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Realistic or Modern • The Winter〖C H I L L〗•

@Antlered punk Yes, I understand! :) We'll see you in a week!

@everyone I'm so sorry for dying on you all for two days. It was 4th of July and Women's World Cup! USA won! WOOO! Anyways, I'll get Charlotte and Cole up ASAP, definitely by tomorrow if not today.
I also should apologize for being away been going through something weird yet oddly tiring on the body (mentally) so I haven't been able to flush out a great responce. I am going to get it done today though! I'll be more active again as well because my extended family left this morning.
I'm sorry it's been so long!

(So many changes to rpn too xD )

I'm finally home from a six hour drive back from Niagara Falls

I'll try to get a post up quickly

I just gotta read everything... xD


The wifi was pretty bad and I couldn't use my data because of international

Sorry again!
@LittleBirdie It's all good! Welcome back. We just need @Antlered punk to get back so we can get to the good juicy stuff. I just want to know everyone's opinion on my new event idea. Of course, secrets will be unveiled soon and I'll PM everyone secretly to see who's going first since I'll draw your name of a hat. You'll have your own little "arc" dun dun dun!

Anyways. My new event is a Masquerade Ball pre-wedding. So Charlotte's sister will throw a masquerade ball for fun before her wedding and Charlotte will invite all her friends (you lovely people). Your character does have an option not to attend (if you're really busy during that time and want to be MIA for a little bit). It'll be super fun hopefully so let me what you think!

If you have any other ideas/arc/plots let me know and we can probably incorporate it. :) I'm thinking of a snowstorm coming up in New York soon and they're all stuck for a bit. No knows. x'D I love the plot so far and we can get really creative/crazy with it.
I'm pretty sure everyone is waiting on Pierce or went poofed on me. Feel free to continue for a couple of posts, it's okay since @Antlered punk will be back in two days so we won't go off too much without Pierce.

Anyways, to keep the OOC alive, how's your summer going?
Summer is to hot for me, I am ready for a good ol fashioned downpour or rain. Could keep the forest fires in my area down and help the brave people fighting them.


I can't wait to see what happens next hopefully I will be getting a post up here in the next few days o 3o
@Sasil Lol oh man, I could see the group having a semi-break down with Charlotte being snarky with Adam and all. Anyways, :( it has been super hot lately here as well. My butt burns every time I sit in the car and it's like overheating. I'm hoping it rains soon as well. I hate the heat and there are so many ants crawling around. (:<)

@LittleBirdie A little late, but omg I always wanted to see Niagara Falls. >.< My friend left me to go to Canada with her family on a cruise. How was it?
xD Aww, at least she will have fun?

IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! We did all these tours like go behind the falls, go up close to the rapids, and even take a boat to go up to the falls!
@LittleBirdie She's in Alaska right now. I bet she's having lots of fun while I'm at home watching Netflix. And haha! Whoa that sounds freaking amazing. I gotta go one day. >.< Before I die, I want to go to see a water fall. And possibly go do some crazy things.

@Antlered punk Hey, welcome back. :) Looks like it's my turn for both Charlotte and Cole.
Hi all I'll get my response up some time tomorrow afternoon. I had a 14 hour shift today and I'm just exhausted and I have to work again tomorrow morning. Ugh. I'll post asap though!

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I r e a l l y like where this role play is progressing, thank you for staying active with me. -throws confetti- You guys are absolutely awesome! Onto some secretive news, it's time for the hat picking of secrets! D u n d u n d u n ! So I'm sure people will forget their numbers eventually so I figured I'll post it on the OOC the order as we move along.

So the first special person from the hat will be...

1. Charlotte @GiannaCoco

3. Alex @Amaranthine

4. Adam @Sasil

5. Bren @LittleBirdie

6. Pierce @Antlered punk

7. Abigail @shygirl3

8. Cole @FirePolaris

Of course, secrets can definitely be h i n t e d at but it won't be at everyone's face until your turn of course. :) Or you could ac-ci-den-tal-ly show it to one person or two or three, whatever you want. It's your story so the beginning and ending of it will be on your hands.
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Hey, I will be at a camp all this week. I will have a break on Wednesday where I can try to get stuff together, but I will most likely not be back until Saturday. Let me know if this affects anything!
@FirePolaris Hi, sorry for the delay. I just saw this (I don't think I ever got a notification for it). Anyway, I edited the post a bit to make it clear that she sat down at the booth with them. Sorry if it was unclear!
Hey finally was able to respond. Sorry I have been kind of busy and that my response kind of fails o.e

And that doesnt seem like it will be changing now that I am going to be gone on holidays from July 18-26. While I may have internet, I won't hold my breath since it was complete shit last time I was there. Maybe it will change who knows. Once I get back from that though I don't have any big plans so I won't be really busy at all xD
Okay! Have a fun trip Sasil and hopefully you get wifi. :) Keep us updated!

@shygirl3 That's okay, lol I get so many notifications I missed a few all the time.

@LittleBirdie Are you alive? -pokes with a stick-

Alright guys, so before Char's story comes up in the next few posts, I just want to see if anyone would be interested in a little drama? Lol I don't know, I don't want to push any NPCs on your character but I figured it'll be fun to keep the role play interesting.
I love drama! Also just a PSA I probably won't be able to post tomorrow due to a 14 hours shift at work -_- but I'll try to post when I get home if I'm not too exhausted.
@LittleBirdie Are you there? Haven't heard from you in a while.

And hey guys, sorry for being slightly busy for the past few days. I'm going back to school soon so I'm trying to hang with friends before hell starts again. That being said, I will still get in decent amount of posts per week so no worries.

As for the drama, I am still thinking of what I should do. Maybe someone's ex can start bugging them or something at the bar and an all out fight starts (feeling quite uncreative at the moment with only 6 hours of sleep). Or if this is getting too draggy, we'll time skip to something. Lol if you got any cool ideas, I'm totally up for suggestions since I don't run this role play alone so help me out here. :) )

I feel like meeting up at the cafe might be dry since Alex (@Amaranthine) kind of left the group and they haven't exchange numbers unless Abigail (@shygirl3) gives it out which seems a bit uncharacteristic of her. So do you guys have any other ideas for time skip so we can do a poll? C:
Hopefully everyone is still with me. Thanks for the patience guys! I finally have some free time tomorrow (or later today since it's 1 am now) to get Charlotte and Cole up though Charlotte will be fun since @GiannaCoco has given me a chance for potential drama. ;D Thank you thank you. -throws confetti-
Hey guys! More updates since it seems like I'm the only one talking in the OOC. Lol. But I'm not really sure if LittleBirdie is still there since I've tagged her a couple of times and I have someone interested in this role play. Would you guys prefer we get replace Bren and have the person join us or just get rid of Bren altogether?

And I will be working on my post so no more delays for me!

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