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Nation Building Omniciders


Three Thousand Club
Out of character chat and character creation.

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Each roleplayer receives twenty points to distribute for their squad leader. If anyone is willing to risk losing points for the chance to gain points, I will roll the appropriate die so long as the number risked is not twenty or above. For example, if one wanted to potentially gain up to four points, I would roll a d8. If it lands on a four, the person would lose just a single point. If it lands on a five, the person would instead gain a single point.

Designation: (chose a number with six digits).
Appearance: (your character has no head if you're not in charge of your whole team).
Quirks: (what sets them apart from everyone else?)

What do the stats do?
They help out some dice rolls or they just determine if you're better than something or someone. They basically determine how good your character is at a particular thing. It's out of ten.
Right, but what are they correlated with? Is soul morale for example?
Essentially. It also plays into other things too, like the weirder experiences your characters might have in this roleplay. It'll also serve as a sort of charisma, and help with telepathy.
And the rest of the stats?
Training determines how familiar your character is with warfare and the means of waging it. Your characters all trained in simulations in the past but maybe some haven't trained as much as others. Memory is that, sometimes your characters have trouble remembering important details, or they can forget things. As for tolerance, it basically determines how much punishment you can take or how long you can last in a drinking competition, ect. And awareness is basically how sentient you are. How many details you're able to pick up on.
Golden De Lis Troop Commander

Designation: 192116
Appearance: 570189

Quirks: Has one leg slightly shorter than the other and accomodates one on one fights around this to throw off unsuspecting foes.

Soul: 8
Training: 7
Memory: 5
Tolerance: 4
Awareness: 7
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Chartreuse Diamond Commander

Designation: 621311


Quirks: 621311 displays an innate insensitivity towards the colour orange, and a lazy eye which can give the subject a low rate of double vision. 621311's voice frequently breaks when yelling at a loud enough range.

Soul: 4
Training: 5
Memory: 6
Tolerance: 6
Awareness: 8
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Designation: 111397
Appearance: 570179
Quirks: Trained for healing originally, then focused on stealth due to potential “take out the healer and everyone else is screwed” strategies. Also she doesn’t wear combat heels. Because that trope is stupid.

Soul: 5
Training: 4
Memory: 4
Tolerance: 3
Awareness: 5
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Designation: 101101



Soul: 5
Training: 2
Memory: 4
Tolerance: 4
Awareness: 5
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Designation: 458301
Appearance: 570308
Quirks: He loves urban warfare on a sexual higher level, same with machine guns.

Soul: 4
Training: 6
Memory: 3
Tolerance: 3
Awareness: 4

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