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Fantasy Once upon a time...


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ


Appearance: (Picture+ Description to fill the gaps)
Clothing style:

Thoughts on Fairytales:

Short Bio:
What did the Kobold Queen steal from them?:




Amu stands at 5'3 and weighs about 123lbs. She has short, chocolatey brown hair and twinkling emerald green eyes. She's a mesomorph build with a C-Cup.


Emerald Green

--Clothing style--

Amu is a very naive girl. She believes that there is good in every single person out there. She's also extremely innocent, so if you decide to flirt with her or do something dirty, she won't know what it means. She's very energetic and outgoing, so it's very easy for her to make friends. She's not very smart or intelligent, either. She's determined and hardworking, and also very creative. She's loyal and will never betray anyone. She always keeps her promise and vow.

o Sweets
o Cats
o Singing
o Drawing

o Bitter Foods
o Bullies
o Off Notes
o Dogs

Diligence, Kindness, Liberality

Thoughts on Fairytales:
Amu believes that fairytales are cute stories told in childhood and that they hold... special memories.

--Short Bio--
Amu was born in a very happy family in a very poor household. She had a brother as well. Her family loved her, and she loved him. However, her house was set on fire and her family members died, except Amu. Amu was heartbroken, and she missed her family, but she knew they were never going to come back. Her memories of her family was the only thing that kept her going.

--What did the Kobold Queen steal from them?--
Her precious memories. Currently, she's a blank slate.​

Name: Pandora Carver
Age: 20 (Former), 10 (Current)
Gender: Female


Height: 4 ft 2 in
Eyes: Brown
Clothing style: Pandora wears a white shirt that is several sizes too big for her, too big in fact that it looks more like a dress.

Personality: Pandora is a curious girl, too curious for her own good in fact. She’d poke a sleeping dog despite other’s warning her not to do that just to see if it will in fact bite her for doing so. She’ll be quite restless if she doesn’t do anything to satisfy her curiosity, even if it may be bad for her. Pandora is also an earnest and hardworking person and she will commit everything to finishing the task at hand. That said, Pandora may often get a tunnel vision and be too focused on whatever it is she is working on, especiallly if it is something that interests her.
Likes: Books, Art, Music, Unique and Interesting Objects, Antiques
Dislikes: Insects, Frogs, Blood, Mud
Vices/Virtues: Pandora is hardworking and committed, she is also a smart girl. However, Pandora is also easily distracted and kind of an idiot at times.
Thoughts on Fairytales: The logical part of her knows that they’re just stories, but something deep in her wants to believe that they are real, and to prove it if possible.

Short Bio: Pandora grew up in a fairly wealthy family, and as such had a decent education compared to some of her peers. Pandora sought to become a scholar when she grew up and devoted her all to grow up wise and knowledgeable. This, when added to her inherent curiosity and desire to learn, would definitely make her a great scholar. And so, fast forward tp when she is 20 and have finally gotten what she wished for, she foolishly summoned the Kobold Queen just to see if the legend around it is real. It was.
What did the Kobold Queen steal from them?: The Kobold Queen took 10 years from Pandora’s life. No, her life didn’t get shorter, but she did revert back to her 10 year old self. She’s surprisingly fine with this, she’s delighted in fact, and actually wants to meet the Kobold Queen once more to learn more about her, not take back what was taken from her.
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Name: Daichi Kyo
Age: 17
Gender: Male

He tends to surprise people when rising from a sitting position, since while his torso is average height, Daichi has very long legs. Cracking six feet by two inches when standing perfectly straight, Daichi towers over his peers. Other than this notable feature, Daichi has no other particularly redeeming qualities. He is thin and reasonably groomed, but does not have a very strong aura. He prefers a layered cut since his dark brown hair naturally flairs out and slightly upwards, giving a perfectly "neatly unkempt" look.

Height: 6'2
Eyes: Dark Brown
Clothing style:
Plain long-sleeve v-neck, usually neutral colors. He is usually wearing long pants for running, but occasionally can be found in a pair of jeans.

