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Fandom One Piece: New World

Tora smiled as Scarlet enjoyed her music. It was amusing watching her spin Ziggy around. Tora's smile grew wider as Ziggy gave her a dizzy reply. She watched the young demolition girl scamper off, chuckling a little after Ziggy tried to barrel past her. After the energetic encounter, Tora walked over to Mairi. "You have every right to be angry," she started to say as she looked over Mairi's minor injuries. "But I'm sure Ziggy didn't mean to rock the boat. Go easy on her, she's practically a kid," she calmly added. "If you'd like some help with resupplying, let me know." @Thesmashbro

Tora started to walk around the deck. She strummed her guitar as she tried to figure out which song to play next. She watched as Scarlet gave Norman a destination and overheard Pandora's opinion on the matter. The pillaging solution didn't sit well with her. There were other ways to get money. Every crew member had a skill someone would be willing to pay for. Tora could sing in pubs or the street. Oli could sell weapons. Someone would want some of Ziggy's explosions. Medical skills required of a doctor or the creation of medicine was a pretty handy moneymaker as well. The list could go on and on.

Tora kept her thoughts to herself. She wasn't the captain and she was sure Scarlet had her heart set on treasure hunting. Tora was a musician, so it was time to keep the merriness going. Tora slung her guitar over her shoulder before climbing up toward the crows nest. She stopped near the top of the rope ladder and peaked her head over the edge so she could see the two swordsmen. "Any song requests gentlemen?" she asked with a smile, showing off her shark canine teeth. "You guys are probably going to be up here for awhile. The least I can do is help pass the time." @The Dark Wizard @National
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Adam Berlyn

"Bolts check, oxygen tank pressurized...check. Last but not least the helmet." Two days and seventeen hours and adam was halfway to building his underwater diver suit. His purpose for this was to maybe one day go down into the deep sea and study and draw the magnificent fish of all the different oceans. He looked around in his cramped cabin as it was filled with mountains of books, equipment, and tools laying around. Even his little oven that he installed was filled with books due to the lack of space. He searches around for his drawing board which lay on his bed, and compared the results. "Ok ok this is good, all I need now is more resources and specialized tools and I should be complete within the next week." As he a scribbles notes down on the board. He stops and smiles for a minute, it had been now what? One year or so and he had completed so much research. It was quite amazing considering the fact he stays up for 20 hours and then sleeps for two days and comes out like a starving person who seems to have never seen the light of day. But he can't help it he was insomniac and he lived with it.

As he continued to jolt down for notes he suddenly heard a loud explosion, and suddenly the ship tilt to the hard right and adam and everything in his room was sent flying. Adam let out a small scream as he smacked into contact with the wall and then a pile of books along with it. As the ship settled down he popped his head out of the pile with a stern face. He looks around for his suit and see's it in several pieces. His face was white as a ghost and probably skipped several beats of his heart. "
NOOOOOOOOO!!! All my hard work gone!" As he raises his hands up. Adam then quickly stopped himself and closed his eyes. Did several meditating breathing and finally calmed down. He opened his eyes and couldn't help but feel like a little bit of himself die alittle. He got up and cleaned himself and tried to put the suit back together, but with no good results. He sighs and decides to head up on deck and he had a good idea on who caused the ship to nearly capsize.

As he approaches the deck he heard the same old loud mouthed fellow crew members. He looks around and sees ziggy, and captain scarlet enjoying the music. He decided to Approach them but he suddenly felt the fatigue of lack of sleep creeping towards him, and suddenly face planted right in front of them.

@DeadgurlXD @DaughterofAthena
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Katarina looked down at the hyper girl who was now clinging to her waist.The acrid smell of explosives, or whatever chemicals Ziggy used to make explosives, entered her nose but she didn't mind. It was great to have the girl around as company. Especially since she spent most of her time in the kitchen and away from the others.

"I am going to make food and of course you can help me!" The cook smiled and put an arm around Ziggy's shoulders as she led her down to the kitchen. "What should we have do you think?" She then heard Clay yell at Ziggy and then mumble some other nonsense but she just ignored it.

As they left top deck and the fresh scent of the ocean they were suddenly surrounded by the smell of herbs and meat when in the kitchen. Katarina smiled brightly at her sanctuary

@DeadgurlXD .
Ziggy the demolitions expert cooking apprentice

Still Causing Problems

Ziggy beamed and her hands together excitedly when she was given permission to help cook. Katarina proceeded to wrap an arm around the excitable girl's shoulders and began to lead her down into the ship. On the way, Ziggy looked around the ship and laughed when she saw Adam faceplanting the deck. The girl wasn't exactly sure but the thought her crewmate might've been sleeping. Digging into her pockets she pulled out a tiny string of packets, a small string of firecrackers would be perfect for this moment. Lighting one end she threw it at the sleeping man, giggling all the while. The fuse was long enough where the packets didn't pop until Ziggy and Katarina had already reached the door to go inside the ship. Once safely on the other side of the door, Ziggy erupted in laughter
"He not sleeping on the deck anymore~" Ziggy announced. @general ostruppen

The two continued their descent into the ship when Ziggy heard her name shouted by what she assumed was Clay. Clay found mess!! I hope he fix the nitroglycerin spot..The girl thought, still giggling a bit. @BLUR Just then, Ziggy's attention was grabbed when the scent of the kitchen reached her nose. A burst of energy came over the girl causing her to bolt toward the origin of the smell, her stomach growling all the way.

The Apprenticeship Begins

"It smells soooooo good!!" Ziggy shouted as she ran around the room. When Katarina finally entered, Ziggy slowed down and studied the cook's face. The woman looked relaxed, as if she entered her own type of sanctuary. Once Katarina began moving around, Ziggy jumped behind her and began to follow, copying everything that she did: when Katarina washed her hands, Ziggy took off her gloves and washed her hands; when Katarina grabbed an apron, Ziggy grabbed an apron.

"What should we make do you think?" The woman wondered. Ziggy had to think for only a moment.

"Cake! Cake and pasta....but more cake!!" The excited girl responded, her pigtails perking up. Even though she responded, the girl's hands were busy behind her back. It was no use, no matter how many times the girl tried, she just couldn't tie her apron. "Katarinaaa...can you help?" Ziggy whined, turning her back to the woman to reveal her struggle. @Lioness3009


Ziggy talking/thinking

Oli nodded to clay and would wait for Ziggy and the cook to head downstairs first. When they were good she would crouch a bit entering the doorway and moving to the supply closet. She left the now empty ale barrel there detaching her portable handle. From there she gathered the items Clay had requested likely bringing a bit too much as she was unsure how much he actually needed.

