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Multiple Settings On the Search Again! (Always Looking! ^.^)

Forever For Never

Resident Emo
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello all! First off, sorry this thread isn't beautiful, but I have no idea how BB code works >.< At least I made it colorful, so that counts for something, right? Right? After nearly a year in hiatus, I have returned! (For better or for worse). My name is Forever For Never, otherwise known in real life as Emily, though I have gone by many different nicknames including FFN, Forever, Em, Ily, Emoly the Edgelord, Edgy, and many more (but feel free to make up your own for me!). I’ll try not to ramble too much, but here’s a little about me: I’m a 19-year-old full-time student (psychology major) and part-time server, so I don’t always have the time to be on every second of every day. I did, however, just start summer vacation (whoop whoop! ^.^), so I’ll have a little more free time to do things I enjoy in life, such as roleplaying. I do, however, suffer from depression, which quite effectively kills my muse at times. >_> If this happens, it’s usually not that I don’t want to reply, but rather that, at that moment, I simply can’t. I’ve been doing much better though, so I doubt it’ll be an issue. In the off chance that I do disappear, feel free to spam me with messages! A lot of people seem to find that annoying, which I can understand, but for me it shows how eager my partner is to continue. By all means, I don’t want to be messaged every second of every day, but if I’ve been gone for a week a little nudging won’t hurt me. Anyway, onto the stuff people actually care about!

Response habits:
I am a mirror poster, so the amount I write is pretty close to what I’m given. I can write anywhere from a few sentences to several decent-length paragraphs, depending on how invested I am and what’s happening in the roleplay. I don’t have any particular habits for what times I reply, but depending on how excited I am about the roleplay and how busy I am in real life you can expect a range of several responses a day to one a week. I’ll do my best to communicate if I’ll be gone for more than a few days.

What I’m looking for in a partner:
*I’d like my partner to be at least semi-coherent in the English language. I’m not super strict about this, typos and whatnot happen, but at least know when to use then versus than please.
*Talk to me!! I love OOC chat and making friends! Don’t be a stranger, I’m pretty friendly (at least, I try to be ^.^”)
*Plot and plan things out with me! Casual role plays are fun, but I love nothing better than a well thought-out story.
*I understand that life happens, but please let me know if you’ll be gone for more than a week. I promise I won’t be mad, I do my best to be understanding of everyone’s circumstances.
*If you get bored of the roleplay or are stuck, let me know! We can work something out, or if you really don’t want to continue I might be a little disappointed, but I understand, and I’ll never actually get upset at you.
*If you must drop the roleplay, I won’t be mad, but please try to let me know rather than just disappearing. I’ll admit I’m guilty of it myself, but I have a new resolve to let my partners know if things aren’t working out, and I implore you to do the same.

What I’m looking for in a roleplay:
*I’m a total sucker for romance, so I’d love if that could be included in our roleplay!
*I’m open to MxM, FxF, and MxF, and all other pairings (all sorts of non-binary pairings welcome!), though in MxF I prefer to play the female or double.
*I usually like an element of fantasy, sci-fi, or the supernatural, so while it doesn’t have to include those things, I think it spices things up a little bit and adds a nice touch. I’m also open to drama and not-so-happy endings, but at the same time a sweet, fluffy story is always good with me. ^.^
*If you’ve read this far, tell me your favorite color! :0 Mine is blue~

And, finally, on to the plots and pairings!

Pairings I would like to do:
( *’s indicate how much I’m craving it at this particular moment, italicized indicates the role I’d prefer to play (if neither are italicized I could go for either role), and ~’s indicate whether or not I have a possible idea for a plot.)

Angel x Demon****
Angel x Human***~
Demon x Human****~
Fallen Angel x Demon***
Runaway x Runaway**
Runaway x Rich Kid**
Vampire x Human**
Princess/Prince x Knight/Guard***
Princess/Prince x Assassin***~
Assassin x Target**
Mage x Knight**
Mermaid/man x Surfer***
Punk x Prep***
Psychology major x Other major***
Artist x Muse***~

Now, onto basic ideas for roleplays. None of these are super fleshed-out, but we can work on that together! They can even be combined with some of the pairings as well.

Enemies to Lovers****
I just love the idea of two people hating each other, but having so much chemistry together that, eventually, they learn to love each other. Bonus if they’re put in a situation where they have to work together to get through things, forcing them to be around each other and discover their feelings!

S O U L M A T E S*****
Oh man, this is one of my all-time favorites. Two people destined to be together, a total star-crossed lovers thing. Bonus if there’s something keeping them apart, or some sort of drama. There are a bazillion tumblr prompts on this, and if anyone’s interested I can dig some up to see if any ideas catch your fancy.

Kids with powers***
At a certain age (Probably 18), some teenagers develop special powers. The government knows this, and targets our two characters, who develop some powers of our choice. They get captured, and have to work together to find a way out of the facility they’re taken to.

For fandoms, I mainly only do OC x OC or OC x Canon, but I won’t really do Canon x Canon. Sorry!

