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Fandom Once More (A 1x1x1 KH roleplay)

The cat thing looked up to Ventus, smiling as it put it's hand up.

"I'm speaking to you through telepathy. My name is Sherbey! It's nice to see you, Ventus." It wagged it's tail, and slithered on inside with a small mew. It yawned and stretched, nails digging into the floor.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for Aqua."

Aqua raised an eyebrow at Ventus calling for her. She put down her supplies down and went into the living room.

"What's wrong Ventus-" she paused, looking down to the newcomer. She didn't really know how to react.

"A stray cat...? Ventus, you should've kept it outside so I can see if its sick!"
"Hey, all I did was open a door, and this thing came in on its own. It told me it's looking for you, and it's able to talk, something about it's able to use telepathy,  whatever that means. It seems like much more than a common cat, plus I don't think it is a stray." Ventus said hoping that the cat creature would say something to Aqua so he wouldn't seem to be so crazy.
Aqua... wasn't expecting Ventus' responce to say the least. She placed a hand on her head, looking down at the cat. She felt like she was dreaming.

"Ven, I don't think-"

"Hello, Aqua!" The cat chimed, mewing as it waved hello to her. "My name isn't Sherbey."

Aqua blankly looked at the cat, not knowing what to say. 

"...Hello." Aqua said after what seemed to be hours. "Why... What brings you here."

The cat smiled. "I want you to make a contract with me and become a Puella Magi!"
Ventus looked confused at this whole scene. "A Pue...lla Magi...cal, what?! What the heck is that? And why Aqua? Why couldn't you find another family to do this to, I know this other kid's family who would probably be better for this type of thing, why mess with our lives? And just what kind of creature are you anyways? And just...huh?" Ventus asked as this was all beginning to be more than he could process mentally. Why did this thing show up, why mess with Ventus's family, what was a Puella Magi anyways, and why couldn't this all wait until after dinner, the poor boy was starting to get hungry on top of everything else.
Aqua sighed softly, bringing Ventus close to otherwise calm him down. The entire fact that there was a talking cat was overwhelming enough. She hoped this was an entire dream and soon she would wake up to find herself watching a movie with Terra and Ventus.

"Ven, calm down." Aqua said softly, looking over to the cat. "Can you... explain this please?"

The cat nodded. 

"There are these monsters," Sherbey began. "That are responsible for the murder and suicide that's in the world. They're but called Witches and human cannot see them. My job is to go and recruit girls to becoming Puella Magi- Magical Girls to fight these witches! In return, I will give you a wish. You may wish for anything you desire if you become a Puella Magi! By becoming one, you also get to save a lot of people."

Aqua went blank, at this point just utterly dumbfounded with what she was hearing. But the whole part with the Witches worried her.

Ventus just wanted someone to wake up from this experience they were in, maybe he accidentally just passed out before opening the door or something, this couldn't be happening to his world and his friends. Ventus looked at the cat and back at Aqua, "Aqua, witches sound deadly! You can't possibly be thinking of doing this in the least, can you? You are not a magical girl, well you are magical, but not in the way this cat freak sounds! And why you, why does this thing have to choose you?" Ventus asked as he was nowhere near calming down, he couldn't control himself, as how could he when one moment his world is fine then another moment, his world turns into this. Like what the heck was happening today?
Aqua looked over to Ventus, giving him that 'look.' 

"Ventus." Aqua said to him. "Calm down." 

"Its okay if you don't want to." Sherbey said with a tired yawn. "I chose Aqua because she has immence potential to become a very powerful warrior. I thought as well Aqua would like the opportunity, because magical girls save many lives with their work. Witches love to prey on the weak and vulnerable..." Sherbey slowly glanced to Ventus. "Like your friend Hayner."
Suddenly, Ventus snapped out of worrying when he heard about his friend, Hayner. It was true that Hayner was acting odder than normal today. Could that really have all been because of a witch, Ventus just didn't know, as one could not possibly understand something like this clearly at first. Ventus suddenly looked at the cat like thing, "My friend, Hayner? You mean the way he was acting earlier today? Was that really from a witch?" Ventus asked as he was now starting to get upset more than worrying. How could a witch pick on one of his friends, that wasn't right in any way.
"Witches spread their curses and magical girls spread hope. Your friend Hayner, much like countless people are curently being consumed by the darkness. The Witches feed on him, eating away at his life before there is nothing left." Sherbey explained with a nod.

Aqua slowly put her hands over her mouth in shock. This suddenly took a turn for the worse, and Aqua couldnt let Ventus fall down this rabbit hole.

"Thank you for considering me, but I have to say no." She uttered softly. She began to usher Ventus towards the stairs.

