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Fantasy ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪


a calculated chaos
About Me
Hey there! My name is Scrap. I'm twenty-five years old and I live on the east coast of the US (EST timezone ftw). I'm currently working part-time (about 30 hours a week) and I'm taking classes, so I don't exactly have the most open schedule in the world... I won't be able to respond several times per day like some people can, so if you're looking for some crazy rapid fire, then I'm probably not the best choice for you. Also, if you're not a fan of mxm nor nsfw content, you're probably not going to be interested in everything else I have to say, so feel free to peace out now.
However, if you're interested in detailed, plot-heavy roleplays with mxm romance, power struggles, sexual tension, dark themes, a bunch of character development, then I just may end up being the person you're looking for~!

Age • Limits
SO... Just so you know, I literally have no limits. Zero. Zilch. Nada... Hell... I even revel in the taboo and pushing the boundaries (if you can think of it, I've probably roleplayed it before, tbh). If you're itching for something in particular that you're nervous about bringing up with others just in case they may get uncomfortable, throw the idea my way and, chances are, I'll be 1000% down to roleplay it out.
However... I won't tailor my character's actions or make him act out of character just to satisfy a scene/plot... So if you want something specific to happen, tell me before we start roleplaying (when we're plotting everything out), so that my character's personality/development won't all be for nothing. If you come up with a situation after the roleplay's already started and after my character's already been created, my character will always act IC. (For example, even if I may be down for roleplaying anything, my characters probably won't be the biggest fans of some things... and I'm not just going to decide to make them fans for the sake of the scene)...
All this being said, I'd prefer if my partners were over the age of eighteen... since I'm as old as dirt and the idea of roleplaying romance roleplays with someone under eighteen just makes me feel like a complete creeper.

MxM Pairings • Power Struggles
I'm only currently interested in mxm pairings... However, I can't stand the generic dom/sub roles. Roleplays with characters like that bore the crap out of me, tbh. What I'm really looking for are dom/dom pairings or characterization that could be considered between the two roles. ... Is it sad that finding someone that wants to roleplay with characters who literally fight over dominance is so hard to come by?

Reply Times • Common Courtesy
Expect a reply from me maybe once every 24-48 hours. If it's been longer and I haven't told you I'm not interested, shoot a message my way to remind me. I have my fair share of brain farts (especially when I've had a busy week); they don't happen often, but don't just assume that because I haven't replied that I'm not interested anymore. I'll do the same with you.
If I know a busy time is coming up, I'll try and let you know that I won't be able to reply as quickly as usual. It'd be nice to get the same sort of heads-up... Though, I understand when stuff happens and you don't get the opportunity to let people know. I'm a flawed person, so I'm also an understanding person. tl;dr: communication is key.

OOC Chat
Tbh, I'd LOVE it when me and my roleplay partners become friends outside of just the roleplay. Wherever we end up roleplaying, feel free to talk to me over messenger or something. I feel like it's almost easier to roleplay with people when I talk to them more often? I'm not sure why.

When Picking A Genre Or Pairing
If you opt to pick out one of my pairings/genres to play out instead of a specific plot that I've made up, please try to come up with some vague idea of a plot to send my way along with your list that I can work off of. Even though I ADORE coming up with and writing in-depth, unique plots, I find the whole process a lot more enjoyable when I feel as if it's a collaborative work... and not just me writing out something in a way that feels like the metaphorical equivalent of looking for a lost contact in the dark.

Genres & Pairings
All of the pairings I do are mxm pairings... at least for now. The pairings are just ideas; if there's something not listed that you want to do, feel free to send an idea my way! For the list below, any role that I prefer is listed in this color. Any pairing I REALLY want to do is bolded. I'll keep adding onto these as I come up with more.

Genres • Fandoms
• Dystopian Future
• Dystopian Society
• Factioned Society
• Futuristic
• Futuristic Fantasy
• Futuristic Society
• Medieval
• Medieval Fantasy
• Modern
• Modern Fantasy
• Post-Apocolyptic
• Science Fiction
• Seven Deadly Sins
• Steampunk
• Virtual Reality

• Boku No Hero Academia AU — Kirishima/Bakugou or OCs
• Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild AU — Link/Sidon or Link/Revali
• Soul Eater — OCs Only

• Best Friend x Best Friend
Closet x Open
Cousin x Cousin
• Demon x Angel
• Demon x Demon
• Demon x Mortal
Dominant x Dominant
Drug Addict x Supplier
• Scientist x Creation
• Kidnapper x Victim
• Killer x Killer
Lycan x Mortal
Masochist x Sadist
Master x Servant
Mental Abuser x Physical Abuser
Older Sibling x Younger Sibling
Prince x Guardian/Knight
Prince x Servant
Stalker x Victim
Step Sibling x Step Sibling
Vampire x Lycan
Vampire x Mortal
• Vampire x Vampire
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Sadly I don't roleplay mxm, just mxf, so consider this a free bump! Also-- yay east coast!
I was literally going through our old messages today and saw that you hadn't been on for months so I felt a little sad and then I came across this, hahah. It's sad that we didn't get to really start our old rp

Please do pm me though if you want to talk, I just got back rp a week ago.
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I'd be interested in something! Perhaps some lycan x vampire, both wanting to be in charge of some situation? Feel free to pm me and we can brainstorm something we would be be interested in ~

I would be more then happy to roleplay with you!

I would send you a private message, but I can't yet because I don't have 10+ posts.

Would you mind being awesome and send me one so we can get started?
Hey! I'm interested. If your still looking for partners, I'd love to do a dark MxM roleplay! Just send a message my way :3
Hey :)
The sibling thing sounds interesting. But can we do that under creepy circumstances? So their parents lock them up and they're being abused and stuff? So they just give each other love the only way they know...?
yo. if youre still looking for a rp partner to discuss and rp w/ im interested! I can do almost every one of the fantasy medieval, supernatural, dom/sub (and all the other combination dom/dom sub/sub ) type pairings. if youre interested hmu :bishiesparklesr:

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