Oli would make her way back up the stairs walking over to Clay whom was presumably hard at work. She set the items close to him and spoke up, "Will there be anything else then Clay?" she said in a indifferent tone. She clearly wouldn't mind helping; but, you got a feeling it was due to boredom. Oli never seemed to quite find her place on the boat yet. Truthfully she hadn't opened up to anyone not even Scarlet. Tora telling her a little of her past was the first actual conversation she had of such things.

She would look briefly at Scarlet with all the thoughts running through her head. The girl seemed so happy it was infectious. Oli wondered why it was a bit harder for her to join in the revelry. Also... what her answer would be too Pandora

@BLUR @DaughterofAthena

Adam Beryln

You know sleeping on the deck doesn't feel so bad, the warm floor board with the combination of his comfortable clothes made it feel like heaven. But of course all happy moments must come to an end as Ziggy planted something in his pocket and then left. Adam was to busy to really care for sleep was the only thing his body wanted right at the moment. After several minutes, "CRACK POP CRACK POP!!" At that moment he slowly opened his eyes and noticed that his pocket was exploding and that his pants caught on fire. "Oh wow look at that firecrackers.......FIRECRACKERS!!!" Without any further hesitation adam reached inside his pocket and threw whatever firecrackers that remained into the ocean. Now the only thing he needed to deal with was his flaming pants. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" as he screamed and ran into the direction of the kitchen entrance but realized that there were several steps and pretty much tumbled down till he hit the bottom. As he hit the final step he quickly spotted the cook with ziggy and Oli, and then he spotted some flour. He quickly ran towards it and grabbed it before anyone else could. He then pours about half of the flour onto his pants which was able to extuingish the fire.

Adam takes several deep breaths as he takes in the trauma he just faced. He slowly turns to everyone in the room. "WHO THE HELL WAS THE ONE WHO PUT FIRECRACKERS IN MY POCKET I ALMOST DIED!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, "FIRST THE SHIP NEARLY CAPSIZES, MY INVENTION I WORKED ON FOR A WEEK IS NOW IN PIECES, AND NOT ONLY DID I FACEPLANT ON DECK BUT I ALSO GOT CAUGHT ON FIRE!!" Adam was obviosly not in a happy mood. His pants and shirt were covered in flour and rememnets of burnt marks from the lit fire, at least 45% of his pants were burnt off.

@DeadgurlXD @Lioness3009 @BLUR
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Katarina the Cook

Katarina giggled at Ziggy and smiled, "I think we could make fettuccine alfredo and some cake." She then started to get out all the ingredients needed. She was setting the flour on the counter when she heard Ziggy's request for help.

She turned with a smile and a nod and quickly tied the girl's apron in a perfect bow. She was about to turn back so she could retrieve the equipment she would need to cook the meal just when loud bangs could be heard above followed by a crashing down to her kitchen. She instinctively grabbed her knife and stepped in front of Ziggy in a protective manner.

She relaxed when she saw Adam but tensed once more when he destroyed an entire bag of flour that could have been good for a month. She glared at him and narrowed her eyes further at his angry tone. "Well who destroyed my flour?" She asked in a quiet, chilling tone.

@DeadgurlXD @general ostruppen

Adam Beryln

Adam gives out a big sigh, "Well I'm sorry but I was to busy trying to not die by flames. The next town we find I'll buy you guys more flour... However I DEMAND AN ANSWER ON WHO SET A FIRECRACKER IN MY POCKET." He points at Katarina for an answer and also looks at ziggy. (Damn it I ruined ziggys time of a cake, what kind of man would ever so dare ruin a girls time of baking a cake) with that thought adam felt somewhat calmer but awful at what he did.

He approaches ziggy with a sad look.
"Hey sorry zig if I messed up your cake thing, I was in a state of panick and needed to save myself... I bet that damn ninja navigator did that firecracker!!" As he shakes a fist in the air and a sudden jolt of energy surged through his body. Probably the adrenaline he received when he was running around like a headless chicken. He looked down at his pants and didn't realize how much damage the fire dealt to his clothes and he felt disturbed.

@Lioness3009 @DeadgurlXD
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Angel grinned silently where she stood, gazing out at the ocean around them, feeling the cool breeze brush past her face and whip her hair around where she stood against the ships railing. Behind her she could hear the various antics of her crewmates, all of it bringing a smile to her lips. Angel cast one more glance out over the waters, her eyes lingering in one direction. She wasn't sure of it's exact location, but she knew the islands general direction. "Soon, once more before we leave this ocean..like I promised." She whispered to no one in particular.

Angel smiled one more time before pushing herself off the railing and proceeded to walk towards the aft of the ship after hearing the orders shouted by Danny. Angel paused for a moment by the mast, looking around silently at everyone going about their business with a smile on her face. Angel reached out and steadied herself with the mast as the ship rocked, standing there quietly as she spotted both the cause, or causer, of the rocking, as well as the various effects brought on by it. Or more simply put, the various reactions across the ship. Angel had to suppress a laugh before continuing on, avoiding getting in anyone's way for now as she ascended up to where Scarlet was at.

Angel was quiet as she came up behind her and casually laid her arms over her shoulder's, "Mmm, your hair smells wonderful Scarlet.." She said in a whisper with a slight giggle before she pulled away and stepped around her. "Given the peace as of late I can already tell you our inventory on repair supplies is still in decent shape. I assumed you'd like to know that as soon as possible." Angel said, getting business out of the way before continuing, "Now..tell me what it is you've been doing to your hair?" she asked with a grin, leaning in close for another smell. "It's positively intoxicating...you must share your secrets." Angel demanded with a grin.

Johnathan Chrome

Johnny, and his list, were in the cargo hold. He looked around, taking note of everything there was. "We have that... and that, plus that. Two barels of that..." Johnny says, murmuring to himself. When he was doing his lists, he was lost in his own world, blocking every sound. "Finally. Everything is in it's place, and a place for everything." He looks at his list, breathing slowly. He hears the others talking, and a small smile crept on his face.

A few minutes later, he surfaced, using his right hand to block the sun, as his eyes were not yet ready. It felt like ages past, and not a single ray of light touched his eyes. He looks around, smiling softly. He hears some sounds from the kitchen, then, aproaching, he hears some cracking. There, he sees Adam, full of flour. Silently, he scribles at the end of his list. 'Reminder : More flour.'

Moving as feminine as ever, he walked next to Adam, silently slaping him on the back. "Is it halloween already? Or are we out of meat already? Kat. Please, do not cook the crew." He says, smiling.

@DeadgurlXD @general ostruppen @Lioness3009
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Katarina the Cook

Katarina looked at both of the men in front of her and rolled her eyes. She put her knife away and went back to getting her equipment out. "I don't know who booby trapped you Adam. And Johnny, I had no plans to cook him...yet. I was just going to threaten him with peanuts is all. That's harmless, right?" She giggled slightly and reached over to ruffle Ziggy's hair, the scar on her palm and butterfly on her wrist flashing into their view.

