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Fantasy One of a Kind-Elemental rp 2.0

RP - Naoki has arrived and met a shroud of darkness.

IRL - Not much, really. I'm round my stepsister's house, but that's it.

(I've been talking about my sister a lot)
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I get to ride my grandma's horse today so im kinda excited. Shes sixteen hand to the shoulder, and rusty red with white splashes (ger name is splash) and she is the fatest horse i've ever seen
Retro109 said:
Yeah, can I get out now? -_-
Retro109 said:
Not at all! Why would that be accidental? You have to go through a loading screen to access it.
Oh.. Oh yeah!

Well you see there was this guy who accidentally liked one of my unfinished CS (it basically only had a name) and well I was confused and I asked why he liked it and it was an accident.


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