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Fandom Once Upon A Time (Accepting/OPEN)

Belle, Sleeping Beauty or Anna, who's your favorite?

  • Sleeping Beauty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anna (Elsa's sister)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ........None of them........

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dude... my favorite character is a guy.....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Nope." He repeats, retreating even more now. "I'm fine. It doesn't bother me. You tiring yourself out however, does bother me." That's a lie. Or at least mainly a lie. But it sounds nice and caring, he's pretty sure. He then declares and also asks, "We should really sleep. Where's a bed?" He emphasises his statement with a yawn, as if to prove that he is not lying about being tired. Even though he's pretty sure lying about being tired isn't a thing people do.

She points uselessly over to the pile of furs, mats, blankets, and cheap pillows. "Bed." She simply says and frowns. It was slightly cramped, but could fit two people. Her face flared red at the thought. "I uh.. I can.. go.. umm.. get more.. bedding.." She said and stood, an excuse to try and hide her face.

"Where do you have more?" He asks, there isn't anywhere really obvious that she could store it, but she seems to be good at hiding things where you don't expect them to be. He's completely oblivious to her seeming embarrassed, much more interested in getting a bed sorted. He could always go to Granny's, but he's far too lazy to do that, and he's being nice.

"Inside the trees." She mumbled and glanced at him. "You uh.. need to coal the trees to open... light magic... I am not really sure if there is a specific anything attributed to magicing nature but.. Its another easy thing for me to do." She shrugged.

"Which ones?" He asks, before adding on, "Are you saying I should try this, or just explaining how it works?" Nature magic is something Ryan can do. He'll really have to hold back if she actually wants him to do this one, otherwise he'll accidentally open it way too quickly. Nature is great. Just being outdoors and free and there's trees and not many people. Ryan loves nature, that's why Neverland is so great. Well, that and the fact it's Neverland.

Her head tilted. "most of the ones lining the water. Just... pick an choose. I've hidden all sorts of things.." She mumbled and nodded. She swallowed and glanced at the door. "You want to give it a try?" She asked quietly. She felt very protective over the trees. Sure, he seemed well enough at magic, almost exceptionally so.. She blinked. He was too good a magic for that healing to be his first time. A pang of suspicion flooded through her.
'No... no no no....' she thought. She really didn't want her new friend to be lying to her already.. She was tired of having to make friends, then them turning out to be bad or good or using her for some point or another..

"I guess I could try." Ryan says sounding slightly disappointed. "I'm not sure how well it would go though. Healing you took a lot out of me. I don't think I did it right." He seems to think for a second, before declaring, "You should definitely do it. I'd probably pass out out something. Or ruin the things inside. Bad idea." He may not actually feel like that right now, but he knows what is like to have his magic truely drained, he was once a beginner, and even as a beginner in Neverland he tired himself out, just after doing things slightly more demanding than this. He remembers feeling faint from it. Lacking magic is one of the only things that can make him feel weak. Injuries don't make him feel weaker, but healing them with magic does. Even if it's only by a tiny bit for fairly large injuries.

She nodded and slowly moved outside. Her eyes scanned the trees, trying to determine which was the right one. Aha! She grinned. With a small spring in her step she moved to coax it open. That one revealed a sleeping bag. The next gave up a pillow and another heavy fur. She nodded with a smile and turned to move back. Nature magic seemed exceptionally easy for her, and appeared to have no effect on her already nearly depleted magic reserves.

"How do you make that look so simple?" Ryan asks, it seems like magic works in a very similar way here to how it does in Neverland. Or at least, a lot more than he was led to believe. Nature magic is always the easiest. As long as you're using it properly that is. If you do well, trees will work with you, if you don't, or you're trying too violently, trees can be ridiculously stubborn. Or they can work faster than you want. Ryan's had experience with trees doing things he doesn't even want, leeching off of his small amount of emotions.

"Nature has a way of... being open." She shrugged with a smile. "It's gentle. Nice. Loves to listen.." She rambled slightly and carried back her arm load. "They're lovely." She beamed slightly at the trees before sadly sighing and heading past him to inside.