Mostly introverted, Daichi doesn't really start conversations nor does a good job keeping them interesting. Perhaps he just doesn't mesh well with his age group. His after school job involves tutoring a class of primary school children with advanced learning plans and it is here that his personality really shines through. The kids love him and likewise, he greatly enjoys their company and energy.

Likes: Video games, children, peaceful afternoons, sunny days, mochi
Dislikes: Loud places, wild parties, studying (smart with good grades, but it is like eating veggies, he doesn't love it at all)
Obsessed with a certain girl in his class. Sometimes plays video games for way too long.
Thoughts on Fairytales:
He knows a lot about them since he reads them as part of his tutoring job. Not the easy one-two-three kind, but the grim, authentic telling of them.

Short Bio:
Daichi has always been mostly unnoticed in life. Classmates recognize his face and know of his existence, but none truly know him at all. His parents both work full-time in business, so tend to be in and out of the house quite often, leaving Daichi alone with just video games as company. They love him dearly, but don't get to spend much time with him.

What did the Kobold Queen steal from them?:
Daichi wrote an embarassingly flowery love letter to his crush that was never meant to be seen. He must get it back as the Kobold Queen has set a deadline before she delivers it...
Name: Jonathan Xavier
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Jonathan possesses an athletic build due to his constant participation in sporting events. This added onto his incredible height makes him seem more bulky then he actually is. He has a tattoo of his last name across his upper back and shoulders along with another tattoo that is placed on his left peck resembling a black rose in remembrance of his parents.

Height: 6'2
Eyes: Amber
Clothing style: Usually wears a pair of black sweat pants along with a black hoodie having a snug red T-shirt and a pair of red basketball shorts under it.

Personality: Hot headed, easily annoyed, and a unusually blunt person Jonathan often spends his time. Oddly enough he is everything but moody to say in the least. His smiles like everyone else and starts conversations like any normal person. He isn't annoyingly talkative and he isn't shy often resembling a basic normal kind of guy conversation wise. Besides he easily annoyed persona he's pretty much you're typical normal guy. He has a loving and kind side that he tends to keep locked up as he's afraid to open up to anyone other then his sister. He possesses an unusual amount of curiosity and is quite gullible believing most things that are told to him.


-Being bothered or woken up
-Annoying people
-Talking about feelings

Vices/Virtues: Has undying love for his little sister and has a passion for sports and auto mechanics. He has a knack for settling a difference with violence rather then with words and possesses no interest in anything school related unless it's something he finds interesting.
Thoughts on Fairytales: Jonathan usually doesn't care for anything of the sort finding such stories a waste of time. In fact he finds the very mention of them highly annoying.

Short Bio: Originally born in Cincinnati Jonathan and his sister were quickly relocated to an orphanage out of state after their parents died in a car trash caused by a drunk driver. While torn up inside he played it off like he was fine so his sister so she didn't have to worry about him. The two were sadly never adopted as they refused to be separated as nobody wanted to take the both of them at the same time resulting in them spending all their life at the orphanage.

What did the Kobold Queen steal from him?: The queen has taken his dear sister which he of course plans to retrieve. And possibly introduce himself to the queen......with his fist.
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Arlin Lyones​
Name: Arlin Lyones
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Appearance: With dyed blue hair and an ever present smile, Arlin does his best to stand out from the crowd. He's of average build, if a bit scrawny with very little muscle on his body.
Height: 6'
Eyes: Green
Clothing style: Arlin dresses fashionably, with bright colors a staple in his style. His favored outfit, though, is a crisp dress shirt and a long, golden-colored coat.
Personality: Arlin is like a clear sky on a pleasant Summer afternoon. Bright and optimistic, he's a friendly sort who enjoys socializing and meeting new people. He's a hopeless romantic at heart, a trait often shown by his attempts (and fails) at flirting. He's recklessly adventurous, often running into situations with little regard for the consequences, and quite stubborn when his mind is made up. His focus on the present more often than not comes off as cluelessness, though he can be surprisingly observant when given time to slow down.
Likes: People, Singing, Music, Fashion, Dogs
Dislikes: Loneliness, Silence, Being Told No, Heights, Darkness
Vices/Virtues: Arlin's confidence borders very closely to arrogance; he's loyal to those he cares about, and will do anything to keep them happy.
Thoughts on Fairytales: A huge influence on his life goals, Arlin believes there's a bit of truth in every little tale and deeply believes in an idealized Happily Ever After.

