. Today, you ship off for your new life. And I'll be making sure", he pressed his finger in deeper as he spoke, "that you are well and ready. Welcome to Hell, boy.". With tears in his eyes, and his body screaming in pain, Norman fell unconscious as he looked upon his mothers corpse.


Norman Newman

Nina Newman

Firebrand Felix
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Mateo, Yumi, Scarlet and Danny

Mateo, as he was running, suddenly heard a sound. It wasn’t quite a sound that he would’ve described as beautiful. No, it was far too haunting to quite fit his personal definition of that word. That didn’t stop him from being drawn towards it though, regardless of his initial intention to get off of the ship he was currently standing on. Turning, his eyes fell upon a woman who also did not fit his definition of beautiful; she was a fish, but the song was too entrancing for him to really say anything about that. His feet began to carry him towards her and the Bronze Rifle Pirate captain was followed by his two crewmates.

Before the three of them could get too close to the fishwoman however, smoke began to waft its way from their ship and onto the Charybdis. As it hit the deck it formed into a beautiful women with a bored expression on her face. Upon seeing her crew mates in a complete daze she rushed forward in a trail of smoke towards the culprit. She thrust her hand over Tora’s mouth, filling her mouth and nostrils with smoke. “Shhh….” She put her other hand to her lips and smirked “You’re so much prettier when you shut up.”

“I thought you were ordered to stay on the ship, Yumi?” Mateo inquired as he snapped out of the dazed trance he had been thrown into by Tora’s song. He almost sounded as though he wanted to be irritated with the woman who had saved him, but at the same time had been forced to admit that she had actually been helpful.

“Well, I was bored.” She said, as if that were a valid excuse. “And besides, it looks like you needed me. You boys are hopeless on your own.”

“Hey!” Scarlet Indigrid’s scream echoed across the ship, drowning out whatever conversation the invaders may have been attempting to have. “I thought I was the beautiful one here!?” Her eyes flickered to the newcomer - the woman made of smoke - filled with anger and jealousy. “Get that bitch off my ship!”

Yumi’s gazed flickered up to the Scarlet, her expression confused for a split second. Then she giggled softly before it turned into heartless laughter. “The beautiful one? Oh my dear, aren’t you precious.”

Mateo’s eyes flickered to the fiery woman quickly as he realized that at this point, she was the only one who could stop them. Gesturing towards her vaguely, Mateo then glanced at the three members of his crew that were now with him and gave each a slight nod. Then he turned his attention to Scarlet to reply, “You are gorgeous, my love. Don’t fret. I’m sure we’ll meet again.” Taking off once more, Mateo grabbed onto Roy before he swung out his bars grabbing on to his own ship as he was followed closely by Ben.

Before Angel could make any movements to stop them, a spiral of smoke surrounded her.

Further Chaos

Unknown to those who had been paying attention to the situation on deck, the waters had slowly but surely grown more rigid, wavy, dangerous. The sky had darkened as unbeknownst to either crew currently tangled in confrontation. But suddenly it wasn’t something that could be ignored anymore. Suddenly, both ships were being sucked in closer and closer to a spiraling doom.

It was the malestrom.

Up from the center of the spiral rose a being… a creature… a serpent. As its jaws opened, revealing a long violet tongue, a loud roar echoed across the sea sending a violent wave to crash into each of the ships as water splattered over the deck of Charybdis, soaking those in its path. And throughout the chaos, the ships continued spinning, being drawn closer and closer to the beast contained within the spiral.

Yumi quickly stopped surrounding Angel and looked at the monster with vague interest. “Shame,” She muttered. “That looks like my queue to leave.” She than materialized back into smoke and made her way hurriedly back to the Bronze Rifle ship.

“Shit!” Danny exclaimed, taking in the giant sea monster. “Everybody to your stations. Pandora! I need you to take out that monster!”

