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Fantasy one on one with Artriba


Junior Member
Nova Blayke:
Being one of the first to wake up in the morning was always relaxing, it meant there was no one to bother her for her morning run, or get on her nerves about something. Nova quickly changed out of her night attire, a simple pair of track shorts and a sports bra. She threw a white tank top over her head, and a pair of dark grey joggers on before heading down the stairs and out of the door. The girl could hear her brother Theo snoring from his room, thankfully. Truly, she preferred to be alone.

Nova grabbed a banana from an array of fruits in a woven basket on the kitchen counter. Sure werewolves mainly lived on meat, but she really loved a nice fruit snack every once in a while. The weather outside was chilly, causing some chill bumps to cover Nova's bare arms. She stretched a little bit, before taking off at a sprint into the forest. Once she was pretty far, she took her clothes off and lied them behind a tree, before running again, shifting in mid air into her wolf side.

She let out a howl, her pace quickening as she went through the forest. She had a normal path she followed, one that she'd knocked the plants down enough to where it was clearly visible to the naked eye that something large had been there often. Nova ran until she couldn't stand it anymore, her legs feeling as if they were going to break from the pressure of running so much. Finally, she slowed down. She fell onto the forest floor, panting as she took a break.

Theodore Isaac:
He stayed silent, snoring as he heard the light footsteps on the kitchen floor. Nova's scent filled the air, letting him know it was time for her daily run. Most of the time, Theo pretended to sleep until she was gone, much like he was doing now. He knew how his sister was, she was almost a loner, but they still spent a lot of time together, so he dedicated the morning time just for her. After the door shut, Theo climbed out of his bed, scratching behind his ear then stretching his long arms out.

The day was going to be a relatively simple one, spent at home, mostly working out or talking to other pack members. Their mother was most likely still asleep, so Theo would keep quiet until she woke. His stomach grumbled, and he had a craving for meat. Normally, he would wait until Nova returned, so they wouldn't run into each other, but the boredom was overtaking him already.

Theo took his clothes off, dumping them in his room before shifting. He was quiet as he walked through the house, careful his claws hitting the floor didn't wake his mother. The door was slightly ajar from Nova, so he simply squirmed his way through and out of it. Within an instant, he was running through the woods, trying to catch a scent of a deer or smaller prey.

(This starter sucks because my friend is facetiming me and I am a little distracted, I promise they will get better.)
Two sets of feet hit the ground, settled into a comfortable rhythm. They weren't meaning to match pace, but they had been walking together for long enough that it was just natural. The smaller set of the two feet belonged to twenty-two year old female, Molly Madeline Hawthorne. Her companion, owner of the larger set, was Jameson Kol Morris. Jameson and Molly had been traveling for about two weeks now, and clearly looked the part. Molly was exhausted, and her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, in dire need of a wash. Jameson had dirt smudged on his face, and honestly he didn't remember how it got there, or care to wash it off.

Molly shrugged her backpack on to the ground, and slumped against a tree, closing her hazel-green optics for a moment with a sigh. Jameson looped his pack over a branch of the same tree and sat cross-legged on the grass, leaning against the tree's trunk. Molly opened one eye, glanced down at him, and then proceeded to slide down until she was seated next to him, her head resting on his shoulder. A soft smile spread across his lips and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in tighter against his chest. She was asleep in moments.

Jameson kept his eyes open while she slept, as tempted as he was to join her in her nap. One of the two had to be awake at all times. It was imperative to their safety. He knew there was an established pack nearby, and didn't dare let his guard down. Not after what happened with their last pack. He cringed at the memory, but quickly pushed the thoughts out of his mind. The past didn't matter any more. There was nothing he could do to change it.

He sighed, shifting his grip on his companion. She woke instantly with a sharp intake of breath. What?! She exclaimed, hazel eyes wide open. He squeezed her tightly, able to feel her accelerated heartrate against his palm. Nothing, nothing. I just moved a bit, 'sall. He soothed, his blue eyes meeting her alarmed ones. She took a deep breath and did a quick scan of their surroundings before relaxing again in his arms. Sorry.. She muttered softly. I can't get it out of my mind... She said, trailing off. He made a sympathetic noise, nodding. Me either, but hun, it's just us now. You're safe with me, m'kay? Molly nodded, finding his hand and intertwining their fingers.

Just as the two were getting comfortable, however, they heard a pair of paws crashing loudly through the very woods they were currently seated in. A low growl sounded in Jameson's throat, and the tall blonde male pulled his smaller raven-haired female up to her feet. The two grabbed their bags quickly, standing close together, crouched and ready to bolt or fight at a moment's notice. Jame, it's another wolf, I can smell her. Molly growled out, tensing up. Jameson nodded. Two, actually. Male and female. He came right behind her. He said, voice low. They didn't know whether the newcomers were friend or foe, but if he could smell them, then they could definitely smell Molly and him. The pair was ready to react, but they were going to let the other two come to them, first.
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Nova eventually caught an unfamiliar scent, one that had her senses running wild. It was a strange scent, new. She brought herself to her feet, the feeling of tiredness suddenly vanished from her body. Then, the familiar scent of Theo invaded, which was probably a good thing. She could tell there was more than one, possibly a male and female. Nova growled, meeting Theo through a thick jungle of ferns and tree limbs. *Nova, stay back. They're rouges probably.* Theo said to her in her head. Nova knew he was probably right, and she didn't feel like fighting, so she stayed back a little.