Ryan follows her in. It would be nice to stay outside longer, but he could also use some sleep. He can sleep outside when he goes to Neverland anyway. He needs to go back soon. He realises that he's only actually been gone for about half a day, but this world is just a pain. It's so nice being somewhere that he can do what he wants and actually be himself. And Pan acts like himself there, so instead of being plain horrible he'll be playfully horrible. Time to stop thinking about Neverland anyway, he's been slightly zoned out for a minute, but it's not like it's too important. He'll make an excuse if she questions him, but there's always a chance she didn't notice.

She set down the things and hurriedly spread them out. She grabbed more furs from the other pile and put them around, under, and ontop of the seeping bag. She nods in satisfaction and sits back. "All done." She says cheerily.

"Cool." Ryan says, looking at the makeshift bed. It seems quite good, better than just sleeping on the floor, or at least it'll make him seen more normal than sleeping on the floor. He lays down on the bed and looks up at Eeve. "It's good." He can't actually tell the difference between the bed and the floor, but it's important that he acts normal, or at least as normal as he understands. And that includes preferring a bed to the floor, because apparently sleeping on the floor hurts your shoulders or something. Pan had explained this to him when he came to Neverland, apparently being able to act at least slightly normal is an important skill.
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She rolls her eyes and moves to collapse on the other makeshift bed after throwing another log onto the dwindling fire. "Ah.." she sighs and smiles. "Good indeed.." she mumbled and let her eyes drift closed.

Ryan falls asleep almost instantly, not the sort of person to lay around talking or thinking out just doing nothing. He's either up and about, or he's asleep. And he's in a bed so he's asleep.

She was listening. He was asleep. "Jeahs." She muttered and laughed quietly. She couldn't believe it.
How can anyone nod off that quickly?

Ryan sleeps soundly, unable to notice her talking. He's a fairly deep sleeper, so it would probably take a decent amount of effort to wake him up. He doesn't dream, because you need a decent imagination to dream, or at least some sort of imagination, and Ryan is lacking any.

She laughs quietly and lets her mind drift off. Though.. it doesn't drift to the Enchanted Forest like it usually would... no... instead.. it travels to Never Land. She dropped into sleep with it on her mind. It.. infected her dreams. She'd heard of an angry shadow. In the dream.. it was chasing her. She couldnt get away.

Ryan wakes up when the sun rises, instantly going over to the fire, which has been gently smouldering through the night, and adding on some extra wood. He briefly considers going hunting, but decides that they can go to Granny's instead, it seems like a better idea. He gets a call on his phone, feeling it vibrating in his pocket, and walks outside to take it. He doesn't even look at the screen to know it's Pan, he's the only one with Ryan's phone number and also the only other person who's awake this early in the morning. Pan doesn't really wait for him to say anything, simply stating "They've left to the enchanted forest, so we'll be staying for a while." And hanging up before Ryan can express how much he wants to get back to Neverland. They will have to mean the main group, that's the only logical explanation, and that means him and Pan can start having some fun. He smiles to himself before heading back inside, that's worth staying for then.
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She slowly stirs as Ryan comes back. The sound of the door only quickening in her waking. She rubs her face and slowly sits up. Her hair was slightly tasseled and haphazard. She wore little makeup, so that didn't really change much. Her eyes immideatly tracked to the slowly growing flames. "Mm.." She mumbled and rubbed her head. It took her a few minutes to realize where she was and what had happened. Her eyes flickered to Ryan and she flinched.

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Ryan doesn't notice her flinch, instead looking at her and stating "You're awake. Are you hungry? We could go to Granny's." He's much more interested in talking to Pan than eating, although eating is always a plus, wherever you are.

"Ah..right... sure.." She mumbled and rubbed her face for a few seconds. She quickly looked around, making sure nothing odd had happened during her sleep. She swallowed and stood from her place, smoothing down her day-old school uniform.

"Should were go then?" Ryan asks, noticing that she still seems tired. She'll be fine in a few minutes. And anyway, nothing better than a walk through the woods to wake you up in the morning.

She nods and smiles. "Lets go. I'm hungry." She smirks and slowly walks passed him, while trying to smooth her hair down. It wasn't to wild, but she still felt it looked odd. She drug her fingers under her eyes looking to see if her eyeliner was all crazy and smudged. Her fingers came away clean. She shrugged and nodded. "the fire should be okay.. its small enough.." she mumbled and stretched her arms above her head as she slowly walked on without him.

Asher ran through town with his running backpack filled with paper flipping over mail boxes and trash cans throwing the papers on the door step as he went.

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