Other Observations

The Golden Lion

Athena's Loyal Saint
Hmm I know i'm unbearable & overbearing as I advance forward no matter what. The knowledge I know is true universal truths as many of people in this world fall in the fifth caste of a bodhi unable to learn or attain enlightenment. As many fail to realizes being truth seeker is something you choose to bear alone,giving up Jinkai or humanistic concepts in general. Mindful of them but compassion should be shown to your inner circle not the outer circle. Helping others who lack any way to stand on their own convictions again is not worth protecting or devoting time to anymore. I'm fuming with fury of that cannot be quelled by anything now. As Lone Buddha/Seeker of truth/warrior/bushi/master of conflict/envoy of truth/chaos & gods. That is well something many cannot reach this is not just because I say so,it's there for I earned this through the trails & struggles of awakenings. Kensho & Satori and swordsmanship & martial arts gives me all I need to see what is needed,as the first noble truths many haven't found their place in a suffering world that's mundane. I've found it as guide compassion in excess is sinful,in the end we walk alone. As for my fury being known you don't wound a Leo/Horse pride by discarding them for lesser beings/or as they're known by my fellow enlightened friends normies/lacking refinement.  If you cannot make a decision by yourself,don't make it and allow others to have their will become yours. In Business this a wonderful tactic I use all the time. That's business  but for my life journey of seeking truths I don't force awakening just guide you towards them. So I'll well venomous for who have committed mental treason. That's well always been me a enlightened just have no shred of care or compassion for the week.The one who wronged me needs to own up now,it's just well something to fix the scales of balance.  They know who they're being on higher universal level always makes me better,just now I must understand why should I care for others at this point. If not in my inner circle they've earned my respect in all ways. That is why I willing bear all hatred/suffering/pain/ all for the purpose to understand why many cannot think on think on higher level.  That being said many here love limits also a sin to have limits denies any growth. So have none make mistakes as you'll be guided on the true path. Reality guess what there's more than this current mundane one. That's all I could say for now still fuming with white hot fury for being discarded at not their will someone else's will. 

But these I do acknowledge are excluded from this truths I share

@MrNeko The One who has potential to be greater than me. For that alone is worth guiding him

@Divine_Stalker Again he's going to grow beyond me to I'm glad

@CelticHero37 A warrior who understands me on all levels of conflict

@The Mechanist A wise thinker who simply has more merit than most here 

Now to lighten the serious of well my truths here's some vanguard meme's that make me laugh.11988688_929646077082412_5161933051279436909_n.jpg10408511_935456683168018_5405391954049596022_n.jpgView attachment 212362View attachment 210446View attachment 210445View attachment 21044413906595_1120157784697906_639153344815691534_n.png12032004_944137325633287_7143497877119550672_n.jpg14720339_1171656542881363_6275632136003800799_n.png1977190_1560229950862322_6705842938149726524_n.jpg11694135_957251217655231_5707609963264515043_n.jpg12002744_937437209636632_1491966484149412334_n.jpgView attachment 209544View attachment 20955012208716_962789103768109_4522991704959184987_n.jpg15192599_1201492576564426_3890309183299737111_n.pngvlcsnap-2015-08-29-21h59m59s858.pngView attachment 198759View attachment 19875814716264_659027814261147_7743504349429289927_n.jpgView attachment 198711View attachment 198707View attachment 198573

Damn Ibuki savage man but hey you run Messiahs's Broken but fits you perfectly. Still need to face my teammate Arnold's LJ deck.
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Np and well it's all coming to one union now. Enlightenment & Me has only brought me hate/disdain/slander/and in general deep pains of the suffering. My own happiness doesn't matter anymore so why try. Doing something that I find is terrible vice in all ways/ listening to Shaka,Joe,and  Lango..... It's all I got left to escape any pain & the burdens I feel for the the lost. I'm really at my wits ends it happened again discarded by a someone I thought was a friend. I don't even exist to them so well now I see why my strength brings my isolation. It's something I know & bear for I just tried to do what any good man does for anyone he calls friend/brother/gf/sister/etc. Make them smile at all costs forgetting my own joy in return I'm discarded so it's all pretty much devoting myself to just work now. Never again will I try to find anyone for a partner or soulmate it's just not wise for a enlightened being. That's my epilogue on my nameless grave whenever my time comes. I'm to bear the burden of gathering all those emotions and keeping them so many can be happy. Just Oshaka Buddha I finally realized why  being  a lone Buddha is all I'm fit to be. 

Anyways If I leave this site it's well another transition many will be happy if I do. I'm just well done with even trying to be nice & my own truths & universal knowledge is the four noble truths. It's making others resent me for any little reason,at some point being that innocent 10 year old is well just thought now. Reality one of the twelve has hit me to make me realize i'm never to be happy for myself anymore. 
@Ruler of Inferno

This one believed the convergence of one when discussing the truths of chi would mean lighting truth's candle tonight, but it seems the speaker is neglected today. As my mind's puddle empties through the greatest deception of man - their sight - I shall turn these tired feelings into words today.

I do not know what opposing winds denied your seeds of friendship to carry on to my womb, birthing out of me one of the five unions of man, but I extend the branch of olives.

As your physical form fades from this running hedge of code, know that your supernatural remains with us. I have absorbed the chi of your words.
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@Ruler of Inferno

This one believed the convergence of one when discussing the truths of chi would mean lighting truth's candle tonight, but it seems the speaker is neglected today. As my mind's puddle empties through the greatest deception of man - their sight - I shall turn these tired feelings into words today.

I do not know what opposing winds denied your seeds of friendship to carry on to my womb, birthing out of me one of the five unions of man, but I extend the branch of olives.

As your physical form fades from this running hedge of code, know that your supernatural remains with us. I have absorbed the chi of your words.

Thank you I consider you a in my inner circle
These memes aren't particularly spicy or dank, so as a maymay connoisseur I'm forced to give them a 3/10

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