"Anyways, we'll continue feeding you guys here. Maybe we can make a desert with less flour..." She furrowed her eyebrows in thought before asking them, "What would you guys want?"

@DeadgurlXD @general ostruppen @AnnoDomini
Johnathan Chrome

Johnny giggled, even it sounded feminine. "Just, don't waste the peanuts. I am affraid to even look at how many berries we have. Hey, how about this idea for money?" He says, moving towards Katarina and Ziggy. "So, we get a huuuge reward on us. One of us, the one with the biggest bounty, is took by a neutral memeber, for a fee, then we get the money, bust them out, and escape with the money too." He spoke so fast, now he took air in very fast and loudly.

"Sorry. I tend to speak a lot. Also, I would like something that is delicious and does not use too much. Like a... sandwich. Take any liberty you want with that knoledge." Johnny says, looking over Katarina's shoulder, being curious.

@DeadgurlXD @general ostruppen @Lioness3009
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Adam Berlyn

Adam after hearing Katarina and Johns comments, gave them a sharp angry look. "DAMN IT GUYS, DON'T YOU GUYS SHOW ALITTLE CONCERN OF ME ALMOST DYING! AND WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU THREATEN ME WITH MY WEAKNESS!!??" Adam was starting to tense up really fast, but then he paused himself before doing anything else and took deep breaths. He puts both his arms out and does a up and down motion as he breaths in and out. Plus hearing the sound of food being offered as a apologize (which he thinks it is) sounded good right now and calmed him down a bit. His stomach grumbled alittle, "Yeah food sounds good right now, if yah could make stew or something I would gladly appreciate it."

Adam again looks down at his damaged clothes and went over to the far right of the kitchen and pulled out a pair of pants from the a secret drawer with a drawer (GENIUS ADAM). When Adam came and joined Scarlets crew he found himself always having his clothes being either damaged or being completely destroyed and it really ticked him off. Luckily in case of an emergency like this, Adam placed several separate pants or other clothings all over the ship. He had maybe at least two pants or shirts left in the kitchen, it was quite amazing that the cook didn't find them yet. He quickly rips his damaged pants and threw them out of a port window and puts on his new one's. He walks back to katarina and puts up his hand, "If you would like I would be happy to help in your quest to cook, that and to repay for the use of the flower."

@DeadgurlXD @AnnoDomini @Lioness3009
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Johnathan Chrome

Upon hearing Adam, Johnny had a smile on his face. "Oh Adam, I know how you can pay for all that, flour you wasted." Johnny says, a calm, almost eerie voice, as he aproached Adam. His hand went to his chest, slapping it. "You can help carry the supplies I will buy from the next port. I am so glad you offered yourself for this." He says, smiling and turning around. "Also, nice change of clothes."

He sits on a stool in the kitchen, yawning and thiking. He looks out the port hole, seeing a pair of pants floating. He blinks a few times, still seeing them. Putting a hnad over his eyes and shaking his head, he looks at the others. "I'm never gonna stay that long in the cargo hold again. I can swear I saw a pair of pants floating on the sea."

@DeadgurlXD @general ostruppen @Lioness3009
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Captain Scarlet Indigrid, First Mate Danny Chasseur and Shipwright "Angel" Auh’Lahain

As the young pirate captain held the map in front of her navigator, a question reached her ears and although she was completely oblivious to the underlying tone of criticism within Pandora’s tone, she didn’t like the question. It seemed to be something that a crew member shouldn’t say to their captain. Initially, this fact made Scarlet very uncomfortable, but that fact remained concealed beneath her outward energy and excitement. “But treasure hunts are what pirates do!” she exclaimed, her voice loud as it usually was. “If we can’t find this treasure, how can we ever expect to find the One Piece?!” It made sense to Scarlet to think in this manner, and her words may have expressed the fact that despite her outward boundless energy, she did have some knowledge of the way the world worked and the fact that logic was a viable concept.

It appeared as though Scarlet may have had more to say on the matter, but a slight smack interrupted her thoughts as she saw Adam emerge from below deck only to fall flat on his face. The girl struggled to conceal a giggle before seeing Ziggy walk past the scholar leaving a small surprise for him to soon discover. That was when the captain once again lost it, her voice exploding in a song of laughter whose volume rivaled the crackling of the firecrackers.

Her laughter didn’t calm until a new sensation washed over her as she felt a hand upon her shoulder before she turned to see Angel. The fiery redhead had very nearly surprised her captain, although if that had been the goal, it hadn’t quite been a success. Hearing the words that her shipwright had to offer only served to brighten Scarlet’s smile as her hand absentmindedly rose to allow for her fingers to comb through the luscious thickness of her hair full of curls and the occasional lazy knot before her fingers ended by spiraling around the red ribbon that held it all together.

“You noticed!?” Scarlet remarked. “I was hoping someone would!” Her fingers, finished with their casual twirl, pricked a lock of brown bringing it close to her own face as she inhaled the scent of apples and pears, still smelling fresh even though she hadn’t conditioned since that morning. “I bought a new conditioner back on the last island we stopped at and I just love waking up to the lovely curls that it leaves. And isn’t the added freshness of the aura just lovely!? It’s so tropical and refreshing… and I find that it almost helps not to fight the frizz that this humidity leaves. You’ve got to go along with it, accept the curl of the moisture! You know!?” As was typical of Scarlet when she spoke, her voice gradually grew louder and louder before she paused to contemplate for a moment and casually reached for a lock of Angel’s own hair. “Yours is quite lovely too,” the captain added. “Nothing compared to the thickness and brilliance of my own, but it matches you.”

"Oh come now, no need to toot your own horn Captain!" Angel said with a laugh as Scarlet compared her own hair to Angel's. "Besides, I think my own hair might be better than yours actually..." Angel said with a sly grin, a slight twinkle of a challenge in her eyes.

“Nope. Not possible!” Scarlet asserted as she grabbed a thicker section of her own hair, the curls within it wild and uncontained as she ran her fingers through them over and over again. “Mine’s as free as the sea on which we sail yet cannot dare to touch. What could be more perfect than that?” The captain continued to run her fingers through her hair as she constantly admired it before she turned to realize that Danny was still nearby. “Wouldn’t you agree, Danny?”

"Mmm maybe, although my own hair waves like the wild untamed waves of the seas, and the deep fiery red is akin to the flames of passion.." Angel said with a smirk, "Right Danny?" Angel asked, turning to the first mate.