Scarlet’s eyes widened as she heard Danny mention the beast. “I knew there was a sea monster! And the spiraly thing!” The captain was practically bouncing, excited that she had been right.

@sonicfreak101 @AllHailDago @Atom @Refaulted @Thesmashbro @AnnoDomini @Lioness3009 @general ostruppen @National @CJ Mason @CrimsonEclipse @Tulani @shadowdude505 @BLUR @DeadgurlXD
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Gali grimaces. First, the day started off with a beautiful morning. The air was crisp and fresh, the beautiful scent of the salty ocean slightly passing by their ship. The ocean seemed nice and calm, with little waves, and beautiful fish jumping through the clean water. But the day was doomed from the start. He dropped his favorite beverage, making a mess on the ship floor, and that wasn't even the bad part.

After that, he went up to the crows nest, his orders being to scout out any dangers. And he failed in that simple mission. His dignity crashed there just like his tea did. And there was still more! A new ship, that he apparently completely missed while he was scouting, fired two large harpoons onto their ship, and them his captain was knocked out by a pretty handsome dude. And then there was more that was added to the chaos.

And now there was a giant sea monster that was sucking both ships into a giant whirlpool. Someone shoot Gali now. He sighs as he falls down from the wave of water that slammed onto their ship. Water slops onto the ship, covering and drenching poor Gali. His day was already horrible, and now his new clothes were soaked? The angels of luck really hated Gali today. He watches as the monster looks at both ships menacingly. Gali unsheathes his sword slowly, a chilling aura surrounding the blade. His eyes were now an icey blue, a slight silvery blue hue being given off by his eyes.

Up in the sky, the golden parrot Reky soars above the two ships, squaking,

"Squaawwwk!! Gali is mad! Galis is mad! Swuawwwwk!"

Gali fully unsheathes his sword, and he slashes at the serpent.

"One Sword Style: Serpent's Festival!"

A freezing shockwave shaped into a large serpent is fired at the large serpent. @DaughterofAthena
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Ulysses Jackobi Livingston

Ulysses wasn't scared easily, but looking at this frantic beast was somewhat petrifying. Ulysses was just standing there frightened for his life, would he be on to survive this horrid beast. In his days of the Revolutionary Army, he saw some horrifying things, but nothing like this; though he couldn't remember. Ulysses days in the army was just a thing that he just puts into the back of mind because he didn't enjoy reminiscing in those memories.

“Ah!” Ulysses screamed in terror, just as he was about to duck and cover for safety, he began to think. I need to be brave. Ulysses thought to himself; he needed to protect the crew. Ulysses grabbed his trusty sword and ran towards the beast, he would die before the crew perishes. This action reminded him of the day his family was taken away from him, and how he just sat in the corner as they were ripped away, only if he could've been this brave the day that happened.

Ulysses saw out of the corner of his eyes that the Captain was jumping for what it seemed joy. Ulysses stopped for a moment and looked over to her. “Why are you so happy, Capt?” Ulysses was scared shitless of this beast moments before and was almost charging at it. Ulysses walked over to her, still confused about the whole damn situation. The beast must have been looking for sheer death because that is what it was about to receive.

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During the entire time that the other crew had boarded their ship, Mairi had found herself unable to avert her attention from Mateo's abs. Even when Tora played her siren song, rather than being drawn towards the source of the music, Mairi's body was frozen as her eyes followed those abs. She was finally interrupted when Yumi's smoke blocked her view. With the trance broken, she noticed that three others had also boarded the ship. The girl with the smoke powers was the most annoying, and not even half as pretty as she probably thought she was.

After Scarlet's outburst, Mairi was about to speak up, but she was interrupted as the sea suddenly became much more harsh. A sea serpent revealed itself in the center of a maelstrom, which both of their ships were being dragged in to. It reminded Mairi of an antlion trap. The smoke girl, abs, and other two intruders seemed to have returned to their ship, leaving the serpent as their only immediate problem. That was fine. If this really was an antlion trap, then that means that all they have to do is get out of the maelstrom and they would be safe.

