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Help Old PM rp's recoverable?


Just quirky
So, I've been hideously inactive for a long time (I've tried coming back into it but then uni happened), but I used to have some lively rp's in my private messages back in the day. This was before the whole overhaul and server change (somewhere back in 2013), so it is considered ancient and has of course disappeared from my chats by now.

Which does kinda make me sad because although they were no longer being replied to, I kinda liked reading my old rp's.

Any chance PM conversations are archived somewhere?

Sorry if this question has been asked a million times and I am totally being that slowpoke/internet-explorer-user (I do not actually use internet explorer, don't worry) who asks stuff years after it is relevant. I was just curious. :)
Welcome back!

Unfortunately, inboxes (if I can remember correctly) were cleaned of all inactive PMs back sometime in 2015 and are unrecoverable. I apologize about this!
No worries!! I figured but it was worth a shot :) Guess I should get on with writing some new stuff haha!

Welcome back!

Unfortunately, inboxes (if I can remember correctly) were cleaned of all inactive PMs back sometime in 2015 and are unrecoverable. I apologize about this!

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