“Why are you asking me?” Danny sighed. “I certainly don’t care about my hair as long as it isn’t in my face or anything. Besides, both of you have nice hair, so what’s the point in arguing about it? Honestly, we have more important things to worry about, such as a treasure hunt because SOMEBODY,” Danny glared at Scarlet. “spent all the money.”

Scarlet smirked slightly at the accusation, but didn’t deny it as her eyes flickered from Angel to Danny and back to her first mate once more. “See this,” she held out the lock of her hair that was still lying on her shoulder, “... it’s not cheap.”

"And the rewards of such fine hair are well worth the price. Maybe you should give it a try and see for yourself, Danny." Angel suggested with a smirk.

Scarlet smiled, glad that someone agreed with her, before she realized that Danny had been scolding her. “I’m sorry, Danny,” she stated, although it was unclear whether or not she really meant it. “I don’t think the treasure was too far for us to go, and I had the map already…” It was as though that made everything better, at least in Scarlet’s mind.

Danny turned to Angel, a hint of sadness in her eyes as she considered the woman's statement. “I’m afraid it’s not a price I am willing to pay.” Again… Danny then turned to her captain, “Don’t worry about it Scarlet, just next time you should pay attention to how much you…” Danny stopped mid sentence and squinted at the horizon. “Is that a ship…?” She murmured. “Leonardo! Gail! Can you tell what kind of ship it is?”

As the two lookouts would further investigate the vessel on the horizon, they would see that it was a fairly large ship, nearly comparable to their own in size, and that it was painted with bronze stripes although that wouldn’t give too much clue to its further purpose. The flag would be unclear, the distance between Charybdis and the new vessel still too great.

“CREW! FRONT AND CENTER!” Scarlet’s voice rang loud and clear as she realized that Danny did see something. She knew that the woman would not react in such a manner to nothing. At the same time, one would see Scarlet’s fingers snap by her side, their ship now concealed within a soundproof barrier. Maybe, just maybe, Scarlet did have some idea of how to run a pirate crew.


Scarlet "talking"

Angel "talking"

Danny "talking" / thinking

@AnnoDomini @general ostruppen @sonicfreak101 @Atom @shadowdude505 @DeadgurlXD @Thesmashbro @National @Lioness3009 @AllHailDago @BLUR @CrimsonEclipse @Tulani @Refaulted @The Dark Wizard @CJ Mason
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Johnathan Chrome.

Johnny looks up, smiling hearing his captain. Rushing up, he sees the sound barrier up, standing up right. "Captain!" Johnny says, his right hand going to his forhead. He had a yellow hoodie with some dust on the shoulders, and a cobweb on his chest. "What are you commands?" His eyes went from her to the other two, then to a small figure in the distance. It was too small to be a island, so it only meant one thing. He wanted to ask to go to get his bow, but at first, he wanted to hear his captain's comands, after all, he felt she was a great leader. His mind was putting togheter his knowledge of fighting stiles and his bow techniques.

Johnny never handled himself in a fight before. It would be his first battle, and it made him both anxious and scared. His hands started to shake a little, as he felt adrenaline rushing. He felt it before, in the butchery, so it was a very good feeling. A smile crept on his face, a sly, yet observable one. Joyfully, he started to hum a joyfull tune.

He looked around, waiting for his crew mates. He liked them, as they were a motley crew, and full of life and personality. Maybe it was because of the lonly childhood he had, maybe because of the isolationism from the others due to his wealth, but he felt a union with these people, a more close one than he had with his parents.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4bbc8d21_MarcusGaverenton.png.4373f5911bcbdab822d3f42002aec836.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4bbc8d21_MarcusGaverenton.png.4373f5911bcbdab822d3f42002aec836.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcus turned to watch Ziggy run towards them, seemingly stressed out about something. He placed a hand on his side, tilting his head to the side as she came barreling over. "Hey, what do you think you're doing...?!" He yelped in surprise as Ziggy shoved him aside, running past him and towards her pot of nitroglycerin, which is something he had once used before to treat a man's chest pains, as he had angina that was beginning to get unbearable. He wasn't fond of it's smell, but he knew that in some cases, it could treat someone who is having a heart attack, though it was a gamble.

Even though he had been pushed by the small girl, her strength was not enough to disrupt his balance, which he had perfected when he was younger. He quickly shifted his foot forward a small amount, in the opposite way his body was moving. He then shifted his weight to said foot, and realigned his body vertically. He brushed his hand over his chest, as if he had actually fallen and he saw a speck of dirt on his vest. But it was just common habit when people ran into him or anything of the like.

Her turned around to look at Ziggy, anger flaring in his eyes. "Hey! Watch where you're going, Ziggy! You almost knocked me over!" He glared for another moment longer before his scowl transformed into a frown, and he ran his hand through his hair, groaning. "Jeez...Whatever. I gotta go clean up." He turned to look at Mairi, pointing a finger at her threateningly. "And use that stuff. Even minor cuts can get infected, and I don't want to treat an infection anytime soon. It's nasty, and I don't have everything I need to make enough antibiotics. I'll resupply when we get to the next port, but that doesn't mean you can have anything happen to you after then. Though..." He crossed his arms over his chest, the sleeves of his shirt rolling up slightly to reveal the black, ugly vines on his arms. "I shouldn't have to tell someone like you that. You're smart enough."

His eyes drifted off to look at his supplies and table. Looking over the surrounding area, nothing seemed to have been broken when the boat shook, as he would be able to smell overpowering stenches if so. His experiments were no simple experiments, and he didn't like wasting materials. As he listened to the end of Tora's song, which all spoke about a drunken pirate (not him ever), he began gathering his equipment together, stacking the racks up on top of one another safely, while making sure they were not topless. That wouldn't be good if they spilled a tiny bit. Once they were all stacked, he placed them neatly on the floor and began folding the table up, folding it in and on itself until it was inside a thin wooden square that he could fit under his arm. He watched as Katarina led Ziggy away and down into the kitchen, which he was thankful for. Hopefully, Katarina would keep the small bundle of energy away from anything she could possibly make explode.

He made his way to his own room, dropping the table once he was inside and kicking it under the bed. He carried his test tubes over to his bookshelf, and placed two racks on a shelf labeled "Medicinal Use", and one that was half-filled on the shelf labeled "Dangerous Combinations". He honestly knew he would have to lock up his toxins and the like as soon as possible, in case someone was stupid enough to try and use them as medicine. But, even then, he knew they were not that stupid, so he worried little.

Once everything was put away orderly, including the book he had been reading, he walked over and sat down at his mess of a desk. Papers were scattered everywhere, drawn on with small sketches and thousands upon thousands of numbers and equations and everything that was involved in his experiments. He lazily moved a hand over them, acting like he was organizing them, though they only scattered more. It was a horrible space in his clean room. But it was what balanced out his life on the ship when he was alone. It gave him a sense of balance.

