Anime & Manga One of Anime's greatest fallen heroes


Robin Hood Basically

For anyone who has only read the manga, you probably don't think much of Skeet but for someone who has saw the Jimmy Neutron Anime we can all agree that Skeet is one of the most tragic fallen heroes in anime.

Skeet was a man of the working people and only wanted to do what was right for the people of retroville and due to these honorable goals and morals this caused him to make a bad move by hiring three boys whose names were Jimmy, Sheen and Carl.

Skeet knew Jimmy's past and knew that Jimmy was not a good human being but due to his morals he took Jimmy in and attempted to change him for the better.

Jimmy had got every change in the book, Skeet while not being a totally nice person tried to use hard love to get Jimmy to be better but Jimmy still refused and this is what leads to Skeet's demise as Skeet continues to attempt to change Jimmy.

This love and parenting from Skeet goes unappreciated from Jimmy and what does Jimmy do? He fucking goes into Mcspankies and turns it into a spaceship and starts destroying the friendly competitors and genociding innocent people while ruining Mcspankies and everything Skeet has worked for in the process.

No one knows where Skeet went after this, all we know is that Jimmy ruined him.

Fuck you Jimbo, Fuck you.​

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