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Fantasy one on one with Wolfblood-278

A slight shock ran through her system as the male opposite her sunk to the floor, his head bowed. For the uptenth time that night, Vanessa sighed. As she peered down at the male, she tisked softly. Good. We can coexist. I'm not asking you to follow me around fetching me coffee or anything, I'm just asking you to be civil. Now get up, I'm not that kind of person. She said, glad they resolved this without any physical violence. She noticed his trembling, but decided to let it go. Surely his ego had taken enough hits tonight; and she wasn't an absolute jerk.

She took a step back, but remained in the threshold of the door. She offered him her hand, to pull him up. Tell me your name. How did you end up here? She asked, head cocked slightly. She didn't intend to stay long, but she wanted to establish some sort of relationship. Like she had said earlier; they didn't have to be best buds, but they certainly couldn't ignore each other, and she wasn't leaving here without some sort of name and backstory. Plus, even though they weren't in an official pack, she still felt some measure of responsibility for him, and wanted to make sure he was alright.
Flynn stood to his feet as directed, pushing her hand away as he got up on his own, but kept his eyes glued to the ground. Similar to how a small child would when scolded. He hunched his shoulders to appear smaller then his tall stature. "Flynn...Flynn Vicker..." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Moved here after college." He replied rather bluntly.

He purposefully left out major details that he didn't feel like disclosing, especially to stranger he barley knew. Plus, he was rather pissed that he had submitted to her, so he wasn't going to let her contuine to control him. So, he kept quiet on his personal life, making it very vauge and blunt so she wouldn't ask anymore questions. However, if he were being fully honset he wanted to see how she would react, seeing it would give him that satification he wanted.
Vanessa huffed softly when he pushed her hand away, although she could hardly say she was surprised. Men like him, too wounded to let themselves be vulnerable and too angry to be kind, they were predictable in a sad, pitiful kind of way. Hardships either shaped boys into the strongest, most kind, and most passionate men who were mature and had compassion, or they ripped boys apart, giving them terrible tempers, and walls so high that no one could get inside. They closed themselves off to the world and hurt everyone who ever cared about them, anyone who would be willing to help them heal. She saw a lot of the latter in this man before her, with his shoulders hunched and head down. It made her sad, but also incredibly angry.

Vanessa wasn't one to tolerare self-pity. Everyone goes through crap in their lives. It's not what happens to you that defines you, it's what you do with it that counts. Those who can go through the fire and let it refine them, those are the ones who have integrity, and who are worth following. She hoped to be like that, one who could see the good in every situation, one who could let the troubles make her a better woman; a better wolfblood. So, as much as she wanted to scoff at this angry, rude man, she had to take pity and see the hurt hidden beneath the anger. She didn't know him, she didn't know what he had gone through. Maybe he could be truly great one day; if shown a little undeserved kindness maybe he would turn around and do the same to someone else.

Plus, she wasn't all that perfect herself. She left her family, yeah to chase her dreams, but also because she was fed up. She was frustrated, and annoyed, and tired of living under somebody else's rule. The young woman glanced over at him, smiling slightly. Well, Flynn Vicker, it is nice to meet you. I already told you earlier today, but in case you don't remember, I'm Vanessa. Vanessa Black. She said. A beat of silence hung in the air before she spoke again. Well, Flynn, I can imagine you would like to get back to whatever it was that you were doing, so I'll leave you to it. I expect to see you around town. Goodnight. She said, but lingered a moment, allowing him a chance to respond.
He grumbled a quick, dry "Night..." before he slammed his door in the process. He didn't bother locking it, if she had a problem she could just barge in if she wanted, he really didn't care. He had enough for today, he was done with their interaction and wanted to be left alone. He wanted to be left in his self deprecating thoughts, let himself numb his inner demons with his liquor to keep them quiet for a while. He wanted nothing to do with anyone and drink himself into an oblivion.

