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Fantasy One piece fandom roleplay

Al watched as the saw the sun rise up in sky like he has done for nine days now. He was tied from head to toe to a post for penalty because he cut up a wolf that attacked a little girl. Blood dripping from his head and face,he needed to hang in there just a little more and he could leave this damn town. He stared up at the sky hoping today would be the day the moon would come out quicker like every other day. He was starting to get worried he hadn't spent this much time without training since he was five, the first thing he was going to do as soon as he got out of here was continue looking for a worthy fight.

Name: Alonzon Pirate Hunter

Age: 19

Heght: 5'10

Appearance: Pretty much the same as Zoro expect he has long black hair he puts in a ponytail when he gets serious like Zoro's bandanna

PhantomMelody PhantomMelody
I Peer over the giant gate as coby, the cabin boy I saved from that fat women Alvida a couple days ago and as I watch a little girl run over holding rice balls that are over salted as me and coby tries to get me to save her as he thinks the man tied up is a dangerous monster I think I want him to Join my crew
Al slowly watched as the little girl he saved a few days back came carrying some food smiling. Even though Al had been stuck to the post for several days he still had the energy to shout "Oi little girl you don't want to be here, leave" The girl held up her rice balls she had made "Here I made this for you" Al got little irritated he only looking out for her, before he could talk again Helmeppo started to walk up to Al and snatched the rice balls right out the girls hand.

He took a bite and spat it out "Sweet!" He cried out, as he throw the rice balls on the ground. "I made them with sugar" Helmeppo was furious "Suger! You're meant to make them with salt" he turned his attention back to Al though to mock and taunt him, after awhile the little girl and Helmeppo left him.

When Helmeppo finally left Al turned to the wall as he noticed the two other people trying to climb over the wall "Hey you two over there" He said looking at them "You mind cutting me down from this?"

PhantomMelody PhantomMelody
As I watch the girl run over there and that mean weird looking guy crushing her food she made for him and it got me really mad as i jump the wall while coby stays follows me trying to protect me or something, I run over and look at him "If you want me to cut you down then join my pirate crew" I give off a stupid grin
Al just gave her a dead stare and smiled at him "Heh become a pirate you say? You want me become a outlaw? No thanks, I got things I need to do"

PhantomMelody PhantomMelody
"I can't die here I'm going to survive and hold on for another month, after I get out of here I'm going to look for the strongest swordsmen in the world and beat him"

PhantomMelody PhantomMelody
Al chuckled "So you going to set me free and force me to join you? Ill never join you. But before you go could you feed me that rice ball on the ground" He looked to the ground where the stomped rice ball now lies.

PhantomMelody PhantomMelody
If what the girl was telling him was true and they where going to kill him anyway he had no choice "If what you say is true and their coming for me I have no choice. They took my katana's if I did escape with you I would be useless"

PhantomMelody PhantomMelody

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