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Fandom On the Hunt for a Mystic Messenger RP


Princess of Everything
Hello! I am looking for a Mystic Messenger RP, and I'm hoping to pair my OC with Jumin. I feel confident in my ability to play any character except for V and Saeran (haven't gotten to their routes yet >_< But I can try to play them as side characters). I am best with MxF pairings, but I am most certainly not opposed to playing a MxM or a FxF.

  • Please give me something to reply to. Preferably no one-liners, but if they're one-liners I can work with, then that's fine. I mirror length and can write a paragraph minimum most of the time.
  • None of this "Character: Dialogue *action*" stuff, please. I used to RP that way, but I want to move past it and onto a literate, third person and past tense style.
  • I am drop friendly. I prefer being dropped to being ghosted. Please extend me that courtesy, and I will do the same for you if things aren't quite working out.
  • Have developed/developing OCs who have flaws and a personality. I don't want to deal with the whiny Mary Sues/Gary Stus who magically solve everything and act like the whole conflict never even happened. So help me, if I get one of these characters I'll send one of my assassins in to kill them out of nowhere...
  • I love OOC chatter! Send me your memes, world build/talk shop with me, tell me how your day was, your pets...
  • I personally prefer PMs but can also do Google Hangouts or Discord.
  • I have no limits of my own, but please let me know if you do if we do some dark plot so that I don't make you uncomfortable.
  • Overall, I like having a partner who understands basic RP etiquette. Or just manners in general, haha.
As for ideas, I am completely open. I am up for the original storyline, AUs, etc. I also would love to hear about headcanons you have (maybe we can incorporate them into the RP). Message me to discuss if I'm the partner for you~ Or ask me if you're new to the site and can't message yet.
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Hey! I'd love to try Jumin! I'm not really all that confident with canon characters but if you're willing to give me a chance I'll be super grateful! I prefer discord, if that's okay?
Hiya! I’m certainly interested in doing an OC x Canon double Mystic Messenger roleplay and am perfectly fine with playing Jumin for you if needed if you would mind playing... whoever for me! Honestly I’m trying to make custom MCs for all of the main RFA members so... yeah lol!

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