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Realistic or Modern Odd Ones Out [Closed]

Finn Downard

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Phineas3.gif.9de8f074e3f54006ad6b5569b37b8d0a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146343" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Phineas3.gif.9de8f074e3f54006ad6b5569b37b8d0a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Bertman Field

With: Kieran
@SimplyMusicality , Rebekah @NessieAlways

"And... There." Finn commented with finality as he tightened the lid to the last super soaker. Color wars was a popular suggestion, and the members had gone crazy over the idea of new members against veterans, but somehow Finn wasn't sure the numbers would work out. the club was growing at an impressive rate, but there was still fewer new members than there were older members. "Come on, Kieran!" He shouted at his vice president who was dragging over a large mesh bag full of activities.

"Phineas..." He panted, dropping the bag in the middle of the courtyard they had rented. The place really was perfect, if Finn had to compliment himself. It was on the edge of campus, so they didn't have to worry about others crashing the fun. It also lacked benches and other obstacles, so they didn't have to worry about tripping or damaging property. Yup. This was definitely worth a whole day to seek out. "Do you really think..." Kieran paused to pant. "People are going to play these games?" Kieran kicked the bag. Through the blue mesh you could see soccer balls, footballs, football flags, banners for relays... All activities that sounded great to Finn. "We founded this club for people without athletic talent."

"So what?" Finn questioned. "Just because I don't have athletic talent, doesn't mean I can't have fun playing." Finn took the super soaker he was holding and shot it at Kieran, staining the front of his white shirt with orange dye. "Besides, this will likely be the main event." Kieran looked unimpressed.

"That's cheating. And orange is a disgusting color." Kieran held out his shirt in disapproval. Finn only laughed. That was why he had bought white shirts for all of the club members. He figured it could be something fun to keep.

"Then I would pick the another team then. That way you don't end up with an orange shirt." Finn mocked looking down the "sights" of the super soaker and Kieran met his gaze with a glare.

"You're incorrigible."

"Lighten up, Kier! It'll be fun!" Finn checked his watch. 10:55. Everyone should be arriving shortly. In fact, Finn thought he could make out a familiar face walking over. "Hey Rebekah!" He called, waving over at her. "Decided to be early to this meeting since you missed the last?" Finn grinned. He'd missed the sight of his best friend. Well, the one that he didn't see all of the time.

@NessieAlways @RubyRose @Xeyran @MidnightAnew @Miss Alice @Mitheral @CheshireKittenWill



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Duncan Moran

Location: Bertman Field

No hazing. This was the perfect fraternity. He still had no idea what the fraternity was really about - though his suspicions suggested … nothing. No focus whatsoever. Just relax, get involved in public activities, and be yourself. That last part was the hardest. Correction - they were ALL pretty damned hard. He tried to think of the last time he had relaxed and for the life of him,he couldn’t think of once. Public activities … okay, he did start a sponsorship of giving teddy bears to children with Cancer. The first had been a 7 year old named Casey who was going in for chemo for Leukemia. She had named the teddy bear after him. Yes, he became Godfather to a teddy bear … and got hugged via video conference call by the bear. That was just over two years ago and he had just gotten the call that Casey was still doing okay and in remission. Casey had wanted to give him a good luck in college hug.

His mother had hand stitched over 300 of the bears, so he had yet to give them all away - far from it.

Duncan had planned to arrive early. He was neurotic like that. Problem was, he went to the wrong field. Then he started to worry when noone else showed up. Finally he consulted his map and realized his error. And he almost got himself a speeding ticket on an electric hybrid quadcycle. His Dad had helped him build it with LS218 components. It could really move and in his haste he had nearly shot past campus security. Instead he braked so hard he nearly left skid marks, and flagged the security guy down to ask for directions. He got yelled at to slow it down - of course - but the guy was otherwise helpful. Once he arrived he chained his bike up, locked up the brakes, and walked over.

The sight of all the toys brought a grin to the 17 year old’s face. “Ooohh … hello everyone. Super soakers! I have never fired one. Mind if I try one out? You know, maybe sight it in. I should warn you, I never miss with a rifle.” He laughed. “And no, I am not the next campus sniper. Got chased out of a carnival last year. You know those air rifles with corks? You shoot cups off the shelves? Well, I was calling my shots and taking out 2-3 per shot. They finally gave me a large stuffed lion if I’d go away. I gave them back all the small prizes. I figure I spent more than the lion was worth.

Hey, are we playing soccer and football too? Running, I don’t really do, at least not very fast. I did do a marathon in August. But that was a family thing. And I probably wasn’t ready for it.

