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Fantasy Olhan: an adventure


caked in resin and vile to behold
This is a semi-repost, but I have made some changes to how I'm planning the roleplay, as the original didn't seem to attract very much attention. Main change is that, with the addition of Arcane magic, interdimensional portals are now a thing, which means a character from out-of-universe could potentially play. They wouldn't have access to normal Olhan magic, though (however, any magic they had from their universe would still be accessible in Olhan, as well as any tech).

Hello! I've been doing worldbuilding, but recently I've been lacking inspiration. So I'm doing a D&D-style roleplay! I'll be DMing, and I'm looking for people who can do short-paragraph-length posts that don't show final action (i.e. "I attempt to open the door by kicking it in" rather than "I bust down the door and run inside"). You'll be a party of adventurers in a fantastical world full of magic. If you're from in-universe, you can play as one of:
  • The Kechak, a forest-dwelling race with tails, pointed ears, and heightened agility.
  • The Bruth, a warlike, physically-strong race with four digits on each hand/foot, ram horns, and skin that can change colors like that of a chameleon.
  • The Shu'dal, an intellectual race with small horns and weak telekinetic abilities
  • The Pwaa, a socially-awkward, amphibious race with both gills and lungs
  • The Tinnik, a clever race who value ingenuity and tinkering abilities
  • A Runic Automaton with custom combat/utility mechanisms
And you can have magic (you can play without it, but it's not really recommended if you're from in-universe):
  • Elemental magic, which is a bit like bending in Avatar: The Last Airbender but with more elements.
  • Runic magic, which is far more versatile than Elemental magic but takes time to prepare and is often less directly powerful. Mainly used to create cool clockwork stuff and other magic items.
  • Arcane magic, which is essentially potions and voodoo stuff. Think Harry Potter.
  • Fey magic, which you'll have to discuss with me. Essentially superpowers. This is the only type of magic that can mix with the others, but it's extremely rare (except for racial fey magic, which the Shu'dal and some creatures have).

Go here for more in-depth descriptions of the races and a bit about the magic, along with some drawings and other stuff:


Oh, and a Discord: https://discord.gg/rxmvWzc

Post here if you're interested! If I get 2+ players interested, I'll make a roleplay thread.

You can post this directly or through a publicly-accessible Google doc, but we'll be moving completely to Google docs eventually so that you can manage your inventory, etc.
  • Name
  • Race
  • Age and gender
  • Physical description
  • Personality description, though this can be combined with physical description
  • Abilities (if you're in-universe: Runic, Arcane, or some type of Elemental magic- or some kind of Fey magic if you've gotten an OK from me. You can go without magic if you want, but it's not recommended unless you're an automaton, in which case you're essentially a Runic construct anyways)
  • Stats
    • Intelligence (i.e. how well you'd do in school)
    • Wisdom (street smarts)
    • Charisma (social competence)
    • Perception (how much do you notice stuff)
    • Dexterity (hand-eye coordination)
    • Agility (acrobatics, etc.)
    • Strength (strength)
    • Endurance (how much physical beating you can withstand)
  • Stat modifiers and numbers can be found at the bottom of the Google doc. If you're from out-of-universe, leave racial stat modifiers out at first and talk to me about it.
  • Starting inventory, which will have to get my approval in order to prevent overpowered stuff.
Hmmm, very interested indeed :3

I especially love the creativity of the races and can't wait to make a character ^^ Probably either a Kechak, Tinnik, or Pwaa.

I do have one concern though: You mentioned that Fey magic is "essentially superpowers" AND can mix with other magic. Even regarding it being very rare, I'm concerned that a player could abuse it if you allowed them to have it, or that you could abuse it by giving it to an npc. Basically, it seems like an excuse to godmod to me.

Either way, I do hope this one gets off the ground and goes places, I'll definitely be along for the ride as much as I can if so. ^^
Hmmm, very interested indeed :3

I especially love the creativity of the races and can't wait to make a character ^^ Probably either a Kechak, Tinnik, or Pwaa.

I do have one concern though: You mentioned that Fey magic is "essentially superpowers" AND can mix with other magic. Even regarding it being very rare, I'm concerned that a player could abuse it if you allowed them to have it, or that you could abuse it by giving it to an npc. Basically, it seems like an excuse to godmod to me.

Either way, I do hope this one gets off the ground and goes places, I'll definitely be along for the ride as much as I can if so. ^^
I'm honestly probably not going to let people have fey magic, since what they choose probably wouldn't fit thematically. And it isn't necessarily overpowered- you'd get a certain ability from how it manifests itself in you, like maybe being able to manipulate how much gravity effects you or something. It's not a do-anything ability, it's just kinda a blanket term.

Anyways, I hope you do join! :D
Aaah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up, seems fair enough. ^^

I certainly will if this gets enough interest to start up ^^
Hey, just wondering if you're still looking for characters. I'd be interested in whipping up a character and joining in if you still have the space :D
Yep! Currently still waiting for people to make character sheets- we haven't started yet.
Sorry but it seems this died out anyway, been super busy lately xD. Best of luck with your endeavors but I'll have to bow out methinks.

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