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One-on-One Roleplay

Haseobodom said:
Haha nope
It's a couple decades in the future, and the zombie apocalypse has been going on for around two decades. Desperately two survival groups join forces in order to be able to defend themselves.
"40 years, 40 damn years we've had to live in this god forsaken land. I don't know who thought I was right to play God, but they sure screwed us over!" An old man stood at the top of small rubble pile surveying his surrounding. Off to the side and to the back were his scouting unit. 5 people including himself, all stood in an old abandon town. "Talking to yourself again old man," yelled Kittie from the bottom, " you know people and are going to start thinking your weird or something." She continued on,"You're going to scare the zombie children and you know what that's going to give you a heart attack." "So I hope you die, you old fart." Kittie and two of the other members began to laugh when her sister hit her over the back of the head with her elbow.

"Stop speaking, or you'll rubture a blood vessel," Alice said with a smug time in her voice, " besides I'd rather not run into any walkers or runners this time around, got it? " Yeah yeah bitch I got you" Kittie mocked. "Why you little!!" Then the old man jumped down form the rubble, "alright that's enough from all you, especially you two. Now we've got some reports that their is another group of wanderers in the area. If we're lucky they won't raid us". "Our numbers have dropped and our people need reassurance. We keep scouting till we find them"! Now put a lid on it and keep moving, understood?" Everyone I. Unison, " yes sir"!!
My group hopped from rooftops, weapons in hand. There was another group in the area and our leader wanted an alliance with them, even though they're quite small. I watched closely over my brother who was attached to my hip at the moment, a shaking pitchfork clutched in his hands. I ruffled his hair. "Hey, i'm not going to let anything happen to you."

(Don't freaking hate me it's 1 am and this is a new oc. I like to gradually build up my responses as I develop a feel for my character.)
Alice stopped and looked up and then over at her sister. " hey you hear that?" She asked. Kittie turned to her and responded, "yeah I did. Two at least." "alright," said the old man, " you two hang back and get into position. We don't know who we're dealing with."

At that moment Kittie began pulling parts out of her back and snapping and twisting them together. In a few short moments a rifle was formed out of those parts. She put in a clip and secured her scope. She took a knee as Alice pulled binoculars and started to watch the rooftops. The others preceded forward.
The captain held up his hand and everyone stopped. I pushed James (her brother) behind me and held up my gun.

"The other group is here." the captain announced quietly. He stepped to the end of the building rooftop, putting his gun down.

"We have come to form an alliance, my friends, we mean you no harm."

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