"One Sword Style: Serpent's Festival!" Mairi suddenly heard as Gali launched a shockwave at the serpent. Mairi sighed. Now a fight was inevitable. Mairi walked to the side of the ship that was facing the sea serpent and leaned against the railing there. Mairi had no way to attack from a distance, so she had to wait for the sea serpent to come to her. Unfortunately, if that were to happen, the ship might not hold up. She just had to trust the rest of the crew to do their jobs so they wouldn't sink.
As Tora sang her siren song she quickly realized that Scarlet flubbed the sound barriers. She continued the song as her companions and foes headed toward her. "I'm sorry," she thought, especially after Norman hit his head after falling from the crows nest. Her eyes went wide as a strange woman charged up to her and shoved smoke down her throat, ending her siren song.

Tora reeled back and coughed. She quickly glanced over at her crewmates before catching a glimpse of the other pirates getting away. She ran after them and was prepared to jump over the railing to swim after them. She quickly halted beside the Charybdis' railing once she noticed the rough condition of the waters. Since she was part Fishman she probably wouldn't drown, but she still could get lost at sea if she was dragged under and lost consciousness. She wasn't immune to being smashed against a rock either.

Once the sea monster rose up she was glad she hadn't dove into the water. Tora didn't want the other crew to get away, but it looked like the creature had to be dealt with first. "Sonic Scream!" Tora yelled before sending a cone of ear grading sound at the beast. She kept the scream going for a couple of seconds. As long as her companions didn't get between her and the monster their ears would be safe; since she was standing by the railings on the same side of the ship as the monster the only way they could accomplish that was by trying to jump on it, which no one had tried to do yet.

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Scarlet Indigrid

Scarlet turned upon hearing the voice of Ulysses behind her although her face still contained one of the brightest smiles she had ever shown the crew as she listened to his comment. ”I’m excited because I was right,” she proclaimed. ”I saw the serpent on the map, and there it is! Isn’t it fantastic!?” Her excitement didn’t stop there, though. ”Maybe we can call it Scylla!? It fits, don’t you think?” Remembering one of the first stories she had ever heard as a child only served to further brighten her mood in a situation that didn’t seem at all bright.

Although Scarlet wasn’t quite commanding the situation as a good captain should have been, her crew was still taking action. As Gali fired a blast of serpent shaped wind at the newly named Scylla, the serpent took the brunt of the blast. Initially, the serpent flinched. Unfortunately, life wasn’t that simple as the serpent let out another screech in response as Charybdis, their ship, was bumped from underneath the water shaking the deck and driving Scarlet to dizziness.

Then yet another crew member took action. Tora approached the rails of the ship and unleashed her shock wave. The serpent froze. For the moment, it seemed as though the attack had worked because Scylla was quite literally frozen in space. The waters surrounding the ship took on a haunting form of calm although the sky did not clear in response.

@National @CJ Mason @shadowdude505
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Ziggy sat cross-legged on the deck of the ship. Once she realized that nothing she deemed as interesting was happening with the enemy ship she walked away and reduced herself to pouting. Talking is stupid. She complained in her head as she watched those older than her talk. The only thing that had peaked her interest so far was Scarlet falling over, and a bit of fighting trying to happen between the people.

Ziggy would have loved to join in on the fight but figured that throwing out one of her exploding bundles of joy would probably not have been the best idea. After all, Danny did say that she wasn’t supposed to blow up the ship, so instead she watched. It wasn’t long after that she found herself standing up and walking with the rest of her crew toward Tora. What going on…


The girl snapped to attention when the ship began to move suddenly. She looked with the others at a sea monster, which caused her heart to beat with excitement. She was not the first to attempt to attack the beast, but she would join in on this fight for sure! She dug her hands in her pockets and pulled out two of her newly made sticks of dynamite. “Me wanna help too!!” she shouted as she lighted the fuzes. She waited for a couple seconds, mesmerized by the little flames before hurling them toward the monster.