Dragon Quest IX (game)***
The World Ends With You (game)***
Harry Potter (books/movies)**
Unwind (the book series)***
Danger Days/Killjoys (My Chemical Romance album/concept)**

Alright, well that’s about it! Thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far, and if anything catches your eye feel please Also, I’m totally open to anyone else’s ideas, so throw them at me! I hope everyone reading this has a nice day!
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I have a great scene in mind for the angel/human one:
You know about guardian angels? They're real, and they have come forward with the times. Your character is facing a dark time in her life, and the only thing keeping her through it is a friend she met online.
The scene starts with my character being introduced as the new girl in school, having come down to earth to give your character that little bit of extra help and guidance that she needs; she is destined for great things, after all.

What do you think? It kinda ties into soulmates as well, which is nice.
I have a great scene in mind for the angel/human one:
You know about guardian angels? They're real, and they have come forward with the times. Your character is facing a dark time in her life, and the only thing keeping her through it is a friend she met online.
The scene starts with my character being introduced as the new girl in school, having come down to earth to give your character that little bit of extra help and guidance that she needs; she is destined for great things, after all.

What do you think? It kinda ties into soulmates as well, which is nice.
Clairikins Clairikins I love that idea!! PM me and we can discuss more?
Reading through this I think I could totally get behind the metmaid/surfer pairing. I was thinking metmaid Mets surfer whilst on land because all hound mermaids are required to go through a time with humans to get to know them and keep abreast of their technologies etc to remain hidden.

Bonus. Mermaids can’t reveal their identities to humans so there’s weirdness about all things water related that the surfer can’t put their finger on.

Added bonus. Surfer could also be a mermaid raised human/evolutionary throw back who learns this the hard way during the role play too?

Or this all sounds like rubbish ^^; either way let me know ^_~
Reading through this I think I could totally get behind the metmaid/surfer pairing. I was thinking metmaid Mets surfer whilst on land because all hound mermaids are required to go through a time with humans to get to know them and keep abreast of their technologies etc to remain hidden.

Bonus. Mermaids can’t reveal their identities to humans so there’s weirdness about all things water related that the surfer can’t put their finger on.

Added bonus. Surfer could also be a mermaid raised human/evolutionary throw back who learns this the hard way during the role play too?

Or this all sounds like rubbish ^^; either way let me know ^_~

That sounds kinda cool actually! :0 I’m liking the first bonus, could give or take the second one. PM me? c:
Hello all! First off, sorry this thread isn't beautiful, but I have no idea how BB code works >.< At least I made it colorful, so that counts for something, right? Right? After nearly a year in hiatus, I have returned! (For better or for worse). My name is Forever For Never, otherwise known in real life as Emily, though I have gone by many different nicknames including FFN, Forever, Em, Ily, Emoly the Edgelord, Edgy, and many more (but feel free to make up your own for me!). I’ll try not to ramble too much, but here’s a little about me: I’m a 19-year-old full-time student (psychology major) and part-time server, so I don’t always have the time to be on every second of every day. I did, however, just start summer vacation (whoop whoop! ^.^), so I’ll have a little more free time to do things I enjoy in life, such as roleplaying. I do, however, suffer from depression, which quite effectively kills my muse at times. >_> If this happens, it’s usually not that I don’t want to reply, but rather that, at that moment, I simply can’t. I’ve been doing much better though, so I doubt it’ll be an issue. In the off chance that I do disappear, feel free to spam me with messages! A lot of people seem to find that annoying, which I can understand, but for me it shows how eager my partner is to continue. By all means, I don’t want to be messaged every second of every day, but if I’ve been gone for a week a little nudging won’t hurt me. Anyway, onto the stuff people actually care about!

Response habits:
I am a mirror poster, so the amount I write is pretty close to what I’m given. I can write anywhere from a few sentences to several decent-length paragraphs, depending on how invested I am and what’s happening in the roleplay. I don’t have any particular habits for what times I reply, but depending on how excited I am about the roleplay and how busy I am in real life you can expect a range of several responses a day to one a week. I’ll do my best to communicate if I’ll be gone for more than a few days.

What I’m looking for in a partner:
*I’d like my partner to be at least semi-coherent in the English language. I’m not super strict about this, typos and whatnot happen, but at least know when to use them versus than please.
*Talk to me!! I love OOC chat and making friends! Don’t be a stranger, I’m pretty friendly (at least, I try to be ^.^”)
*Plot and plan things out with me! Casual role plays are fun, but I love nothing better than a well thought-out story.
*I understand that life happens, but please let me know if you’ll be gone for more than a week. I promise I won’t be mad, I do my best to be understanding of everyone’s circumstances.
*If you get bored of the roleplay or are stuck, let me know! We can work something out, or if you really don’t want to continue I might be a little disappointed, but I understand, and I’ll never actually get upset at you.
*If you must drop the roleplay, I won’t be mad, but please try to let me know rather than just disappearing. I’ll admit I’m guilty of it myself, but I have a new resolve to let my partners know if things aren’t working out, and I implore you to do the same.