He was holding the super soaker gangsta style to fire from the waste. “Should have told us about these. I could have dressed like an Untouchable. Never fired a paintball either, or a laser gun. Although, I have fired a … laser. But that one would burn a hole through a one inch plate of steel real fast. Talk about playing for keeps.
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Mok, Haru

Location: Bertmen Field With: @SimplyMusicality Finn, Kieran @Mitheral Duncan

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Haru4.gif.39db0e9f1c629a41a33eeb3d5c9ba171.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Haru4.gif.39db0e9f1c629a41a33eeb3d5c9ba171.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Last minute invitations were something Haru could roll with but last minute invitations to a field day? No, no, no. He didn’t do sports. Honestly, he was about as athletic as a fish. Sure he could run faster than most and he’s had plenty of experience doing parkour-like stunts but sports were different. Sports required you to remember rules and you needed actual talent to be good at them. So no, Haru was less than thrilled about this field day. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t look the part. It also didn’t mean that he couldn’t pretend like he knew what he was doing.

So there he was, standing outside of his cousin, Victoria's, dorm wearing the fanciest athletic wear he could find in his closet. All the outfit consisted of was red sweatpants with white stripes down the sides, a black zip-up jacket with a black tee underneath and white running shoes but Haru thought he looked pretty badass. All he needed was Victoria to hurry the hell up so that they could actually get to said field day.

He’d texted her at least three times before arriving at her dorm and every text went unanswered. It wasn’t like her to ignore him, or anyone for that matter. Worry creased his forehead as he thought of what could possibly be wrong. He knew that Victoria was nervous to say the least but she had promised that she wouldn’t have a panic attack this time. Not that that meant anything…

“Victoria!” he called in a sing-song voice. “Let’s go!”

No answer. Haru debated knocking again but then the door swung open revealing an unusually relaxed-looking Victoria. She was wearing one of those sporty half-sleeve hoodies with black stretch pants and converses, her almost-blonde hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. She actually had a small smile on her face.

“Why were you ignoring me? And why are you smiling like that? Did you smoke something?”

At that, her smile vanished. “I wasn’t ignoring you. If you tried to text me, my phone died. And no, I’m not high, Haru. I don’t even know where to get that stuff.”

Haru gave her a skeptical look. It was kind of a joke but he knew Victoria wasn’t that innocent. Or at least she wasn’t that dumb.

“Your phone never dies. Too risky. But whatever, I’ll pretend to believe you because being late is not appealing.”

Victoria put a hand on her hip. “I guess you’ve been reading the dictionary again.”

Haru rolled his eyes rather dramatically. “Appealing is not that hard of a word.”

The bickering continued in the car and most of the way to the field. It was probably the result of both of them being some degree of stressed though Victoria seemed fine once she got out of the car and saw Finn. Haru knew the guy’s name by now. Victoria talked about him enough.

“Finn!” she called as she walked towards the small group gathering at the field, pulling Haru along with her. “Hey Kieran.”

She stopped a couple feet short of them, Haru noticing that she seemed a bit shy of a boy holding a water gun. He nudged her with his elbow in an encouraging gesture of sorts.

“How are you guys?” she asked, glancing at Water Gun Boy. Or maybe Blue Eyes was a more fitting nickname…

“This is my cousin, Haru. It’s his first year here and I think it’s yours too, right? I haven’t seen you around…” the question was directed at Blue Eyes and Haru couldn’t help the proud smile that made its way onto his lips. She usually wasn’t this bold.

“Yeah, it’s nice to meet all of you.” he said with a curt nod. He figured the nod helped his “I’m a badass athlete” vibe. That’s what athletes did, right? Nodded at each other? Maybe not…



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Duncan Moran


Location: Bertmen Field With: @SimplyMusicality Finn, Kieran @Miss Alice Haru, Victoria

Duncan turned to look at the girl who had arrived. He nodded politely, well more of a subtle bow than a nod. “First year here. Just moved here. Name’s Duncan … Duncan Moran. Nice to meet you two, Haru … and … girl whose name I don’t yet know.” He grinned broadly as if he had made a joke. “Ah … I have it.” He levelled the super soaker in Victoria’s direction. “Name, major and phone number!” He laughed and blushed a little as he hadn’t actually planned to use those particular requests, just said the first things that came to mind.

He scooped up a pine cone on one foot, bounced it like a soccer ball a few times, then booted it about 20 feet in the air and away from everyone and fired a short stream at it .. and missed. “Mmph. Crap.” He repeated the trick and bullseyed it. “Better. First time.” He bent down and scooped up two cones and tossed them, and shot both in rapid succession. “Pretty good range on these. Dye huh? Do they come in pink? If so I want pink.

“We doing soccer? Can’t do a lot of running here. I ran a marathon last year, but I was one of the last group in. You know the group I mean - the one everyone claps when they manage to complete the race - not for time. I ended up on the news. Pretty tough run for me. 9k uphill. La Luz Trail Run in Albuquerque to the top of Sandia Crest. My parents run it every year. I hate running. But I guess I had a little something to prove. I really didn’t know if I could make it. If we do anything football … I can kick or throw.

“Kinda wishing I brought my guitar. I get bored easy … and at least it would be something to do until the rest get here. Need to work my left hand anyways.”
He leaned over. “Uhm .. Finn? How long before the others get here? I figured I was late again. I showed up at the wrong field first and still made it.”
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