Old Character from a Time Long Past


Occasionally Active
  • Why am I even posting this?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong
    thread section category[?], i wasn't sure if this was character feedback or roleplay discussion, but since this is a cs, I thought it fit here better.

    Okay, so I was interneting and remembered about this old forum I used to rp on a couple years ago. It was fun at the time, but I really sucked then. Aaand I was extremely immature and to now-me, past-me seems like an ass.

    This cs was created for a minecraft server that had a forum as well. They had a standard for putting a bunch of useless info in their cs, which may actually be useful if I think really hard about it. Semi-long explanation over, hopefully. Here's my very first rp character ever. The only modifications that have been made is fixing the coding which broke in the copy-and-paste over.

    Why am I so hesitant to post this? Screw it, just hit enter.

    Off the record, I usually never talk about my past adventures on the internet. They always make the current now-me cringe. This explains the extreme hesitance to clicky-click the create button. Hopefully my quality has improved from then. Though I am surprised of past-me's "knowledge" of bbcode
    bolding and sizing.

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