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Realistic or Modern Off Path

I edited my character sheet and wrote Callie's relationships.

If anyone's up for being friends/enemies with her, feel free and say. (
:) )
KaoriMei said:
I edited my character sheet and wrote Callie's relationships.
If anyone's up for being friends/enemies with her, feel free and say. (
:) )
I think Callie and David will get along very nicely to be honest. Your thoughts?
I was about to say good morning but then I remembered it was the afternoon. Good afternoon guys. LMAO.

I need relationship inquires. Jason needs a bro.

And all of our characters are technically "friends" or acquaintances that were dragged along the trip~
[QUOTE="Duke the Impossible]Well if you think our characters work together well enough we could consider it?

I can see it. Jason will probably respect David because of his beard. xD
[QUOTE="Duke the Impossible]Hahaha xD We'll I guess it's settled then? :P

Yep yep. Bros it is. (^U^)

I think most of the characters would get along pretty much considering they all kind of have similar personalities. (
:D )
Something I forgot to mention though D: I'm gone till sunday evening D: (Western Europe)

So I hope I'll be still in time for when it starts?
[QUOTE="Duke the Impossible]Something I forgot to mention though D: I'm gone till sunday evening D: (Western Europe)
So I hope I'll be still in time for when it starts?

I'm sure it'll be fine.

Good afternoon, everybody! We're looking forward to getting started today.

As you all may know, the SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in a landmark decision for LGBT+ rights today, so I'm going to be in and out from celebrations!


Kyna said:

Good afternoon, everybody! We're looking forward to getting started today.

As you all may know, the SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in a landmark decision for LGBT+ rights today, so I'm going to be in and out from celebrations!



[QUOTE="Dark Elfling]*gasps* Oh no, did we start already?!

Just the first couple starters are up! Keep an eye out, dear c:
I just realised now that we had started. ( :P )

I think I missed out on a couple notifications.

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