"Ventus, go to your room. That's enough for tonight."
Ventus didn't say anything, but just followed Aqua's orders and went to his room upstairs. The room was like a normal teen room that was filled with anime, games, and whatnot merchandise being around the room. But Ventus just went into his room and shut the door. He locked the door behind him, and went towards the bed. He couldn't believe what was going on right now, but he had to somehow save his friend, so Ventus set up pillows on his bed, along with a speaker to make snoring sounds, and he covered his bed with a long blanket to hide everything and make it look like he was sleeping under the sheets. He then walked to his window and opened it, he hopped onto the tree that stood right outside his window, shut the window closed very gently to not be heard, and quietly climbed down the tree. He then sneaked himself quietly passed windows and doors, until he reached the gate to the back of the house, and there he quickly hopped over the hedges, and snuck out of his house. "I'm sorry Aqua, but I need to help my friends." Ventus thought to himself. Hayner didn't live far from Ventus, so he was able to walk there without a problem normally. He started walking the pathway to Hayner's house, trying to hurry and get there before Aqua found out he snuck out.
Aqua sat down on the couch and placed a hand on her head. She didn't want to send Ventus to his room like that, but she had to. It was hard thinking about what to do in all of this, especially since taking to a cat about witches wasn't something you go through normally. Bad break ups and bullying yeah, but not this.

"I can't do this, Sherbey. I have to take care of Ven." Aqua said to the cat. "He's everything to me."

The cat shrugged, and approached the door to leave.

"I can't force you to make a contract with me. Sorry to involve you in all of this. If you ever change your mind, I'll be right with you." With that, the cat left and scampered into the night. It noticed Ventus running off.

"Its dangerous being out here this late." The cat said to Ventus. "Witches and murderers like to play in the dark."

Aqua entangled her hands through her hair, feeling rather guilty. With a small sigh, she went upstairs to talk to Ventus.

"Ven?" Aqua asked, knocking on the door. She went to open it, only to find it locked. Her eyes widened. 

"Ven!" She scolded, banging on the door. "Ven open up this door right now!" She always told Ven to never lock his door. She immediatly whipped her phone out and dialed Terra's number.

Meanwhile, Hayner was off into the night, mindlessly wandering around    the streets of his neighborhood. His eyes were blank and cloudy, and his movements were zombie like.

"What's the point... everyone is bad... everyone deserves to die..." he uttered to himself, knife clenched tightly in hand.
Ventus was taken by surprise that the cat thing found him, "I don't care, if a friend needs me, I will help them. Aqua may not be ready to help those in need, but I can't just stand by there and wait for another bad thing to happen. I hate defying my friends, they are my family, but I need to help my other friends, no matter what." Ventus told the cat. He then noticed Hayner not far from where he was. Ventus knew this would be dangerous, so he quickly hid behind a nearby street pole and waited for the right time to help Hayner. "So cat, how does one help someone who is being controlled even without being a magical girl, cause I don't think that I qualify for that. How do I help get this witch away from him?" Ventus asked the cat in a quiet voice to not be spotted.
The cat nodded as it walked along with the young boy. She jumped on his shoulder and rested there, looking over to Hayner.

"The only way to break your friend free from the witch's hold is to kill it,  something only magical girls can do. The option would be for Aqua to become a magical girl or hope another one is nearby. You should stay away from him Ventus. If the witch finds you, you won't come out of it alive. Witches hide in labrynths and no human who wandered in one ever made it out alive."

Hayner fell to his knees and cried out in anger, doubling over as he pulled at chunks of his hair.
Ventus looked at the cat, "I can't just not do anything, he needs help, and Aqua certainly isn't up to the challenge and I dont know how to find another magical girl. There has to be something else that will help Hayner out." Ventus said as he then rushed himself and the cat over to Hayner. "Hayner, enough is enough, you aren't in control of your actions, you need help, a witch is doing this to you. I may not be able to see the witch, but it's there, and this cat problem of mine most likely can help see that it is defeated. Hayner, you aren't in control, don't let the witch win!" Ventus said. The boy knew fine and well that this was very dangerous, and that he would most likely not make it out alive, or in the least be his normal self again, but what else could he do, he couldn't let his friend suffer, that wouldn't be right.
Terra took off his helmet, indulging himself in a moment of retrospection of today's events. The fire did not have an impact as disastrous as to lead someone to the hospital with serious injuries, fortunately. But it did not sit well with him either way, of course, be it by its odd circumstances, be it by the consequences that would lead to the future of the cafe. Something like this to happen...something like this just didn't feel right. He was tired, confused. Practice had been intense that day and his turbulent shift had done nothing but aggravate his disposition. He made his way towards the house he shared with Aqua and Ventus, awaiting a nice meal and the chance to wind up for once. But it appeared to be a false sense of hope at that, once he entered the house and was greeted with his phone ringing by none other than the person inside. “Aqua?” He called out to her, searching the rooms downstairs. “What's wrong? Why are you calling me?” He turned it off, seeing how he was home already. What in the world was going on...?
The cat hissed, trying to warn Ventus of the upcoming danger.

"He's going to attack you!" Before Sherbey was even able to finish her line, Hayner got up and tackled Ventus to the floor. He had a crazed look on his face. The face of a madman.

"Stay away from me!" He yelled. There was a mark on his neck, one that was of a tulip.

"That's a witch kiss... that's how you know if someone is being cursed by a witch!"

Slowly the area around them began to change. Strange paper hummingbirds appeared, flying around while spreading a wide variety of colored streamers. The sky turned upside down, and the ground turned into solid honey. 

