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Fandom Once Upon A Time (Accepting/OPEN)

Belle, Sleeping Beauty or Anna, who's your favorite?

  • Sleeping Beauty

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  • Anna (Elsa's sister)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ........None of them........

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dude... my favorite character is a guy.....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

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  • Total voters
Ryan uses a touch of magic to make going through the forest easy, even though they aren't going at a fast pace anyway. They should reach Granny's soon, and he can make them some food. And see Pan to ask if the ridiculously short phone call meant what he thought it does.

Pan stands outside Granny's. Or at least, what used to be Granny's. Now there's just a slab of concrete. It's completely flat. Luckily he took his stuff outside with him quietly when he heard the gang of adults enter, so he's got everything he needs, and he knows exactly where they've gone.
I kept running til i felt a sharp pain in my stomach."Well guess that means I'm hungry." So I run around the corner cross the street and stop at Granny's.

She pressed her lips into a line and pushed through the tree line. She stopped short and couldnt help as an audibly loud gasp escaped from her mouth. It was gone. Just. Gone. Two people stood there. Felix, and the paper boy. The kid had accidentally hit her with a few papers in his time here. Needless to say she wasn't exactly happy to see him there, and even less enthusiastic to see Felix. She swallowed and slightly cowered there in the tree line.
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Ryan runs a little when he hears her gasp, wanting to see what's wrong. Upon seeing the missing area where Granny's used to be, he runs forward more, trying to reach Pan as quickly as possible. When he reaches Pan he whispers "What happened here then?" Assuming that the other boy knows. He doesn't get an answer, as Pan is currently staring at the paper boy, who he apparently doesn't appreciate being there.
Hey guys are you new here, because i haven't seen you at granny's before. I'm Asher Black nice to meet you." I say as I push my bangs to the side.
"Nope, I'm around quite a bit." Pan says, looking at child in front of him who's obviously insane. They seem to just not care about the missing building, and are apparently also generally ignorant. "Ryan works at Granny's, and me and him sleep here when we're in town." He states, slowly approaching the other boy, talking to him and approaching him in a fairly threatening way. He doesn't like stupid people. Ryan grabs Pan's arm and digs his nails into Pan's wrist, which doesn't hurt, but does drag Pan's attention away from threatening the person.
"Well if you ever need want to get into a little trouble just call my name and I will be there." I say as I spin a dollar coin in between my fingers.
Ryan smirks slightly, looking at Pan when the other boy says that. They'll manage to get in a little trouble without any help from him. He's pretty sure that's the plan for tonight. Trouble. Or at least he's assuming that's the plan, considering Pan said the main group was gone. They can actually start their attack on Storybrooke, finally. This definitely counts as the terrible event that they were hoping for.

She watches, frozen from where she stands. Three bickering boys... and well, a missing Granny's.. Not to mention the lack of people... of Emma... of Killian... of Regina....Belle....Robin....The Dwarves...so on so forth...

Ryan gives up on the other two, and it seems like the kid might be leaving anyway. He looks over to Eeve and calls out "Come over here!" If she hears Pan's explanation of what happened, she's more likely to trust him. Or at least that's what Ryan's thinking. It may well be wrong.

He was calling for her. Ryan was. She frowns and slowly walks over, her eyes narrowed at Felix. She walks up but stays well on the other side of Ryan, pointedly away from the ex-lost boy. "Yes..?"

"Well I thought you might want to hear Felix's explanation of what happened." He says, which quickly recieves him a glare from the older boy. Pan really doesn't care about the girl, so there's no reason for her to know, but Ryan seems to have an idea, so he'll just do what Ryan says. "After Emma had become the dark one, the rest of them panicked a bit. They came to Granny's and did some sort of magic to get to her, I don't know what." Pan explains, not bothering to go into much detail.

Her right eye twitched. "I could have told you that much." She grumbled and crossed her arms. Her head tilted and she sighed. "Okay. Sorry. What else?" She asked. She knew she was being a pain but.. she felt like this... Felix.. deserved it. Meh. She was being a brat.

"The pirate," Pan says, sounding annoyed at just the mention of him, "proved himself to be even more of an idiot than I thought. He tried to summon her, even though she's in the enchanted forest. Other than that nothing's really interesting. They took Zelena with them. And your mum. I think the blue fairy is looking after Rumple, but I'm not sure." He lists most interesting information, not really sure what she wants to be told. He summarised pretty much everything in a couple of sentences a moment ago.
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"So wait," She said, "Let me get this straight... They've all went back to the Enchanted Forest because Emma disappeared when she became the Dark One?" She asked with a frown. Why would they do that? She could understand a few of them maybe... but all of them? Just like that? Without talking to anyone else or telling them about it?

