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Fantasy Olympus: The Children of Gods [IC]

Soryll Kazan|Hera's Apprentice Soryll staggered to his feet. "Chill out, dude. I wasn't trying to wound your pride or anything. It's just that, as far as I can tell, you can only teleport a couple feet. Now if you could teleport to, say, the cavern at the center of that mountain," He pointed to a far-off peak. "That would be impressive. I might even be inclined to tell you the password to Mount Olympus."

Soryll waited for the man's response with baited breath. If his bluff worked, then the grunt wouldn't be bothering them anymore. If it didn't...

Well, neither Soryll nor Victoria would live long enough to regret his decision.

Literally Batman Literally Batman

♡ Victoria Pazeratt, Apprentice to Aphrodite ♡

The man grinned. "You think my powers have limits? Allow me to demonstrate." The air visibly blurring, the man vanished, but did not reappear on the far-off mountain. Either he had run out of steam, or his powers were third-rate after all.

Victoria struggled to her feet.
"You're the best," she said. Her neck had a small cut from the knife. She gave him a hug, and then, without warning, pecked him on the cheek. "Take your reward."

Unattaching herself, she looked at the temple. "why don't you go first, in case that guy called in for some sand-proof backup."
Lost Lost

The centaur had grown bored. "They want me to take the fight to them? I doubt it." He knocked not one, not two, but five arrows on his bow. "I've always wanted to do this," he said, before releasing them. They flew towards the young Apprentices, like they were guided by magic or some sort.

Nidelia Nidelia RiversEdge RiversEdge
Danny Jackson - Apprentice to Ares

Danny summoned a long sword and looked at the Hades Apprentice. An Apprentice of the Underworld and an Apprentice of War would work well together. "Alright. Let's make a plan first," he said, "Stay defensive unless aggression is needed. We wouldn't want to waste time and energy." His puppy barked and he smirked, "Let's do this."
CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
○Jude Hallows○
Apprentice of Hephaestus

He was lucky he wasn't so focused that he had tunnel vision. "Incoming!" Jude managed to swing his sledgehammer at the incoming projectiles. Two of the arrows had come at him, while the other three seemed to be guided at Nidelia. Their Adversary seemed to know that Nidelia would be more of a challenge for him at long range. Magic. Jude shouted in fury as the second arrow slid past his weapon and had pierced his shoulder. The first laid in pieces on the ground. He swiftly ripped it out, paying no mind to the injury.

They were getting much much closer. There was smoke coming from his mouth and nostrils as the blacksmith charged forward. He would not allow the same attack to work on him a second time. Jude's eyes bore into his opponent as he closed in.

(Interacting with Nidelia Nidelia [Nidelia Sponze] & Literally Batman Literally Batman [Centaur])
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Soryll Kazan|Hera's Apprentice Soryll released a breath as the man did not reappear. Whether he attempted to teleport into the fake mountain cavern and was killed, or didn't make quite as far, it didn't matter to the young apprentice. They weren't dead, and at the moment, that was enough. He sent a quick prayer of gratitude to Hera.

Before Soryll could celebrate further, however, he received his 'reward' from Victoria. His face went flush from embarrassment. "I guess I'll go first, though I doubt I'll have much luck against another one of those guys. There's bound to be a smart crook in the sea of Iron Fist idiots."

Literally Batman Literally Batman

Thea Usamov - Apprentice to Zeus

Thea frowned as she listen to Zilas: Nessa, Poseidon's apprentice probably wouldn't give her much trouble when if it came down to a fight at least a close combat. Corey was another issue, he was far too fast for her to pin down, it would take a great deal of power and stamina to try and catch him. Now knowing that Zilas had no idea what he was able to do made things far more complicated. She was about to call him out: this was something you mention earlier than already on a mission. The needed to plan something, anything, in the event they did have to spar with another team but it was really too late.

Before she could say anything Corey was behind her, speaking, soon followed by Nessa: she just hoped neither of them heard Zilas's admittance. She turned to face the pair, at the very least neither of them looked prepared to fight. "Not as of yet." She said simply, with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "You?" Fair game, right? She knew there were enough for all but one team, so maybe she could work this out to all of their mutual benefits.... "What do ya say we work together?" She glanced between Corey to Nessa and back. "I mean there are six eggs, right? Four of us together are likely to find them faster than the other teams. Help each other out? If we find another team with one, we can easily take them, then find another." At no time did Zeus say that teams teaming up where not allowed, only that each team of two needed to bring back an egg.

PseudoLives PseudoLives Literally Batman Literally Batman [Corey] that1aj that1aj [Nessa]
Alathea Titania
Alathea nodded at Danny's words as she whipped out her own weapon. She had a slightly different plan in mind, but you don't argue with the god of war's apprentice when it comes to fighting. They tend to know their stuff better. Still, a few reincforcements should help. Seeing as she didn't care what the enemies think of her, Pandora summoned 5 skeleton to aid them. She picked 3 arches and two warriors since it seemed like a logical choice. "I'll follow your lead." She said to Danny, her skeletons awaiting her command.
Jace, Apollo's Apprentice

Small victories were important. In the last several minutes, Jace encountered a cache of weapons and some truly impressive architectural columns. There wasn't any sign of a dragon egg, but small victories. He notched an arrow and went through the motions of firing a shot. Playing with a bow was his version of whistling or humming between thoughts.

