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Realistic or Modern ใ€Œ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ค๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ด๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ต ใ€


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life's a wave


it's me again, back at it with another 1 x 1 search c : this one is going to be fairly simple and a lot more straightforward than the others. for those that don't know me, i'm erised! i'm on the est. time zone, 18+, and have been writing/role-playing since 2012-ish (so around 8 years, give or take).

i'm usually able to post every other day, sometimes more and sometimes less depending on my schedule. i can either write a lot or a little it all depends on what i'm given. i'll also most likely be using a code but coding isn't required. i do either m/m or m/f pairings! wanting krp's right now but if that's not your cup of tea, no worries! definitely don't have to do one. i am quite flexible^^

i don't have many requests at all, just these few things. please be 18 or older, able to post at least once a week, write in third person, use realistic fc's and please enjoy chatting ooc! i love it and want to chat your ear off about our characters and anything and everything teehee. i tend to prefer discord for ooc but pm is fine as well!

now, without further ado, here are the plots!


so i was feeling very musical lately and decided to write plots based off of the songs i was listening to. the plot inspiration song will be linked below the plot if you'd like to listen. without further ado, here they are!
(if i have a role preference, it will be bolded).​

"i'll take care of you"

muse a had spent a good chunk of their life loving everyone they came across. but everyone they ever fell in love with or developed a fondness for, they lost. after losing someone they loved for the umpteenth time, muse a completely gave up on love, deeming themselves unlovable. they now walk around with their shield up, carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. keep out.

now enter muse b. they've loved and been left by those they love plenty of times, but still manage to see the glass half full. to them, life is about adventures and experiences and love itself is an experience. a bit reckless and wild, muse b literally falls into muse a's path one day. after apologizing and talking, muse b realizes that a needs to heal and be taught how to love again and makes it their mission to be the one to teach.

inspired by: take care - drake ft. rihanna

"cold shoulders"

muse a is absolutely brilliant, the valedictorian, on track to graduate summa cum laude, type of brilliant. despite being brilliant, they don't really flaunt it. they're surrounded by friends wherever they go and also party a lot. now in university, muse a is the president of several clubs/societies and are of course, top in their major. they've also mastered the "study-party" balance, something others need to work on.

a good example of someone who needs to work on it is muse b. muse b has always held a devil-may-care persona and tends to be a lot more lax about their studies. though they get decent grades, their main priority is to have fun and it shows. they've met muse a at a handful of parties and have disliked them from the get-go. no one knows why, not even muse b themselves, but whenever they come across muse a, muse b can't help but say a few choice words.

the first few times, muse a was absolutely bewildered. what did they do to make muse b act like this? but after a few times enduring this, muse a became fed up and began giving it right back. with both now spewing verbal venom, there sure are a lot of cold shoulders.

inspired by: enemies - lauv

"it's funny how"

muse a is a pretty famous singer-songwriter that just went through a very rough break up. instead of talking to their ex or anyone else about their feelings, they turn them into a song. well, that song immediately blows up and gets lots of radio airtime. muse a is absolutely elated, as they should be, but now has to deal with constant texts from their ex, asking if that song was about them, the relationship, etc. the texts soon take a downward turn, saying that muse b only used their ex to write a song and become famous. they then started writing nasty and untrue tweets about muse a. muse a's pr team took down the tweets and did damage control. they were planning on leaving it at that, but management had another idea; have muse a start dating someone else.

muse b does modeling and a little bit of acting as their main day job, but also does work for a "significant other for hire" on the side. they have been in their fair share of pr created/fake relationships that have lasted anywhere from 6 months to over a year and are pretty good at their job (well, pretty good at making a fake relationship seem real). it's a no brainer that muse b should be the one who fake date's muse a. so muse a's team hires muse b, the contracts they signed making it clear that this is just a fake relationship. however, there are two problems. one, it is quickly discovered that muse a's and muse b's personalities clash, making it difficult for them to pull off even being in a relationship. and two, what if they develop real feelings for each other once issues are overcome?

inspired by: funny - zedd ft.

"remember when"

muse a and muse b had been inseparable since birth. they lived next to each other and grew up together. they were always at each other's houses, played all sorts of games, had sleepovers pretty much every night, etc. but their favorite thing to do was give each other nicknames for some reasons, giving one another a new one practically every day. but that was then and this is now.

sometime in high school, they had a major falling out. no one knows why or what it was over, all they knew was that muse a and muse b were no longer friends. then muse a moved away before they had a chance to talk and reconcile and the bond was officially broken. now fresh out of university, muse a and muse b both somehow find jobs in the same city. imagine their surprise when they spot each other during a night out. somehow they end up talking, muse a just wanting to forget about the falling out and start over while muse b can't let it go.

"do you remember all the nicknames we gave each other?"

"i'm drinking all of this to forget."

inspired by: nicknames - walk off the earth ft. gnash

"three months"

muse a and their family decided to spend this summer in cape may, new jersey over their usual trip to los angeles, something muse a was very unhappy about. at first, they refused point blank to go, but after many talkings, eventually relented (and when they finally got there, realized it wasn't so bad and actually quite cute). after a few days, muse a decides to venture out on their own and while walking on the beach, meets muse b.

muse b is also vacationing at cape may, but unlike muse a, their family has been coming here for as long as they can remember. muse b is quite familiar with the town and has a lot of friends here, also vacationers, so cape may feels like a second home. they meet muse a one day on the beach and sparks instantly flew between the two.

initial attraction quickly turned into a summer romance, but it's now mid-august, the last week of their vacation. they both know they have to end things now and each go back to their respective universities and jobs, but neither wants to be the one to pull the plug.

inspired by: summer - keshi

"bad luck"

the term โ€œsoulmateโ€ has raised constant debate on this earth. whether or not soulmates actually existed, whether or not you had to have a romantic soulmate or a platonic soulmate, what soulmate actually meant, etc. however, in this century, there was no doubt that soulmates were a real thing. every single person had one. didnโ€™t mean they wanted one, but they had one. each person was born with a unique drawing somewhere on their body, the exact same drawing in the exact same place as their soulmate, which made it sometimes hard to locate each other if the spot was one that was easily coverable by clothes.

herein lies some problems. problem 1: muse a and muse b have known each other for most of their lives and are soulmates. however, they donโ€™t know that they are since both of their symbols are located right underneath their hipbones, a spot easily hidden by clothing. problem 2: a long list of things has led to them being unable to stand each other. but soulmates are meant to be perfect for each other, right? well, weโ€™ll see.

inspired by: hate me - baauer

if any of these caught your eye, comment below or message me! be sure to mention what plot struck your fancy and maybe a lil about yourself. i promise i don't bite. ALSO, we don't have to do any of these plots! totally down to brainstorm and make something from scratch.
code by valen t.
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updated !
Hey lovely huge lover of plotting and occ chatter! Love to write with you,if you have the time!

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