He was just about to pick up his pencil and begin working on the nearest piece of paper when he heard Scarlet call out for the entire crew. He leaned back in his chair, which so happened to be an office chair that the crew had stolen for him when he had first joined that was made of maroon cloth on the seat and backboard, and sighed. He was just about to take some time to clean, as well. But by how she sounded, this was something serious.

Standing back up, he turned and walked over to the coat rack by the door to his room. A white doctor's coat was hung up, clean from it's most recent wash. He grabbed it and turned it around, checking on the insignia of the Red Ribbon Pirates that he had stitched there. Since he knew how to stitch together a human, then a coat was nothing. He slipped it on over himself, the sleeves coming up to right before the purple tattoos on the backs of his hand. On the inside of the jacket, loops had been placed to hold anything he would need in case there was a fight. Walking over to the bookshelf once more, he grabbed the eight syringes that were all aligned together neatly, each one filled with the same blue liquid. Placing them in their own holsters, he grabbed a few corked vials as well, with varying contents in them. Lastly, he put on his gray glasses, so the sun wouldn't blind him. With all things settled, he made his way up to the deck once more, walking forward with a sly grin on his face.

"You called, Captain Scarlet?"



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Katarina the Cook

Katarina removed her apron in one swift move then removed Ziggy's in a similar way. Grabbing two of her biggest knives from the kitchen she tucked them into the waistband of her leggings and skirt. She took Ziggy's hand and started to go upstairs to the main deck.

she had become a lot more serious since their captain summoned them. She knew this either had to be a possible fight or they had a true heading. But Katarina had a bad feeling it would be the former.She stopped right beside Marcus and gave a grim smile, "Bad news Captain?" She inquired.

@DaughterofAthena @DeadgurlXD


“CREW! FRONT AND CENTER!”.That got adam to jump alittle and Adam did not like the sound of the captain yelling like that. "Oh come on what is it this time, A man needs some sleep.... Oh wait I had that oppurtunity....DAMN IT WHY DIDN'T I TAKE THE OPPURTUNITY!" As he yells and kneels down hitting the floor board. He looks up and saw ziggy and katarina taking off there aprons and then running back up stairs. Adam for some reason sat there like an idiot for a second, all alone in the kitchen. "*sigh* I hate mornings...Or is it the afternoon?.......I GIVE UP!!" He stands back up and pats his shirt to tidy up alittle and slowly makes his way back up on deck. He mumbles to himself of his unpleasant luck in this past few hours.

As he walks up the stairs he puts inside his side pocket and popped out his wallet and opened it. As expected nothing but dust came out and he had a pale white face as he faced the reality of being poor again. He had wasted all his money on the suit he was building, and now that he had no money it was impossible to repay back the flour. Including the funds to find the materials to rebuild his beloved his suit.He sighs and stops halfway upstairs,
"Alright Adam the only way Im going to keep my promise to not only the cute and beloved girls, but to also continue my project....I MUST FIND SOME TYPE OF JOB....Or maybe rob like a pirate and steal from the marines.....Maybe.."

As he opens the door outside he couldn't help but shield his eye's, the damn sun was just to bright for Adam. He see's several of his fellow crew members and makes his way to the small group. He turns around to see the captain who seemed to be all concerned but also excited about something. He yawns and rubs his eye's that itched, Adam raised his hands to say something but before he knew it his lack of sleep kicked in. The next thing he knew was coming....Had face planted onto the deck and slept like a giant.

@Lioness3009 @DaughterofAthena @DeadgurlXD @Refaulted @AnnoDomini
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Mood Swings

Ziggy grew curious when she heard someone pounding down the stairs toward the kitchen. Katarina stepped in front of her in case anything should happen, but Ziggy was still curious so she also stepped over to look around the cook. It was Adam...on fire...screaming. Naturally, Ziggy couldn’t help but laugh hysterically as the man dumped flour on himself. Adam is half snowman! The girl giggled to herself even though the man was screaming in rage. Suddenly he walked over to her, frowning and apologizing for ruining her chances of making a cake. @general ostruppen Ziggy didn’t think of that…“N-no...cake?” she questioned in a sad tone.

Once again Ziggy’s mood took a 180 as Johnathan mentioned something about cooking the crew. @AnnoDomini Katarina responded and ruffled Ziggy’s hair, the demolitionist catching a glimpse of butterfly in the process. Ziggy then began to go into a daze, not paying much attention to what the others were saying. She instead decided to wander around the kitchen and she noticed plenty of useful items: empty cans, salt, and dishsoap. However, she stopped and stared when she found the heaven of chemicals: kitchen cleaning supplies. The girl squealed upon her find, oh there were so many fun things she could make with this stuff! Even the smell got her excited, reminding her dangerous experiences with Acetone Peroxide.

Game Time

Snapping her out of her heaven, Katarina whipped Ziggy’s apron off and dragged her to the ship deck. @Lioness3009 Ziggy wasn’t sure what was going on but having everyone gather together so quickly could only mean something interesting was going to happen. Letting go of the cook’s hand Ziggy began to weave her way through the crew as they all ran up to the the deck, she wanted to know what the fuss was about. Why everyone have to be so big? she complained to herself with a pout. She continued to push her way through to the edge so she could see. Once in view, off in the distance she noticed a ship and her little heart jumped in excitement.

“DAANNYY, SCAARRLETT!! THAT SHIP OKAY TO EXPLODE?!” Ziggy shouted her question eagerly. Her hands twitched, hoping that she could use her dynamite babies that she recently created.

@sonicfreak101 @DaughterofAthena
Clay Plainswalker

"Will there be anything else then Clay?"

Said Clay's crewmate, the friendly giant whom everyone called by the nickame Oli. Clay couldn't help but notice the boredom in her voice, not that he minded it, since he too was hoping his janitorial duties would end quickly so that he could return to enjoying the weather.

Unfortunately, such was not the path that fate had in store for the Red Ribbon Bum, as the captain of the eccentric group of pirates, Scarlet Indigrid, would soon call out to her crew, forcing their attention.


Her voice boomed through the humid air. Not a soul on that ship would have been able to say that they didn't hear her, as the volume with which she called out was truly something a person would not be able to hear everyday, unless, of course, said person was a member of the Red Ribbon Pirates. After all, it was no surprise that the crew was filled with odd and colorful personalities when the captain of the ship herself was a bit of a lunatic. However, they would not be the pirate crew that they were had it not been for the personality they brought with them everywhere they traveled. Soon, the world would know that as well.