He didn't care if he died from alcohol poisoning, he didn't care if someone left him for dead, he was already dead to himself. A mere shadow of what he used to be, a blank canvas painted over with fake smiles and dulled emotions. He felt as though he was on repeat, going through the motion of the day without feeling anything, just mere static in the back of his brain. However, today broke that cycle and landed him in very uncomfortable situations that shattered his 'ego' and overall control of his life. Now he has a woman in his life now, that he doesn't know how to deal with.
[Shall we timeskip to the next day? I haven't figured out what to do with her, job wise. She completed high school, and did a year internship at a hospital as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), so maybe I should make her get a job at a hospital and he can come in for alcohol poisoning, or if you don't want to go that drastic, maybe his wound from earlier isn't healing as well as it should? What are your opinions on this?]
[I'm down, but I may go with alcohol poisoning considering he'd be too stubborn to reach out for help for a wound. So I'd picture it most of the day going by and she hasn't seen or heard from him at all. She goes to check up on him and finds him on the floor. Something like that.

But I'm curious about the whole hunter thing? When will that be happening?]
[That sounds good, that would force an interaction between them.

I was thinking about that too. How about as soon as they get just a little closer, not friends yet, but maybe on a grudgingly first name basis or something, the hunters come and they are forced to fight together in order to escape?]
[Sweet. I'm gonna make one more reply and then head to bed. If you want, you can respond to mine and I'll get back as soon as I can tomorrow]
Vanessa groaned, scowling as she turned around to make the walk back home. On some levels, she felt they had made progress, and on others she was even more frustrated than before. The female broke into a run, hoping to blow off some steam before getting home. It worked; and by the time she had arrived at her front door she was merely exausted and worn down, in desperate need for something to go right in her life. And the one thing that she could control at the moment was deciding to get into some really comfy pajamas and crawl into her warm, soft bed. So she did. The young woman was asleep within moments.

*** the next morning ***

Vanessa woke up with a buzz. The moon was to return tonight! She could already feel the energy rushing back to her veins, and she yawned, stretching before hopping out of bed. She ran a brush through her hair, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and threw on some jeans and a hoodie. Today was the day she would assume the job hunt. She had been in Colorado for a little over two months now, and she felt well established enough to try and get a job. After wolfing down a breakfast of cereal, she jogged out the door, backpack in tow. She stopped at the local coffee shop to pick up her iced coffee, and then headed towards the hospital.

Helping those who were hurting was her passion, and thankfully for her, she had taken that 6 week fast track course to become a certified nursing assistant before she came here, and had also spent a year interning at her local hospital back home. The one in this town was smaller, less industrial, but they accepted her application gladly. She was to start next week.

Leaving the building with an excited smile, the female turned to head home, but on a last second decision she found herself going towards Flynn's place. She hadn't heard from him or caught any scent of him all day, and she had highly anticipated to see him strutting around town, either purposefully getting on her nerves or just trying to show her that he wouldn't surrended that easily. In short, he hadn't shown up and been a pain in the ass today, so she was going to go check in on him. Reaching his front door, she smelled that the scents from last night were stale. No one had been in or out since.

She sighed deeply and knocked twice. ... No response. She knocked again.. Still no answer. Flynn! She called out, knowing full well that he could hear her. In fact, he could've heard her specific footsteps three blocks off if he had been listening for her. Yet, he was silent. Okay, that's it! I'm coming in. She stated, feeling a bit bad for barging in, but also concerned. He hadn't locked the door from the night before, and a jolt ran through her when she stepped inside, the heavy scent of alcohol hitting her hard. She spotted him instantly on the floor, and she rushed over. Flynn! She exclaimed, taking him by the shoulders and shaking him hard.
The young male was cool to the touch, his skin looked incredibly pale, with hints of blue staining around his lips and under his fingernails. His gagging reflects soon lost coordination, which caused him to choke on his own vomit. His breathing soon became irregular, causing his airway to close. With little oxygen reaching his brain, he was at risk for brain damage and or faliure, but mostly death.

Death was some sort of sick twisted salvation that he always craved. A way out. Even if it was the wrong way, it felt so right to him, so inviting. Losing himself. Letting life slip through his fingers. The only thing that made sense to him was tapping out from the world, letting a bottle of whiskey or a handful of pills dictate whether or not he continued in this life.

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