Hayner began sink into the ground, almost immediatly dissapearing. Sherbey looked around, jumping off of Ventus' shoulder.

"We're in a witch labyrinth! The only way you can escape now is for a magical girl to save you... make a contract with me to save yourself."

Meanwhile Aqua kept banging on the door. The snoring sounds were way too repetitive. When he heard Terra enter the house, Aqua ran right back downstairs.

"Ventus snuck out!" Aqua exclaimed, visibly sick from worry. "We haven't to get him!"

(This is what a witch's labyrinth looks like
To say he was caught off-guard would be an understatement, surely. Ventus was never much of a troublesome boy to look after, leaving these news to strike as far more alarming than it should to Terra. "What happened?" He tried to keep his voice calm, as he tossed the spare helmet to Aqua and opened the door. But the concern is his voice was palpable. "I told him to be careful and he does this..." He muttered under his breath, preparing his bike while his childhood friend stood by, hopefully explaining whatever could be insightful to know where Ventus was. "He couldn't get too far in such a short time, keep your eyes open." Once they were settled in, he started the engine and the search began.
Ventus was a bit weirded out from the change in scenery. He was then told by the cat to make a contract with it. "Wait, a boy can also make a contract?" He asked, and then he thought for a moment, "If the only way to save myself is to make one, then I shall do it. But does this mean that I become magical hunter too or what, cause I am still going to save my friend!" Ventus told the cat ready to save himself by making a contract and also ready to still save his friend, no matter what.
Aqua gritted her teeth as she followed closely behind Terra. She felt terrible, that she could've prevented this.

"Ventus found out something was wrong with Hayner... he wanted to do something, but... I sent him to his room." She grabbed the helmet and jumped on, anxious to find her younger friend.

"I should've done something more Terra! Ven... if he gets hurt I don't know no what I'll do..."

Meanwhile Sherbey took a step back, cautious of the creatures that roamed the labyrinth. There were bees and floating globs of honey about. Mechanical hummingbirds also roamed.

"It is true we don't usually make contracts with male humans, but that's not the issue here. I at willing to make an exception. If you make a contract with me, you will pledge your life to fighting witches and protecting others from their curses. By doing so I will grant you one wish, a wish that can be absolutely anything."
Ventus knew from the moment he opened the door and found this creature that his life would never be the same ever again, so now that he was stuck in this place, he knew there was no escaping his new fate. He closes his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and then opened his eyes and made his hand into a fist and took a stance that looked like he was prepared to take on the world. "I accept this fate, I will make this contract, no one should suffer the pain that my friend is in, no matter the challenge, no matter what, I will always help those in need and never give up!" Ventus said as he was fully ready to take on the witches by signing this contract, no matter what dangers are waiting to be faced.
Knowing well that words of comfort would not help to let go of her guilt, Terra would simply pull her arms around him for support on top of the bike. It was both a gesture of care for her safety and reassurance. "We'll find him. He won't get hurt, I promise you." This boy was in their hands, he had been ever since the day they met him. He would not allow anyone to hurt him or Aqua. No one. "Where do you think he would go? Hayner's house?" Stopping by the nearby park, Terra searched the premises with a cautious gaze.
Aqua quickly got on the bike, resting her head against Terra's back as they went off. The worry of Ventus being out here like this sickened her straight in her stomach. If anything happened to him she would never forgive herself.

"That's the only place I could think of... that, or the secret spot Hayner goes to with his friends." She responded. Once they actually got to the park, Aqua looked around in hopes of finding her dear friend. She then thought of what the cat was saying earlier, about the witch. Her eyes widened.

"Terra... There's something really dangerous out here... We have to get Ven back right now."

Meanwhile Sherbey nodded, taking a step back to prepare herself. She raised her ears into the air, the hoops around them glowing.

"If that is what you want... But before I make you into a knight, you must tell me what you wish for so that I may grant it."
Ventus paused for a moment. One wish. Just one wish that could be anything. This was a hard decision to make, as how could one person know truly what they should wish for. Ventus was ready to be a knight, but he was ready to answer such a question. He looked at Sherbey, "Okay, I have decided what to wish for! My wish is.....

......that I can make another wish later on when I am ready to make my true wish! Cause you know, I honestly don't have any idea what to really wish for right now, so postponing and making a true wish later on sounds like the best idea to me as of right now." Ventus said. He was hoping that this wish to postpone his wish would be allowed, as he really needed more time to grow, like sure he was ready to become a knight, but he wasn't yet ready to answer the big question of what to wish for. He figured he would find the answer he seeks and will know what to wish for as time went on.
The cat was taken aback by such a wish, although she didn't seem to be shocked by it too much.

"Considering your potential, I think such a wish is possible. But as a warning, when you come to make your actual wish, it may be weaker than your wish right now. Is this what you want for your fate? After this, the contract will be complete."
"Aqua, for god's sake, stop talking in riddles, what is goimg on?" The stress was starting to get to him and the young woman making omonimous comments weren't reassuring in the least. Walking forward in a distressed pace, abruptly, out of the blue, there he was. Inside the witch's dimension, in all its surreal glory. "What the...."

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