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On The Prowl


Bee Keeper
So, I'm on the prowl for a long-term role-play partner! I have a fair amount of experience with role-play and consider myself fairly literate. As a grammar Nazi I kind of need someone who only makes minor amount of mistakes in grammar, plot advancing, dialogue - that whole nine-yards (not to sound like a jerk :'( though - I'm a pretty lenient person).

I prefer longer post, maybe a couple paragraphs (or more) (although I understand there are instances where it's more feasible to keep a post briefer to avoid rambling). Sometimes I can post a lot sometimes it's more like once a week - but if I have to disappear I will make sure to make contact (I would appreciate it if you did the same, and if ya feel like trying out a different role-play - feel free to speak up!).

I don't mind role-playing on site but I do find Discord and Skype more attainable, especially as far as staying up to date with posts.

I kind of enjoy darker role-plays but I'm up for just about anything (although I'd really rather stay away from fandoms for the most part - with a few exceptions). I can occasionally get into more fluffier action. I go for more Sci-Fi and fantasy but like I said: I can try out different themes as well. I don't mind incorporating romance but only as a side deal. I really enjoy world-building and would prefer bouncing ideas off of each other. Though, sometimes it is nice to do brief role-plays that are strictly character interaction, and that's cool.

While I'm not completely adverse to hetero relationships I have a tendency to leans towards MxM relationships (I may or may not have a horrible habit of shipping everything I touch - but of course if you're against it that's workable).

I'm sure I forgot stuff but, if you have any questions and/or are interested - post a comment or PM me!
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Do you have any plot ideas, or even just genre/setting preferences so that I can offer some stuff? Themes, even?
Hmm, some themes:

--Horror/Slaughter house

--Angels x Demons


--Pretty much anything involving supernatural, mythology, folklore elements (ie Werewolves, Dullahans, Shapeshifters)

--I can get behind high fantasy

               ---If you would like a high fantasy, I would enjoy maybe incorporating some form of military/battalion theme

(I really don't have much of a preference, but these are a few that I really seem to enjoy/thought of off the top of my head)

I'm not sure whether this would be considered a theme but I would be really interested in a role-playing a plot that incorporated aviator pirates
Hmmm. Hows about this:

It can be almost a blend of sci-fi and fantasy, a clash of worlds type deal. The universe is infinite, so probability says everything has to exist SOMEWHERE, right? There's got to be SOME place in the vastness of creation that's got dragons, or is just like earth but everyone is an inch shorter, or that has a real Atlantis on it, and so on. So, in that vein, human expansion has landed on a new planet. It's near hostile territory, so military bases are being erected all over. One of these is built right over Character A's home turf. A is...whatever, anything. A vampire, a shapeshifter, a nykur, any beast from lore or entirely self-imagined. Humans, of course, have never encountered it before. And despite what probability says, who would be expecting to run into a textbook kitsune or werewolf on a distant alien planet? So when mysterious attacks start happening, no one even thinks it could possibly be a real, live mythical creature. By night A strives to drive away the humans, and by day blends in with the civilians and other aliens trading and living in the military town (seeing as A's home was basically unwittingly paved over). Character B is a survivor of one of A's attacks, and by chance the two meet one day. B can offer a unique perspective into the human side of feeling hunted, while A represents a rarely-voiced dissenter against human settlement.

A or B can work in some position that would require a lot of contact with each other, like logistics/trade management, or local guide, so on. Maybe A is even drafted, but still tries to sabotage human colonial efforts in secret and eventually gets caught, so on. There's no need for a fantasy element, strictly speaking, but I thought I'd throw it in there since you have an interest. I just really like these kind of fish-out-of-water two utterly different cultures trying to interact.
@mechanimated  I love it.

I really enjoy the incorporation of fantasy. (And I wouldn't even care if I was A or B). I feel like the local guide position would work well - and I like the dynamic of A: "Save humanity!" by day; "Dinner!" by night. He/she would have to be a pretty clever/conspicuous species to blend in well in that scenario though (just an observation). *Excitedly hits the books in search of the perfect creature*

I would love to role-play this.
I'm glad you're hype about it! Just drop me a line as soon as you've got your ideal monster in mind. Hell, if there's a creature you like that doesn't quite blend in, I wouldn't be averse to just inserting a human form or some kind of glamour charm. I'll gladly take the role of the soldier.

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