What I’m looking for in a roleplay:
*I’m a total sucker for romance, so I’d love if that could be included in our roleplay!
*I’m open to MxM, FxF, and MxF, and all other pairings (all sorts of non-binary pairings welcome!), though in MxF I prefer to play the female or double.
*I usually like an element of fantasy, sci-fi, or the supernatural, so while it doesn’t have to include those things, I think it spices things up a little bit and adds a nice touch. I’m also open to drama and not-so-happy endings, but at the same time a sweet, fluffy story is always good with me. ^.^
*If you’ve read this far, tell me your favorite color! :0 Mine is blue~

And, finally, on to the plots and pairings!

Pairings I would like to do:
( *’s indicate how much I’m craving it at this particular moment, underlined indicates the role I’d prefer to play (if neither are underlined I could go for either role), and ~’s indicate whether or not I have a possible idea for a plot.)

Angel x Demon****
Angel x Human***~
Demon x Human****~
Fallen Angel x Demon***
Runaway x Runaway**
Runaway x Rich Kid**
Vampire x Human**
Princess/Prince x Knight/Guard***
Princess/Prince x Assassin***~
Assassin x Target**
Mage x Knight**
Mermaid/man x Surfer***
Punk x Prep***
Psychology major x Other major***
Artist x Muse***~

Now, onto basic ideas for roleplays. None of these are super fleshed-out, but we can work on that together! They can even be combined with some of the pairings as well.

Enemies to Lovers****
I just love the idea of two people hating each other, but having so much chemistry together that, eventually, they learn to love each other. Bonus if they’re put in a situation where they have to work together to get through things, forcing them to be around each other and discover their feelings!

S O U L M A T E S*****
Oh man, this is one of my all-time favorites. Two people destined to be together, a total star-crossed lovers thing. Bonus if there’s something keeping them apart, or some sort of drama. There are a bazillion tumblr prompts on this, and if anyone’s interested I can dig some up to see if any ideas catch your fancy.

Kids with powers***
At a certain age (Probably 18), some teenagers develop special powers. The government knows this, and targets our two characters, who develop some powers of our choice. They get captured, and have to work together to find a way out of the facility they’re taken to.

For fandoms, I mainly only do OC x OC or OC x Canon, but I won’t really do Canon x Canon. Sorry!

Dragon Quest IX (game)***
The World Ends With You (game)***
Harry Potter (books/movies)**
Unwind (the book series)***
Danger Days/Killjoys (My Chemical Romance album/concept)**

Alright, well that’s about it! Thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far, and if anything catches your eye feel please Also, I’m totally open to anyone else’s ideas, so throw them at me! I hope everyone reading this has a nice day!
Hello im interested in your demon x human. Angel x human. Demon x angel and fallen angel x demon. If you think we could do any of those please let me know which one you really want to do and i have a plot in mind that i cant tweak on which one we choose.
I'm interested in this idea as well as:

Enemies to Lovers****
I just love the idea of two people hating each other, but having so much chemistry together that, eventually, they learn to love each other. Bonus if they’re put in a situation where they have to work together to get through things, forcing them to be around each other and discover their feelings!

Angel x Demon****
Angel x Human***~
Demon x Human****~
Fallen Angel x Demon***
Runaway x Runaway**
Runaway x Rich Kid**
Vampire x Human**
Hello im interested in your demon x human. Angel x human. Demon x angel and fallen angel x demon. If you think we could do any of those please let me know which one you really want to do and i have a plot in mind that i cant tweak on which one we choose.

Right now I think I’d be most interested in Demon x Human or Demon x Angel! Could you PM me?

I'm interested in this idea as well as:

Enemies to Lovers****
I just love the idea of two people hating each other, but having so much chemistry together that, eventually, they learn to love each other. Bonus if they’re put in a situation where they have to work together to get through things, forcing them to be around each other and discover their feelings!

Angel x Demon****
Angel x Human***~
Demon x Human****~
Fallen Angel x Demon***
Runaway x Runaway**
Runaway x Rich Kid**
Vampire x Human**

Awesome! Could you PM me as well?
This looks interesting. I'm Sasha by the way. I like the Princess/Prince x Assassin. Maybe we can do FxF? Cause I've been craving FxF.
I LOVE Dragon Quest 9! I’d be super super down to work on an RP with you, if you aren’t swamped with people at the moment! I can send you a PM, if that’s easiest for you!
This looks interesting. I'm Sasha by the way. I like the Princess/Prince x Assassin. Maybe we can do FxF? Cause I've been craving FxF.

Yeah, that sounds good to me! I’m totally down for FxF! Can you send me a PM?

I LOVE Dragon Quest 9! I’d be super super down to work on an RP with you, if you aren’t swamped with people at the moment! I can send you a PM, if that’s easiest for you!

I’m totally good for a Drago Quest RP! c: Could you PM me then and we can work out the details?
Interested in princess/princexassassin and artistxmuse & would love to hear what you got ~
Hellooo! Funny I found this thread, I was literally just craving a Soulmates plot since I thought of a cool way to go about it.

So yeah, I'm interested in that haha and the pairing Psychology major x Other major. I actually might have a character perfect for the 'other major' role. Hope we get to chat! <3~

Edit: P.S. my favorite color is teal pft
I got a little idea, bit on the darker side, but with plenty of room for romance, set in a high school feel free to let me know if you wanna do it.

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