Okay, was his sense of direction terrible? Maybe he somehow wondered into the Siberia of the arena. A wasteland of nothing the shit to do. He peered at the sky. His partner had gone missing too. What a day.

Dragons had wings. 1 + 1= dragons laid eggs in high places maybe? Jace slung his bow over his shoulder and headed in a direction which looked promising.

[open to interaction]
Danny Jackson - Apprentice to Ares

He nodded and Sabre growled. He moved at a relatively fast speed. He had to focus now. When working in groups you didn't want to be the one to get someone killed. He knew Alathea could handle herself but if she were to die on his watch. He wouldn't be able to live with himself. This went for all the Apprentices, even Victoria. He heard a noise from a forty degree angle to where he was stood. He drew his weapon and stood in a stance ready for something.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Zilas Aminos, Apprentice to Dionysus

Zilas was personally relieved that he wouldn't yet have to take the chance of either proving himself a drag on the team, or learning his powers and finding they're more-or-less handy. "Well, now we've all got a much better chance at finding at least one egg." Zilas turned to Nessa and Corey, glancing between them. "Were you two headed to the ruins or planning to search the plains? We should figure out whether or not we're going to split up or ward off other teams from a certain area. But we should be sure that, if we choose the latter, we've got a good feeling about the place." Zilas then realized that Corey hadn't even been given the chance to reply.

"Oh, um, that is if we actually do all team up," he added awkwardly.

Literally Batman Literally Batman (Corey), NanLia NanLia (Thea), and that1aj that1aj (Nessa)
♡ Victoria Pazeratt, Apprentice to Aphrodite ♡

Victoria nodded. "Whatever you think, but I don't think I'll do much better." She tapped him on the shoulder, looking away shyly. "Listen, Soryll...I, um, just wanted to say...I'd like to think of ourselves as more than partners, if you know what I mean."

Lost Lost

♦ Corey West, Apprentice to Hermes ♦

"Hmmph. Sure, let's do it," Corey said, casually running a hand through his hair. "I think the ruins are a good start, but I dunno. Whatever you guys think."

NanLia NanLia PseudoLives PseudoLives that1aj that1aj

Soryll Kazan|Hera's Apprentice Soryll blushed. Did she mean.... no, that was preposterous. Victoria was interested in Danny, wasn't she? It was too ridiculous a hope to think that he could be the object of her affections.

Then Soryll got it, or at least he thought he did.

"You mean friends?" Soryll laughed. "Well, I figured that was a given, considering we were nearly murdered together."

Literally Batman Literally Batman
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Anabelle - Apprentice of Hestia

Anabelle stepped aside, opening the path for Noa. "Sure thing, go ahead. I'll look out for anything that might attack us."
She waited a few moments before starting to follow Noa again to leave some safety distance. Looking around a few more times, she noticed that there were a few more doors. More rooms? Or maybe just different exits? Although, they seemed rather small for a standardized human.

As they both had reached the end of the stairs, a strange mechanical noise was to be heard, followed by iron bars coming out of the ground to block their exit. "That's... not good I guess." After a few moments of silence the same noise reappeared as the doors, that Anabelle had previously seen, opened. She took a few steps closer to her partner, preparing one of her fireballs in case the situation'd get sticky. "Watch out. Whatever is to come is probably not good. Worst case scenario: It will try to kill us."

( RiversEdge RiversEdge [Noa Flores])
♧Noa Flores♧
Apprentice of Demeter

Noa felt an almost painful sense of unease. Of all the things this could turn out to be she would have rather had to dodge hidden trap spikes than have the exit blocked off. She breathed sharply through her nose, still calm but now paranoid. "I never have been a fan of mazes..." She pushed forward. "...or escape games. Thanks Annabelle, I'll keep vigilant."

They just had to get to the podium. Since the exit was blocked off they had to keep moving on the straight path, no other choice. She had removed the pickaxe handle and was keeping a grip on it as they walked. The stairs were just a few feet away and then they'd be at the target.

(Interacting with Capricornus Capricornus [Annabelle])
Thea Usamov - Apprentice to Zeus

She was rather relieved to hear that everyone was agreeable, at the very least it delayed how long it would be until she needed to fight another team. Glancing once more to Zilas she nodded off towards the Runes. "After you," She motioned for Corey and Nessa to take the lead, she wanted to keep Zilas back a bit, talk to him more about how he didn't know what he could do.

PseudoLives PseudoLives Literally Batman Literally Batman [Corey] that1aj that1aj [Nessa]
Nessa, Apprentice to Poseidon
"Okay!" Nessa said excitedly. It had been a while since she had hung out with her fellow apprentices. She skipped ahead of everyone and did a round-off and a backflip, almost not sticking the landing. "Whoops!" Nessa muttered,"Guess I better be more careful. Ah, well, I'll live."