It was as her boom sticks flew through the air that she heard Scarlet name the monster, Scylla she thought it was. “Scylla get presents!” the bomber girl shouted with a disturbing little laugh. Because of her patient waiting for the fuzes, the sticks exploded on impact with the beast creating two distinct bright flashes.

“I hit it!” The girl congratulated herself.

@sonicfreak101 @AllHailDago @Atom @Refaulted @Thesmashbro @AnnoDomini @Lioness3009 @general ostruppen @National @CJ Mason @CrimsonEclipse @Tulani @shadowdude505 @BLUR @DaughterofAthena

(I wasn't sure who to aag so I figured I'd just cover the bases)
Johnathan Chrome

Suddenly, the singing stopped, and Johnny looked to see a figure appear on the enemy ship. "Oh... My..." Was what he could say. He frowned when she talked down to his captain. "Yo, spirit bitch!" But his voice was lost between all the commotion on the ship. Starting to count his arrows, he stopped, and his eyes widened. "O-Only... 22?" Johnny's hands began to tremble, and he started to look on the deck.

Upon going to the side of the ship, he found it. His smile grew, and he looked up, only to see a shadow cast upon the ship, by a sea creature. "We're gonna need a bigger boat!" Looking towards Ziggy, he got an idea. "Zigs! Can you put some explosives on my arrows? That way, we can specifically target parts that we couldn't reach normally."

Johnny went near the bomber girl, starting to string it even tighter. He was indeed worried, as tales told of countless ships destroyed by these creatures. But, he was ready to fight it. Johnny chose to be a pirate, and he would never go back on a promise. He took a few arrows from his quilver, and gave them to Ziggy, then rushed to the cargo hold to get he replacements.

@sonicfreak101 @AllHailDago @Atom @Refaulted @Thesmashbro @DeadgurlXD @Lioness3009 @general ostruppen @Nationa l@CJ Mason @CrimsonEclipse @Tulani @shadowdude505 @BLUR @DaughterofAthena

Adam Berlyn

Ok Adams conscious lets recap of what's happened so far in this terrible day. First we almost capsize, invention got destroyed, face planted two times today, caught on fire and lost pants, random beuty pirates, and then a song from his own teammate...seriously what could possible happen that could be worse then all that shit combined.....oh yes it gets way better. As adam started to get closer to the voice it was suddenly stopped by a woman shoving something into Ulyssus mouth. The spell broke and everyone was back to normal, and man was Adam pissed. Shaking off the effects he was back to his raging emotions. "ALRIGHT YOU FUCKING LOW EXCUSE OF MEN PREPARE TO HAVE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS!!!" As he says that he heard his captain say something and a large shadow formed around the ship.

"Oh look at that a sea creature.....at this point I've given up on being shocked at our terrible luck." As he adjusted his glasses and was unimpressed with this random bad luck. He then heard a loud explosion that had detonated on the beast and turned to ziggy. He was just dumb founded when he saw that the amount of force was not going to be enough. Or at least he hypothesized. "Ziggy dear if we're going to irritate the beast at least use a bomb that can have enough force to blow an entire ship." He then looked at the crew members from the other ship and gave them a pity look.

"Well either two things will happen we all die by that creature or I get to have one good thing happen to me and FEED YOU GUYS TO THE BEAST MYSELF!!" He then runs toward the enemy crew members and prepares to do a handstand and start spinning himself like a human helicopter and send them flying. Hopefully the beast, oh and also the bastard who pushed his beloved captain. That would be nice as well but Captain scarlet would probably not like that.