As Clay lifted himself of the ground, having painted over the discoloration on the ship's wooden planks, he would watch the rest of his crew gather up in front of the captain. Turning towards Oli, he stated, "Well not anymore I guess, it's lookin' like we got some business to take care of."

With that, Clay put down his cleaning materials and walked over to where the rest of his crew was waiting on their captain's announcement. As he neared, it became clear what it was that the captain had called them over for. In the distance, though the sun would be blinding to the naked eye, the figure of a ship could be made out, slowly heading towards Charybdis.

"Oh great," Clay whined, his face drooping, "More damn work," he continued to complain, standing beside Marcus as he awaited orders.
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Norman Newman & Ulysses Livingston

Norman waved off Clays talk of keeping his face in clean condition. "I take showers for that!". He muttered a few choice words under his breath as Clay walked away. His stormy mood was almost immediately lifted by a compliment from Ulysses. "Thanks! You're a pretty good helmsman too! Unlike some of the lame pirates I worked with before you guys.".

Ulysses heard the waves beginning to crash against the ship. “Why thank you, Norman!” Ulysses shouted with glee. Ulysses looked back on when they didn’t have a good navigator, well better to say none at all. They would sail across the sea, not knowing where to go - always on the path of new fully unknown adventure. “So seeing that you have been here a month or so, have you started to take a liking to the ship?” Ulysses pondered towards Norman.

Norman thought on it. He had been here a few weeks already, hadn't he? "Wow! I hasn't realized! I suppose time does fly when you're having fun. I like it much more than thrown together rafts and sailing alone. Or other pirate crews, none of which ever really felt right.". Norman meant it as he said it. He just had an instinct that told him this was the right group of people for him to befriend. For his mission, and otherwise.

As he followed this train of thought Scarlett bounced on over to him and unfurled a new map. She demanded they go to this new location. Norman looked at it and his initial frown at not going to Cannanimal Island turned to a gleeful smirk. "Of course Captain! This will be quite exciting!". As she trotted off Norman yelled to Ulysses, and anyone else around to hear, "Change of course! We're heading to a different island, due South. We may run into that storm anyways, as well as ...... Other things. So prepare for a bumpy ride!".

Ulysses heard the demand of the Captain. “Alright Norman, point in the direction that we need to go.”, Ulysses deep voice bellowed throughout the ship. Ulysses enjoyed sailing and all its counterparts, which he found somewhat interesting. Ulysses looked over to Norman. “Shall we be on our merry way again?”.

Ulysses took grip of the boat's helm, and started to sail in the direction that Norman was navigating. The fresh smell of the sea’s breeze, and the roaring sound of the crashing waves, it all seemed quite peaceful to Ulysses. Them being on huge pirate crew out on the open sea, in the looking for the One Piece.

As Norman gave Ulysses directions he decided to get in a bit of a workout as well. Laying the map out on the ground near him he began to do one handed, handstand pushups while giving directions. Every fifty or so he'd switch hands. While many would consider this crazy or overdoing things, it was very common practice where he was from.

Ulysses started to whistle a tune, as a firecracker, so it seemed, soared its way towards Norman. Norman however did not notice anything amiss with the situation. Instead he continued to happily work out while giving directions. Clueless of the possible danger about to befall him.

Ulysses noticed that Norman had caught fire on the deck, so it was a firecracker that went soaring at him. “Norman!” Ulysses shouted. The ship didn’t need to lose a navigator, they had just gotten him. What would this say to their safety measures?

Norman looked up from his map to see Ulysses who looked quite distraught. Why would that be? Norman looked behind himself and realized the Captain was organizing the crew as there was an incoming ship off the port side. Norman hopped up and turned to Ulysses. "No need to worry! We can handle any would be attack-", he stopped midsentence.

As he stared at his arm he realized flames were licking their way across his shoulder and forearm. For a moment he froze in abject terror. Every cell of his body screamed run, but he couldn't move. As that second passed he let loose a massive scream as the fire continued to spread. "AGGGGGGGH!!!". His screams followed him as he ran to the side of the ship and threw himself off the side and into the ocean.

Ulysses released the helm as he saw Norman fall overboard. Ulysses ran towards the edge of the ship, and noticed light bubbles coming up, but not a sign of his friend. “Norman!”. Ulysses looked over his shoulder to the rest of the crew. “I think we may be in need of a new navigator.”

As Norman sank he heard voices calling from above. Muddled by the water around him he couldn't make out what they were saying. The light of the surface slowly faded as Norman realized something. 'Oh yeah, I have devil fruit powers! I forgot. ..........Whoops.'.
Scarlet Indigrid, Danny Chasseur, Pandora Tempest, Mairi Kohaku and "Angel" Auh'Lahain

Pandora suppressed a sigh when she heard the girl’s answer. It was a very naive way of thinking and it could very well get them in trouble. Not that she’s wrong or anything, even Pandora has experienced being on a treasure hunt before, but the probability of success is very low especially if the only proof you have is a myth or some type of folktale. “Well, you are the captain.” She said with a shrug, not even trying the slightest to show respect. Why should she? She joined this crew for the heck of it. Well, not that she’s always been the respectful type. She doesn’t even respect notorious pirates who have been her captain before, so why should she respect this girl?

Still, she refused to do anything that obviously shows this since it can be annoying once others, especially those loyal to the girl, notices this. “Do you at least have any clue where it is located or what we might encounter?” She asked Scarlet, hoping that she at least had a plan in mind, though that is very unlikely. The girl never really seemed to be much of a thinker, she didn’t even look like she could read.

Scarlet turned to Pandora once more, confused by the random bombardment of questions. She didn’t see why all of this mattered. Pirates were supposed to do what they wanted, right? “I have a map!” Scarlet proclaimed, holding it out for Pandora to see. “I would assume the treasure is by the ‘x’ and there’s a picture of a snake in the water which must mean something. Maybe it’s a sea monster!!” Her enthusiasm rose dramatically at the mere suggestion of such a thing.

"A sea monster you say?" A feminine voice asked, coming from the other side of Scarlet as Angel stepped into view. "Mhm, you know I wouldn't mind a tango with a sea monster, or sea kings aren't they called? Yes, that sounds right... I've heard they're ferocious fighters, and that they have a wonderful taste, but more than that I've heard that their oil can do marvelous things for the skin..." Angel said with a grin, running her hands up her arms as she rubbed her already quite smooth skin.

“Really? Now I’m even more intrigued…” The smile on Scarlet’s face grew wider as she spoke although given the current situation she knew she couldn’t stay distracted for long. Her eyes constantly flickered towards the ship that was fast approaching.

“Is skin care the only thing you can think of?” Mairi said to Angel as she approached the small group of women, “Please. If I had some of that oil, I could make something much more useful.”