"Well all the main group." Pan says, sounding fed up with having to explain this much. "So Regina, your mum, the Charming's, Henry, the pirate, and for some reason Zelena, the dwarfs and Granny." He says, there's a chance he missed someone, but he really doesn't care. He looks thoroughly bored with the conversation, but doesn't say anything rude, if only because of the death stare Ryan is giving him.
Jazz walked around her zoo smiling. It was her favorite place in the whole town and the only place she felt safe. They animals were her best friends, and greatest allies. Raja a large female tiger, had been with her al out as long as she could remeber, she trotted along side of Jasmine happy to be free of her cage. She made her way over to the other large cats, there were Panthers and cheetahs and lions, all awaiting her to feed them. She threw each cat their specific meal before proceeding to the bird cages. It was a large wrought iron dome that housed hundreds of different type of bird and you could walk right through the middle of the cage. She did so stoping right in the middle. Smiling she looked up and began pouring fresh bird feed into their feeders. When she was finished her she walked back to her office. She sighed silently and bit her lip, oh how she missed agraba.

Jasmine wasn't quite sure how she got here, all she knew is it had something to do with the evil and nasty Jafar, who blamed her for his fate as a servant genie. He was so evil with so much hatred she couldn't quite understand, it didn't really make too much sense. She smiled and gazed at Raja before snuggling her face into the Tigers fur. Raja was her best friend, and would protect her from any danger at all times no matter the cost. Really Jazz was lucky to have such an alie. She moved on to the floor and layed her head on the large tiger who in turn snuggled closer to her. Now each other was all they had.

She scowled and slowly started pacing. Her arms moved to hug tight around herself.
'Okay...well... what are we suppose to do now...hm..' she thought. Back and forth she went. Back and forth. Repeatedly. "What do we do?" She finally asked aloud, more to Ryan than to anyone else. She hadn't exactly looked at him though, so fear of misinterpretation immediately sprung up in her mind.

"You could try checking on Rumple." Pan states, not caring about the fact he's the only one that ever calls Rumple that. "Apparently he's not improved much from last night." He has to keep a laugh out of his voice, and faces away to hide the slight smile on his face. His son, the dark one, back to being the weakest babe.

Ryan doesn't manage to reply as quickly as Pan, and isn't sure what he would say anyway. Instead he stands there uselessly, not managing to say anything at all.

"If the Blue Fairy is there.. I needn't worry." She grumbled and rubbed her face. This was getting them no where... and she was still hungry. "What ever." She sighed and started walking more towards the center of town. She was going to the grocery store. At least she could get an apple or something from there.

Ryan and Pan both follow her, mainly because they're not sure what to do, at least until tonight anyway. Ryan thinks it's lucky that she skipped over Pan's nickname for Rumple. Even though he's positive that Pan could explain it away really easily. After walking for a minute or so, Pan seemingly randomly states "We need to find somewhere to sleep." It's mostly a statement to himself, but he's talking loudly enough for both of the others to hear.

She scowled. She had heard what Felix said. Despite her feelings for Ryan... she refused to give into Felix. Okay well... maybe... She knew if Ryan asked, she'd have to say yes. If the ex-lost-freak-of-a-boy asked, she wouldn't respond. She rubbed her face and waltzed into the store. She immediately tracked towards the fruit section and started filling plastic bags with various fruits. Namely pears and pomegranates. They were her favorite.

Pan looks at Eeve, knowing that Ryan won't know the answer to his question, and also wanting to seem at least slightly friendly. "Do you know where I can buy a tent? I think I'll have to do some camping." That's possibly one of the most normal things he's said to her so far. He only manages to come up with the word tent from what the new lost boys have mentioned, they keep saying they wish they had tents for their camping. He doesn't actually know what a tent is. Or how to use it. But he'll figure that out once he's got one.

At the slight conversation, Ryan looks up from some fruit he'd been staring at. "I could probably do with one too. It's best that I don't keep staying at your hideouts." Ryan doesn't mention that he wants to avoid her hideouts because then he can do what he wants at night, but Pan understands his meaning.

"Well this is a store." She shoots back at them, with less venom. She smirked and gestured to a sign that could barely be seen over the tops of the few selves in the store. "That sign. Says camping. Look there." She says and starts to lug her heavy nearly tearing bags off towards a lone checkout.

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Ryan and Pan head to the camping area; although neither of them know how a tent works, they grab one that can apparently fit six people. They imagine six people would be very cramped, but it should easily be big enough for the two of them. They head to the counter and Pan pulls Ryan's wallet out of his pocket. Ryan stares at him questioningly and Pan just looks at him as if he's stupid, although that may just be his default look, and explains that he figured letting the main group take the wallet to the Enchanted Forest would be a bad idea.

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