The two siblings trekked through the woods, Theo's nose high in the air as he followed the scents, having caught them perfectly. Maybe 75 feet later, he and his sister were face to face with two other werewolves. Nova stayed behind Theo, her teeth bared a little and her ears back, looking at the pair. Theo was unsure of what to do really, this was his first meeting with such creatures. He connected their links, looking over the two. *Do you need help?* That was the first thing he asked, knowing that they weren't in the best of shape.

Nova sat, whimpering a little as she let her brother speak to the strangers. It wouldn't be safe to bring them back to the pack grounds, but they really didn't seem to be putting up much of a threat. Of course, they were going to fight back if anything happened, but there was nothing to fight about. Theo looked at the two, waiting patiently for an answer, wondering if they were really in that much need of help. If so, he'd take them back to the pack. If not, he'd chase them out of the territory.
Jameson stood tensed, he knew they were approaching fast. He worried about Molly, she could be irrational when dealing with newcomers, and he didn't blame her; their past was horrid, and it warranted a little mistrust. His eyes narrowed when they entered the clearing together, the female hiding behind the male. He had to consciously keep himself from chuckling then, as out of place as that seemed. It was the female; with the way she was portraying herself, he was imagining Molly taking her down with ease. But then again, Molly could her own against the best of them. Jameson himself was about the only one in their old pack that she had trouble with in a one on one fight.

His eyes widened with shock as the other male spoke to them telepatically, but before he could object, Molly let out a rippling snarl, her anger bubbling up. She severed the link immediately, her growl getting louder. How dare you intrude inside our heads, as if you had the right! She snapped out loud, refusing to allow him inside their minds nor to speak to him telepathically, completely ignoring his concern. Jameson placed a hand warningly on her back, and she relaxed slightly. He spoke to her alone, telepathically. Molls, not every pack sees mind speak as an intrusion of privacy. He doesn't seem hostile. He said gently.

She didn't speak back, but acknowledged his words by nodding and relaxing her demeanor. However, her piercing optics never left the new male. Despite his soft words, she sensed he was strong. Jameson shifted next to her, though still not taking his hand off her back. We appreciate your offer, but no, we are just passing through. Tell us the perimaters of your territory and we will stay outside of them. We mean you no harm. However, if you'd like to keep your skin intact, I would suggest you not speak to either of us with your mind link again.. He trailed off, voice calm and collected, but holding a hard note at the end.
Theo was suddenly taken aback, the females sudden outburst causing his own self to become a little upset. How the fuck else was he suppose to communicate with them in this form? The large male kept his head shut off, giving them a growl, his head down and his teeth back. He was threatened now, no one was going to say such a thing to him.

Before he could jump, looking to deliver a death blow, Nova was now in front of him, completely bare, holding him back. “Go back the way you came from, all up north is ours, you will find nothing that is of value for you.” She said, Theo giving warning growls, this wasn’t Theo. It seemed as if his wolf had completely taken over, and Nova didn’t blame him. “I’m sorry if he offended you, but please, do not ever threaten him.” She said, pulling as hard as she could to keep Theo from jumping forward.

He wanted to, God did he want to, but Nova had shifted, just to talk to the strangers. He didn’t like the fact that they’d threatened “his skin” and now his little sister was naked, holding back a beast to try and keep him from killing them, or trying his best. He calmed a little, but still kept his eyes on the prize, the female that had seemed it inappropriate in the first place to try and communicate with her. He wasn’t going to make them more upset, though, by doing it again.

Nova shook her head, before shifting back to her wolf, ready to fight if she absolutely had to. *Theo, I’m going to kill you.* She said to him in his mind, to which she earned a snap.
Jameson raised an eyebrow as the whole situation changed, and suddenly the girl stood in human form, holding her male companion back. He wasn't bothered by the fact that she was naked; the nature of their species didn't allow for much privacy when the whole pack was constantly shifting back and forth. However, it still shocked him a little by the gesture. He had fully anticipated a fight to break out after Molly severed the link. To shift was to put yourself in a vulnerable position, and the other two had the upper hand for the moment, both being in wolf form. She had given up her leg up to communicate to them in a way that Molly would allow. He was honestly a little taken aback. Despite the edge to her voice, he could tell her words were not harsh.

Jameson glanced over at Molly, who was still rigid. She had her eyes locked on Theo, and wasn't about to divert her focus. She perceived him as the threat, not Nova. Jameson had to hold back a smile once again, as it seemed he and Nova would have to be the rational ones in this conversation. He was used to it with Molly, she was highly driven by her emotions and first instinct, and it seemed like Theo was the same way, as Nova was still holding him back. We are just passing through. We are headed to the empty lands beyond your territory, we mean you and your pack no harm. He said again. You don't need to worry about us. Just give us half a day to get out, and you won't have to see us again. He said softly, attempting to soothe the tensions

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