Short Bio: Though born in a relatively poor family, Arlin maintained a happy childhood. He grew to love singing and dreamed of one day becoming famous. He started off small, frequenting small venues and posting songs online. Soon, however, he began to grow a following. Eventually, he garnered himself a sizeable fanbase and enough money to pull his family from poverty, all while doing what he loves most.
What did the Kobold Queen steal from them?: His voice. He currently cannot speak, let alone sing.

Endoin Vyon


Endoin has silvery white hair, with a hint of purple in it(after a certain hair-dying incident), and has dark brown eyes. He usually wears Turtleshell Black glasses, and a hoodie to match.
Height: 6'2
Eyes: Dark Brown
Clothing style:
Usually can be seen wearing a purple hoodie, with a formal shirt underneath, with sweatpants and tennis shoes

Personality: Endoins your typical senior in high school. He's intellectual, and a bit quirky around other individuals. But he shows love and care to those he's close to.

Likes: Books, Family, Purple
Dislikes: Bullies, Tyrants, Rage
Vices/Virtues: The knowledge that Endoin has could be his downfall, as he thinks that he can solve any problem if he puts his mind to it.

Thoughts on Fairytales:
Foolishness used to help children learn

Short Bio:
Endoin was born into a world at peace. His family was very average, and even had a second son after him name Raven. They grew up in a happy, but strict environment, learning to work for what they wanted. Endoin loved his parents, but even more importantly books. He loved to read, and even write in his personal journal full of stories he treasures.

What did the Kobold Queen steal from them?:
The Compendium: A book he filled with stories of all sorts, which he's very emotionally attached to.

Vampunk Vampunk

Setsuna Gotha



Setsuna is a tall young man with fair skin and waist-length blue hair pulled into a low pony though he sometimes lets it flow freely. He also has bangs framing his face and partially covering his right eye along with a braid and bun on the side of his head. He has a rather attractive and effeminate appearance and slender build with long legs and arms that belies his true physical strength. His eyes are lilac and are sharp, giving him that intense gaze that gives him a much more intimidating appearance when he is angry. He has a heart-shaped face, a slender nose, and full lips.



Clothing style:
Setsuna prefers to wear skinny jeans, shirts, and jackets along with a simple pair of shoes or boots.

Setsuna is a rather sarcastic and blunt person, usually calling it as it is and rarely holds back to spare people's feelings. He has a temper and can be violent but also has a gentle, loving and nurturing side to him when he is with his son or children in general. He hates those who do not value their family and don't take care of their children properly. He is very intelligent and is naturally gifted at reading other people's emotions. He is rather playful and energetic even coming off at childish sometimes when he gets excited. He also has a deep-seated fear of alcohol and anything intoxicating in general.

Music, Dancing, Singing, His Son, Reading, The Cold

His Child's mother, Alcohol, Drugs, Idiots, Deadbeats, Cruelty, The Heat

Kind, Intelligent, Nurturing, Playful, Energetic/ Violent, Temperamental, Sarcastic, Blunt

Thoughts on Fairytales:
Something that allowed him to bond with his mother as well as his son

Short Bio:
Setsuna grew with a single mother who was away most of the time before she passed away when he was 7 from a heart attack. He was sent to live with his father and his step-mother who both pressured him immensely to be perfect in every way. Unable to take it anymore, he started partying and drinking alcohol. However, this led to him getting so drunk one night after his 18th birthday that he slept with a woman and ended up getting her pregnant. Due to him being gay and her not wanting to be in a relationship, the two decided to take of the child together but not be a couple. However, the mother died in childbirth leaving Setsuna as an only single father, Determined to give the child a good life, Setsuna began taking care of the child all on his own despite his father's protests. However soon after his son's 1st birthday, the child was kidnapped by the Kobold Queen which left Setsuna heartbroken and determined to retrieve his stolen child.

What did the Kobold Queen steal from them: His son​

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