{Interacting with NanLia NanLia [Thea], Literally Batman Literally Batman [Corey], and PseudoLives PseudoLives [Zilas]}
♡ Victoria Pazeratt, Apprentice to Aphrodite ♡

"You haven't got a clue, have you?" Victoria laughed, her voice hollow. "You know, I never really thought much of you. I mean, I guess I didn't know anything about you...what you could do." She tossed her pink hair over her shoulder. "But almost getting slaughtered together...seeing you use something different than brute strength...I guess that lit something up in me. What I'm trying to say is that...I kinda like you...ngh!" Victoria clutched her ribs, falling to her knees.

Lost Lost

♦ Corey West, Apprentice to Hermes ♦

Corey nodded in agreement. "We'll lead." He laughed after seeing Nessa almost screw up. "Learn from a pro, Ness." Executing the moves with ease, he pulled off the same moves that Ness did perfectly. "Ta-da!"
that1aj that1aj
Soryll Kazan|Hera's Apprentice Soryll cursed, and knelt down next to his partner. "You must be worse off then I thought." The young apprentice frowned in evident worry. It was irresponsible of him to focus purely on the dragon egg; he shouldn't have pushed Victoria so hard. Now, far from treatment, she would be a lot worse off.

Soryll knew he had to do something, at least until someone more experienced came along. All he could remember from taking first-aid with Hera was something about sickness coming on as a result of certain injuries. If Victoria was ill, that would make the situation immeasurably lousier.

He reached over and put his hand on her forehead. "You don't feel feverish, do you?"

Literally Batman Literally Batman

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Nessa, Apprentice of Poseidon
Nessa turned and watched Corey do the exact same moves as she did perfectly. "Oh, screw off!" she giggle, trying again and this time falling on her butt as her landing for the flip. She laughed, looking at Corey, and said, "Ha! Beat that!"

{Interacting with Literally Batman Literally Batman [Corey]}
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Zilas Aminos, Apprentice to Dionysus

Zilas saw how Thea glanced at him with a sort of curiosity as she told their new teammates to go ahead. "Is there something you want to ask?"

NanLia NanLia
♡ Victoria Pazeratt, Apprentice to Aphrodite ♡

"Think I'm fine...it was only a minor fracture, I'll be alright..." Victoria then held her elbow against her mouth as she coughed several times. When she removed her elbow, she saw her own blood splattered on her arm. Evidently it was more than a minor fracture.

She wiped her blood off her arm, staring in evident shock.
"I'm no medical genius, but I'm assuming this is-" She coughed, sending traces of blood scattering along the grass and rocks. "...bad," she finished weakly.
Lost Lost
Thea Usamov - Apprentice to Zeus

Thea waited until Nessa and Corey were out of ear shot before she answered Zilas. "Well, yeah!" She said following behind the pair slowly. 'How is it you don't know what you can do. Did Dionysus not tell you?" It seemed rather counter intuitive for a God not to reveal to their apprentice what abilities they were bestowing on them, given how these missions often worked, it typically came down to a fight at the end. "You don't even have the slightest clue, do you?"

PseudoLives PseudoLives
Zilas Aminos, Apprentice to Dionysus

Zilas shrugged, tucking his hands in his pockets. "I have a guess or two as to what my potential abilities might be." He paused and took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "Dionysus isn't the most... responsible of the Gods. He prefers partying and thinking about himself to actually dealing with his apprentice, which is just great for me, right? But I used to be obsessed with all of the Gods and trying to imagine myself with their powers when I was little, so at least I've got an idea." Zilas paused before continuing, reflecting on the possibilities of what he could do.

"Dionysus is a half-God by blood, if I'm remembering correctly, so he's not exactly the most gifted of them. The only helpful things are he has the Maenads following him around and acting as insane personal bodyguards, and he's able to shapeshift. I doubt the Maenads'll take interest in me, so maybe I can turn into animals. If I somehow figure out how to do that." Zilas flashed Thea a half-hearted smile before he took immense interest in the ground in front of his feet, again. "I get I'm not the best person to be paired with, just so you know. It's not exactly hard to see."

NanLia NanLia
Thea Usamov - Apprentice to Zeus

She felt for Zilas, having an inattentive God certainly would make his life far more complicated than it ever needed to be. She had paused to regard the boy as he spoke candidly to her, it was clear he was not holding back, which she greatly appreciated; she couldn't stand deceptive people. She listened with saddens and honest contempt for his God, shocked that Zeus wouldn't have done something, anything to prevent an apprentice from being tossed into the mix without so much as a 'by the way this is what you can do.'

The moment Zilas mentioned Maenads she grinned, immediately picturing a flock of wild women running about and protecting him, and then laughed. "Oh! that would be fantastic!" She admitted, but she could see he was still drawn. As she had before she stepped closer to him to throw her arm over his shoulder in a gesture of friendship. "I don't care about that!" She said, giving the boy a squeeze. "It just would have been nice to know before we started encountering other groups. At least these two," She nodded to Nessa and Corey taking the lead. "Were willing to pair up, others wouldn't have which could have put you in danger." Thea had no fear of holding her own against one or two other apprentice's.

PseudoLives PseudoLives

Mention: [Corey] Literally Batman Literally Batman [Nessa] that1aj that1aj

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