@sonicfreak101 @AllHailDago @Atom @Refaulted @Thesmashbro @AnnoDomini @Lioness3009 @National @CJ Mason @CrimsonEclipse @Tulani @shadowdude505 @BLUR @DaughterofAthena

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Pandora Tempest

Pandora ran towards the cannons as soon as she saw the giant creature breach the waves. A lot of things have been going on, enemy pirates, that bewitching song, other equally crazy things, but you'll most likely snap out of it once you see a towering sea serpent looking at your ship likes it's a buffet. "Yeah, because I totally cannot see that giant freakin' creature wanting to eat us!!" She shouted at Danny as she reached the cannons.

Ziggy threw a bomb at the creature and that was the first time she was really glad that the kid knew how to use explosives. "
Nice job Ziggy! You wanna help me with the cannons? Because I could really use you help!" She called out, hoping the girl would hear her. She aimed her cannon at the head of the beast, firing a cannonball which hits it right in the eye.

"So, what are you planning to do with the other pirates, huh Scarlet? Seems like they plan to take the treasure we came to take in the first place." She called out to the captain, continuing to fire at the beast. "You sure you can fight that guy? Seems like he'll be able to twist you around his thumb you know."

@sonicfreak101@AllHailDago @Atom @Refaulted @Thesmashbro @AnnoDomini @Lioness3009 @general ostruppen @National @CJ Mason @Tulani @shadowdude505 @BLUR @DaughterofAthena
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5203a252_MarcusGaverenton.png.de26ac74dfbfcafc380886283eb31b9d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80479" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5203a252_MarcusGaverenton.png.de26ac74dfbfcafc380886283eb31b9d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcus was glad that his captain was healthy once more. She had woken up with an exclamation of disgust. He laughed quickly, a curt outburst, before pointing at her and smiling. "My own special medicine, Captain. A mix of extra chili peppers I..." He stopped, his eyes sliding over to look at Katarina quickly before looking back over to Scarlet. "...bought at the last port with my own money. It has a mild dose of a special herb I haggled out of another doctor, called forn leaves. Give it a certain stimulant that reduces the burning over time, but also sparks the brain back into action. Sorry about the taste, though. I'm working on that part."

His smile faded as Angel continued to flirt with the strangers, who he guessed was wrong to call them now, as they gave them their names. Mateo, Roy, and Ben. Even with names to put to faces, they made him feel uneasy. And it wasn't that he didn't trust Angel and how she was dealing with the situation. She was clever, and strong. If the enemies were to try something fishy (get it, because their on the sea?), then they were surrounded by pirates that could simply dispatch of them and feed their guts to whatever beasts were lurking in the water around them. Marcus actually giggled at that idea. And he never giggled.

As the rest of the crew handled the other pirates, Marcus strolled away to lean against the mast to the crow's nest above. He will admit that Norman had startled him at first, but he had seen stranger in school and when he worked with his father and then at Piuteville, where he had first met Scarlet and the rest of the Red Ribbon Pirates. He looked down at his hands, and at the two tattoos that were on the back of them. He flexed them, a thoughtful look on his face. He had the tattoos to feel like he controlled his own path, but, being a doctor, you put your life behind the rest. Save the others before yourself. He and Maru always lived by that code...

He shook his head, pushing grim thoughts away. He had to focus on his surroundings, and the situation at hand. Pirates were on their ship. They seemed suspicious to him. But, then again, many people did. Anyone not on the crew was suspicious to him. It was a bad habit to have, as he would seem like an insensitive prick about almost anything. He sighed, calming his nerves. He had to stay relaxed. No reason to be tense...


Marcus looked in mute horror at what lay in front of him. Leo had fallen from the crow's nest, and from the way his neck was bent, it was not good. He wasted no time kneeling down and placing his hands on his heart, his near over his mouth. He listened and felt for any breathing. And, thankfully, there was a spark of life in him. He had little time. He picked him up as if he were a princess, with one hand gently supporting his neck and holding him up from the back, and the other underneath his knees.

As he turned to bring him inside, he heard a soothing melody. He froze in his tracks. His mind wandered to the grassy fields outside of Civerus Rise, where he and his schoolmates would spend their free-time doing anything they wished, be it studying or acting like normal teenage boys. They would banter and wrestle and talk about where they were going to go in the whole world. Oh, how those times were good...