"Keep in mind useful is entirely subjective sweety." Angel replied, turning as if to say more before Scarlet spoke up, halting her words before they'd even formed.

“You can have some too, Mairi,” Scarlet beamed at the apothecary. “Let’s deal with the oncoming ship first, and then we can worry about the sea monster.” Even Scarlet had to sigh at the truth of her own priorities, but she knew what was most important. Right now it was the safety of her crew.

Scarlet rolled up the map she held in her hands and turned her attention back to Pandora. “Ready the cannons. We may get to have some fun!” The mischief in the captain’s voice was clear as daylight.

Pandora, not for the first time in the day, stifled a groan. “Oh sure, just because there’s a drawing of a sea king in the map it surely means one would appear. Pirates like decorations on their maps you know.” She replied to Scarlet. Nevertheless, she followed her order to ready the cannon, offering a lazy salute when she ordered it. “Fun, yeah right. It sure is fun looking for a imaginary treasure and a similarly imaginary sea king.” She muttered to herself as she made sure the cannons are prepared to fire.

Mairi rested her cheek on the back of her hand. “By ‘we,’ you must mean only the cannoneer.” she said, “If ‘we’ were to have some fun, we should let them approach.”

“Oh, we’ll do that too,” Scarlet assured her crew member as she held her hand out to someone who should have been standing right next to her, someone who should be the one to hold on to the maps, someone who was no longer there. Turning her head swiftly when the map did not immediately leave her hand, Scarlet yelled, “Norman! Where did you go!?” She quickly noticed that Ulysses was no longer at the helm either.

“Shit!” Danny cursed before her legs exploded into motion. Before anybody could move Danny was diving off the deck where norman had fallen. As the cold waters of the West Blue surrounded her Danny searched frantically for their navigator. Luckily he hadn’t sunk that far yet, so Danny quickly swam lower and wrapped her arms around his middle and kicked for the surface. As soon as both of their heads were above water Danny gasped for air before slapping Norman. “How did you fall off the ship numskull?!” She than turned up towards deck and yelled, “Can somebody lower some rope so I can get this idiot out of the water?”

Scarlet charged after Danny as her first mate came out of nowhere diving off the deck of the ship, and Scarlet herself ran into the rail of the deck, nearly tumbling over it herself although she grabbed on to the rails just in time to regain her balance. “Mairi!” Scarlet called out, knowing that the apothecary wouldn’t be doing anything important. “Lower the ladder!”

Seeing Danny and then Scarlet run to the edge of the ship, Mairi walked over as well with much less urgency since she didn’t know what was going on. After looking down where Scarlet was looking, Mairi saw Danny trying to save Norman from drowning. “Right.” Mairi said after Scarlet gave her an order. With that, she walked away from the edge to get the rope ladder and then hung it over the side, trying to get it as close to Danny as possible. “Norman, are you trying to lull the enemy ship into a false sense of security?” she said sarcastically, “If so, then it worked; they probably think you’re an idiot now.” The only reason that Mairi was making fun of Norman was because she could tell that he wasn’t in danger anymore. If Danny hadn’t jumped overboard to get him, she might have jumped in herself.

Danny gripped the ladder a hauled herself and Norman up, before dumping the navigator unceremoniously onto the deck. “Thanks Mairi.” She said to the apothecary while ringing out her ponytail.

Scarlet took in the status of her crew, sighing slightly as she realized that the deck had two people collapsed on its surface - Norman and Adam. Wait, Adam’s collapsed now too!? She hadn’t noticed that before. “Marcus!” she called out, searching for her doctor. “Will you make sure Norman and Adam are ok?” Her attention turned to the ship, the distance having closed a lot since she had last taken in its appearance. She could just barely make out the outline of the flag. It had a rifle, and a jolly rodger.

The ship, painted with gold lines surrounding its base, was now within view and eyes on board Charybdis would be able to make out the figures of those on the ship, particularly three figures that appeared to be flying through the air in a sense as a bar shot into the air and appeared to almost grab onto Charybdis and pull a man towards it while dragging another behind him. Another individual was almost an even odder sight as he was walking on the air itself.

The first to land on the ship was the one who had created the odd metal bars, a man with blonde hair and abs… very prominent abs.

The one he was carrying alone had black hair and yellow eyes that looked over the ship in disdain while he crewed on a still burning cigarette.

The third to arrive, the man who could walk on air had soft brown hair and a cheery smile on his face as he waved happily at the Red Ribbon Pirates. “Hello!” He greeted them good naturedly.

Scarlet stood frozen even as the three men landed. It would’ve seemed as though she should’ve been giving orders, yelling at people to get these strange men off of her ship, but standing there, mouth agape, she clearly was not doing what would have been expected. Her eyes were glued to the blonde, unblinking, unmoving. “You’re… you’re… you’re beautiful,” Scarlet breathed ever so slightly, stumbling over her own words.

Smiling - no, not quite smiling although it wasn’t quite a smirk either - the blonde man stepped forward and took Scarlet’s hand within both of his own, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it before whispering, “The pleasure’s all mine, my lady.”

That was it for Scarlet. Her legs crumpled beneath her and she was out on the deck of her own ship.


Scarlet Indigrid "talking" / thinking

Pandora Tempest "talking"

Mairi Kohaku "talking"

Angel "talking"

Danny "talking"

Ben "talking"

Mateo "talking"

@sonicfreak101 @AllHailDago @Atom @Refaulted @Thesmashbro @AnnoDomini @Lioness3009 @general ostruppen @The Dark Wizard @National @CJ Mason @CrimsonEclipse @Tulani @shadowdude505 @BLUR @DeadgurlXD
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Gali seesnthenship, and he abandons the question he asked Leonardo. He looks at the musician as his eyes glow a frosty blue. "Don't worry about the music as of now, we need to find out who these people are." He puts his hand kn the sword and sheath, and he states out at the ship. It got close enough, to where now he could get a good look of the other ship that was in the area. It was a nicely crafted ship, and it was a nice gold color. He grimaces as he jumps off the crows nest, and he hits the floor on both feet as he walks to the front. "I apologize that we didn't see the ship. I am ashamed."

He looks straight down as Danny shouts up for a rope. Gali quickly finds a brown rope, and he throws it down to Danny. He pulls the two up quickly. He looks at Danny, and he bows his head. "I apologize greatly for not seeing the ship. I am ashamed, and I am the lookout."

