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One Crazy Adventure


The Empire of Ohuizenad: peaceful, elegant, brave, and not to mention large. Its land stretched across the lands, and even some oceans. Unlike other kingdoms, the poverty rate was not high. The king made sure to wisely take care of his people. If the people were doing well, the empire as a whole did better. It was simple, and something he taught his children as well. The royal family was just as peaceful and elegant as their empire, but they would protect the people from threats. Peace did come at a price. Their armies and navy were large and powerful, trained for years. Currently no wars were raging in the world. It was peaceful, calm, and quiet.

Just like the room of Princess Elwisia in the morning. Golden rays of light drifted into her room, the stone walls warming up from their cool state. The soft sounds of footfalls - either from maids, the dogs, or others, she didn't know - tapped along outside of the large, elegant wooden door. With her balcony window open (despite her father's plea to keep it shut at night), a soft breeze fluttered in and made her curtains blow softly, as well as the thin, sheen cloth that draped over her bed in a canopy. It was relaxing and calm.

Buried under her thin blanket, as it was summer, the princess didn't bother with waking for now. In four days, her fiancé, a man she never met, would arrive. They would meet for the first time, and in two months, they were scheduled to wed. Unknown to the king, the princess wanted nothing to do with King Robion Voidvale. She did not love him. How could she love a man she never met? Yet her father gave her no choice. It was not her decision to make. He wanted what was best for her, even if she did not want it. All that man wanted was a beautiful bride; everyone knew that, but her father still wished for them to wed "for her own sake."

With a gentle yawn, Elwisia finally awoke and sat up in her bed quietly. She didn't wish to announce the fact she had awoken. If she did, her maids would rush in to ready her for the day, and she would have to start another day. A few more minutes would not hurt. Gently brushing her canopy to the side, Elwisia leaned out to the small bedside table and picked up her book. Settling in her bed, she opened the old pages and began to read to let time pass by.
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The stone halls were quiet in the morning. For the townsfolk had not yet awaken from their homes and the chefs and maidens had only started to prepare the day for the royals of Ohuizenad. A breeze swept through one of the windows, striking Mira on her cheek as she shivered, quickening her steps towards Princess Elwisia's chambers. The maid had gotten up earlier than she usually would due to the upcoming wedding. The brown-haired woman shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts about the King and his arranged marriage with her daughter. He's a good King, but... The marriage seems too forced and too soon. Her mind began to drift before a few sets of blinking made her present again.

With hesitance, a small knock soon evaded into Princess Elwisia's bedchambers. "Princess Elwisia?" a soft voice spoke, another knuckle-hitting-wood sound again. "Your father requests you down in the court," the woman spoke once more. Her eyes shifted onto her clothing as she quickly brushed a piece of dust from her shoulder. Mira paused for a moment before moving her lips, "I have a short letter from him if you wish to read that before you get ready?" she asked, pursing her lower lip. Mira's hair, still tangled from her morning bed-head look fell across her shoulders as she waited for Princess Elwisia-- hoping today will be an easier day to get her out and about.
Elwisia read her book in silence. It was a wonderful tale of adventures, sword fights, of long ocean voyages, epics from around the world bound between leather and given to years ago by her elder brother, Dederick. She fancied these tales. She also wished to go live her own adventure, far beyond these castle walls, yet Elwisia was much too scared to leave. As they days to her arranged marriage closed in, feeling like they suffocated her, she found it even more tempting than normal to go and find an adventure beyond these elegant walls.

Rocked from her daydreaming by a small knock, the princess looked up to the soft voice calling her name. A soft sigh left her as she heard her maid's, Maria's, voice from her side of the room. Her father wanted to see her. About what, Elwisia wondered, but she had her assumptions. The man was excited about her engagement to the older king. She, however, was not. "You may enter, darling." Her elegant voice called to the door. Elwisia sat up, brushing her long hair from her shoulders and letting it fall down her back.

Shifting from her bed, she would let her bare feet grace the floor gently. The woven rug under her feet made a soft sigh leave her lips. Standing, she wandered off the woven rug and onto the cold stone and to her wardrobe. Elwisia let her fingers gently grace the cool steel handle before pulling it open. She had plenty of fine dresses hung up and ready for use. Which one she should wear, however, made her pause. She ran her fingers over the cloths, sighing softly.

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