He bit down on his tongue. As he felt the warm flow of blood from it, he snapped back into his own reality. It was Tora. She was using a song to lure them in. And by them, he meant the other pirates. He looked over his shoulder, as his legs felt like they were coated in thick sludge. Mateo had taken Scarlet's map, and was probably going to make a break for it. But, thankfully, Tora had stopped them...and then was stopped herself by a woman who shoved...smoke in her mouth?! He growled under his breath. "
Damn Devil Fruit users..." With that, he was about to go inside, when he heard another crash into the deck. He turned around once more to see Norman had fallen out due to Tora's song as well.

Cursing, he took a quick look at Norman. Nothing twisted...he had to hurry. He quickly jogged with Leo in his arms, making his way down into his custom infirmary. He laid Leo gently onto the bed, and got to work. He began hooking cables up to him, sticking tubes into his arm and grabbing a neck brace. He ever so gently lifted Leo's head so it was straight, and applied the brace onto him. He then grabbed an oxygen mask and placed it over his mouth. He held his wrist, waiting for the pulse to become regular once more.

Once it was calm enough, he placed his arm down and placed his hand gently on his forehead. "
I'll be back...but others are hurt now. You'll be safe for now...I'll be here when you wake up, Leo." With that, Marcus ran over out of the room and into his own down the hall. Once inside, he walked to the corner by his coat hanger, and picked up a bag that was apparently full of heavy objects, by the looks from the outside. Slinging it over his shoulder, he made his way back to the deck to check on Norman.

When he arrived, he got down back onto one knee and placed his hands on Normans wrist, checking the pulse again. He listened for breathing, and could tell that the fall had not been as horrendous as he had assumed. Nothing too serious, but, there was no telling under all the cloth. He knelt in front of everyone, blocking their view of him. He sighed. "
Alright, Norman...be patient with me." He grabbed the man's mask, and pulled it down.

What he saw nearly made him throw up each meal he had that day. He quickly placed the mask back on, and told himself to calm down. He felt cold, as he had never seen anything like that for years. He knew the qualifications for such things, but he still felt cold when he thought about them. He then lifted Normans shirt, which was a similar sight. He grimaced, and lowered it once more. Turning him around, so he was on his stomach, he lifted his shirt again. It was not so bad on the back, and he ran his hand along his back to check for anything wrong with it. Nothing. He was okay, probably just shaken...

Pulling a small vial out of his coat, he drew Norman's head onto his knee for leverage. Uncorking the vial, which was filled with a bright purple liquid, he poured it gently into Norman's mouth, which was difficult with the mask and all, so he lowered it slightly to pour it in. Once it was empty, he placed the vial back in it's correct spot. He sighed. "
Painkiller. Liquid form. You don't seem to have anything broken, thank god."

Marcus then lost it at the sight of the beast, which he heard Scarlet call Scylla. Placing Norman onto the ground, he walked over to the railing, and gripped the side with a grip that could bend metal. A look of annoyance and fury was on his face. He gestured and open palm in the direction of Scylla. "Alright, you soon-to-be-fuckin-sushi! You really want to mess with my day right now?! Because, right now, I've had it up to here-" He gestured up above his head, as high as he could reach. "with all the bullshit that's going on! I expected a quiet day that I could test out some nice new medicine combinations, but noooooooo! First the fucking pretty boys over there that smell like week-old garbage left in the sun, then my fucking crew mates getting hurt for silly reasons -thankfully they are still alive after this long- and taking my time away from settling this situation, and then of all things YOU show up and have to be a gigantic PRICK! If you lay one fucking flipper on this ship, I swear, I will cut your scales off and adorn my goddamn coat with them and look like the epitome of fashion on all the high seas! You want that to happen?! HUH?!" He threw his arms outwards, issuing the challenge to the monster.



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