He sees a metal bar lodge into their ship, and the three men coming towards them freaked him out a little, but he kept his composure. What threw him off was the floating man. But he could guess he was a devil fruit user. He watches in disbelief as the blonde man makes out with the captain, and he sees her fall to her knees, knocked out. He had to admit, the guy was handsome. Gali runs over and picks up his captain. "Hey hey, are you okay?!" @The Dark Wizard @shadowdude505 @DaughterofAthena
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4d30e237_MarcusGaverenton.png.09dc7fa4cf33b0edf05a30e1c35f5b25.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77532" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4d30e237_MarcusGaverenton.png.09dc7fa4cf33b0edf05a30e1c35f5b25.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcus pulled a cigarette out of one of the many pockets in his coat, placing it in his mouth and rolling it around on his lips. The sharp sting of tobacco danced on his tongue from the small end that was located in between his teeth. It made him feel more alert than usual, ready to spring at a moments notice if his captain told him to. His eyes stayed on the ship as everyone gathered around him, with Katarina and Ziggy coming up close to him. He barely acknowledged them, giving a short grunt as he held his lighter in his hand, flicking the top open and closed as he waited. He worried slightly for what was on the ship-more so who was on it, actually. But his attention was diverted when he heard something drop and hit the deck.

His head whipped around to see what the source of the sound was, and was not very surprised to see Adam face-first on the deck, seemingly passed out. He groaned, preparing himself to walk over and take care of him when he heard yelling from the other direction. Turning his head to brave the worst, he saw Norman tip over the side of the ship, dropping to the water below. Running over to the side, he bent over the edge to look for the navigator. He saw no sign of him, and worry shot it's way up his spine.

As soon as he was about to shout back, as he knew Ulysess seemed to be of little help, Danny lept over the edge, diving down and grabbing the man before he drowned for good. When they resurfaced, Marcus let out a relieved sigh, which was soon followed up with an angry glare down at the pair. "
Everyone here is gonna give me a heart attack someday, and I'm supposed to be the health freak here!" Mairi tossed the ladder over the railing to the two of them, which they quickly used to get back onto the ship.

When Danny dropped Norman like a fresh fish onto the deck, his jaw dropped and a faint wheeze escaped out of his throat. He ran up to Danny, pointing an accusing finger into her chest, a scowl on his face. "
Don't be surprised if you wake up one day and you shat yourself fifty times in the night." It was an empty threat, and he was sure Danny knew that. But it was his job. He then dropped down to Norman's side, the approaching ship now out of his thoughts. He got down on his hands and knees, placing his ear next to Norman's mouth, as well as placing his finger on his neck to check for his pulse, making sure it wasn't irregular or stopped all together. He placed his hand on his stomach to make sure it was going up and down regularly. When he came back up, he, once again, sighed in relief. "Thankfully for both of us, I don't have to give you a 'kiss of life', as some of my school buddies used to call it. The fact that he can still breathe is good, but..." He pushed Norman onto his side, holding him there until he was steady. "Stay like this in case you swallowed any water and you have to vomit. If you end up choking on that, then you are the largest idiot I ever met." He stood back up and made his way to Adam, turning him over onto his back. "Now for you...who I don't have to worry about either." He yelled back at Scarlet. "Lack of sleep! He was just tired." Standing back up, he reached into his coat and, as if by magic, pulled out a plaid blanket and covered him in it. "Sleep tight, buddy." He patted his head gently and comically, before turning to look at the new arrivals.

Disdain was probably the first word that came to his mind. One of them, with blonde hair that shone like gold and was completely shirtless, seemed almost like the leader of the pack. He had an air about him that showed he had an authoritative nature, but Marcus has been wrong before. One with black hair and yellow eyes seemed to eye the Charybdis with-malice? disinterest?-, and did not like what he saw of the crew. The last one, which he had been astounded to see walking on air before, had a cheery face and chestnut hair, almost. When he said 'hello' to them all, Marcus gave a grunt, cigarette still unlit in his mouth.

When Blonde Boy introduced himself to Scarlet, he saw the signs immediately. Her whole posture seemed to change from the rigid stance it had when they first set foot on the ship to a pile of melting ice cubes, crumpling to the floor of the ship. His eyes widened, and he ran over to her, kneeling down next to Gali, who had also walked over to attend to their captain. He quickly checked her pulse, same as he did with Norman, and made sure her breathing was normal. He held his hand still for a moment, checking his pocketwatch to count the seconds with the beating of her pulse. When he found nothing life-threatening about it, he sighed with relief. He looked over at Gali. "She'll be fine. Passed out, but nothing seems to have changed in her health." He leaned in closer, lowering his voice down to the quietest whisper he could manage. "I don't know if that man did anything to her...though I doubt it. Not a Devil Fruit ability, as we saw him with those bars before. I've read somewhere that the mere presence of someone with incredible strength can also have an effect like this, but since it was only the captain who passed out, I think that is out of the equation as well. So I believe she was just...thunderstruck by him, I guess." He scoffed.

Standing up, he pulled, once more, a blanket out of his coat. He fanned it out, snapping it as his eyes looked over the man again. "
Since you made me have a third person to look after for passing out or drowning, you are currently on my bucket list for people I would like to try some new concoctions on. Be hopeful it isn't any of my...hazardous experiments." Why he felt so much disdain, he didn't know. But he hated everyone outside of his crew anyways, so he thought nothing of it. He lifted the blanket over his head, so it floated over Blonde Boy. He then slowly lowered it over the man so all exposed flesh was covered up. Pushing his glasses up on his nose, Marcus's tone changed from hot annoyance to cool disinterest. "Much better. I swear, no one has any decency anymore." Though he was sure the man could not see him through the blanket, Marcus still pointed a finger right at the man's face, holding it merely millimeters from it. "Unless you put on a shirt or something so my captain can easily tell you to get off our ship, then you can stay like that." His eyes then slid over to the other two males. "And I care little for what you lackeys of his think of this. So sit there."

Turning around, he knelt back down to Scarlet, shaking her shoulders gently. "
Captain? Captain, wake up, please." Reaching into his coat, he protruded a vial filled with a red powder. Uncorking it, almost a pure smell of fire erupted out of it, though Marcus was used to the smell. Applying gloves to his hands, he dipped his index finger into the tube so small flakes of the material could be seen, and he opened Scarlet's mouth slightly and placed the red powder there. Pulling out a pocketwatch, he watched the time, counting in his head before the medicine worked. It would send spice levels through the patients tongue, and would make them wake up easily depending on the dosage applied. He only had one half-vial of it, as it was made from a pepper he could only find on a traditional island located in South Blue that his father had got for him. But it did it's job even with small amounts.

@Lioness3009 @DeadgurlXD @AllHailDago @CJ Mason @sonicfreak101 @general ostruppen @DaughterofAthena @Thesmashbro @National

(I believed those were all the people i mentioned in this post. sorry if it was only a name mentioned and not interaction. wanted to let people i know i paid them attention a bit. :D Also, I edited it to include you, National.)



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